Chic Pearl Choker Crafts – This Pearl Choker DIY Makes Accessory Shopping Easier (GALLERY)

( Finding the perfect pearl accessories can be a drag, but this pearl choker DIY diminishes your accessory worries.

Perfect for an outdoor wedding or placed around the high collar of a black turtle,…

Armed With Facebook Retargeting, Shazam Plans to Survive the Social TV Shake-Out

Shazam, which was introduced in 2002 and eventually became both a must-have smartphone app and a dogged survivor of social-TV attrition, remains unprofitable as it invests, according to executives, in its long-term success. Under CEO Rich Riley, the former Yahoo exec who took the reins last April, it’s also trying to get on the path to going public.

Enter another big Super Bowl play — and a Facebook effort to extend its reach well beyond Sunday or the confines of the app.

People who use Shazam to “tag” the game’s broadcast this year will be shown a new Twitter-like timeline. The live content feed will document the game — from tweets to photos to ads — and is designed to keep people using Shazam for the duration. But even if people tune in and out of the app, Shazam has created a new ad-retargeting program that plugs into Facebook.

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Blast Radius Amsterdam Brings ‘My Town, My Tracks’ to Milan

For the latest in Blast Radius Amsterdam’s “My Town, My Tracks” campaign for Onitsuka Tiger, the agency took to the streets of Milan with Erik Garbo, a student of Italian and Japanese descent.

In the spot, directed by Sara Domogala, Garbo takes us on a tour of his favorite neighborhood of Navigli, in southwestern Milan. We see some of Erik’s favorite places, like a pizzeria, cafe, record shop and underground bar, while he discusses the neighborhood, his life as a student, and his parents. In the campaign’s “key visual for advertising and point of sale, he presents the season’s hero sneaker, framed by the stunning Naviglio Grande canal and its vibrant side streets” (this appears to be part of the visual campaign, but is not featured in the above spot).

Lisa Hogg, head of brand management at Onitsuka Tiger, explained: “This season we moved the ‘My Town My Tracks’ concept from Tokyo to Europe, but kept true to our Japanese roots. Performance-enhanced styles, new silhouettes and colourways are the signature of our Spring Summer collection. We brought this attitude to life by uncovering the details of contemporary Milan lifestyle.”

The campaign is extended by an Instagram series from Danish photographer Karen Rosetzsky, as well as a collection film and behind-the-scenes video, both of which can be seen following the jump. continued…

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Viacom Quarterly Profit Rises 16%, Lifted by Cable Fees and Lower Costs

The company said fourth-quarter earnings were aided by higher subscriber fees and an increase in cable advertising, and that Paramount Pictures narrowed its loss from a year ago.


SAP Struts Its Stuff on Super Bowl Boulevard

In an on-air report from Super Bowl Boulevard — the giant NFL themed festival running through the heart of New York City this week — a local radio station surveyed the landscape and asked, “Well, who is sap?” pronouncing the name of the German enterprise-software company like the gooey substance oozing from a tree (correct version: S. A. P.).

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Stay in School or Unbelievably Bad Things Will Happen to You, Says Horrifying PSA

Well, this is something—a (probably fake) PSA from Australia that tries to scare its audience into staying in school by warning them of some pretty intense consequences should they play hooky. The ad is completely weird, shocking and illogical—but hey, half a million YouTube views in 24 hours makes it all worth it in the end?

UPDATE: Judging by the client website, this is probably a hoax campaign—an ad for the directing team. Credits below. Via Osocio.

Warning: Video is graphic.

Client: Learn for Life Foundation of Western Australia
Agency: Henry & Aaron
Writers, Directors: Henry Inglis, Aaron McCann
Producer: Lauren Elliott


Lumio Folding Book Lamp

Etant à l’origine un projet Kickstarter, Lumio est un excellent objet situé à mi-chemin entre une lampe et un livre. Pensé par Max Gunawan, ce projet maintenant commercialisé au prix de 160$ dans trois coloris est à découvrir en images et vidéo dans la suite, alliant avec intelligence décoration, utilité et mobilité.


Agency Creates App to Break the Cycle of Over-Hashtagging

You think you're clever, but you're not, with your #amirite, #notgonnalie, #bitchesbetrippin and (God forbid) #epic. You, wanton hashtagger, must be stopped. 

Threshold Interactive, an independent digital shop in Los Angeles, has created an app called Hash Snag that aims to rid the world of #useless #meaningless hashtags. That's a whole lot of heavy lifting.

Here's how it works: The app intercepts your attempted tweets and then butchers them to help you avoid embarrassment. It either erases the hashtags for you or replaces the most common offenders (#YOLO, #LOL, etc.) with self-defeating terms like #Unfollow.

