Smartphone ultrapassa a TV e se torna a ‘primeira tela’

Esqueça essa história de que os celulares e tablets são a ‘segunda tela’ de quem está assistindo TV. O público já rebaixou as televisões para a segunda divisão, dando mais atenção aos gadgets mobile do que à tela compartilhada na sala de casa.

De acordo com o estudo AdReaction, da Millward Brown, nos EUA as pessoas gastam em média 151 minutos diários nos seus smartphones, contra 147 minutos em frente à TVs. Na China, a situação é ainda mais drástica: são 170 minutos nas telinhas, contra apenas 89 na frente da televisão. No Brasil, os gadgets mobile também já fazem parte da ‘série A’ da nossa atenção.

Os brasileiros passam 149 minutos por dia em seus smartphones e em média 113 minutos na TV.

Os horários de uso da TV também têm picos definidos, enquanto o uso de celulares, tablets e até do laptop é bem mais estável.

Dados do Brasil

Dados do Brasil

Horários de uso no Brasil

Horários de uso no Brasil

A pesquisa, que entrevistou mais de 12 mil usuários entre 16 e 44 anos, em 30 países, também revela que apenas 35% das pessoas tem o costume de usar dois dispositivos ao mesmo tempo. Durante esse consumo simultâneo de duas telas, 62% dos entrevistados globais alegaram estar acompanhando coisas diferentes e não relacionadas, em um comportamento definido como ‘staking’, um empilhamento de atividades.

Em relação a anúncios, os usuários mobile globais estão bastante receptivos com vídeos curtos, de cerca de 5 ou 10 segundos. “Os vídeos mobile estão prontos para explodir”, reforça Joline McGoldrick, diretora de pesquisa da Millward Brown em entrevista ao AdAge.


Fica a sugestão de também conferir o site do estudo em, que traz bons gráficos que mostram a situação global e também regional, com o Brasil entre os principais países estudados.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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YouTube Kids: esse paraíso dos pais pode estar para chegar

Os pais dos pequerruchos vão amar a notícia: especula-se que o Google estaria desenvolvendo uma versão infantil do YouTube, focada em crianças menores de 10 anos. A impressão inicial é de que seria um grande reino da Galinha Pintadinha, que diga-se de passagem alcançou 1 bilhão de visualizações no YouTube, mas se essa aposta do Google for real, ela tem bastante potencial, ao menos se formos acreditar nas pesquisas recentes – 75% dos adolescentes norte-americanos alegam frequentar o YouTube, contra 60% que dizem o mesmo sobre o Facebook.

O objetivo, de acordo com relatos das fontes do The Information, seria oferecer uma versão do YouTube na qual os pais pudessem confiar e que ocultasse tanto vídeos quanto comentários de teor adulto. Um aplicativo especial abrigaria o conteúdo infantil, permitindo inclusive a exibição em dispositivos móveis ou TVs. Produtores de vídeo teriam sido sondados sobre a criação de conteúdos infantis, que seriam disponibilizados com exclusividade nessa versão especial do site.

Esse YouTube Kids ainda estaria longe de ser lançado para o público, por isso os detalhes do seu funcionamento não são muito claros. De todo modo, caso a iniciativa venha a se concretizar, aposto que teria muito pai e mãe compilando extensas playlists de vídeos para os pequenos.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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E se o super-homem tivesse uma GoPro?

Uma coisa é ver o super-homem voar nos filmes, e outra completamente diferente é entender como seria a visão dele ao sobrevoar a cidade, passar entre edifícios e salvar uma mocinha.

A produtora de vídeos para a web Corridor Digital, de Los Angeles, conseguiu reproduzir a sensação de voar como um super-herói usando uma GoPro, um drone e um bocado de talento para a edição. É quase como se sentir Clark Kent por um dia!

Um vídeo muito bacana, e com timing perfeito para a GoPro – especula-se no mercado que a marca deverá apresentar seu IPO em breve, e um vídeo que mostra todo o potencial da câmera cai bem demais.

Bacana também é assistir aos bastidores da produção, que mostram o passo a passo imaginado pela Corridor Digital e o cuidado com as tomadas de vídeo.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Facebook oficializa os Premium Video Ads, anúncios em vídeo com autoplay

Após alguns meses de testes com parceiros selecionados, o Facebook apresentou oficialmente os Premium Video Ads, vídeos de 15 segundos que poderão ser promovidos na rede social.

