Eugenio Recuenco

Coup de coeur pour Eugenio Recuenco, ce photographe et créatif espagnol de 39 ans. Un monde mystérieux et des décors futuristes inspiré par les peintres classiques espagnols comme El Greco ou Goya. Plus d’images de son travail dans la suite.












Previously on Fubiz

Wrangler – we are animals advertising campaign

It has been quite some time since I did wrote on this advert blog but honestly I do not like much the latest ads posted by creative firms of the world. Not much too see on the new campaigns, few of them have good messages.

The only one new that I saw today was the Wrangler FLARE ad prints campaign and the related spot called “Animals”.

The new print campaign from FFL Paris for Wrangler illustrates humans as animals in different locations in the wild.

The Wrangler brand is repositioning itself through instinct and emotion.

The spot we are animals.
From The Press Release

In today’s society, our animal instincts are smothered by daily modern life, city-living and constant technological developments. Man is an animal, but he no longer knows it.

Wrangler’s new strategic and creative platform seeks to re-awaken our bottled-up instincts and to encourage who and what we fundamentally are, by putting all that is pure, natural and instinctive back into Man.

Agency: FFL Paris
Executive Creative Director: Fred & Farid
Art Director: Julie Louison, Perinne Durand
Copywriter: Julie Louison, Perinne Durand
Agency Supervisor: Fred & Farid, Daniel Dormeyer, Brani Branitcheva, Vassilios Basos, Paola Bersi
Advertiser Supervisor: Giorgio Presca, Mark Cuthbert, Gary Burnand, Carmen Claes
Art Buyer: Camille Guerrier, Charlotte Delobelle
Media Strategy and Buying: FFL Media, Pascal Crifo

Saving Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation

Few months ago I was telling you about a new ecological campaign from Romania aiming to save the Danube reservation. That campaign was talking about the ecological problems from Danubian Delta.

Preserving and protecting nature is now the subject of a new campaign.

Three ad prints are asking people to share 2% of the income tax to give a chance to solve the most important problems of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation.

Their mission is: “In the battle against people for the sake of nature! And, finally, for the good of our people. ”

The contribution of 2% for the Danube Delta can help rare species to survive.

I good call for many people to react against indifference and natures extinction.

YOC: The Year of Creativity

AdmCom launches YOC, a self promotion initiative designed to make 2008, the Official Year of Creativity.

A series of proposals ranging from web activities to direct marketing, and from unconventional inspiration to press campaigns that starts from everyday affairs and people and finishes by touching the world of advertising communications.

YOC – the Official Year of Creativity – is an initiative launched by AdmCom to dedicate 2008 to the exploration of the infinite potential of creative energy. The project includes a series of messages and opportunities embracing different forms and media designed to be both “used” and invented by the people contacted.

“Be the change you want to see in the world”, this is the idea behind YOC_BOX, the first in a series of initiatives launched by AdmCom.


An unusual self promotion tool, YOC_BOX is a box containing 366 ironic, surreal and provocative business cards. Each of the cards, which are personalized with the name of the person they are sent to, carries, in highly original graphics, an impossible profession or an imaginary role that we have all dreamed of, or perhaps, would simply enjoy doing for a day. This everyday object has therefore been destructured and reinvented in order to revolutionize the labels and habits that others see when they look at us or that we ourselves see when we look in the mirror.

The concept behind YOC_BOX is also at the heart of YOC_CLICK, the site at where you can view the 366 business cards. All the cards, which can be personalized with your own name and downloaded completely free of charge, are ready for printing. Alternatively you can send them to a friend who can personalize them online.

Soon all visitors to the site will be able to interact by sending their proposals for new, imaginary (but not therefore impossible) jobs, reflections and ideas to YOC_CLICK.


Many more ideas regarding creativity will soon be available inside and outside the site. As this is just the first step in the much vaster YOC – Official Year of Creativity – operation, which will continue with an entire calendar of events and new initiatives. Starting with a small suggestion: only those who are inwardly creative can also be creative with the world at large.

Advertising Agency: Admcom, Bologna, Italy
Creative Director: Maurizio Cinti
Art Director: Manuel Dall’Olio
Copywriters: Silva Fedrigo, Massimiliano Pancaldi
Illustrator: Manuel Dall’Olio
Released: January 2008

HP & Guerilla Marketing

In one of the coolest guerilla marketing campaigns I have seen in awhile, HP and Publicis (in Malaysia) have created giant fake black holes to give the appearance that you are walking towards a background.


Each “black hole” was placed in different urban settings (as you can see above) and they look like someone has busted through. Now, clearly this is selling the realistic look of their photopaper. I mean, from what I can tell from the photos, that must be some darn good paper if it looks that real. I guess I’ll just have to plan a trip to Malaysia and check it out for myself… but in the meantime I’ll just sit and wonder why I didn’t think of that.

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Seas and Coasts WWF ad prints

Another WWF social responsibility ad print that illustrates the environment disasters created by humans.

Actually this is a preview of what`s left from human actions over marine species and not only. Earth species can become the same as well if we don`t control our actions.

By 2050, indiscriminate fishing will have taken away 90% of marine species.
Defend the sea.




Ad prints are expressing the fact that soon the seas will only have human left overs in a very realistic way.

It`s not that easy to defend the nature, but we should all try.

Team: Antonio Montero/Jaime ChavarriClara Hernandez/Guillermo Santa Isabel
Agency: Contrapunto, Spain
Print: Seas and Coasts (WWF/ADENA)
Executions: Redes 1; Redes 2; Redes 3