How KBS+ Got Into the Nail-Polish Business

KBS+’s entry into the beauty industry began in an elevator. “What is that [nail polish] color?” one girl asked another on their way down to the lobby. “I mixed it myself and you can’t have it,” the other responded playfully. Chief Creative and President Ed Brojerdi and CEO Lori Senecal overheard.

A little less than a year later, the MDC-owned shop is working with a factory in Italy to invent a color-custom nail polish product it the hopes that it will inspire creativity and generate revenue.

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Workwankers Returns, with Postcards, New Characters in Tow


Back in October, we brought you news of Workwankers, a site created by Joe Sayaman, Peter Cortez and Sam Mylarczyk that lets one creatively vent about stereotypical “workplace wankers” who seem to be situated in every office. Since then, the parties involved say the site has taken off, as they’ve received hundreds of submissions that have resulted in the creation of 14 new characters (including the ones below as well as others like MacSurly, Stoneface and Deckhead).

The Workwankers crew has also caved to popular demand for them to open a store, which they are launching online with a limited run of 15 4 x 6″ postcards featuring the original Workwankers characters, available for ten bucks, plus shipping. Check out a couple of our favorites from the new batch of Workwankers below, and head on over to the site to order your postcards, if interested. Credits after the jump.


Onederkind continued…

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MasterCard denies enforcing Brits coverage-for-tickets rule

MasterCard has intervened in the controversy over House PR’s apparent demand that a Telegraph journalist give the brand coverage in return for attending tonight’s Brit Awards.

Gatorade and Dwyane Wade Give High School Basketball Team the Surprise of a Lifetime

We've seen this marketing stunt countless times: Big brand dips into its deep pockets to give some hardworking, deserving, photogenic youngsters a new playground or a concert or a trip to Toys R Us. But this well-worn tactic can still wield some power.

This time, it's Gatorade, with a cameo from Dwyane Wade, giving an extreme makeover to a high school basketball team's locker room in New Orleans. The Riverdale Rebels, it seems, haven't had a very good run in the past few decades. Now, though, the scrappy, close-knit team (mantras: "I got your back!" and "Family!") are heading to the playoffs for the first time in 20 years. Gatorade, in what looks to be the final two quarters of a recent Rebels win, replaced busted metal lockers and bare-bones facilities with NBA-quality digs.

The effort, dubbed "We Are All-Stars," from ad agency TBWA\Chiat\Day in Los Angeles, broke Monday, timed to the NBA's All-Star weekend. The reaction from the teenage ballers to their new locker room and a visit from D-Wade? It's as sweet as a fruit punch-flavored sports drink. Go ahead and enjoy it.

Credits below.

Client: Gatorade
Senior Director, Communications: Molly Carter
Director, Branded Entertainment: Jill Kinney
Manager, Branded Entertainment: Nancy Laroche
Senior Manager, Communications: Noah Gold
Director, Sports Marketing: Jeff Chieng
Assistant Manager, Global Sports Marketing: Eduardo Gomez
Senior Manager, Digital Marketing: Abhishek Jadon
Assistant Manager, Digital Marketing: Nicki Granadier

Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day, Los Angeles
Chief Creative Officer: John Norman
Executive Creative Director: Brent Anderson
Creative Directors: Renato Fernandez, Gustavo Sarkis
Associate Creative Director Guto Araki
Art Director: Tiffany Lam
Associate Creative Director: Doug Menezes
Copywriter: Scott Reedy
Executive Producer: Sarah Patterson
Producer: Alicia Portner
Executive Project Manager: Karen Thomas
Account Supervisor: Kyle Webster
Account Executive: Ralph Lee
Group Planning Director: Scott MacMaster
Planning Director: Martin Ramos
Managing Director: Peter Ravailhe
Group Account Director: Blake Crosbie
Account Manager: Marc Johns
Executive Business Affairs Manager: Lisa Lipman
Broadcast Traffic: Jerry Neill

Production Company: Bandito Brothers
Director: Jacob Rosenberg
Executive Producer: Suzanne Hargrove
Producer: Cassidy Lunnen
Art Director: John Gathright
Director of Photography: Laura Merians

Editing: Venice Beach Editorial
Editor: Greg Young
Assistant Editors: Micah Chase, Cutler Gray
Executive Producder: Hunter Conner
Music: Asche & Spencer

Other Partners:

Vice President: Courtney Quaye
Managing Supervisor: Ashley Ginascol

Associate Director, Optimum Sports: Natalie Behrman
Supervisor, Optimum Sports: Seth Frankenthal
Digital Supervisor, OMD: Alexis Acker
Strategist: Michael Fee

Account Director: Stephanie DeCelles
Account Supervisor: Erin Zehner
Senior Account Manager: Lauren Cochran
Senior Channel Manager: Kristin Gritt
Channel Manager: Katrina Steffensen


WWE Will Struggle to Position Itself as Live Sports

WWE will start shopping its “Monday Night Raw” and “Friday Night Smackdown” programs with TV networks after its exclusive negotiating window with NBC Universal expires.

As it looks to woo distributors, and eventually advertisers for its upcoming digital network, WWE is positioning itself akin to live sports.

