Light Goes On

Darren Pearson est spécialisé en light painting. Avec cette nouvelle création appelée « Light Goes On », il nous propose cette vidéo en stop motion dans laquelle un squelette de lumière s’amuse avec son skateboard. Un projet demandant près de 700 photos à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Cats Can Sell Anything!


As cat videos go, this one’s not interesting, not funny, not entertaining. In fact, it’s just plain boring. But 854,674 have watched it since October 21 which just goes to prove that, yes, cats can, in fact, sell anything. Or at least be used to sell anything. Or at least trick 854,674 people into watching a video. Anyway. In this case, these cats have been corralled to help sell Vileda house cleaning tools in Italy.

Overly Attached Girlfriend, Bad Luck Brian Hook Up in Haunted House


If you’re into internet memes, you’ll likely love this video, out late last month, from RealNetworks entitled Meme Hunters. It’s got Overly Attached Girlfriend, Bad Luck Brian, Good Girl Gina, Sheltered College Freshman and others who appear in the haunted house-themed video that aims to tout RealNetworks RealPlayer Cloud, a service that supposedly makes it easier to share videos.

The video is filled with an endless litany of internet memes that qill keep you giggling all the way through. How sharing a video can get any easier than sending someone a link we know not. Nor do we care. But, dammit, someone needs to find OAG a boyfriend!

These Guys Clean Their Apartment With A Skateboard-Mounted Mop Contraption


So you’ve just hosted a big house party. You’re hungover. Your pad is a mess. All you want to do is sleep all day long, right? Well not according to Vileda, a mop brand that thinks you want to go to the trouble of customizing your skateboard with the brand’s Easy Wring and Clean mop so you can board all over your apartment while mopping the floor.

Now who’s going to clean up all those scuff marks made while boarding all over the floor?

Rapper Does Magic Trick, Turns Old Man Pants Into Something Sexier

Dockers Alpha Khaki line is for young bucks with style, which helps explain this click-to-buy video featuring British hip-hop artist Tinie Tempah wearing Dockers.

The fact that this content-meets-celebrity-endorsement is underscored by a song called “Don’t Sell Out,” now that I can’t explain.

“We wanted to blend art, content and commerce to create a video people want to watch, and the Dockers element doesn’t seemed forced,” says Moksha Fitzgibbons, head of sales and marketing at Complex Media, which acted as creative director on the campaign.

According to Complex, the video has seen 1.5 million views since it was launched on October 1, 2013.

The post Rapper Does Magic Trick, Turns Old Man Pants Into Something Sexier appeared first on AdPulp.

Sustenance Film

Sustenance est une compilation de scènes présentant Asher Pacey, surfer mondialement connu. Tirées du long métrage de Matt Kleiner : Way of The Ocean, sur une musique de Moderat, les images en noir et blanc de la côte australienne sont sublimes. A découvrir en images et en vidéo.







Search Advertising Is Digital’s Big Dog

I don’t always look at bar graphs, but when I do…

I look at bar graphs from Marketing Pilgrim depicting digital ad spending, which is up 18 percent over last year’s first-half revenues of $17 billion, according to IAB.


What story does this bar graph tell?

One big story is how little brand advertising there is in the digital camp. Digital is dominated by search advertising. The rest of the digital ad pie is split between display, video, mobile, classifieds and various lead generation activities.

No question, display ads are improving in quality, and publishers are finding better ways to feature them on the page today. But of all the categories in digital advertising, video is the most brand-focused medium. A brand can offer commercials, episodic content, consumer-generated content and much more in video.

Another big story is how mobile continues to experience a massive rise in spending. Mobile is the fastest growing of all digital advertising types.

The opportunities for brands to grow their digital advertising capabilities (and see greater returns) is enormous. The opportunity for agencies to get digital right and make good money doing so is also at hand.

My contention is digital is so much more than direct marketing and data analysis. Just because you can measure it, is not reason enough to make measurement the principle yardstick of success.

Digital advertising, like any great advertising has to do more than inform and perform. For brands to be built, digital advertising also must move people emotionally. There’s no metric to measure love, but love is real and getting people to love your brand is the ultimate result of any marketing effort.

The post Search Advertising Is Digital’s Big Dog appeared first on AdPulp.

