Apple iPad

Après la présentation du mockup il y a plusieurs semaines, voici le lancement officiel de la tablette Apple intitulé iPad. Un design 4/3 très fin, et niveau caractéristiques l’objet dispose du WiFi/3G, de l’accéléromètre, et des applications tels que Safari, iCal, Maps, YouTube ou iBooks.



Les détails à 20h : processeur Apple A4 1GHz, 10h de batterie, boussole, haut-parleur, microphone. Toutes les applications iPhones fonctionneront sur la tablette iPad.

Un prix de vente à partir de 499$.

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New York Times em parceria com a Apple no lançamento da iPad

Apple iPad Tablet

Em uma jogada mais do que esperta, em meio a luta dos jornais pela sobrevivência, o New York Times já estreia a recém-anunciada iPad da Apple com um aplicativo especialmente criado para o gadget. Aliás, é praticamente um reader nativo do NYTimes, mas produzido pela Apple.

O aplicativo simula um formato bem parecido com o jornal de papel, com as funcionalidades presentes até então no iPhone, como marcar artigos para ler depois, etc. Na iPad, é possível escolher a quantidade de colunas, tamanho do texto e navegar como se estivesse virando páginas.

A parceria com foi apresentada durante o evento da Apple pela própria equipe no New York Times. E nesse momento, Steve Jobs continua demonstrando seu novo brinquedo. A iPad começa custando US$ 499.

[update] A apresentação já acabou, e página oficial está no ar: [/update]

Apple iPad Tablet

iPad Tablet Apple

| Fotos via Gizmodo

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Tablet da Apple nas mãos de Jack Bauer

Apple Tablet iTablet iSlat

O mundo espera que a Apple apresente sua Tablet nessa quarta-feira, em um evento que promete implodir a internet. Prepare-se para vários serviços e sites baleiando.

O treco ainda nem foi lançado, e a Fox já está em conversas com Steve Jobs e cia. para colocar o gadget nas mãos do homem mais poderoso do planeta conhecido pela humanidade até hoje: Jack Bauer.

Rodney Charters, que é diretor de fotografia de “24 Horas”, revelou em seu Twitter que a Tablet da Apple pode aparecer lá pelo episódio 22 da atual temporada, a oitava.

Sendo assim, Jack Bauer seria a primeira pessoa a ter a Tablet da Apple em mãos. O episódio 22 irá ao ar em maio, mas as filmagens acontecem muito antes.

Vale lembrar, que a Apple faz product placements em “24 Horas” desde a primeira temporada, com direito a lenda de que os mocinhos usam Mac’s, e os terroristas PC’s. Mas não importa que equipamento eles usem, no final das contas, todos morrem.

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Apple Tablet

Un beau travail et mock-up (prototype d’interface utilisateur) autour de l’Apple Tablet, très attendue et prévue normalement pour le 26 janvier. Un concept et un design produit conçu par le graphiste Rodolphe Desmare. Les clichés sont à découvrir en grande taille dans la suite.



En high resolution : Apple Tablet 1 / Apple Tablet 2 / Apple Tablet 3

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iTunes Rewind 2009

iTunes Rewind 2009

A Apple fez uma retrospectiva de tudo o que foi sucesso na iTunes Store durante o ano, e lançou a seção especial “Rewind 2009″

A lista incluí música, filmes, séries, audibooks e podcasts, porém, nos interessa especialmente os best-sellers na categoria aplicativos. Cada segmento é dividido em duas partes, os melhores avaliados e os mais vendidos.

Vale ver a lista inteira. Vai lá.

iTunes Rewind 2009

iTunes Rewind 2009

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Apple vs. Microsoft: Round Windows 7

Veja a ironia das coisas. Ontem, que foi o lançamento oficial do Windows 7, a Apple mandou pro ar três novos comerciais da extensa campanha “Get a Mac”, cutucando, é claro, o novo sistema operacional da Microsoft. Você pode assistir os três no player abaixo, na sequencia:

Já a Microsoft, em sua campanha para o Windows 7, reforça a atuação dos usuários no desenvolvimento do novo produto, falando de ideias e colaboração. Criação da Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

A briga entre Apple e Microsoft ganha mais esse capítulo, no exato momento em que o Windows 7 está sendo considerado o melhor sistema operacional da empresa de Redmond. OK, pode não ser um grande elogio pra quem antes tinha o Vista no mercado, mas definitivamente o novo Windows coloca a Microsoft novamente nos trilhos.

