Electric Rainbow Railroads – Artist Bill FitzGibbons Lights Up with LightRails Art Installation (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) Artist Bill FitzGibbons created a light solution to the mundane Birmingham, Alabama railroad that he now calls ‘LightRails’. This art installation intends to brighten someone’s day by means of…

Warner and J.K. Rowling Reach Wide-Ranging Deal

The studio said Ms. Rowling would become a screenwriter, working on an adaptation of her “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.”


Thriller ganha versão em stop-motion feito com Lego

Lá se vão quatro anos desde que Michael Jackson morreu, mas o cantor continua sendo notícia. Há algumas semanas, por exemplo, o Felipe Cotta contou aqui que os membros remanescentes do Queen estão trabalhando em gravações de duetos com Freddie Mercury feitos há 30 anos. Mas o fato é que grandes estrelas como Michael Jackson nunca deixarão de ser lembrados – para o bem e para o mal – e até homenageados, como neste stop-motion assinado pela animadora Annette Jung, da Talking Animals.

Utilizando peças de Lego, ela recriou as cenas iniciais de Thriller, com direito até à transformação de MJ em lobisomem. O resultado ficou bem legal, mas é impossível não pensar no trabalho que essa brincadeira deve ter dado.

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No começo do ano, Annette já havia arriscado uma outra homenagem ao cantor, também utilizando peças de Lego em um stop-motion que destaca os principais passos de dança do artista. Vale o play.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Eco-Friendly Cat Mansions – This Mighty Cat Mansion Will Have Your Feline Feeling Regal

(TrendHunter.com) This cat mansion is the perfect place for your feline to feel as regal as it actually thinks it is. The entire ‘Mighty Mansion Crib’ is made out of thin wood so it’s also an eco-…

German Magazine Said to Glorify Nazis Will End

Der Landser said it was just offering tales of ordinary soldiers in World War II but was the subject of complaints by an American Jewish group.


Raw Cultural Close-Ups – The Real Photography by Manuel Araya Reflects His Origins (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) Manuel Araya is an extremely talented art director, cinematographer and photographer as he proves this throughout his real photography where different stories are told and captured. Araya was born…

Cesar Conde of Univision Leaves for NBCUniversal

Mr. Conde, who has been the president of Univision’s networks division since 2009, is joining a rival, the parent of Telemundo.


Retro Gamer Quilts – The Pixel Plaid Invader Blanket Leaves one Nostalgic

(TrendHunter.com) Paying tribute to retro arcade game ‘Space Invaders’ the Pixel Plaid Invader blanket from Hooklook is handmade using an intricate crocheting technique. The iconic game, designed by…

Water Tower

L’artiste américain Tom Fruin a construit ce château d’eau fait de plexiglas coloré. L’étrange structure est un hommage à New York et ces « water towers » qui habillent le toit de ses immeubles. Une façon originale de repenser un élément emblématique de la ville en utilisant une technique qui rappelle les vitraux des églises.


International Beer Club: Around the world, 4

A trip around the world in every round.

Advertising Agency: OFF­, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Andrei Ivanoff
Art Director: Giulio Pinotti
Copywriter: Mario Jorge de Oliveira
Graphic Producer: Carlos Alberto de Francis Filho
Account Executives: Caline Fonteneau, Renata Zani Laina
Media Director: Carlos Querino
Published: September 2013

International Beer Club: Around the world, 3

A trip around the world in every round.

Advertising Agency: OFF­, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Andrei Ivanoff
Art Director: Giulio Pinotti
Copywriter: Mario Jorge de Oliveira
Graphic Producer: Carlos Alberto de Francis Filho
Account Executives: Caline Fonteneau, Renata Zani Laina
Media Director: Carlos Querino
Published: September 2013

International Beer Club: Around the world, 2

A trip around the world in every round.

Advertising Agency: OFF­, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Andrei Ivanoff
Art Director: Giulio Pinotti
Copywriter: Mario Jorge de Oliveira
Graphic Producer: Carlos Alberto de Francis Filho
Account Executives: Caline Fonteneau, Renata Zani Laina
Media Director: Carlos Querino
Published: September 2013

International Beer Club: Around the world, 1

A trip around the world in every round.

