Loveflutter: Bye Bye Boring Dating, 3

Advertising Agency: Havas Worldwide, London, UK
Creative Director: Christian Sewell
Photographer: Alan Powdrill
Project Manager: Kate Blumer
Photographers Agent: Vue
Published: May 2014

Loveflutter: Bye Bye Boring Dating, 2

Advertising Agency: Havas Worldwide, London, UK
Creative Director: Christian Sewell
Photographer: Alan Powdrill
Project Manager: Kate Blumer
Photographers Agent: Vue
Published: May 2014

Loveflutter: Bye Bye Boring Dating, 1

Advertising Agency: Havas Worldwide, London, UK
Creative Director: Christian Sewell
Photographer: Alan Powdrill
Project Manager:Kate Blumer
Photographers Agent: Vue
Published: May 2014

New King Hot Pepper Sauce: Water

Advertising Agency: Cosmic Creative, Ankara, Turkey
Creative Director: Erol Yilmaz
Art Director: Bilal Ugurlu
Copywriter: Ozan Kocamaz
Account Director: Filiz Basar
Customer Relations: Ugur Nasraddinler
Published: May 2014

Chipotle coloca trechos de obras literárias em embalagens descartáveis

Eu não sei vocês, mas muitas das minhas refeições matinais envolviam uma leitura minuciosa da embalagem de cereal matinal. Eu saberia dizer detalhes sobre as calorias, ingredientes utilizados na fabricação e qualquer tipo de novidade ou informação que a marca tivesse estampado na embalagem, porque ler aquilo era uma das atividades involuntárias do meu café da manhã.

Isso talvez faça de mim uma leitora ávida por qualquer coisa (true story), mas foi exatamente pensando que não havia nada para ler durante uma refeição que fez Jonathan Safran Foer dar uma ideia sensacional para a rede de fast food Chipotle: e se as embalagens estampassem trechos curtos de literatura?

“A pergunta não é ‘se isso vai mudar o mundo’, a pergunta é ‘isso não é melhor do que uma embalagem sem nada escrito?’”, provoca o escritor.


Particularmente, eu ficaria agradecida se eu pudesse ter um ou dois minutos de cultura durante o meu almoço, por exemplo. Provavelmente faria com que eu me alimentasse mais devagar (afinal estou prestando atenção em outra coisa) e poderia trazer alguma inspiração para o meu dia.

Colocar informações em embalagens descartáveis, no entanto, não é uma ação nova. Você certamente vai lembrar de momentos em que ficou passeando pelas informações oferecidas pelo McDonalds no papel que forra a bandeja do seu lanche, mas o objetivo não é só trazer um branded content estampado nas embalagens, mas sim uma literatura rápida para um espaço curto.


Entre os convidados a fazerem textos que possam ser lidos em até 2 minutos estão escritores como George Saunders, Malcolm Gladwell, Judd Apatow, Sara Silverman, Toni Morrison (vencedora do Nobel), Michael Lewis, Bill Hader, Steven Pinker, Sheri Fink (vencedora de um Pulitzer) e o próprio Jonathan Safran Foer.


Chamada de ‘Cultivation Thought’, a série de embalagens literárias tem o intuito básico e simples de levar boa literatura para o grupo mais diverso de pessoas. Caso o trecho acabe molhado de refrigerante ou sujo com algum molho, os interessados sempre poderão conferir os textos também online, no site

Pode ser meu background literário, mas eu achei simplesmente sensacional.
Fica a dica para as outras redes de fast food 🙂


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Uniball: Water resist

Advertising Agency: UltraRPM, Istanbul, Turkey
Chief Creative Officer: Hakk? M?s?rl?o?lu
Creative Director / Copywriter: Cumhur Güçer
Art Director: Aren Selvio?lu
Illustrator: Kutlay s?nd?rg?
Account Director: Demet Akp?nar
Published: April 2014

Insurance 18: Dice, 3

Advertising Agency: Grey, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Daniel Perez Pallares
Art Director: Lucas Heck
Copywriters: Daniel Perez Pallares, Marcos Piccinini
Illustrator: Ação
Published: February 2014

Insurance 18: Dice, 2

Advertising Agency: Grey, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Daniel Perez Pallares
Art Director: Lucas Heck
Copywriters: Daniel Perez Pallares, Marcos Piccinini
Illustrator: Ação
Published: February 2014

Insurance 18: Dice, 1

Advertising Agency: Grey, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Daniel Perez Pallares
Art Director: Lucas Heck
Copywriters: Daniel Perez Pallares, Marcos Piccinini
Illustrator: Ação
Published: February 2014

Assista ao primeiro trailer de “Interestelar”

Depois do misterioso (e empolgante) teaser em dezembro passado, a Warner Bros. finalmente revelou o primeiro trailer de “Interestelar”.