Já a Apple, acredita que não precisa fazer mais nada além de piadas com os velhos problemas e a falta de confiabilidade do Windows. A campanha “Get a Mac” rendeu excelentes momentos, mas a fórmula já cansou. Sinais já demonstrados nas inciativas anteriores com o conceito.

Apple vs Microsoft

Não é uma discussão para fanboys de um sistema ou de outro. Eu mesmo sou usuário de Mac e PC em diferentes momentos do dia. Não largo meu MacBook por nada, mas por outro lado encontrei um Windows 7 leve e bonito impossível de imaginar em anos anteriores. Como afirmou a Wired em sua análise, 7 é o número da sorte da Microsoft.

É uma questão de comunicação, de futuro. Até quando o tom arrogante vai continuar sustentando o ponto da Apple? Longe de ser politicamente correto e de querer que a maçã de Cupertino siga o rumo paz e amor e sustentabilidade, como eu disse, “Get a Mac” rendeu comerciais hilários e importantes nessa briga. Mas juro que gostaria de ver a TBWA\Media Arts Lab com um novo briefing nas mãos.

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Apple Magic Mouse

Apple vient de présenter sa nouvelle souris, la Magic Mouse. Doté du bluetooth et entièrement sans fil, elle est équipée de la technologie multi-touch mise au point pour l’iPhone : il suffira de glisser ses doigts sur la surface. Livré avec les nouveaux iMacs ou disponible au prix de 69 €.






Previously on Fubiz

Le Cube – O making of da loja da Apple 5th Avenue em NY


A 5a avenida é o marco do luxo em NY.
“Do nada” um cubo de vidro mudou a história da avenida mais famosa da cidade mais famosa do mundo. É a primeira loja subterrânea da Apple, e um ícone da evolução da marca.

O vídeo, em inglês, conta a história de toda a concepção da loja, narrado por quem fez e mostrando que o que parece simples quando é visto pronto, foi justamente ultra complexo de ser feito. God and the Devil are in the details.

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It Still Doesn’t Make Me Want to Buy a Phone

tamara-hope-palm-preFor the past few weeks, there has been a lot of of talk about the Palm Pre spots by Modernista! – ranging from creepy, annoying, and bizarre to genius. Face it, you’re still talking about these otherworldly spots. However, some critics have brought to mind the possibility that the commercials aren’t effective, especially since there is hardly any mention of the phone’s functions. Despite the campaign’s shortcomings, the stunning visual effects are not to be missed. The key is getting past Canadian actress Tamara Hope’s nonsenciscal ramblings about deja vu, clowns, and juggling.

I really want to like this campaign, if nothing other than for the originality of it, but it doesn’t tell a story and it doesn’t really sell the phone, either. It just makes me feel weirded out. For example, in one of the spots, Hope tells viewers that she feels her phone can read her mind and recalls how a man once asked her, “Does it know you’re crazy?” “Well of course it does, sir,” she says, “It’s mine.”

Does crazy sell? I don’t remember learning that in my advertising classes in college, but I did go to a liberal arts, theater-focused school where crazy is embraced. But I digress…

What concerns me about this campaign is the soft focus on a product that is the first viable competitor of the iPhone. There are no mentions of the Pre’s operating system, which is a major advantage, nor will you see the spots as often as you do the ones from Apple (this may be by design). Despite cyber-blabber and blog entries about how people think the commercials are creepy and annoying, studies show that many viewers find the spots soothing and inspiring. In fact, the company is on track to sell 400,000+ units per quarter.

Huh… maybe crazy does sell.

Sara Barton is a copywriter, social media strategist, and avid blogger who is in search of her next opportunity. Contact her via Twitter, LinkedIn, or her blog.

