Fight isolation, poverty, neglect

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Advertising Agency: Pirana, Dubai, UAE
Creative Directors: Arun Diwakaran, Shehzad Yunus
Art Director / Copywriter: Kiran Chandorkar

Via [AdsoftheWorld]

NBC’s ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Slips 21% From Premiere

MINNEAPOLIS ( — Just because Sunday Night Football is over doesn't mean the night's prime time isn't about gamesmanship. But it was the reality game show that didn't win its timeslot that was the bigger story of the night, as "Celebrity Apprentice," which is running concurrently with host Donald Trump's endgames with several of his troubled, if not bankrupt, business ventures, lost 21% of its season premiere audience from last week, falling to a 3.1/8 rating and share in the ad-centric adult 18-49 audience.

Goodby’s Singalong for Comcast, Ground Zero Throws an Ace for ‘MLB2K9,’ How a Condom Ad Should Be and Other Work

In this week's episode of Creativity's Top 5, Goodby Silverstein pens a song for Comcast; Ground Zero pairs Giants pitcher Tim Lincecum with his digital self for 2K Sports' "MLB2K9"; Patrick Daughters directs a haunting take of Depeche Mode's "Wrong"; GT Tokyo and director Kan Eguchi show how condom spots should be; and Deutsch teams with Zoic for Sony PS3's "Kill Zone 2" battlefield

Fine! Here’s Your Filet o’ Fish Ad!

I just can't resist this goofy ad.

Windows Live | Quem?!!!

Mais um lançamento da Gringo hoje, dessa vez para o Windows Live da Microsoft. “Quem?!!!” é um teste virtual bem-humorado que mostra quais ferramentas do Windows Live combinam com o seu estilo.

São 16 personagens diferentes, cada um apresentando uma das características da plataforma, como Messenger, Hotmail, Spaces, Galeria de Fotos, etc. É produto martelando na tela o tempo todo, mas mostrados de maneira divertida.

O site foi desenvolvido através de Silverlight, também conhecido como “o Flash” da Microsoft.

Windows Live Quem? Teste Virtual

Windows Live Quem? Teste Virtual

U2 Falls Off Apple Cart

There are probably few artists as closely tied to a piece of hardware as U2 is to the iPod. But now, with a sponsored global tour to promote its new album "No Line on the Horizon," the band has left Apple for RIM's Blackberry.

Cable, Satellite Providers to Push Pay-per-View Porn

LOS ANGELES ( — The economy may be in shambles, but satellite and cable companies are making whoopee. Faced with increased competition from former phone companies such as AT&T and Verizon, satellite and cable companies are loosening their chastity belts and getting more aggressive about promoting adult content on other male-heavy channels such as ESPN and Spike TV.

The first video to promote a Facebook application

This new application is promoting itself outside of Facebook via this viral video below.
Apparently it’s an application to snipe your friends on facebook’s pictures.

It says:  Grab your friends pictures from Facebook and snipe them as they try to escape. Set up a league or […]

Inked Photo Subjects – Geneva Exhibition Celebrates Etienne Dumont’s Tattooed Body (GALLERY)

( Krisal gallery in Geneva is launching a new photography exhibition showcasing Etienne Dumont, a bizarre, eccentric personality who is tattooed from head to toe and has several implants including horns…

OMG! No Parties at Cannes This Year?


Everyone knows the real reason ad people go to conferences and awards festivals is for the networking and the parties, right?

Ryanair CEO Says He’s Serious About Pee-for-Fee Plan

Ryanair is seriously considering charging people for the right to use the head.

Samsung divulga SSDs com pornografia para geeks

Samsung SSD

A Samsung pediu para a sua agência pensar em um alguma coisa para divulgar os SSD (Solid State Drive) da marca. Mas no meio de tantas propostas péssimas de anúncios, um cara teve uma idéia melhor: criar pornografia para geek.

Construíram um supercomputador com 24 SSD’s instalados, totalizando 6 terabytes de capacidade. O resultado: uma máquina capaz de ler/gravar 2 gigabytes por segundo, abrir 53 programas em 18 segundos, ripar um DVD mais rápido do que jogá-lo pela janela.

Ao demonstrar a performance de seu produto de maneira lúdica e divertida, a Samsung vem virando notícia em diversos veículos especializados. Confira no vídeo abaixo, e se tiver coragem, ainda mostram o que é necessário para construir o super PC:

The New Samsung Hard Drive…Yawn…ZZZ…Oh Wait, This is Good!


So we get this link to a video that’s supposed to illustrate how great the new Samsung SSD hard drive is…

Samsung SSD Awesomeness

What Happened to the Beer Babes?


Rising (falling?) YouTube starlet Jill Hanner wonders what ever happened to those beer ads where the beer was decided on how hot the girl was?

Banned Designer Billboards – Sexy Armani Exchange Promo Deemed ‘Too Racy’ (GALLERY)

( This new billboard ad for Armani|Exchange seemed to have all the necessary prerequisites to be highly successful. I mean, there is cleavage-dropping, sex on the beach, and a hunky male model named Parker…

Google’s Revenue Weakens Markedly Over Past Month

Last week, when Google CEO Eric Schmidt described the economy as "pretty dire" and said Google was "not immune," some analysts argued that Eric's comments were not new and should not be taken to mean that Google's business is deteriorating.

Ad Recession Brings on the Belly Fat

NEW YORK ( — The recession is having a slimming-down effect on media businesses, but it's feeding the proliferation of pot bellies and muffin tops across the web.

ATTIK Out With NoiseFive


ATTIK, as it did four times before, is out with the fifth version of its “experimental design book,” NoiseFive.

Terminator: Salvation | Game

“Terminator: Salvation”, ou seja, “O Exterminador do Futuro 4″ estréia nos EUA no dia 27 de maio (5 de junho no Brasil), e como se o chilique do Christian Bale já não fosse o bastante para divulgar o filme, a Sony/Columbia Pictures investiu em um game multiplayer online.

Criado pela Big Spaceship, o jogo permite que você escolha de qual lado lutar: máquinas ou humanos. O objetivo é destruir o inimigo, um outro jogador online, antes que ele faça o mesmo com você.

Muito bem produzido e graficamente impressionante para um game que funciona no browser, sem nenhum tipo de instalação necessária, mas ainda assim pesado para a pífia conexão brasileira.

Segundo Michael Lebowitz, CEO da Big Spaceship, a intenção do projeto é agradar também os gamers hardcore, e não só os casuais. E ainda que não atinja nem de perto o nível de um jogo de console atual, que tenha pelo menos energia, engajamento e experiência visceral parecidas diretamente na web.

Terminator Salvation Game

Terminator Salvation Game