How Content Marketing Helps You Pick Up Girls


In an excruciatingly boring, overly-long “homage” to Apple’s “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” campaign, the International Content Marketing Summit is out with a video that tells us the way to get a girl is through targeted conversation rather than a numbers-based, “spray and pray” approach. Now, on the surface, this approach aligns well with real life. After all, walking up to every single girl and asking her for sex is far less likely to get anyone any sex. Taking the time to get to know each other through conversation at least begins the process of determining whether or not, ahem, further engagement makes sense.

Of course, the whole notion of this campaign is idiotic. It leads us to believe that brands want to hook up with consumers in a way that guys want to hook up with girls. And by hook up, you know exactly what we mean. It’s not a mutually beneficial arrangement. It’s a selfish, self-centered, one-sided arrangement in which the guy/brand gets immediate gratification and the girl/consumer is duped into submission.

This is not to argue content marketing is a sleazy form of marketing. Quite to the contrary. Done right, it can be very successful and mutually beneficial. But that’s not really what this video is describing. Its creators have turned content marketing into a pick up line joke and that doesn’t do the practice of content marketing any favors.

The Hunt

Spike Morris et Oscar Hudson ont réalisé cette belle vidéo intitulée « The Hunt » pour la série Random Acts du media Channel 4. D’une très grande qualité, elle illustre la détresse d’une femme victime d’une chasse à la cour. Une production Bad à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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McCann Turns Scooter Ride Into Epic Journey of the Senses


We’re not usually fans of pumped-up, over-the-top, bombastically bravado-laden, too-cool-for-school advertising work but we d like this new work from McCann Worldgroup for Honda’s SH Mode 125 scooter that turns a simple scooter ride into an epic adventure of the senses.

From raindrops on the face to sun on the cheek to the brilliance of flowers to an explosion of color to time with friends on the beach, this must be a really good commercial.

Denny’s Gives ‘The Hobbit’ Fanatics A Chance to See World Premiere


Denny’s has renewed its partnership with Warner Brothers to bring even more Middle-earth to Denny’s fans with a marketing tie in to the upcoming New Line Cinema/MGM film, “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.” To celebrate the movie, Denny’s is inviting Hobbit fans to showcase their dedication in “The Search for Middle-earth’s Greatest Fan” contest for the chance to win an exclusive trip to the movie’s world premiere screening.

Beginning today, through October 31, Hobbit enthusiasts are invited to visit and upload a one-minute video demonstrating why he or she should be named Middle-earth’s greatest fan. One grand prize winner will be selected by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson to receive a trip for two to attend the film’s world premiere screening. Four runner-ups will receive free Denny’s Grand Slam’s for one full year.

Of the partnership, Denny’s Chief Brand Officer Frances Allen said, “We’re thrilled to continue our tradition of celebrating ‘The Hobbit’ movies by engaging with fans in such a fun and unique way. We hope that these exciting plans, including awarding the ultimate ‘Hobbit’ fan with a once-in-a-lifetime experience, will entice and engage our guests once again as they come back to enjoy new and authentic Middle-earth-inspired dishes at Denny’s.”

Blair Rich, Executive Vice President of Marketing of Warner Brothers added: “This contest represents a creative way to hear from passionate fans of Middle-earth, while celebrating the debut of the second film in the Trilogy. Denny’s continues to help spearhead excitement around ‘The Hobbit’ films, and we, along with our partners at New Line and MGM, are delighted to see them roll out another wonderful Middle-earth-inspired promotion for fans and newcomers alike.”

In addition to the contest, guests will have the opportunities to get a taste of Middle-earth at Denny’s. Beginning November 5, fans can enjoy a variety of movie-inspired dishes from a special menu and access a selection of movie content in-store, including an augmented reality interactive placemat, a series of “Elvish Made Easy” social posts and a behind-the-scenes film content piece.

Fubiz TV 22 – Bruno Aveillan

A l’occasion du dernier épisode de la saison, Fubiz TV Issue 22 vous propose de découvrir une interview exclusive du réalisateur français Bruno Aveillan à propos de ses derniers projets. Retrouvez le meilleur de l’actualité graphique, ainsi que la vidéo de cette rencontre dans la suite de l’article.

