Ad Revenue From Mobile for Pandora Increases

The company reported a loss of $7.8 million for the second quarter, but continues to experience rapid growth.


Tool Kit: Devices Lead the Way to a Smarter TV

While change is coming to the television set, for now the best way to get access to online video is through game consoles and other devices like Apple TV and Google’s Chromecast.


Expecting the Unexpected From Jeff Bezos

At, he has upended industries. Now he promises change at The Washington Post. If his history is a guide, he will have all the laughs.


Technology Industry Extends a Hand to Struggling Print Media

Whether from a sense of obligation, responsibility or guilt, the technology elite has taken up the cause of helping print journalism adapt to change.


NBC Buying Web Service to Stream Phone Video

NBC News’s acquisition of Stringwire will allow it to stream live video from the cellphones of witnesses to events into its control rooms in New York.


A Mogul Gets a Landmark in the Capital

Jeff Bezos, the founder and chief executive of Amazon, has kept a low profile in politics and has said almost nothing about his interest in newspapers, except that he reads them.


In Germany, Union Culture Clashes With Amazon’s Labor Practices

Unions say the company has imported American-style business practices that stand at odds with European norms.


Wiesenthal Center Calls for Closing of German Magazine It Says Glorifies Nazism

A Jewish group’s complaint against the magazine Der Landser has added to the debate over the balance between free speech and efforts in Germany to eradicate the neo-Nazi movement.


The Media Equation: TV Foresees Its Future. Netflix Is There.

Netflix has given a good shaking to the settled world of television: it has provided its own series, streamed them over the Internet and made them available all at once everywhere.


Johnny Carson Clips Are Coming to iTunes

Starting Tuesday, fans of the show can buy clips for $1.99 of “Tonight Show” episodes and special compilations.


Embracing Tablets, Comic Book Publishers Cash In on a Digital Revolution

The market is surging, with digital sales of comic books almost tripling in a year’s time.


Advertising: Apple’s Move Into TV Relies on Cooperation With Industry Leaders

Apple’s steps to reimagine television, like teaming up with ESPN, stand in stark contrast to efforts by Google to compete with established companies.


Filmmakers Embrace Reality, on the High Seas and Beyond

Movies based on real-life dramas are filling up the latter part of the Hollywood release schedule, connecting with audiences wired into news events.


Fallout From Apple’s Loss on E-Books

A judge in federal court Wednesday held that the company had violated antitrust law in helping set the retail price of electronic books, and said a trial for damages would follow.


Regulator in France Raids Office of Apple

Authorities reportedly want to know if Apple ordered its wholesalers not to deliver some products on time to retailers.


OWN to Show ‘All My Children’ and ‘One Life to Live’

The soaps will continue to be available on Hulu and iTunes, but episodes will also be shown on OWN, for a potential new audience.


Apple Executive Defends Pricing in Case on E-Books

Eddy Cue, a senior vice president at Apple, denied the government’s charges that the company was working with e-book publishers to raise prices.


European Trade Ministers Debate Terms of U.S. Talks

A major sticking point — France’s demand to exclude films, TV shows and other audiovisual services from talks — could prompt the United States to require exclusions of its own.


Apple Negotiator Defends Tactics in E-Book Trial

Eddy Cue, a senior vice president for Apple, denied that the company colluded with publishers to fix e-book prices.


Gatekeepers of Cable TV Try to Stop Intel

Intel’s plan to create a virtual cable service is running up against a barricade being guarded by cable and satellite distributors.