Brokaw’s New Campaign Is Literally ‘So Gay’

Here’s an unusual campaign created by Cleveland’s Brokaw to promote client Gay Games 9, a sports festival launching this Saturday.

As Brokaw creative director Steve McKeown told Crain’s Cleveland Business, the purpose of the project is to win “millions of dollars of free unpaid media and international buzz” by turning a hateful phrase into a celebratory statement and showcasing the talents of participating athletes who just happen to be gay.

From McKeown:

 “We felt that it was time to transform an ugly and ill-received phrase and repurpose it into something that sheds a positive light on what these athletes work so hard to accomplish. We know people in Northeast Ohio understand the significance of repurposing — as evident by the transformation of the region these last few years.”

While the campaign may not have won millions of dollars in media attention attention so far, it seems to be working in niche pubs, earning a mention on SB Nation’s Outsports blog this week. More images below (pics by Kalman & Pabst Photo Group).


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Neuro leva Neil Patrick Harris para a cama

Em uma galáxia muito distante, Neil Patrick Harris já foi o médico adolescente Doogie Howser, comprovando desde muito cedo o seu talento tanto na televisão quanto no cinema. Há nove temporadas na pele do galinha Barney Stinson de How I Met Your Mother, o ator conquistou novos fãs e oportunidades com sua incrível capacidade de transformar o que poderia ser ridículo em algo bacana. Basicamente, o que acontece neste vídeo para a Neuro.

O vídeo mostra o ator exalando sensualidade em um quarto aparentemente preparado para uma noite romântica, com velas, pijama de seda e tudo mais. Enquanto é isso o que a imagem mostra, vale a pena prestar atenção na música que ele canta, dizendo que após um longo dia, tudo o que ele quer é… dormir.

Sleep with Neil Patrick Harris tem criação da agência Brokaw e conta, ainda, com a participação especial do rapper Problem. Hilário!


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Come Work at This Ad Agency in Cleveland, Even Though It’s in Cleveland

Are you a fan of jorts? No matter. You will be wearing them daily after you move to Cleveland and start working at Brokaw.

Two weeks ago, the 54-person agency rolled out geo-targeted banner ads on Mediabistro, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter encouraging ad people in the larger markets to come and be a big fish in little old Cleveland. Among the perks promised in the ads: that your salary will get you a mansion, and that you'll look "slightly more attractive" than you looked in that bigger town with all those beautiful people. The ads link to, where you can actually try to make this Cleveland dream happen.

Brokaw says it's gotten more than 200 résumés from creative, strategic, media, and digital people at agencies like Mullen, Crispin Porter + Boguksy, Draftfab, Young & Rubicam, Taxi, Leo Burnett and Ogilvy & Mather. This is "proof the best culture can attract the best talent," the agency tells us. "Even to a city that still thinks 'jorts' are cool."

More ads below.