The Upside Down Under

Kevin Rudd may have knocked off John Howard to become Australia’s Prime Minister, but now the hard part comes in trying to lead a country that has never had a sense of direction.

Snoop Dogg – Sensual Seduction


For those of you who don’t know, Snoop Dogg is a rapper. A gangsta, bitch-slapping-cop-killing rapper.
But Snoop, on top of this, is an artist with an amazing trayectory that has already surpassed hip hop, and he’s had the vision to collaborate with artists of all kinds.
Now, for a change, he recently released a hottt video. There are many like this one, I know, but this must be one of few I’ve seen that is so well executed.
Check the small details, like when the image repeats itself as the echo fades. Classic!.
And while we’re at it. The song is pretty damn cool too.
He’ll be coming to Chile soon, so those of you who are going, let me know how it was.

Graduating Design Students

It’s December which means that all the universities and colleges will be hosting their graduating exhibition. In the hope that the students will get a good job somewhere.

You would expect this part of the course to be the most important. The entire 2-4 years of study is wasted unless you get a job. Theory, attendance, attitude are all meaningless it all comes down to how good your book it. Does your work stand out from the pack? But how do you stand out when ou’r work is shoved into a corner of a room somewhere.

With that in mind why don’t the uni’s make more of an effort to sell their students to prospective companies. Why isn’t there a special screening of students just for potential employers? Why doesn’t every uni have an online database of students with their work samples?

Hyperisland seem to do this well but no uni (well none that I have seen) even come close to having a way to access a list of students and their work online.

There’s talented people all around Australia but there’s no way I’m going to Canberra on the chance I can see someone. Let alone Perth, Adelaide or any of those states.

What this does create is a way for the determined students to get a leg up on other students, but sadly the most determined students aren’t always the best.

Does anyone else have the same experience? or am I expecting too much?

Economic Indoctrination

The neoliberal indoctrination of young economics students in universities around the world all starts with one textbook – N. Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics.

The Canadians have creeped me out.

Holy jumping bass! I know I must be way, way late to the conversation about this campaign but, sweet baby peas, this made me jump right out of my chair.

I had heard tale of a campaign from the big, snowy that made Safe Happens look like an Archie comic, but  I just ran across it today. What say ye people? Horror film or effective ad? I’ll go first. Generally, I don’t go for the gore. But I have to admit these do change my thinking about safety. Or, at least, they really have made me think about safety. Somehow that gets me over the "taste’ hump.

Yanick Dusseault



Gattaca, War of the Worlds, The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.
Only a few of the movies Yanick Dusseault has made his amazing matte paintings for.

The Digital Pitch

The rise of the digital media gives advertisers unprecedented access to your personal life. With billions of dollars at stake, corporations are using this powerful medium to hone their ads precisely to your interests and unconsciously influence your ideas and values.

cosasnotansimples at DesignYouTrust


Today I noticed that my website had climbed a few spots more than ussual in the Blogalaxia rank, which then led me to check my stats to find out that my web had been featured at the always awesome DesignYouTrust, a blog dedicated to showcase graphic design at its best around the world.
An absolute and total honor that leaves me more than happy with renewed energy to keep working.

V Water London



Hotshop Awards 2007


Australian Creative magazine are again running their Hotshop award for 2007. This time they remembered to include “Digital/Interactive” in the official entry form!

It’s $110 an entry and entries close Jan 23, 2008 so plenty of time to get a sexy looking entry together. Last year there were around 11 interactive agencies who entered. Let’s see if we can boost that up for this year.

Munk Yourself!


20th Century Fox wants you to Munk Yourself for Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Create your own chipmunk character and record a custom message (which gets chipmunkatized) and send it on to friends. It’s similar to Simpsons avatar or Simponize Me, except the emphasis is on recording your own message and the users voice rather than uploading your face.

Designed and built by Soap Creative using Oddcast technology.

The Simple Life: How To Bring The Land Back To Us

Long before organic grocery stores and hybrid cars, our grandparents led the kind of sustainable lifestyle that everyone from environmentalists to celebrities are now endorsing. As the world struggles with its ecological crisis, it’s time to look back at how the previous generations lived if we want to save the planet for the next.

Changing Climate

Once the preserve almost exclusively of environmentalists and scientists, 2007 was the year when climate change went big business. But this corporate volte-face raises some serious problems about  whether we should accept this overture or steer clear of what still looks like industry greenwashing.

Fred Eerdekens



What you can do by proyecting shadows.

Bearded Ski mask


Gotta get me one of these… and so can you for about US$135.

Treuce with my server


If you were around my website in the last 4 or 5 days, you might have noticed that sometimes it appeared full, other times some posts were missing, then some comments and so on. I even think one or two posts were lost for good.
The thing is after some conversations with my hosting provider and their really good attention, en theroy my website is now fully functional as it should be. No missing contents, no bugs, no nothing. Or at least it should.
So to all of you who saw my website pop up differently every time you went into it, my appologies, and if you have a comment, complaint, advice, etc. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to this entry.
Much love everyone and thanks for visiting my website.

Ben Newman + Ric Stultz + Joe Infurnari

Ben Newman

  • Ben Newman est un illustrateur de Bristol. Le style très découpage + matière trash est cool :)

Ric Stultz

Joe Infurnari

  • Joe Infurnari a réalisé une BD en ligne appelé The Process que je vous invite à lire.
  • Il a un site très complet sur ses réalisations graphiques… Il est fort ;)

The Futures Channel


I got to this website through a post in ComputerLove about cell phones design and the importance of millimeters. A really good video, but then I noticed on the side there was this video about skateboards design, and after I saw that one, I saw another one about bicycle design, and then another about guitars design, and I’ve been hopping from video to video throughout all morning.
An excelent website with videos on science applied to non-traditional matters under the m.o. “Connecting learning to the real world”.
Link: The Futures Channel.

Tim Jarvis – Magnasoma




Been obsessed with waves and geometrical shapes for quite some time now, and it seems like Tim Jarvis knows a thing or two about those things.
Link: Tim Jarvis.
Via: Evasèe.

Chiara Bautista + 40 logiciels libres de graphisme + Tutorial Digital Painting

Chiara Bautista

  • Chiara Bautista connu sous le nom de Milk (Lait…) est une illustratrice qui déchire vivant en Arizone, USA.
  • Ses travaux sont visibles sur son MySpace… Très orienté catcheuse mexicaine et petits oiseaux… drôle de mélange.

40 logiciels libres graphisme

  • Le blog Bite Us nous offre un bon post avec 40 logiciels gratuits pour le graphisme, beaucoup venant du monde linux ;)
  • Cela ne vaut pas une bonne suite Adobe, mais au moins c’est gratuit et légal ;) Faites vous plaisir !

Tutorial Digital Painting

  • Juste pour le plaisir, un petit tuto pour colorer vos dessins par ordinateur.
  • Je sais que ce n’est pas le seul (j’en ai pleins…) et je pense que si ça intéresse des gens, je les mettrais avec plaisir ^_^ !