Apesar do autoplay, que logo de cara já assustava pelo incômodo que causaria aos usuários, os Premium Video Ads se apoiam um pouco no sucesso dos GIFs animados – ao aparecerem no feed de notícias do Facebook, os vídeos estarão mudos, apenas com a sequência de imagens sendo acionada automaticamente. Caso o usuário se sinta interessado e clique no anúncio, aí sim o vídeo será reiniciado, exibido em tela cheia e com o som ativado.

Os Premium Video Ads se apoiam um pouco no sucesso dos GIFs – ao aparecerem no feed do Facebook, os vídeos estarão mudos, e só a sequência de imagens será acionada automaticamente.

A vantagem dessa implementação é a possibilidade do usuário simplesmente continuar rolando a tela e não ser importunado. Para o anunciante, o grande destaque é que essa inserção será paga pelo número de visualizações ocorridas. A compra desse formato publicitário é feita direcionada a um determinado segmento e com uma audiência estimada dentro de um período. A entrega dos vídeos é mensurada por uma empresa terceira, a Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings (OCR), e é a partir dessa medição da Nielsen que o pagamento é feito. Passa um pouco mais de idoneidade para o sistema e cria uma boa percepção de custo-benefício para as campanhas.

Os Premium Video Ads serão oferecidos aos poucos, inicialmente com parceiros norte-americanos, já que o Facebook criou um verdadeiro controle de qualidade dos vídeos a serem divulgados na rede social. “Estamos trabalhando com a Ace Metrix para nos ajudar a avaliar e definir quão engajador o vídeo é, antes que ele chegue a aparecer no Facebook. Queremos garantir a qualidade do vídeo e avaliar indicadores como potencial de ser assistido, significância e ressonância emocional”, esclareceu Susan Buckner, gerente de marketing de produto do Facebook.

Anunciar com esse formato, no entanto, não será nada barato. Segundo o AdAge, um dia de divulgação de anúncios em vídeo para um dos 4 grandes grupos demográficos da rede social (mulheres abaixo dos 30, homens abaixo dos 30, mulheres acima dos 30 e homens acima dos 30) custaria 1 milhão de dólares.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Scarlett Johansson and Matthew McConaughey Are Pretty And They Smell Good

A 2011 survey conducted by BlogHer and co-sponsored by global communications firm Ketchum found that bloggers’ endorsements wield more influencing power than celebrities.

I suppose this could be true in certain instances, but let’s look at the following instance, a dramatic long-form ad from Italian fashion house Dolce & Gabbana.

Why hire Martin Scorsese to direct Scarlett Johansson and Matthew McConaughey in a black and white vignette—an ad that costs millions to make—if fashion bloggers could do as much for the brand?

Because Dolce & Gabbana’s “Street of Dreams” is a fantasy, and it takes box office stars to realize this kind of dream. To motivate purchase intent, we needs to see Ms. Johansson and Mr. McConaughey flirt, and know that all the scenes smell of Dolce & Gabbana The One (and that we too can experience a romance-to-remember, simply by visiting our nearest Macy’s fragrance counter today).

I’m sure blogger-supported digital word-of-mouth does produce positive results for some products, but I can’t think of a single product that a blogger might peddle more effectively than Ms. Johansson and Mr. McConaughey. Can you?

The post Scarlett Johansson and Matthew McConaughey Are Pretty And They Smell Good appeared first on AdPulp.

Home Ground

Home Ground, c’est le superbe projet vidéo de James Aïken, cherchant à croiser deux cultures, celles de l’Islande et du Groenland. Une expérience enrichissante, mises en images avec talent, nous invitant à découvrir des glaciers et autres territoires où la nature a encore toute sa place. Plus dans la suite.

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Watch YouTube Celebrity Grace Helbig Sell St. Ives Hydration Spray


On behalf of Unilever, Arnold New York hooked up with YouTube sensation Grace Helbig to create a video promoting St. Ives Fresh Hydration Lotion Spray. So far, the video has achieved 113,000 views since its launch February 24.

It’s also got 13,000 likes and over 1,000 comments. In addition, Grace’s 5:40 “Behind the Scenes of My St. Ives Commercial” video has received just upwards of 150,000 views. Not blockbuster numbers but not too shabby either.

Glad Crashes Parties With Cheerleaders, Firebreathers, Acrobats


The next time you host a party, don’t be surprised if a Glad-branded troupe consisting of cheerleaders, acrobats, fire breathers and stilt walkers appear to liven things up. Glad has teamed with three lifestyle bloggers to host parties at which the Glad-branded troupe will show up.

It’s all to promote the brand’s Black Bag line of trash bags.

