Houses and Gardens Photography

La photographe Alexandra Davy nous propose avec sa série Lignes Vertes de mettre en avant différentes résidences, tout en gardant comme élément visuel répété celui de la haie, rappelant la double fonction de cette végétation entre décoration et protection artificielle du regard des autres. Plus de détails dans l’article.

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E.U. Court Says Google Must Delete Some Search Results if Asked

Google can be forced to remove information from search results in Europe after a ruling in the European Union Court of Justice prioritized privacy rights over publishing freedom.

In a ruling on Tuesday, the Luxembourg-based court found in favor of a Spanish man, who had complained that search results including an auction notice on his home, repossessed 16 years ago to pay off a tax bill, infringed his privacy.

Google argued that it doesn’t control data and shouldn’t be responsible for information that is published and freely available around the web, even though last year it was forced to block sexual images of Max Mosley, the former president of Formula One racing, after a ruling in France.

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E.U. Court Says Google Must Delete Some Seach Results if Asked

Google can be forced to remove information from search results in Europe after a ruling in the European Union Court of Justice prioritized privacy rights over publishing freedom.

In a ruling on Tuesday, the Luxembourg-based court found in favor of a Spanish man, who had complained that search results including an auction notice on his home, repossessed 16 years ago to pay off a tax bill, infringed his privacy.

Google argued that it doesn’t control data and shouldn’t be responsible for information that is published and freely available around the web, even though last year it was forced to block sexual images of Max Mosley, the former president of Formula One racing, after a ruling in France.

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ESPN Keeps Clock Running on Cross-Media-Measurement Study

Hoops fans have their eyes and ears glued to the NBA playoffs, and that’s good news for sponsors of the games, who garner 11% higher unaided brand awareness among avid fans during playoff season. The number comes from ESPN, but it’s based on more than just a playoff season study; rather, it highlights a new approach to measuring ads across ESPN media.

The company has just begun to seed its roster of advertisers with new proprietary measurement data it hopes will help score more brand dollars across its television, digital, radio and print properties. Known as Convergence Effectiveness Modeling, the program combines information gleaned from an ongoing controlled-survey of people who consume ESPN content and some who don’t.

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In a World of Insane Homemade Ads for Used Cars, This Might Be the Craziest

"Do you want to be perceived as rich and cuddly? Of course you do!"

We've seen our share of crazy homemade ads for used cars. But this one, created by a Swedish art director known as Castor, ranks right up there with the best of them.

"This is a personal ad for my Volvo 245GL '93," he writes. "Red. Five owners before me. Complete service journal by Volvo up until in 2009. Inspected until November 30. New battery and radiator. Summer and winter tires. 7500 Swedish crowns or the highest bidder."

That's about $1,142. A bargain, judging by the epic video.

Via Devour.

Naked Co-Founder Neal Davies to Become CEO of Effie Worldwide

Naked Communications co-founder Neal Davies has been appointed president and CEO of Effie Worldwide, the global non-profit behind the Effie Awards for marketing effectiveness.

Mr. Davies, who has been consulting since leaving Naked early last year, succeeds Mary Lee Keane, who is retiring this summer after 20 years atop the organization.

Mr. Davies is the first person from an agency background to lead Effie Worldwide. He will oversee the organization’s staff in New York and internationally, and will report to the organization’s board of directors.

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Romantic Sand-Frolicking Editorials – Lauren Engel Photographs Nicoline Aagesen for C-Heads (GALLERY)

( Nicoline Aagesen stepped behind Lauren Engel’s lens for a C-Heads exclusive. The Danish model and photographer looked positively tantalizing in a pair of denim cut-offs and a transparent white tee….

Happiness Is A Stick

Why Slowdown in Technological Innovation Is Actually Good for Business

Marketing is poised for exponential growth in large part because technological innovation has dried up. On the heels of the digital revolution of the mid-1990s and the social revolution of the mid-2000s, the pace of new social and digital technologies inevitably slackened. Given the respite, marketers shifted away from their desire to innovate something totally new in favor of putting together already existing technologies in smarter ways.

Here is how we came to this future:

During 1993 to 1995 — at the dawn of the digital marketing age — innovation was palpable. The rise of fast-growing internet service providers such as AOL and CompuServe launched the phenomenon of mass information and social sharing. and ushered in e-commerce. And long before the dot-com fire of 2000, the internet’s basic models of community and commerce were ingrained.

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Pinterest começa a exibir seus primeiros pins patrocinados

A especulação de poucos meses atrás acaba de ser oficialmente confirmada. O Pinterest está estreando as suas primeiras pinadas patrocinadas, para marcas como Kraft, General Mills, Ziploc, Nestlé, Lululemon, Gap, ABC e Expedia.

A Kraft vai apostar em sua grande maioria em pins com receitas, dentro de quatro diferentes categorias – sobremesas, pratos que incluam queijos e cream cheese e conteúdos do site Esses pins pagos irão aparecer nas buscas e em murais de alguns assuntos específicos, mas não farão parte da lista principal do Pinterest de cada usuário (o home feed), ou dentro dos murais pessoais de cada um.

 O Pinterest está trabalhando bem próximo dos criativos das marcas, para garantir que o conteúdo tenha a ver com a atmosfera a que os usuários da rede social estão acostumados.

Nesse início, a equipe do Pinterest está trabalhando bem próximo dos criativos das marcas, para garantir que o conteúdo tenha a ver com a atmosfera a que os usuários da rede social estão acostumados. “É como se eu estivesse oferecendo um time de consultores para esses parceiros, para que eles possam ter as melhores ideias, aprender e entender como a plataforma funciona”, detalha Joanne Bradford, gerente de parcerias do Pinterest.