A odisséia sci-fi do diretor que você mais conhece e confia, Christopher Nolan, vai explorar viagem no tempo e universos paralelos. Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain e Michael Caine (claro!) estão no elenco.

O filme estreia no dia 7 de novembro no Brasil.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
Twitter | Facebook | Contato | Anuncie airline: The Takeoff

Media, Outdoor, Promo

Les Gaulois created a special billboard in the heart of Paris to remind Parisians that a cheap plane ticket costs as much as their average meal in a restaurant in Paris.

Advertising Agency:Les Gaulois, Puteaux, France
Global Creative Director:Gilbert Scher
Creative Director:Luca Cinquepalmi, Marco Venturelli
Art Director:Jordan Molina
Copywriter:Ludovic Miege
Director:Victor Haegelin

Teenybopper Disney Makeovers – Blogger Punziella Turns Disney Princesses into High School Students

( Graphic illustrator and blogger Punziella has a knack for creating stylishly modern Disney makeovers of iconic cartoon princesses. In her latest series, Punziella turns Disney’s Frozen…

Will Baquet’s ‘Teddy Bear’ Style Extend to The New York Times Ad Department?

On Wednesday, the same day that Jill Abramson was removed as the top editor at The New York Times, the paper’s ad sales chief, Meredith Levien, appeared at an ad agency forum to discuss the Times’ new native ads. Ms. Levien told the audience that its “Paid Posts” ads attract roughly the same attention as its editorial content.

The claim surprised some of the audience members. It also chaffed the newsroom, one reporter said. “It was like sticking a sharp object into the eye of the newsroom,” a former Times executive agreed. “Plus, it’s an unfair comparison. An editorial story is off the homepage after maybe a day, while a promotion can live there for weeks.”

In a conversation Thursday night, Ms. Levien put her statements into context. “I should not have used words that made such a direct comparison,” she said. “It’s not a fair comparison, and I should’ve been more careful.”

Continue reading at

TED TEDxColumbiaSIPA: The Vine Effect, The Glass Era

Film, Online

This short film debuted during the 2014 TEDxColumbiaSIPA conference in New York. Filmed in a documentary style set in the future, The Vine Effect takes a closer look at what could possibly cause the downfall of society.

Advertising Agency:Capital C, Toronto, Canada
CCO:Gary Watson
Creative Director:Raúl García
Copywriters:Alex Bird, Andrew Payne, Geoff Morgan
Art Directors:Jess Toye, Raúl García
Agency Producer:Margaret Callaghan
Account Director:Hanh Vo
Client:Annie Horricks
Director:Sean McBride
Production House:Some Place Nice
Exec Producer:Estelle Weir
Line Producer:Robbie Mcnamara
Matte Painting:Topix
VFX & Matte Painting Supervisor:Andrew Nguyen, Topix
Modeler & CG Artist:Ronak Shah, Topix
VFX Executive Producer:Sylvain Taillon, Topix
VFX Senior Producer:Christina Lord, Topix
Editor:Monica Remba, Married to Giants
Online:Trevor Corrigan, Married to Giants
Producer:Denise Shearer, Married to Giants
Music:Grayson Matthews
Audio:Grayson Matthews
Talent Direction:Jono Holmes
Casting:Shasta Lutz, Jigsaw Casting
Colourist:Conor Fisher, Alter Ego

Almaz: 3 missed

We’ll teach to answer.

Advertising Agency: Pole, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Creative Director: Anton Mamykin
Art Director: Sergey Bortsov
Copywriter: Denis Ivanitskiy
Photographer: Tima Sergeev
Published: March 2014

Sport Life Fitness Club: Ball

Advertising Agency: Geometry Global, Kiev, Ukraine
Executive Creative Director: Andrew Ushakov
Associate Creative Director: Nadia Trikoz
Senior Art Director: Sergey Yaroslavtsev
Designer: Valentyn Bielienkov
Published: April 2014

Sport Life Fitness Club: Weights

Advertising Agency: Geometry Global, Kiev, Ukraine
Executive Creative Director: Andrew Ushakov
Associate Creative Director: Nadia Trikoz
Senior Art Director: Sergey Yaroslavtsev
Designer: Valentyn Bielienkov
Published: April 2014

O2’s ‘Be More Dog’ cat leaps onto the podium for motivational talk

“Lazy, jaded, lifeless. That was me. A fat cat, sat on a mat, napping my life away. What a waste.”

