Justin Timberlake All Night Long? Justin Timberlake All Night Long!

Well, ad guys and gals, after seven long years we finally have a new album from the 21st century equivalent of late ’90s-era Justin Timberlake, Justin Timberlake.

On Tuesday, JT dropped his third full-length solo album, The 20/20 Experience. While it won’t live up the expectations of those who wanted another FutureSex/LoveSounds, 20/20 is still a very enjoyable listen front to back. For those of you who just want to put on some entertaining jams to dance around to with your friends and/or significant other(s), 20/20 will not fail you. You will smile, you will have fun, and if you’re lucky, you might even feel alive again.

To celebrate the triumphant return of His Timberlake-ness, creative team Amy Matheu and Nick Larson of CP+B Miami have created JT All Night Long, a first-of-its-kind digital experience that allows you to listen to JT’s voice on loop while staring into his soulful eyes via a compilation of music video clips. Do you like your JT vindictive and in the midst of revenge sex? Then watching him record himself while getting his lip bit off from the “Cry Me a River” video may be your thing. What about swaggy zoot suit JT? Well, look no further than his buttoned-up self in “Suit and Tie.” Are you kind of a creep who’s into teenagers? Well then, enjoy some clips from old ‘N Sync videos and stay away from me, you fucking weirdo.

In any case, if you want Justin Timberlake all night long, this is the closest you’ll probably come barring an incredibly elaborate and well-planned kidnapping. For your own sake, I’d suggest this.

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Parody Poster Captures the Special Hell of Summer Music Festivals

Neat Dude Collective's "Yet Another Fucking Music Festival" parody poster is as observant as it is snarky, so clearly they've got some folks who've been to Bonnaroo and Coachella more than a few times. It's nice to see them point out "2 Dudes & a MacBook," because for a while I thought I was the only person who noticed that becoming more of a thing, although "Cute Girl With a Guitar and a Sundress" is slowly ceding ground to "Cute Girl Kinda Rapping to Shitty Drum Loops." And I hate to say it, but Neat Dude Collective—an entertainment, art and design group—could be the name of one of the bands playing this festival. Via Laughing Squid.

Media Decoder Blog: SFX Entertainment Buys Major Stake in Dutch Festival Promoter

The deal with ID&T, perhaps the biggest in the market so far, will give SFX a major foothold on the global festival circuit as it tries to build a $1 billion media empire centered on dance.

360i Minds Behind Oreo Super Bowl Tweet Promote Web Singalong

Singalongs can be messy affairs, like when that guy with the bad voice thinks he can hit soprano notes, or any Journey song comes on at a bar. A tweetalong, however, might be the perfect digital response to help us control our  unprofessional musical urges. Creatives from 360i and the Brooklyn band Rumors teamed up to create a website that might help promote “Slow Down,” a single off of the band’s album XOXO.

The site, essentially a digital singalong, compiles tweets from around the world that hashtag specific words in the song. As the song plays, different tweets pop up alongside the lyrics. And if you want to take a moment to read different tweets, scrolling over the hashtag automatically pauses the song. To continue the song, simply move the mouse again.

This isn’t the first time 360i took an innovative approach to ahead-of-the-curve content. During the Super Bowl blackout, the same Dentsu-owned firm’s creatives slid out some topical content for Oreo (more on it here). Brands have to use Twitter to stay relevant in our culture, but how they go about doing that has been hit-or-miss thus far (with more misses than hits). The success of Rumors will ultimately come down to the quality of music, but this blip on the social radar screen could earn them at least a fan or two.

FYI, Matt Wurst, director of digital communities at 360i, will be keynoting Mediabistro’s April Social Media Marketing Boot Camp. Go here for more info.

Senior copywriter: Nick Panayotopoulos
Senior art director: Roberto Max Salas
Creative Technologist: Tore Holmberg from Your Majesty.

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Media Decoder Blog: WPP to Invest in SFX Entertainment

The $20 billion advertising giant, with major agencies like JWT, Grey and Young & Rubicam under its umbrella, will invest an estimated $10 million in Robert F.X.Sillerman’s company, SFX Entertainment.

Record Label Rebrands

Un projet original imaginé par le graphiste Ben Geier, basé à Chicago et travaillant au studio Culture 22. En effet, il a réuni et transformé l’ensemble des logos et identités de ses labels préférés (Warp Records, Matador Records, Domino Records) dans un style très rétro. Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article.