#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 54: Sam Meech


In this episode, we will be talking about knitting machines & digital images, punchcards, knitted Muybridge horse animation, and musical ‘textiles experiment’. Open source Swan pedalo will make an appearance too…. continue

Univision Adds ‘La Fabrica’ Division to Its Video Portfolio

Univision is launching a digital arm called La Fabrica, a Spanish and English-language initiative that will produce original Web video series. While Boris Gartner, vp of La Fabrica, told Adweek that brand sponsors were lined up, he wouldn't disclose names.

However, his team's first program, Medicina Desconocida (translates as Strange Medicine), has six 23-minute episodes already live, and 15-second pre-roll ads for Kmart appear before each video. (There will be six more episodes of the drama available in two weeks.) So retail appears to be a category Gartner's sales division is targeting for the endeavor.

A dedicated staff in New York and Miami is expected to create, script and produce several other series in the coming weeks.

"We believe there's a need in the market in terms of content for Hispanic digital natives," the vp said. "La Fabrica expands on our initiatives from the past couple of years."

It is designed to complement Univision's other multimedia, millennial-focused efforts such as UVideos (user-generated vids), Flama (English-language video content) and Uforia (digital music). Univision subsidiary, Fusion, will carry La Fabrica's English-language versions of its shows.

"There's a need for long-form content in digital," Gartner said. "There are a couple other initiatives we will be launching in Q2, which will entail articles and galleries but will be mostly video."


Neuro leva Neil Patrick Harris para a cama

Em uma galáxia muito distante, Neil Patrick Harris já foi o médico adolescente Doogie Howser, comprovando desde muito cedo o seu talento tanto na televisão quanto no cinema. Há nove temporadas na pele do galinha Barney Stinson de How I Met Your Mother, o ator conquistou novos fãs e oportunidades com sua incrível capacidade de transformar o que poderia ser ridículo em algo bacana. Basicamente, o que acontece neste vídeo para a Neuro.

O vídeo mostra o ator exalando sensualidade em um quarto aparentemente preparado para uma noite romântica, com velas, pijama de seda e tudo mais. Enquanto é isso o que a imagem mostra, vale a pena prestar atenção na música que ele canta, dizendo que após um longo dia, tudo o que ele quer é… dormir.

Sleep with Neil Patrick Harris tem criação da agência Brokaw e conta, ainda, com a participação especial do rapper Problem. Hilário!


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How Not To Make These Video Marketing Blunders

Many online businesses are finding that video marketing is a highly effective way to generate traffic and promote their products. The direction the internet is moving in is definitely towards more video and less text. The way people are consuming information on the Internet is changing day after day, which means video is gaining more momentum. Many people who use video marketing, however, tend to make some typical mistakes. So make sure you’re not making the kind of video marketing mistakes we’ll be talking about below.

1) It is a mistake to believe that if you stuff your video’s tags with keywords you will attract a lot of traffic and make it highly popular. What ultimately decides the fate of your video is the content and how much value you’re providing to your viewers. Seasoning your food is just like adding keywords to your tags. You just need to sprinkle them around for that added exposure. But you can’t completely depend on them and expect your video to get raving reviews even if it has bad content – just doesn’t work that way. 2) Not having a promotion/marketing strategy is another mistake that you should avoid by all means. It is much like trying to get from A to B with no map or clear directions. The reason you need to put together a plan is so you have a clear idea of what needs doing and when. On the other hand, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need a very complex approach. It is critical to have a good plan in place because you need to have an idea of what to expect and have some backup solutions in place once you start producing and distributing your videos.

3) Releasing fancy looking videos that lack any real substance is a typical video marketing mistake. Most often, the videos that get the most views online are those that have the best content, rather than those made with professional equipment. Your technology and equipment can always be upgraded at some point, but for the present your main goal should be reaching your viewers with the kind of content they want. If you understand this basic element, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

This article has proven that video marketing is effective and it also shows how to avoid these common blunders. Since you don’t have much to do in terms of strategy, it is easy to rectify these errors. You need to learn from these errors if you are to become successful with video marketing and also you shouldn’t repeat these errors.

Land Rover saúda quem não foge do frio

Hoje acordei as 5:50, saí de casa antes do galo cantar, peguei o trem em Londres com destino a Birmingham, no meio do mapa da Inglaterra, onde venho trabalhando em um projeto durante as últimas semanas. Frio. Estava bem frio. Parece que finalmente o inverno chegou por aqui e pela janela do trem pude ver aquela paisagem do interior com vales cobertos de gelo (não neve, ainda). Vi fazendeiros trabalhando as 6:30 antes mesmo do sol nascer. Quando desci na estação de destino saiu aquela fumaça pela boca. No Brasil não sofremos tanto com isso, pelo menos do Sudeste pra cima.