The agency, responsible for "Pocket Like It's Hot," Snoop Lion's musical ode to frozen meat snacks, dispatched chief innovation officer John Montgomery to explain why we need this tool. In the video below, he tries to chip away at the problem of misused, over-the-top hashtagging. And, oh yeah, he mows down a distracted hashtag abuser with his car. Hey, #shehaditcoming.


AntiCast 115 – Artista precisa da técnica?

Olá, antidesigners e brainstormers!

Neste programa, Ivan Mizanzuk, Rafael Ancara e Marcos Beccari recebem o professor, desenhista e pintor Gustavot Diaz, fundador do “Mímesis – Conexões Artísticas” e autor do Manifesto “Do Conceito ao Desenho”, apoiado por uma série de artistas brasileiros, no qual declara seu desejo por uma retomada da técnica no plano artístico, que foi deixada de lado após os movimentos de arte conceitual. Entenda o impacto de figuras como Marcel Duchamp, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, além de todo o grupo da Semana de 22 no Brasil, e pergunte-se conosco: para onde a arte brasileira deve caminhar?

Baixe o episódio aqui

0h03min05seg Pauta principal
1h37min22seg Leitura de comentários
1h43min40seg Música de encerramento: “Riding With the King”, de BB King e Eric Clapton (que é deus)

Blog do amigo do Ancara – Aires Buenos
Tipos Latinos
Manifesto Do Conceito ao Desenho

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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57% of People Won’t Recommend A Brand With A Poor Mobile Site [Infographic]


In a roundup of current mobile stats, WebDAM Solutions has crafted an infographic detailing the latest facts, figures and trends in the mobile marketing space. Among the findings:

  • 1 in 7 in the world have a smartphone
  • 57% of people won’t recommend a company with a poor mobile site
  • 1 in 4 online searches are conducted on a mobile device
  • The average American spends 2 hours a day on their mobile device
  • By 2015, mobile marketing will generate $400 billion, up from $139 billion in 2012
  • Android in the most popular OS with 52% market share
  • Apple’s iOS has 40% market share
  • But Apple’s iPhone is the most popular mobile phone with 41% market share
  • Apple’s owns the tablet space with 88% market share
  • SMS coupons are redeemed 8 time more than emailed offers
  • Mobile ad revenue will bit $24.5 billion by 2016
  • 85% of people prefer a native app over a mobile website
  • iOS apps generate 4 times the revenue of Android apps
  • Facebook has the highest mobile with at 74%
  • Mobile LinkedIn user are twice as active as desktop users
  • More than 60% of Twitter’s ad revenue will come from mobile advertising by 2015


Jessica Simpson Looking Hot Again in New Fashion Campaign


Jessica Simpson, spokesperson and avid customer of Weight Watchers, is out with a new campaign for her 2014 Jessica Simpson Collection. In the campaign, she sports a form fitting one piece bathing suit, a sundress and a sweater.

And that’s all for today’s pointless celebrity piece.



Threat by Staten Island Lawmaker Adds to a Reputation as Hot-Tempered

Politicians and journalists who have tangled with Representative Michael G. Grimm of Staten Island have maintained for years that he is short-tempered.


? Designers de todo o país podem participar do concurso da marca do aniversário de 450 anos do Rio de Janeiro

Autor de marcas que até hoje fazem parte do dia-a-dia dos brasileiros, o desenhista gráfico pernambucano Aloísio Magalhães (1927-1982) deixou como um de seus principais legados o símbolo da comemoração do IV Centenário do Rio de Janeiro. Passados 50 anos, a Prefeitura do Rio, por meio do Comitê Rio450 e do Instituto Rio Patrimônio da Humanidade, convida a comunidade de designers de todo o Brasil a desenvolver um símbolo que traduza os 450 anos do Rio de Janeiro.

As inscrições para o concurso, cujo edital está disponível em, vão até o dia 3 de fevereiro. Os cinco finalistas receberão R$ 15 mil pela criação de dois projetos de marca. O designer vencedor ganhará um prêmio total de R$ 125 mil. ?

A marca deve simbolizar, durante o aniversário de 450 anos, o que é mais carioca e celebrar a existência e persistência desse canto de terra que, entre o mar e a montanha, encanta o mundo. Promover um concurso público para a seleção dessa marca demonstra a preocupação da administração municipal em, além de conquistar um resultado de qualidade, fazer com que essa classe profissional apresente seus olhares sobre a cidade, estimulando a reflexão sobre o Rio que somos e que queremos. Além disso, o concurso reforça o compromisso da Prefeitura do Rio com a economia criativa e a inovação.

