Creative Director Kate McCagg Joins Havas New York

Kate McCaggThis morning we confirmed that Kate McCagg, most recently creative director at Razorfish, has left Portland for New York and a CD spot on the Havas Worldwide roster.

An agency spokesperson confirmed that McCagg started at Havas last week and that she is “partnering with Monica Escobar to lead Ritz (Mondelez) and working across other accounts as well.”

The official statement from Havas CCO Darren Moran:

“Kate is a thoroughly modern creative director. She’s a thinker and a maker. A writer and a lover of design. A humanist and a tech geek. Half of her career has been spent at ‘traditional’ shops, half at a digital agency. So she can do a lot and do it well, which makes Havas the perfect place for Kate. We’re thrilled she’s joined us.”

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ROKKAN Media Offering Launches with R/GA, MRY Hires

rokkan-280x187Publicis Groupe’s ROKKAN has officially launched its new media planning/buying offering, and its staff already includes three industry vets:

  • Sean Miller, who is SVP of strategy, most recently worked in the strategy/planning department at R/GA New York
  • Lindsay Williams, VP of media and analytics, joins the agency from Estee Lauder, where she was global brand director; prior to that role she worked with several clients at Razorfish
  • Joe Meanor will serve as VP of client partnership. He joins ROKKAN from MRY, where he worked as group director

CEO/managing partner John Noe explains the offering’s purpose:

“Media is actually something we’ve been doing for several of our clients over the last couple of years, albeit in a bit of an ad-hoc fashion.”

As client requests for paid services increased, Noe and team decided to launch the new offering, which is less an independent unit than a “natural progression” of the agency’s existing services.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Razorfish Responds to Layoff Rumors

razorfishHere’s Razorfish’s response to rumors that 20-30 employees were laid off last week:

“In order to ensure our clients continue to access best-in-breed services that operate at the intersection of technology, media and creative, we sometimes need to modify our staffing structure. Less than 2% of our North American staff was affected by the change. We continue to remain committed to recruiting new talent and skill sets in support of our clients’ ever-evolving needs.”

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Big Mac Turns Your Brain Into a Drooling Pile of Oblivious Mush in British Ad Stunt

McDonald's puts our minds to the test in this British campaign from Razorfish that features prankvertising and an online quiz.

The premise is that people can't concentrate on anything else when the Big Mac is nearby. Unlike some recent hair-raising ad stunts, and the million-calorie sandwich itself, the prank element here is pretty benign.

On a busy street, a young couple with a camera ask presumably unsuspecting passersby to take their picture. As they primp, a large portrait of a Big Mac is carried past by a different couple, who quickly switch places with the original pair just as the photo is about to be snapped. (It's cool how boyfriend No. 1 starts a sentence as the Big Mac obscures him from view, then boyfriend No. 2 appears and completes the sentence once the switch is made.)

The subjects don't seem to notice that anything's amiss. Maybe a devil baby puking up special sauce would've gotten their attention? Just a thought.

Anyway, the original couple from the clip also host a series of interactive "mind games" designed to demonstrate the Big Mac's distracting power. I thought the hypnotic properties of two all beef patties, yada yada, on a sesame seed bun had been irrefutably established long ago. Obviously, when one appears, so plump and juicy … I cannot turn away!

Oddly, when McD's showed in detail how McNuggets were made, I couldn't make the screen go dark fast enough. Still, I'll have fries with that!


We Hear: Is Brian Wallace Out at Motorola?

Brian-Wallace We’ve reached out to the Motorola camp on multiple tries and haven’t succeeded but sources tell that Brian Wallace, who joined the Google-owned company barely a year ago, is no longer there. Here is one of several comments we’ve received: “Razorfish took on Motorola when Brian Wallace went there, while still working on Samsung. They did the Motorola work under the name Digitas (and still are).  Media planning/buying is being done by the real Digitas (NYC office) but the rest is Razorfish Chicago and Austin. Some key individuals were working on both at the same time [names redacted]. Samsung was not happy about this. Legal got involved. Went on for a while; Razorfish knew that Samsung would wind down the biz and move on, and it was so.”

Oy, if you recall, Wallace’s relationship with Razorfish dates back a few years, during the time he worked at RIM and served as VP/global digital marketing and media for the latter brand. Prior to his most recent gig, Wallace served in a similar VP/strategic marketing role at Samsung.