Googler’s Defense: “We’re Not That Big”

google_logo-smallGoogle, the leader in Search Engine technology, handles approximately 66% of all search engine traffic. So much, in fact, that when Michael Jackson died and his name spiked, Google thought that it was a coordinated attack.

Much like AT&T did two decades ago, Google is fighting back over anti-trust allegations although no formal investigation is underway.

Dana Wagner, the Googler known as “senior competition counsel” explains in the New York Times that “competition is just a click away.”

Google has been on the PR warpath, partially due to regulators watching its every move. Other tech companies such AT&T, IBM, Intel, and Microsoft suffered much of the same thing when it became apparent that there was no “real” competition. Google is clearly the leader in the search category, and it’s possible that the only “competition” may be from the US Government’s possible intervention. In November of 2008, the Justice Department killed a deal between Yahoo and Google due to concerns over market domination. But who is kidding who, right? Google already owns the market.

GoogleMountainViewThere are other investigations taking place. The Justice Department is investigating Google’s hiring practices and the Federal Trade Commission is researching the ties between the boards of both Google and Apple. But nothing’s been aimed at the heart of Google.

…unlike other technology giants in years past, Google has not been accused of anti-competitive tactics. But the investigations and carping from competitors and critics have Google fighting to dispel the notion that it has a lock on its market, even as it increases its share of search and online advertising.

However, Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, stated;

“Google search is an absolute must-have for every marketer in the world.”

Google’s lawyer, Mr. Wagner, agrees that the company is a great success. He also noted that the environment is turbulent and highly competitive. Further, he said that Google wasn’t looking for sympathy, but simply telling its side of the story.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Account Coordinator. His passion is writing. Reach out and touch him: or

Apple iPhone 3Gs | Break In

Se fosse o comercial de um outro celular qualquer, ou até mesmo um outro produto qualquer, ninguém falaria nada. Eu provavelmente também não publicaria. Isso porque não é preciso assistir duas vezes para saber que esse comercial para o novo iPhone 3GS, lançado ontem pela Apple durante a WWDC, é publicidade-coxinha.

Idéia clichê (produto em um super esquema de segurança) e locutor falando demais. Mas o problema maior é o desperdício: chamaram o David Fincher pra fazer isso? Ele com a Apple e um dos produtos mais hypados do milênio, eu esperava no mínimo um “Clube da Luta 2″ ou “O Curioso Caso de Steve Jobs”.

OK, não é todo mal, mas também não é bom considerando os nomes envolvidos. A criação é da TBWA\Media Arts Lab, com produção da Anonymous Content.

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Microsoft Really Did Bite Apple

appleOne month ago, I posted a column regarding Microsoft finally taking a crack at Apple (after two years) in the “I’m a PC, I’m a Mac” war waging on TV. I did take some comments from Apple users regarding how “stupid” PC users were, which is to be expected. I suppose it either shows fierce brand loyalty, or that Apple owners need to take some time off.imapcbrickfish

The agencies for which I have worked used both…a testament to the strengths of each platform. I do applaud Apple for putting the smackdown on Microsoft regarding customer service. If you’ve ever had the misfortune of trying to get anything out of Microsoft that is not available on their web site, good friggin’ luck. There are a billion steps to go through, and no easy way to do it. In fact, even if you do get through, the answer is usually not the one that fixes the problem. Such is the empire of Darth Gates.

Microsoft didn’t make much of an effort to fight against Apple’s Get a Mac campaign when it launched 2006. Finally in 2008, Microsoft announced a $300 million ad campaign to fire back. The company’s first few bullets shot at Apple appeared ineffective, beginning with some quirky commercials starring Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates, followed by a friendly campaign called “I’m a PC.” Microsoft’s latest Laptop Hunter commercials are the fiercest yet, delivering sarcastic lines such as “I guess I’m not cool enough to be a Mac user” that appear to be echoing in the chambers of consumers’ brains.

Wired reports that Microsoft’s “Laptop Hunters” spots are, indeed, hurting Apple.