Entre os critérios para a escolha da marca dos 450 anos, está a fácil reprodutibilidade do símbolo. O Comitê Rio450 e o Instituto Rio Patrimônio da Humanidade (IRPH) desejam que a marca seja apropriada pela população, a exemplo do que aconteceu com o desenho criado por Aloísio Magalhães. Na ocasião, em vez de optar por um dos cartões-postais da cidade, Magalhães optou pelo algarismo quatro, criando um símbolo geométrico que captou o espírito da festa de 400 anos com maestria e que ainda se faz presente na paisagem carioca.

O concurso é composto de três fases, sendo a primeira de habilitação técnica e jurídica. A segunda prevê uma entrevista para a apresentação conceitual da marca dos 450 anos. Apenas cinco escritórios seguem para a etapa final. Cada finalista receberá R$ 15 mil para o desenvolvimento de duas identidades visuais. O grande vencedor prestará um acompanhamento ao longo de três meses para a implementação da marca vencedora.


[Esse post é trazido a você por Secretaria Municipal da Casa Civil do Rio de Janeiro. Texto de responsabilidade do anunciante.]

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Quem disse que uma garota não é capaz de trocar um pneu?

Trocar um pneu está longe de ser a tarefa favorita de alguém. Agora, imagine que está chovendo, este alguém é uma mulher que ainda por cima está sozinha. Pois este é o cenário de Flat Tire, comercial que a Carmichael Lynch criou para a Subaru.

Apesar de parecer algo ruim a princípio, a conclusão deste filme é bem bacana, com a garota descobrindo que é capaz de se virar sozinha, especialmente quando alguém a ensinou o que fazer nesta situação.

Para quem quiser saber, a trilha sonora é I Will Be There, da cantora Odessa.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Anna Kendrick quase estrelou o comercial da Newcastle no Super Bowl, se eles tivessem dinheiro pra isso

A Newcastle Brown Ale brincou com um teaser para o Super Bowl, lembrando que não vai veicular nada durante o intervalo do grande jogo, e nem sequer pode citar o termo “super bowl”.

Agora a marca traz a atriz Anna Kendrick contando como seria foi a sua quase participação nesse suposto comercial. Ela conta que nunca se imaginou como uma garota gostosa de publicidade de cerveja, mas estava pronta para o desafio de estrelar um comercial de um produto que nem sequer consome. E ainda ser paga pra isso.

No fim ela acaba xingando a Newcastle pela falsa promessa. A campanha continua no site Criação da Droga5.

Não é a primeira vez que acontece, mas é um bom exemplo de marca se aproveitando do hype do Super Bowl, sem precisar pagar os milhões de dólares pela veiculação.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Ex-Ikea marketer Anna Crona resurfaces as Stopp CEO

Anna Crona, the Ikea marketing veteran who left the company three years ago after 25 years, has been appointed chief executive of Swedish production network Stopp.

Strangers That Look Like Twins

« Je suis pas un sosie » est le surprenant projet du photographe François Brunelle, cherchant aux quatre coins du monde des personnes se ressemblant énormément sans pour autant avoir un lien de filiation. A découvrir dans une série de clichés toujours en cours, proposant ainsi de voir des gens qui ne sont pas jumeaux.

I'm not a look-alike! by Francois Brunelle - Jan 2013
I'm not a look-alike! by Francois Brunelle - Jan 2013
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Retro Cartoon Logo Makeovers – These 80s Cartoon Logos Get a 3D Makeover (GALLERY)

( Artist Craig Minchington recently published a a series of 3D graphic redesigns of a number of classic 80s cartoon logos.

The result is a visually exciting revitalization of some of the most…

Good Tactic in Battle for Super Bowl Pre-Game: Put a Talk Show Host in Your Ad

In the sweepstakes (and arms race) for extra exposure before and after the Super Bowl, hiring a talk show host for your ad can’t hurt.

Ellen DeGeneres gave her Super Bowl commercial for Beats Music a head start Thursday morning, when she played it in full for her audience. (Then she gave them all free phones.)

Super Bowl advertisers used to keep their commercials secret until airtime, but the web has changed all that, especially since Volkswagen and Deutsch released “The Force” online early in 2011. The ad wound up getting 10 million views before the Super Bowl even began.

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Kids Face Horrifying Death During Stay-In-School PSA


When you know something is going to end badly you watch with a high degree of dread and, in this particular case, wonder just how the kids in this Australian Learn For Life Stay-In-School PSA, created by Perth production firm Henry & Aaron, are going to meet their demise. There in a VW bus. Will they crash? There at the ocean. Will it be a shark?

No. Not even close. It will be worse. Much, much worse.

UPDATE: Great. And now it’s probably fake. Just a promotion for the video’s creators.