Advertising Agency: OFF­, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Andrei Ivanoff
Art Director: Giulio Pinotti
Copywriter: Mario Jorge de Oliveira
Graphic Producer: Carlos Alberto de Francis Filho
Account Executives: Caline Fonteneau, Renata Zani Laina
Media Director: Carlos Querino
Published: September 2013

Lawmakers Show Anger Over BBC Severance Pay

A committee of Parliament held new hearings on the way the broadcaster had given large severance payments to senior editors in an effort to reduce its budget.



English is ICBEU. Trust me, it makes all the difference.

Advertising Agency: Making comunicação, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Creative Director: Rafael Bruno
Art Director: Renan Pelosi
Copywriter: Arthur Lobão
Published: September 2013


English is ICBEU. Trust me, it makes all the difference.

Advertising Agency: Making comunicação, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Creative Director: Rafael Bruno
Art Director: Renan Pelosi
Copywriter: Arthur Lobão
Published: September 2013

Typography Game

Type:Rider est un jeu qui sera disponible sur smartphones/tablettes et qui a pour ambition de faire découvrir la typographie à travers une expérience interactive et transmédia. De la peinture préhistorique jusqu’au pixel-art, cette création, à l’univers graphique très réussi, a été réalisée par Cosmografik, le tout proposée par Arte.

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Typography Game
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A Voyager 1 carrega a nossa mais ambiciosa tentativa de comunicação

Agora que a Voyager 1 deixou o Sistema Solar – após 36 anos de viagem – se transformando no primeiro objeto humano a atingir o espaço interestelar, é um bom momento para revisitar o conteúdo do famoso disco de ouro (feito de cobre, na verdade).

Mesmo que quase impossível de ser encontrada por alguma civilização inteligente – devido ao seu tamanho diminuto em comparação ao universo – é a mais audaciosa tentativa de comunicação do Planeta Terra com raças alienígenas.

Carl Sagan, que chefiava um comitê da NASA em 1977, incluiu no disco 115 imagens e diversos sons naturais que representam o nosso planeta e a humanidade. Além de saudações em 55 línguas diferentes, o disco também tem gravadas mensagens de autoridades e músicas das mais diferentes épocas e culturas.

Voyager Golden Record

O goldenrecord.org é o site ideal para você navegar nesse conteúdo. Explorando cada seção do disco, sem instruções prévias, assim como um extraterrestre faria.

A Voyager 1 agora está a 19 bilhões de quilômetros de distância no nosso Sol, e com bem menos tecnologia do que o smartphone que você tem no bolso, carrega um pouco de nossa essência para “onde nenhum homem jamais esteve” (© Gene Roddenberry).

Foi por causa de Voyager, aliás, que Carl Sagan escreveu o emocionante “Pálido Ponto Azul”. Em 14 de fevereiro de 1990, a NASA enviou um comando para que a sonda se virasse para a Terra, fotografando assim o planeta a 6,4 bilhões de quilômetros de distância. Apenas um ponto em uma imensa imagem granulada, dando a dimensão do nosso tamanho no universo. “O único lar que nós conhecemos.”

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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AAF Sounds Alarm About Advertising’s Tax Deductibility

The tax man comes in April for most people but some worry he may be returning this fall for the advertising industry.

Clark Rector, exec VP for the American Advertising Federation, is among industry lobbyists who worry the expensing of advertising costs will be targeted in a tax code overhaul underway in Congress — even if that Congress hasn’t proven itself capable of passing much legislation.

In a blast email this week, he urged advertising executives to contact the 39 Republicans and Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee and tell them to keep their hands off the ability of companies to write off advertising as a business expense.

Continue reading at AdAge.com

Center Parcs: Indian summer

Indian summer has arrived.

Advertising Agency: W&CIE, Paris, France
Creative Director: Thomas Stern
Art Directors: Arnaud Wacker, Guillaume Dupre, Richard Maljean
Copywriter: Renan Cottrel
Published: September 2013