“We are undervalued in the advertising community,” said Michelle Wilson, chief revenue officer and chief marketing officer, WWE. “It is a strategic priority for us.

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Intimately Innocent Photo Series – This Melania Brescia Photography is Stunning and Intimate (GALLERY)

( This Melania Brescia photography series is truly enchanting.

This 20-year-old from Málaga, Spain experiments with light compositions and subtle backdrops for a story-like effect. Her photos range…

Whatever Happened to the Twitter-TV Growth Story?

A big part of Twitter’s pitch to advertisers is the audience of people who tweet while they watch TV, the so-called “second screen.” But there’s some evidence that Twitter’s audience isn’t growing as quickly as Twitter might like, especially during big TV events that advertisers like to buy.

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What’s Wrong With This Picture? BuzzFeed’s Video About Beauty Turns Many Women Off

BuzzFeed's attempt at an inspiring, empowering video for women falls short, and the target audience is having no problem letting BuzzFeed know it.

"Photoshopping Real Women Into Cover Models" opens with four women lamenting that they'd never look like models in a magazine spread. Each woman then participates in a professional photo shoot—hair, makeup, styling and all—and then a Photoshop expert retouches the images to make them look like typical magazine cover models.

We watch the women's reactions as they see the photos for the first time. And … all of them dislike the retouched photos of themselves.

In light of the wildly popular Dove campaign and the praise Aerie received for promising not to retouch its photos of models, why aren't more people loving this video? Maybe it seems too contrived, and the creators seem too intent on pushing a message to the viewers. The women looked lovely during the photo shoots, and their reactions just don't seem very honest. And while the Photoshop jobs were definitely extreme, the message here is that it's vain for women to even want to look attractive.

"Once someone else has done your makeup, and someone else has done your hair, and someone's directed the way your body looks, and then taken away your imperfections … then there's not much left of who you really are," says one of the four women.

In that one line, women are reduced simply to the way they look.

While some think it's inspirational, others are balking. "Denigrating women for wanting to enhance, improve and better themselves is no better than denigrating women for being fat and ugly," one viewer wrote on Facebook.

If Victoria's Secret's ultra-Photoshopped catalogs are one extreme, and BuzzFeed's "You're vain if you enjoy a blowout" video is the other, maybe most women are looking for a happy medium—at the very least, something that doesn't seem disingenuous.


Rede de cinemas mostra o que acontece quando você perde um filme

Seus amigos do trabalho convidam você para ir ao cinema, mas você prefere sair para comprar um bonsai ou quem sabe fazer canecas com sua namorada… Uma péssima escolha, segundo a rede de cinemas sul-africana Ster-Kinkekor. A nova campanha, criada pela agência FoxP2, mostra que uma decisão como esta pode resultar em exclusão social, já que dificilmente você entenderá as piadas e brincadeiras da turma.

Quem sabe na próxima, Derrick não pensa melhor?

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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My Media Week: James Davies

This week, James Davies, chief strategy officer, Posterscope, parties with the mobile community hipsters in NYC (absinthe cupcake, anyone?), prints a new shirt button (duh…3D printers) and affirms his philosophy of always hiring people smarter than yourself

Amazing Landscapes Alphabet

Le British Museum possède parmi toutes ses merveilles une série de lithographies de l’illustrateur Charles Joseph Hullmandel absolument fantastique, transformant l’alphabet anglais en paysages. Des pièces réalisées entre 1818 et 1860 d’une grande beauté à découvrir dans la suite en son intégralité.

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Novo filme da Brahma mostra a cevada plantada na Granja Comary

Lembra da edição especial de Brahma com cevada da Granja Comary?

Agora a agência Africa lançou um filme para promover o projeto, mostrando o plantio, colheita e depoimento do técnico Felipe Scolari.

A primeira safra será vendida apenas através do site: São 2014 kits – iguais da foto abaixo – e que no mês que vem também estarão disponíveis nos pontos de venda.

A campanha só erra em chamar a Granja Comary de “solo sagrado” do futebol brasileiro, pois é óbvio que o único campo sacrossanto vai ser lá em Itaquera.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Crowdpilot, um empurrão para os tímidos

Para muitos, encontrar as palavras certas a se dizer em um primeiro encontro, reunião de negócios ou mesmo num bate-papo simples com alguém importante pode ser desafiador e motivo de muita ansiedade e preocupação.

É para estes momentos de interação social da vida real e da necessidade de respostas imediatas que foi criado o Crowdpilot. Com o aplicativo, é possível receber um feedback ao vivo de amigos ou desconhecidos sobre qualquer situação desconfortável, ou seja, aquele bom empurrãozinho.

Criado por Lauren McCarthy e Perceptor, o app funciona através de um sistema de stream, carregando mensagens ao vivo num contato direto do usuário com seus amigos de Facebook, além de outros usuários desconhecidos que estejam online no mesmo momento e até assistentes pagos para ajudar em situações específicas.