Ainda que existam planos para, no futuro, permitir que os clientes possam adquirir suas pinadas patrocinadas através de um sistema automatizado, por enquanto todas as campanhas estão sendo manualmente revisadas pela equipe do Pinterest, para garantir a qualidade e controlar a quantidade. Joanne frisa que nem todos os detalhes foram definidos, e que o feedback dos usuários e os dados sobre os padrões de uso serão analisados para entender como melhor posicionar os pins patrocinados.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Michelin Road Maps: Road Maps

Outdoor, Print

Known as the reference company in the tourism & travel industry, Michelin has put its century of knowledge and expertise to good use for travelers mobility. That statutory image has turned Michelin into the legitimate spokesperson of a brighter speech, beyond technical performances and products selling points. Much more than a piece of paper, each Michelin map is an invitation to travel, an open door to bountiful landscapes, sensations and experiences.

Advertising Agency:Havas 360, Puteaux, France
Executive Creative Director:Thomas Derouault
Creative Director:Alban Penicaut
Art Director:Marielle Postec
Copywriter:Florent Roux, Marc Hoffmann
Illustrator:Matthew Cusick
Producers:Anne Mascorda, Cécile Ousset

Eye Catching Book Covers

Le duo Stephanie et Tom Ising ont monté le studio Books We Made (basé à Munich) qui se concentre sur le design de couvertures de livres. Ils travaillent sur des formes et tailles différentes de livres, sur la typographie, l’iconographie et les couleurs de chaque livre considéré comme une oeuvre d’art à part entière.


Impressive Student Ads Memorably Show Moms Exiled to Toilet Stalls to Breastfeed

Do you like eating in public restrooms? Or does the sight of a toilet and the acrid scent of piss ruin your appetite?

Johnathan Wenske and Kris Haro, both juniors at the University of North Texas, created these nicely made student ads depicting young mothers breastfeeding on toilets—to support bill HB1706 in the Texas legislature, which would protect mothers from harassment and discrimination when they breastfeed their children in public.

The creatives were inspired by the story of a woman who was harassed for breastfeeding in a Target. They decided to shoot three young mothers, perhaps because young moms are least likely to breastfeed. To their credit, the ads don't try to shock. They merely capture the everyday situation many mothers face "when nurture calls." They don't go overboard by art directing a dirty bathroom or even a poorly lit bathroom, but the images are still powerful because breastfeeding in a toilet stall, even a reasonably clean toilet stall, is disgusting.

The three simple headlines are pretty perfect, too.

Seeing breastfeeding in another light—from the perspective of moms forced to nurture an infant in a toilet stall—might help more people to see that the cost of their comfort is another's discomfort. And they might even decide to look away instead of having their say.

See the ads below. Via Yahoo.

YouTube Stars Rhett and Link Made a Texting-While-Driving Commercial and It’s Awesome

YouTube’s mission to make marketers more comfortable with its stars is gaining some traction, at least with the Federal Government.

The Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently hired Rhett McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln Neal — better known as Rhett and Link — to film an anti-texting spot.

But it’s not your typical public service announcement. During the three-and-a-half minute spot, the comedic duo take turns rapping about their texting-while-driving prowess while texting and driving and doing yoga and delivering a baby (watch it above).

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Why innovations in online video dictate a new approach to TV

TV, traditionally the blunt-edged weapon in the media agency’s armoury, is becoming more rapier-like, and now it’s time to rethink how it mixes with online video, says Neil Cunningham, head of digital at Cream UK.

E se Quentin Tarantino tivesse dirigido “Star Wars”?

Em seu perfil no Twitter, o jovem cineasta Bobby Burns se define como “obcecado por Tarantino”, o que pode ser confirmado em seu canal no YouTube. Em um de seus vídeos mais recentes, ele nos dá um aperitivo de como seria “Star Wars” se o filme tivesse sido dirigido por Quentin Tarantino.

O resultado é bastante divertido, especialmente para quem é fã tanto da saga criada por George Lucas quanto para quem adora Tarantino. Você fica esperando, a qualquer momento, que apareçam nazistas ou matadores de aluguel, mas não é o caso. Na verdade, acho que faltou um pouco de sangue, até.

De qualquer maneira, é um passatempo divertido, especialmente para quem está aguardando ver as cartas que JJ Abrams tem guardadas na manga. E, se não der certo, já deu para perceber que Tarantino daria conta do recado… só precisamos ficar  atentos ao elenco…


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Gradient Cleat Sneakers – The Nike Air Max 1 Magnista Sneakers Celebrate the 2014 FIFA World Cup (GALLERY)

( If you’re excited for the 2014 FIFA World Cup to begin, these Nike Air Max 1 Magnista sneakers cleverly combine the look of the Nike Mercurial Superfly soccer shoes with bold coloring to give…

Birds Eye launches pay-by-picture pop-up restaurant

Birds Eye has opened a pop-up restaurant where diners pay by taking a picture of their meal, as part of a digital campaign to promote its new range of premium evening meals.

Revolutionary Respiratory Helmets – This Self-Contained Helmet Will Keep Soldiers Cool & Comfortable

( The US Army is developing a next-generation self-contained mask designed to keep soldiers cool without being cumbersome. Most cooling helmets feature a blower unit that hangs off the hip or back….

Woodland Friendship Photography – Andre Villeneuve Snapped an Unlikely Animal Friendship (GALLERY)

( Quebec-based photographer Andre Villeneuve usually captures scenes of nature and wildlife, but I doubt he ever expected to come across this unusual friendship between a songbird and a red squirrel….