Agency’s Ice-Cold Prank Turns DHL’s Rivals Into DHL Advertisers

Some evil genius of an agency is getting global buzz for delivery service DHL with a endearingly cold prank on the brand's rivals. There's just one problem: DHL didn't have anything to do with it.

In a video that's exploded across the Web over the last two days, we see how delivery services like UPS were tricked into toting around large packages that were essentially mobile billboards saying, "DHL is faster." The stunt was supposedly accomplished by wrapping the boxes in thermo-active foil that, when cooled, hid the message until well after the packages had been picked up by the competition.

Many viewers debated whether the stunt was real or fake, which still isn't quite clear. What is certain, though, is that it's not an official ad for DHL.

In an email to Consumerist, DHL issued the following denial of responsibility:

"This was not something that was initiated by DHL. The video was created by an external agency for their own internal competition. We were aware in advance of the intention to use it for this purpose. We were not aware of any plans to share it externally."


The brand stopped short of naming the agency behind the "Trojan Mailing," but the supposed video case study, already viewed more than 600,000 times, is hosted by German firm Jung von Matt/Neckar.

Real or staged, it's hard-hitting advertising at its best. Attention grabbing and not afraid to show its teeth, but also clever enough to avoid just being obnoxious.


Uma pegadinha genial da DHL com suas concorrentes

Ao invés de gastar uma fortuna com veiculação de sua publicidade, a DHL encontrou uma maneira econômica e divertida de divulgar sua marca.

Foram produzidas algumas caixas amarelas com o logo e a frase “DHL is faster” (a DHL é mais rápida). Essas grandes caixas foram cobertas com uma tinta preta, sensível à temperatura, congeladas, e então enviadas para alguns endereços através de suas concorrentes UPS, TNT e DPD. Com a temperatura abaixo de zero as caixas ficam pretas, mas quando as caixas esquentavam dentro dos caminhões das concorrentes, a tinta preta desaparecia e se revelava a propaganda, veiculada brilhantemente por entregadores uniformizados de suas principais concorrentes nas ruas.

Claro que os endereços de entrega foram devidamente escolhidos em grandes centros urbanos e com câmeras previamente posicionadas para filmar o case 🙂

Idéia simples e genial, com pouco budget investido.
Não consegui achar a agência que fez, se alguém souber comente aqui por favor 🙂  A agência responsável pela criação é a alemã Jung von Matt/Neckar (valeu Alessandro).


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Na busca pela agência que criou a campanha, acabei achando uma resposta muito boa da DPD (uma das empresas sacaneadas na ação) através do Twitter. No texto abaixo (em alemão) eles dizem que “a DHL é mais rápida quando a DPD faz a entrega 😉



OBS.: Depois do último Braincast eu quase escrevi o título deste post assim “VOCÊ NÃO VAI ACREDITAR O QUE A DHL FEZ COM SUAS CONCORRENTES” em homenagem ao Merigo, mas achei que seria sacanagem 😛

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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DHL Address

Un message clair et une exécution simple mais efficace, pour cette publicité de la marque DHL. Une baseline percutante : “If there’s an address, we’ll find it” de la part de l’école AAA School of Advertising à Johannesburg. Plus d’images dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

DHL Maxitransport

Une proposition et campagne pour la marque de transport DHL intitulé Maxitransport. Un bel exemple du travail de l’étudiant Pavel Bondarenko dans le cadre de son expérience chez JWT Frankfurt. Il est actuellement étudiant à l’European School of Design. Plus d’images dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

Turning Page by DHL

Une excellente opération marketing incrustée dans un magazine, avec l’usage d’un papier transparent entre deux pages. Une belle “démonstration produit” pour DHL, montrant la rapidité et la fiabilité du service. Un concept réalisé par l’agence Shanghai J&J Advertising Co en Chine.


Previously on Fubiz

Oops!…I Did It Again / Oups!… c’était déjà fait

oups2007 oups2009
DHL Courier Service – 2007
Source : Cannes Archive Online
Agency : Jung Von Matt (Germany)
Dash Courier Service – 2009
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Marked for Trade, Charlotte (USA)
Comme le dirait Britney Spears…

DHL’s fortune cookie

Click Image To Enlarge & Read Rationale

Agency: OctOpus, Dubai, UAE
Creative Director: Stu Higton
Art Director: Josef Domer

Via [ Dubai Lynx Website ]

DHL Heavy Weight: Giraffe

DHL Heavy Weight: Giraffe

Advertising Agency: Adams Advertising, Cairo, Egypt
Creative Director / Art Director: Ahmed Nabil

DHL Heavy Weight: Rhino

DHL Heavy Weight: Rhino

Advertising Agency: Adams Advertising, Cairo, Egypt
Creative Director / Art Director: Ahmed Nabil

DHL Heavy Weight: Elephant

DHL Heavy Weight: Elephant

Advertising Agency: Adams Advertising, Cairo, Egypt
Creative Director / Art Director: Ahmed Nabil

DHL: Hammer

DHL: Hammer

Before you even think you need it.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Budapest, Hungary
Creative Director: Gabor Spielmann
Art Director / Copywriter:Bruno Almeida
Photographer: Pal Nánási

DHL: Stairs

DHL: Stairs

As certain as if it was put into your hands.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Budapest, Hungary
Creative Director / Copywriter: Gabor Spielmann
Art Director: Bruno Almeida
Illustrator: Morpho
Photographer: Pál Nánási
Published: January 2008