Media Decoder Blog: Live Nation Names Gregory B. Maffei Chairman

Mr. Maffei replaces Irving Azoff, the longtime music executive who helped see Live Nation through its merger with Ticketmaster in 2010, and who left at the end of last year.

Baauer’s ‘Harlem Shake’ Hits No. 1 With Unlicensed Samples

Two artists belatedly learned that they play integral roles on “Harlem Shake,” a Web sensation that became a No. 1 hit on the pop chart, and both are seeking compensation.

Media Decoder Blog: Apple’s Internet Radio Service Said to Be Delayed

The company’s efforts to create an Internet radio service to compete with Pandora has been delayed by licensing negotiations with music companies, according to a number of people briefed on the talks.

Doritos Builds Tweet-Powered SXSW Stage That’s More Awesome Than the Acts on It

Doritos has built a 62-foot-tall, tweet-powered concert stage designed to look like a giant vending machine that turns your tweets with the hashtag #BoldStage into a real-time concert-control mechanism at SXSW. Confused as to how? They've made a handy infographic (below) to 'splain. You can not only use your furious tweeting power to choose the opening act at the Doritos gig, you get to choose their playlist, and then, just to mess with them, you control the special effects. That's right—smoke, balloons, pyrotechnics and fricking lasers are all in your hashtagged hands. So, of course, you can also send pictures of yourself having a freaking awesome time directly to the four-story-tall screen in the arena! There's a 9.6-second lag, presumably to make sure you don't tweet your beets. LL Cool J, Public Enemy, Ice Cube and Doug E. Fresh will be sharing the stage with Doritos' awesomely awesome creation of pure LED force. Listen to a low-energy LL ramble about it in the video below. But who really cares about the has-beens on the stage when they'll also be premiering new ads that launch the first Doritos global campaign titled "For the Bold" that will completely change the brand's look and feel?

Media Decoder Blog: Warner Music Owner Bets on Competing Digital Services

Access Industries, a holding company owned by Len Blavatnik, the Russian-born billionaire investor, is one of several parties investing $60 million in Daisy, a planned service by Beats Electronics, Beats announced late Tuesday.

Woman Gives Birth to Album of Classical Music in Strange German Ad

The minute-long ad for German composer Sven Helbig's new album, Pocket Symphonies, is a pretty straightforward representation of Helbig's goal to create something new from something old and weathered and mostly (but not quite) dead. It's a pretty good summary of Helbig's career, too. He's worked with Rammstein, Pet Shop Boys and Snoop Dogg, and staged elaborate multimedia events like the High-Rise Symphony, in which an orchestra played from positions on the balconies of an old apartment building in Dresden in 2006, to celebrate the city's 800th anniversary. Compared to that, this ad is a modest effort. The moment when the musicians rush into the medical theater to induce birth with dramatic strings and piano is neat, though. Directed by Kai Schonrath, with creative direction by Kolle Rebbe's Sascha Hanke. Full credits below.

Client: Sven Helbig
Executive Creative Director: Sascha Hanke
Creative Director: Matthias Erb
Copywriter: Sascha Hanke
Producer: Jankel Huppertz
Production Company: CZAR, Berlin
Director: Kai Schonrath
Director of Photography: Jan Prahl
Managing Director: Jan Fincke
Producer: Birke Birkner
Post Supervisor: Dennis Vocke
Production Coordinator: Simon Rühlemann
Makeup: Nina Düffort for Cisel + T.I.N.S.L.E.Y, California
Styling: Diana Dean
Cast Conductor: Gundi-Anna Schick
Pregnant Woman: Alexa Wilzek

A-Trak Steps In to Provide Soundtrack for Latest Sid Lee/Adidas Work

Nothing like a little beat-dropping to wind down the day. So, let’s let Montreal native and renowned producer/mixmaster DJ A-Trak (just watch this from 16 years ago) do his thing for a minute in a new Sid Lee spot for adidas Originals, which is part of a larger global campaign for the brand called “Unite All Originals.”