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Goose – Your Ways

Le français Thomas Rhazi a réalisé ce superbe clip pour illustrer le morceau ‘Your Ways’ de Goose. Produite par Wanda, cette vidéo envoutante nous dévoile avec des images en noir et blanc les tourments d’une jeune femme perdue dans un monde froid et oppressant. Plus d’images et la vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

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Movement – Us

Focus sur Dave Ma qui a réalisé ce superbe clip illustrant le morceau « Us » de Movement. Avec cette superbe vidéo tournée à Los Angeles, cette création nous montre avec talent sur la musique du groupe d’électro les errements d’un jeune membre de gang. A découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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This Dewers Bukowski Rant Will Cause You to Question Your Life


Harkening and borrowing from Charles Bukowski’s works, this Dewers White Label video entitled “Live True” is, despite what a Dangerous Minds commenter dubbed akin to “mixing Bukowski with that kind of fatuous glib pseudo-anthemic indie shite is like reciting Shelley over the Spice Girls,” a beautiful piece of emotionally riveting work that will make you seriously question your direction in life.

And questioning one’s direction is always a healthy thing to do from time to time. I do it all the time. More so these days that in the past. Am I a journalist? Am I a blogger? Am I a photographer? Am I a freelance writer for hire? Am I a consultant? Am I heading in the right direction? Should I go back into the agency world? How can I compete with the likes of Advertising Age, AdWeek, Business Insider, Mashable, The Huffington Post and the 3,000 other media outlets now covering advertising?

There was a time when it was Ad Age, AdWeek and just a few other blogs, one of which was Adrants. We kind of owned the space. Not any longer. Oh yea, we toil along day in and day out but have, for the most part, been shuffled off into a corner like a washed-up, has-been celebrity who people respect but wonder whether or not it’s time to head out to pasture.

So when I view work like this & Rosas-created Dewars White Label anthem. I feel like I’m staring at the glass tower atop which I used to perch and wonder what I should be doing to get up there again.

So while some may trash this work as a pompous bastardization of Bukowski’s original works, we’re just going to curl up in a ball and re-evaluate out life for a bit. Later.

Grey Poupon Thanks Emmy For Not Winning


So last night. The Emmys. As you may have heard, Grey Poupon was nominated for a Best Commercial Emmy for its Crispin Porter + Bogusky- created “The Chase” commercial. It didn’t win. That honor went to Canon for its Grey New York-created “Inspired” spot.

Last night, Grey Poupon decided to release a concession speech made up of tweets and Facebook posts it solicited. At 6:41, the speech is epic…in length. And that’s really all.

AdWeek’s Lauren Reeves is Our New Favorite Ad Babe


So perhaps you’ve seen her videos already but if you haven’t you should head over to AdWeek and check them out. We’re talking about Lauren Reeves who is a comedian and has been brought in by AdWeek to comment on advertising. In her second outing, Lauren, who’s quite hot herself, comments on brands’ penchant for likening hot women to cars.

Of course, this is nothing new. Women have been draped across the hoods of card before your uncle was sporting a porn mustache in the mid-seventies. But Lauren has a witty way about her and we like her take on the sexification of the automobile.

We’d embed the video here but the stupid Brightcove embed code doesn’t allow you to adjust the video’s width so you can make it fit on your site.

Pictures in Video

Sur Claire de Lune de Claude Debussy, Gioacchino Petronicce dévoilé avec ‘Pictures’, une vidéo réunissant différents clichés et moments de vie qu’il a pu immortaliser. Près de 80 000 images prises dans différentes villes du monde au cours des 3 dernières années. Cette création en noir & blanc est à découvrir en vidéo.


Somewhere USA

La dernière vidéo de Vitùc nous emmène pour une errance éclectique au coeur des Etats-Unis. Somewhere USA a été filmé pendant un voyage de 2 mois à l’aide d’un Canon 7D, d’un iPhone 4S et d’une GoPro. La vidéo est porteuse d’une puissance émotionnelle rare qui happe le spectateur sur la route. À découvrir.


Gravity – Falling Montage

Plot Point Productions propose un montage vidéo de scènes de chute issues de plus de 60 films sur une musique de John Murphy tiré du film 28 jours plus tard. De Matrix, à Vanilla Sky en passant par DIe Hard ou King Kong, les références sont variées. A découvrir en images et en vidéo dans la suite.
