The Third and The Seventh

I can’t stress enough that you need to watch this.

A beautiful encounter between Architecture and poestry, and probably one of the most moving and amazing videos I’ve seen lately.

Most incredibly. It’s all made in CGI.

via: @hugoandmarie


By Gary Hustwit, the same man behind Helvetica: The Film, now comes Objectified, a documentary dedicated to our relationships with objects in everyday living, from the idea to the final product.

A must-see for any kind of designer at the very least.

The movie hasn’t been released yet. Any new information will of course be posted here.

Gun-made sculptures

Awesome sculptures made by the Peace Art Project Cambodia.

All made only with unused gun parts.


Via: TrendHunter.

The Futures Channel


I got to this website through a post in ComputerLove about cell phones design and the importance of millimeters. A really good video, but then I noticed on the side there was this video about skateboards design, and after I saw that one, I saw another one about bicycle design, and then another about guitars design, and I’ve been hopping from video to video throughout all morning.
An excelent website with videos on science applied to non-traditional matters under the m.o. “Connecting learning to the real world”.
Link: The Futures Channel.