While the days of Daft Punk, Snoop and David Beckham joining forces in the name of geekdom may have long since gone, the party continues in Sid Lee’s world with the aid of A-Trak, retro visuals by French artist SoMe (who also directs the clip) and a horde of hip youths. And, thanks to the clever editing and digital production work from partners such as B-Reel Stockholm, the interplay between music and visuals provides for a fairly hypnotic experience. Hey, we’ll take this over the usual late afternoon stupor any day. Credits after the jump.


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Jaguar, RSA Release ‘Desire’ Trailer Starring Damian Lewis

So it would seem that the weird Lana Del Rey music video produced by Jaguar was merely a tease foreshadowing bigger things to comes. In fact, Del Ray’s four-minute warble-fest “Burning Desire” is actually the soundtrack to a new short-film that heavily integrates the Jaguar F-Type, Desire.

Starring Golden Globe-winning actor Damian Lewis (Homeland) and Shannyn Sossamon (who’s been kind of quiet since starring in such films as 40 Days and 40 Nights and Wristcutters: A Love Story), Desire is the result of a collaboration with Jaguar, Ridley Scott Associates and agency Brooklyn Brothers (the guys behind the Alec Baldwin/John Krasinski New Era spots). The short film has no official release date beyond “spring,” and a press release describes it as “a story of betrayal, retribution, passion and greed.”

In a statement, Lewis says of his involvement, “Working with the director Adam Smith from Ridley Scott Associates, it promises to be an adventure. Jaguar cars have played some iconic roles in film for many years and I’m looking forward to being the first to drive the F-TYPE in film.”

Of course, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a car company give its marketing a turn for the cinematic. In fact, it’s been over a decade since BMW Films’s Clive Owen-starring series The Hire gained critical acclaim for its groundbreaking approach to car advertising. In 2013, will the same sort of execution move F-Types? I suppose we’ll find out soon.

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Arnold Celebrates Perennial Link Between Jack Daniel’s, Rock & Roll

The folks at Arnold, which of course underwent a bit of creative restructuring last week, have returned with a new campaign for Jack Daniel’s, veering from the folksier, Americana-themed efforts of past years to highlight the Tennesee Whiskey brand’s longstanding relationship with rock ‘n roll.

Never mind the association with artists like Kid Rock or those insatiable rockers in Motley Crue (the latter of whom, if you remember, even featured a likeness of a JD bottle on the cover of their must-read autobiography, The Dirt). Rock’s alliance with Jack Daniel’s goes way deeper according to this Arnold’s new TV/web effort for the brand called “Legend.”

Photographer Danny Clinch plays a key role in “Legend,” and along with his work (see a behind-the-scenes clip here) and shots in and out of legendary venues, the campaign features everyone from Frank Sinatra to Bad Brains. The tagged :30 clip above lets you scroll though frame-by-frame and you can peep the web component here.

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Lianne La Havas – Elusive / Gone

Colin Solal Cardo de La Blogotheque a réalisé les clips de « Elusive » et « Gone » de l’artiste Lianne La Havas. Les 2 clips narrent une seule histoire et se suivent, permettant ainsi de raconter la naissance puis la mort d’un amour entre deux personnes dont la jeune chanteuse. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

Lianne La Havas - Gone7
Lianne La Havas - Gone6
Lianne La Havas - Gone5
Lianne La Havas - Gone4
Lianne La Havas - Gone3
Lianne La Havas - Gone2
Lianne La Havas - Gone8

Media Decoder Blog: Bertelsmann Acquires Full Control of BMG Music Company

Bertelsmann restarted BMG in 2008, and now has bought up the 51 percent stake owned by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, signaling a full return to the music business.

Media Decoder Blog: Universal Sells EMI Stake in Popular Music Series

The company, which acquired EMI’s recorded music division in a $1.9 billion deal approved by European regulators last year, announced on Wednesday that it had sold EMI’s share of the long-running pop compilation series “Now That’s What I Call Music!” to Sony Music.

Media Decoder Blog: Pandora to Limit Free Listening, Citing Royalty Costs

In a blog post on Wednesday, Tim Westergren, the founder and public face of Pandora, said that a limit of 40 hours a month on mobile devices would take effect this week for its free service.

Media Decoder Blog: History Shadows an Upbeat Music Sales Forecast

For those who have seen the industry’s optimism dashed before, an upbeat report on Tuesday by its global trade body, the International Federation for the Phonographic Industry, brought hope and skepticism.