Ao selecionar uma situação – encontro, argumento, reunião de negócios, conversa em família, etc – o usuário descreve brevemente o que se passa e espera pelos conselhos. A partir daí as dicas podem ser classificadas, garantindo feedbacks em tempo real.


“Fomos longe demais? Nos tornamos robôs, desprovidos da inteligência emocional vindo do contato humano?” – questiona McCarthy, via PSFK

Apesar do estranhamento em uma primeira impressão, o aplicativo é ele mesmo uma crítica ao crescente desapego do contato humano em situações que não sejam online, e as dificuldades cada vez maiores em manter conversas e experiências sem qualquer intervenção.

Por outro lado, não existe novidade em pedir conselhos e opiniões para os amigos online. O que Crowdpilot faz é tentar dar mais humanidade e utilidade a essa gigantesca rede, e quem sabe melhorar a habilidade das pessoas em se relacionar, tudo através da sabedoria das multidões.

Crowdpilot está disponível para iOS de graça.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Facebook to Marketers: Get Smarter With Your Creative

The days of brands expecting high user engagement on Facebook from posting a blurry event photo or a stock image in a wall post are quickly coming to an end. Facebook has made it clear to marketers, through numerous algorithm changes, that it wants — and its users expect — a compelling reason to engage with a brand’s ad.

This means that marketers need to jettison generic ad creative and text-heavy wall posts in favor of high-quality, engaging ad creative with smart imagery and limited text. Facebook will reward them for doing so with greater exposure in users’ News Feeds.

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Vanilla Ice Reminds Us of His Other Song in Cheesy Ad for Kraft’s Ninja Turtles Macaroni

Go Ninja Go!

Who says Vanilla Ice never had any street cred? Everyone, I guess. And when it comes to hip-hop, they're right. But … who cares? The rapper (term used loosely) is prop-ah as hell in this self-deprecating Kraft Macaroni & Cheese commercial from Crispin Porter + Bogusky, skewering his goofy persona and, against all odds, stretching his 15 minutes of fame into a fourth decade.

Ice rocks the mic like a vandal, or something, lookin' fly in a green baseball cap and apron as he stocks shelves in a grocery store to help introduce Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle-shaped Mac & Cheese. He sings "Ninja Rap," the brilliantly asinine tune he performed in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze in 1991. Naturally, a mom shopping the aisle starts busting furious moves. Check out her son's befuddled/horrified stare around the 10-second mark. That look could wax a chump like a candle! Ultimately, Ice puts it all in perspective, with a knowing grin and his trademark line: "Word to your mother!"

As great as it is, the behind-the-scenes video is even more of a tongue-in-cheek riot. "I've always had a love for the Turtles," Ice explains, "and when I did Secret of the Ooze, it was the highlight of my life—ever!" He lunges forward, like a snapping turtle, for emphasis. "I'll never top it, no matter what I do."

Showing off a Turtles leg tattoo, he adds, "When I first heard Mac & Cheese was creating Ninja Turtles shapes, I was like, genius! This is the frickin' most awesome thing ever!"

Yo, you're awesome, Ice. Word to mothers everywhere!


In Digital-Data Frontier, Scammers and Hackers Find Pickings All Too Easy

Rance Crain

Big data that’s often wrong. Fraudulent and deceptive ads that are difficult to keep track of let alone police. These are the dark corners of cyberspace.

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Don’t Call #TweetingWithMittens Real-Time Marketing

In the leadup to the Super Bowl, Sean Ryan, J.C. Penney’s director-social and mobile, was looking for a way to talk about the Big Game. But he wasn’t eager to compete with the myriad other companies who would be trying to create their own “social media moment” in the wake of Oreo’s “You can still dunk in the dark” tweet from a year ago.

With the game taking place outdoors in cold weather, Mr. Ryan, along with agency partners Evolution Bureau and Victors & Spoils decided to highlight the retailer’s Go USA mittens and its partnership with the United States Olympic Committee — a no brainer, given the Olympics were just days away.

“Instead of trying to find the perfect tweet for the perfect moment, we essentially created our own,” Mr. Ryan said. “In the process, other brands even drafted off of us to find their own ‘moment.'”

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Literal Movie Posters

Basé à Delhi, l’artiste Danish Ahmed s’est amusé à refaire les affiches de films de manière littérale. On voit donc effectivement un loup au milieu de la rue Wall, du sel pour incarner le personnage d’Angelina Jolie dans Salt, deux avatars de profils pour le film Avatar et un codage HTML pour le film Source Code.

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Miniature Face-Landscaping Dioramas – Juan Sanchez Castillo’s ‘Making It Up’ Series is Beautiful (GALLERY)

( As a man it can be easy to underestimate the amount of work women put in, in order to look “beautiful,” however, Juan Sanchez Castillo’s series ‘Making It Up’ shows just how ignorant many…

The CMO’s Guide to Addressable TV Advertising

It sounds like a marketer’s dream: Send a specific TV commercial to an individual household. But it’s actually real — just with plenty of caveats. You’ve surely heard of addressable advertising, but here’s what you need to know.


Reach: Addressable ads are currently available in up to 42 million households through live TV and video-on-demand. The pool is expected to reach 50 million households by the end of this year.

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