Logo que cheguei no escritório, assisti o filme de uma nova campanha da Land Rover (marca legitimamente britânica) para o mercado local, que me impactou demais, tanto por viver aqui quanto por ter vivido essa manhã gélida hoje.

A campanha “Hibernot” (um trocadilho para “se recusar a hibernar”) traz uma auto-crítica ao clima pouco amigável do Reino Unido, mas com uma boa dose de orgulho por aqueles que não fogem do frio. Com belas e sofridas imagens de gente “curtindo” o inverno, o vídeo brilhante da RKCR/Y&R pega na veia dos ingleses, como acho que pegou aquela bela campanha da Skol (“Ahhh, o verão”) para os brasileiros.

A campanha tem ainda um site com conteúdo colaborativo e um outro lindo vídeo (abaixo).

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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This Law Firm Allowed Its Ad Agency be Creative…And Got Great Work


Finally! A law firm ad that gets out of the conference room and actually shows some creativity. Working with Grey’s Hispanic agency, Wing, the Law Offices of Esteban Gergely, is out with a campaign that touches upon the common online practice opf attempting to erase one’s history when things don’t go so well in real life.

In this case, the issue is divorce. The agency created three YouTube spots that use thumbnails to allude to the videos’ content. In the “Honeymoon” video, “Kate & Tommy” are the subjects of video (alluding to Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise); in the “Wedding” video, “Katie & Russell” are the subjects (alluding to Katy Perry and Russell Brand); and in the “Anniversary” video, “Ashton and Demi” are the subjects (alluding to Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore).

When a user clicks on any three of these videos, the screen goes to black, the viewer sees the all too familiar statement “This video has been removed by the user.” The viewers see the tagline “Divorce happens” followed by the logo of the law firm.

We have to applaud Esteban Gergely for allowing Wing to actually do what an ad agency is supposed to do; be creative.

See the search links for each of the videos:



And the videos:

Top 10 Explainer Videos From CES Exhibitors


With more than four decades of success, the International CES reaches across global markets, connects the industry and enables consumer electronics innovations to grow and thrive. Every year CES draws attendees from around the globe ready to do business.

When it comes to introducing new products and services, start-up businesses must focus on distinguish themselves and their products from similar companies.

It is crucial to explain why should people choose you. As we believe in explainer videos, we went through the websites of this year’s exhibitors to see how often and how well they are using their explainer videos.

We took the opportunity to rate each video by Video, Audio, Concept and Coherence. Placement is very important. We gave 5 points if the video appeared on the main page. For each click it took to reach the video we subtracted 1 point.


Video: 4
Audio: 4
Concept: 4
Coherence: 4
Placement: 3

Using various visual techniques nicely, the video is engaging despite it is a bit long. Voice over and music works very well together, having a good pace and mood. Regarding the visual: mixing info-graphics with the actual website in this case a good choice, and we really like the almost 3d connections between the brand logos.


Video: 4
Audio: 4
Concept: 5
Coherence: 5
Placement: 5

We really like this video, brief, engaging, makes people curious. In just 45 seconds, we know what the product is made for, we know the advantages and when the video ends, we feel desperate to get some.

Of course it is not a high-end production, but as you see, it is absolutely possible to make an explainer video even on lower budget, that does the job! Yes, this is one.

Squint Browser

Video: 3
Audio: 3
Concept: 4
Coherence: 4
Placement: 4.5 (main page, but need to scroll down)

This product is great, it provides something most of us are looking for: ignoring useless content, only reading what we care for. It is like a relief. And this is why we think this video could be better… shorter, funnier, with happier music and better voice over.


Video: 2
Audio: 2
Concept: 2
Coherence: 3
Placement: 5

Well, the explainer video is on the main page, which is great!

Not having voice over works sometimes – depends on the concept. We found this video quite slow, while not really discovering the basic idea of the product. Music is too out of style, the StarWars-like text animation at the end is a bit corny, really fast and hard to read. After seeing the video, we actually had to scroll down and read what this application is all about.

But we have read it, so the video, in a way, worked after all.


Video: 4
Audio: 4
Concept: 4
Coherence: 4
Placement: 4

Everyone likes black and white, “hand-drawn” videos. This is a good one with nice characters. Introduction-problem-solution-details. It is all in place, but a 3 minutes long video will only engage someone desperate.


Video: 4
Audio: 4
Concept: 5
Coherence: 4
Placement: 5

Really good product, clean explanation, we instantly know quite a lot about the product.
Showing details of the actual application, info-graphics, pictographs as well. After seeing this, your only question is where to buy it and on what price.