Based on the chart for A18-34, Apple clearly dominated the race until late March when Microsoft started trending up. However, this information needs to be taken with a grain of salt as it merely shows the “Value” perception of PC’s being higher. Apple still leads on quality and reputation. Microsoft also overtook Apple in “Satisfaction” and “Willingness to Recommend.” Other than that, the needle did not significantly change. Yet, it’s still a bruised Apple.

The best thing to come out of this “war” is that it clearly illustrates that advertising does, indeed, change perception. (Whew!)

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Account Coordinator. His passion is writing. If you would like to get in touch with Jeff, please leave a reply or follow the links: or

Macbook Air sucks!

Você é um Apple fanboy? Está preparado para cenas fortes? Aguentaria ver a morte de um MacBook Air? Então prepare-se para o vídeo abaixo.

Poderia ser a nova campanha da Microsoft, poderia ser um viral da IBM, mas certamente é só um cara p. da vida com o notebook mais fino do mundo (ainda é?).

De qualquer maneira, fica a idéia para a Crispin Porter + Bogusky. Agressividade galera, chega dessa história bonitinha de “I’m a PC”, nada disso ainda me fez trocar o meu MacBook. E MacBook Black, MacBook de macho, nada dessa frescura de Air.

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Make Mine Stirred…

One of the best perks about writing for (or with) the advertising industry is that there is always enough news to regurgitate without beating a story into the pavement. Especially during these economic times when many companies find themselves struggling to stay in the black. There are new campaigns launched every week, agency shake-ups, ethical questions to answer-it’s like having a gold mine of RSS data-feeds loaded in the Google Reader. This morning, over 2000 stories had come in over RSS since yesterday.

The other fantastic reason to work in this business is the community that surrounds: creative, strategic, deep-thinking people that fuel the business with inane, often stupidly funny ideas. Immersed in client strategy and brand building, these ideas that seemed so idiotic during the creative kick-off meeting actually transform in to fantastic campaigns. The latest campaign that comes to mind is the Kentucky Fried Chicken  grilled chicken spots, replete with a new website, a social media following on Facebook (and the obligatory anti-group “Keep KFC Fried”), integrated games, and three new TV spots that engage consumers rather than talking at them.

But, there are also “best and brightest” ideas that start poorly and end with company damage and public relations stepping in to help stop the blood flow. The ideas were innovative and innocuous when they started, but resulted in offending consumers so quickly that public outcry was  immediately heard. This week the award goes to Apple’s iPhone App, Baby Shakerbabyshaker042309. The premise of this “game” was that the iPhone ”baby” cried and fussed loudly, not stopping until the iPhone user shook the phone vigorously.

Although not created by Apple, (the application was the brain-child of Sikalosoft) they are taking the heat for it due to the rigorous vetting process applications receive before approval. Parents aren’t the only offended parties; reviewers, other developers, and many consumers expressed their disgust on the web. The public has suggested that the employees who approved the application lose their jobs.

Application-review site Krapps wrote in a review before the app was pulled: “Maybe it’s just us, but we would never even joke about child abuse and use it as a form of entertainment. Maybe we’re just square pegs and out of the norm because apparently Apple and the folks at Sikalosoft think shaking a baby is funny.”

Neither Sikalosoft nor Apple responded to requests for comment.

Jeff Louis is a Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: or on

Apple comemora 1 bilhão de downloads na App Store

Para comemorar a marca de 1 bilhão de aplicativos baixados em sua App Store, a Apple está veiculando mais um de seus famosos banners integrados no NY Times. O número foi atingido em apenas 9 meses de existência da loja.

O bilionésimo download foi feito por um garoto de 13 anos, Connor Mulcahey, de Connecticut, EUA. Ele baixou o aplicativo gratuito “Bump”, e foi premiado com um vale-compras no valor de 10 mil dólares, um iPod Touch, uma Time Capsule e um MacBook Pro.

| Via MacDailyNews

Apple iPhone | Apps

Exceto aquela intervenção no site da ESPN, as mais recentes campanhas da Apple para o iPhone e iPod Touch são bem comuns, e até por isso passaram batidas por aqui. O simples nem sempre é interessante.