Eating Alone? Chipotle Cups Now Come With Original Writings From Literary Giants

Apparently Jonathan Safran Foer is just like us. He eats at Chipotle and he curses the heavens when he neglects to bring something to entertain him while he crams rice, beans and guacamole (he's a vegetarian) into his piehole.

But since he's a famous author, he was able to e-mail the chain's CEO, Steve Ells, and pitch him a neat idea: "I bet a shitload of people go into your restaurants every day, and I bet some of them have very similar experiences, and even if they didn't have that negative experience, they could have a positive experience if they had access to some kind of interesting text," Foer recalled to Vanity Fair as a summary of his e-mail.

This is all to say that, starting today, original long-form text by Foer—along with fellow scribes Judd Apatow, Sheri Fink, Malcolm Gladwell, Bill Hader, Michael Lewis, Toni Morrison, Steve Pinker, George Saunders and Sarah Silverman—will festoon Chipotle's cups and bags. Chipotle deemed the initiative "Cultivating Thought." Foer selected the writers, and any edits were made by him.

Check out two of the writeups below and see them all here.

Via Vanity Fair.

The Two-Minute Minute
By Michael Lewis 

I spend too much time trying to spend less time. Before trips to the grocery store, I’ll waste minutes debating whether it is more efficient to make a list, or simply race up and down the aisles grabbing things. I spend what feels like decades in airport security lines trying to figure out how to get through most quickly: should I put the plastic bin containing my belt and shoes through the bomb detector before my carry-on bag, or after? And why sit patiently waiting for the light to turn green when I might email on my phone? I’ve become more worried about using time efficiently than using it well. But in saner moments I’m able to approach the fourth dimension not as a thing to be ruthlessly managed, but whose basic nature might be altered to enrich my experience of life. I even have tricks for slowing time—or at least my perception of it. At night I sometimes write down things that happened that day.

For example: This morning Walker (my 5-year-old son) asks me if I had a pet when I was a kid. “Yes,” I say, “I had a Siamese cat that I loved named Ding How, but he got run over by a car.” Walker: “It’s lucky that it got killed by a car.” Me: “Why?” Walker: “Because then you could get a new cat that isn’t named Ding How.”

Recording the quotidian details of my day seems to add hours a day to my life: I’m not sure why. Another trick is to focus on some ordinary thing—the faintly geological strata of the insides of a burrito, for instance—and try to describe what I see. Another: pick a task I’d normally do quickly and thoughtlessly—writing words for the side of a cup, say—and do it as slowly as possible. Forcing my life into slow-motion, I notice a lot that I miss at game speed. The one thing I don’t notice is the passage of time.

Two-Minute Seduction
By Toni Morrison

I took my heart out and gave it to a writer made heartless by fame, someone who needed it to pump blood into veins desiccated by the suck and roar of crowds slobbering or poisoning or licking up the red froth they mistake for happiness because happiness looks just like a heart painted on a valentine cup or tattooed on an arm that has never held a victim or comforted a hurt friend. I took it out and the space it left in my chest was sutured tight like the skin of a drum.

As my own pulse failed, I fell along with a soft shower of rain typical in this place.

Lying there, collapsed under trees bordering the mansion of the famous one I saw a butterfly broken by the slam of a single raindrop on its wings fold and flutter as it hit a pool of water still fighting for the lift that is its nature. I closed my eyes expecting to dissolve into stars or lava or a brutal sequoia when the famous writer appeared and leaned down over me. Lifting my head he put his lips on mine and breathed into my mouth one word and then another, and another, words upon words then numbers, then notes. I swallowed it all while my mind filled with language, measure, music, knowledge.

These gifts from the famous writer were so seductive, so all encompassing they seemed to make a heart irrelevant.

The Richards Group, MPC’s ‘Godzilla’ FIAT Spot Goes Viral

The Richards Group teamed up with production house MPC Creative for a new FIAT campaign featuring the King of Monsters, Godzilla.

The 45-second spot utilizes footage from the Warner Bros. Godzilla reboot (which couldn’t possibly be worse than the last attempt at rebooting the franchise) hitting theaters today, with CG of Godzilla crafted by MPC Film. In the spot, Godzilla eyes a FIAT, shoves it in his mouth and then spits it out, which prompts the “It’s a lot bigger than you think” tagline. The spot has proven a huge success, racking up over 5 million views since its debut less than 2 weeks ago. That’s not too surprising, as it’s a pretty fun tie-in that manages to balance promoting Godzilla and FIAT pretty well. Stay tuned for credits after the jump. continued…

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