And it doesn’t feel like it’s 1:47 long, so well done!


Video: 4
Audio: 4
Concept: 5
Coherence: 5
Placement: 5

Black and white, hand-drawn again, and in quite a short time we get what it is all about, despite the product itself is really technical and sophisticated. Very well done.


Video: 2
Audio: 2
Concept: 3
Coherence: 3
Placement: 5

The product obviously has determined the screenplay, but not bad at all for a low-budget video. Voice overs are not the best ones, some music would be nice, but this is a great example to see how important placement is!

On main page, very big window with a play button, impossible not to click on it! And it worked. Of course it did.


Video: 5
Audio: 5
Concept: 5
Coherence: 5
Placement: 5

Wow. So network. Much explained. Many cute birds. WOW.


Video: 3
Audio: 1
Concept: 2
Coherence: 2
Placement: 5

2:21 long, and at the end we were not sure about the service. The voice over is noisy. If only there were some music along with it to cover the poor quality of the recording.

But it is placed on the main page of their website and so we watched it! Twice, actually (to understand what it is all about)

We aren’t saying this video is very bad, it is just made for a product that NEEDS to be explained much better.

And there you have it. Is your explainer video meeting the right criteria?

This guest post was written by Gabriel Sarkadi of Easy Explain Video and was reprinted with permission.

Last Photo Video Series

Ivan Cash a eu l’excellente idée de lancer une série de vidéos ‘Last Photo’ tournées lors de ses voyages durant lesquels ils demandent à des inconnus croisés au hasard leur dernière photo sur leur téléphone. Une initiative sympathique à travers notamment une vidéo tournée à New York, Los Angeles et San Francisco.

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Top 10 Explainer Videos of 2013


Explainer video company Easy Explain Video has created a list of what it believes to be the ten best explainer videos of 2013. And, thankfully, they’ve taken a look at all explainer videos, not just the ones they created. Likely, you haven’t heard of any of the companies on the list except for McAfee. Then again, that’s the whole point of an explainer video; to introduce and explain new concepts and companies.

On the list are Quad, Kompoz, CrazyEgg, McAffee, VistaOneSolutions, Kurzgesagt, Heart Research Institute, Skin of Steel, Sundstedt and SilverRail.

Toys – Hey Boy

Le réalisateur français Louis de Caunes, après avoir récemment dirigé les clips de Saint Michel : Would You Stay et Katherine, s’est occupé de mettre en images le morceau « Hey Boy » de Toys. Une création en noir et blanc très réussie, entre skateboard et graffiti à New York, à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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Toys - Hey Boy

How to Make Dos Nog: Egg Nog With Dos Equis Beer


In this Havas -created holiday greeting from Dos Equis’ Most Interesting Man, we learn of an experience he had with a very stubborn donkey and his desire to have the recipe for the egg nog the donkey’s owner made for him. It, of course, contains beer. Dos Equis beer to be precise.

Below, enjoy the holiday video along with the recipe.

Serves 8
30 quail eggs, separated (or 6 chicken eggs)
1/2 cup sugar, plus 2 tbsp
2 1/2 cup whole milk
1 1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
4 oz bourbon
1 bottle Dos Equis Ambar
Cinnamon sticks to garnish — optional


To make Dos Nog you will need a few things: the ingredients above, an ambitious palate and a touch of interesting. Let’s get started.

Begin by combining ½ cup of sugar with 30 quail egg yolks. If you don’t have quail eggs, 6 chicken egg yolks will suffice. Beat in a stand mixer for several moments until the concoction doubles in volume. Mix in the milk, heavy cream, vanilla extract, nutmeg, your favorite bourbon and a bottle of Dos Equis Ambar.

In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites and 2 tbsp of sugar until peaks appear, resembling the waves beneath Count Beaumont-sur-Mer’s majestic vessel. Fold the waves into the yolk/sugar concoction, chill, pour into glasses and garnish each with ground nutmeg, a cinnamon stick and conversation.

Brazil Gets A Little Too Excited About A Very Berlin Wall-Like FIFA-Themed Bank Promotion


So Brazil is hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup and Itau Bank, with help from Agencia Africa, put together this epic (seems to be the word of the day today) video, entitled The Great Transformation, that shows the entire country of Brazil becoming encased inside a giant stadium.

Brazilians gleefully welcome the encasement. We’re not sure we’d like a giant wall around our country. Hopefully the walls aren’t patrolled like they are the walls surrounding Raccoon City.

Yea, we know this is a metaphor. And yes, the film is beautifully shot.