Mas gostei da nova investida em comunicação para o iPhone 3G, não pela forma (que continua a mesma), mas pela estratégia de se falar da grande variedade de aplicativos criados para o gadget.

São três filmes, criados pela TBWA\Media Arts Lab e produzidos pela Green Dot Films.

| Itchy

| Student

| Office

Microsoft Bites Apple

Are you a PC?
Not are you PC, but are you a PC? IE, do you use a PC rather than an Apple? We’ve all been witness to the battle played out over TV, online, and in print…Microsoft vs. Apple, Apple vs. Microsoft. This is no David and Goliath altercation, but the two biggest bullies meeting on the corner to pound the crap out of one another. Yet, deep inside, they realize that they need one another…with most of Apple’s apps available on a PC, and Microsofts’ apps available on Apple, it’s a struggle for dominance where each concedes that the other has some really good qualities.

It’s a wonder they haven’t come together to capitalize on the other’s strengths rather than working to pulverize one another. Some of the strongest unions have been birthed by radically opposing forces: The US and Japan, Tom and Jerry, India and Pakistan, etc.

Microsoft’s newest entry into the foray is comprised of numerous spots, varying in length, of people that are claiming to be “a PC.” Some are cute, some informational, and the others are a bit boring. One of the better ones is Laptop Hunters (seen below).

<a href=";playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:0bb6a07c-c829-4562-8375-49e6693810c7&#038;showPlaylist=true&#038;from=msnvideo" title="Laptop Hunters $1000 – Lauren Gets an HP Pavilion">Video: Laptop Hunters $1000 – Lauren Gets an HP Pavilion</a>

Whether you are Mac or PC doesn’t matter to anyone but you, and the company from which you purchased your computer. So be it. But, why can’t we all just get along?

Apple iPod Touch | ESPN

ESPN iPod Touch Apple

Intervenção gigante da Apple no site da ESPN. Para mostrar as possibilidades de diversão e games do iPod Touch, a peça invade a página e bagunça o menu.

A criação é da TBWA\Media Arts Lab, e tem até trilha sonora: “No You Girls” do Franz Ferdinand. Você pode conferir em funcionamento no vídeo abaixo, mas a peça está hoje o dia todo no ar na ESPN.

Steve Jobs is Healthy After All!

Steve Jobs

If you categorize a hormonal imbalance as a serious illness then speculations are true that Steve Jobs is indeed suffering from something serious. But realistically, that is the only reason that has been keeping Jobs out of the picture as his absence at the Macworld circled rumors all around.

He has lost weight but is still up and about. He has declared that he will continue to serve Apple as long as he can and has openly stated that he will personally face the Apple board if he can no longer carry out his duties.

“I have given more than my all to Apple for the past 11 years now,” adds Jobs. “I will be the first one to step up and tell our Board of Directors if I can no longer continue to fulfill my duties as Apple’s CEO. I hope the Apple community will support me in my recovery, and know that I will always put what is best for Apple first.”

(Source) Market News

Cloned iPhone Nano Hitting Market Interest

iPhone NanoApple has not disclosed any new gadget in its line of iPhones or iPods and yet we are hearing about an iPhone Nano (yes you read it right, iPhone Nano and not iPod Nano) that is now available in the market. It is obviously a revolutionary way of trying to market something using the Apple trademark, even making use of authentic Apple boxes with some etchings to get the people excited.

One thing to note, it is made in China. So before you go out and look for these things, rest assured they are not from Apple. They are cloned phones with some features that only cloning professional can think of.

And the real thing? Wait a while. Apple has not announced anything about their real iPhone Nano and from the looks of it, gadget freaks just have to wait a bit tad longer.

Made-in-China is carrying an advertisement from Shenzhen Sentai Technology for the Mini Phone 3G. And, yes, that is white out covering the “i” ahead of the word “phone” in the image to the right—nothing says truth in advertising like white out.

(Source) Blorge