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Here’s More on Samsung/Motorola/Razorfish


Yeesh, this story will not cease, and the tipster onslaught continues. To add a little bit more color if you will to yesterday’s story about Samsung/Razorfish/Motorola, we’ve got this word from a source in the know. We forgot to mention that Brian Wallace‘s relationship with the agency extends back to his Blackberry days at RIM, where he spent well over a decade and last served as VP/global digital marketing and media.

Once again, we will keep the other parties’ involved name redacted but we have received several tips about this. Here’s the first allegation: “I was part of the Denuo team on Samsung. The only firewall was that we worked on different floors. In many cases, Blackberry people would pitch in on the Samsung work. [Redacted] knew, his former employer didn’t. I heard the same thing happened again with Motorola (I still have buddies there).”

Along with being told that this was “common practice” at the agency, we’ve been told that employees have not only been given two business cards in order to promote both the GS4 and the Moto X “within days of each other,” From what we’ve heard from those in the know it was one card for Razorfish and the other at fellow Publicis Groupe-based shop, Digitas/Denuo. These tips are getting too numerous to accumulate. If you recall, Samsung just hired Razorfish over a year ago to work as the brand’s digital AOR.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

We Hear: Is This Why Samsung Parted Ways with Razorfish?


You might recall that over the summer, Samsung moved its U.S. digital business from Razorfish to R/GA and now, all of a sudden, we’ve been filled with tips possibly about the reason why. According to sources familiar with the matter, there were conflicts of interest at hand. We hear senior execs on Razorfish’s mobile biz (we won’t name names at this point as we’re still checking on things) had also pursued the relaunch of Motorola–a direct competitor–not too long after head Samsung marketer Brian Wallace , who we’ve been told brought on Publicis Groupe-owned Razorfish to its roster while he was the former company, left for a similar role at Motorola late last year.

The kicker is that our sources say that Razorfish worked as fellow Publicis Groupe digital agency Denuo in order to maintain the Samsung biz and technically handled both Samsung and Motorola at the same time, hence the boot. Oy vey, it sounds like a mess and we’re looking into it, though our sources in the know actually worked on the account but we’ll try to get some more info on the matter. Feel free to chime in below.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

We Hear: What is Going on at Razorfish? (Updated)

Razorfish hasn’t been the most communicative as of late, but we’re checking in on this as we’ve received multiple tips from various sources that the agency cut staff in it the central/SE region, specifically offices in Chicago, Austin and Atlanta. While we await some sort of comment/clarification, our spies tell us that approximately 25 staffers were affected across departments including some VPs. We’re hearing a certain major digital account loss in recent weeks might be to blame, but we’ll of course update as soon as we hear more. Stay tuned.

Update: Asked and received. Here’s a statement from Razorfish that maybe clarifies things: “As with all successful professional services organizations, we regularly adjust our staff levels and skills mix to align with current client needs. In keeping with that strategy, we did have to adjust staff levels in a few of our offices, which totals less than 2% of our North American staff. We will, however, continue to bring new talent and new capabilities into the agency to ensure we exceed client expectations.”

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Palmer Parts Ways with Razorfish

For whatever reason, the Razorfish camp has been unusually unresponsive since we started inquiring about this last week, but yes, it appears that executive creative director Rob Palmer has left the Publicis Groupe agency after nearly three years. Palmer, who served as ECD at Razorfish West but actually worked out of his home turf in Boise, initially joined the agency as creative director after co-running his own shop, Mitchell + Palmer. From what spies are telling us,Palmer’s recent departure preceded yet another round of cuts–though relatively small this time around–at Razorfish (we’re hearing anywhere from 5-10).

Anyhow, prior to Razorfish, Palmer spent some time as a CD on eBay while at Goodby, worked in a similar role at BBDO and served as CD for several years at W+K on accounts like ESPN and Nike.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

We Hear: Razorfish Cuts in Central/SE Region? (Updated)

The numbers have been varying all morning on this one, but we’ve received several reports that Razorfish has cut staffers across departments, across cities ranging from Chicago to Atlanta to Austin.

We’re hearing anywhere from 30-50 staffers (actually, some are saying even 100?!) have been affected. Was it due to the Publicis Groupe-owned agency overbooking staff on the Samsung digital biz? We’re not sure at this point, but the tips have been piling up all morning on this one. We’re of course checking and will keep you posted if and when.

Update: Here’s a quick statement from a Razorfish spokesperson: “As consumer needs continue to shift alongside the digital landscape, we periodically make staff adjustments to guarantee we’re equipped with the skills that match our clients’ changing demands. The recent workforce reduction will ensure continued operational health as we evolve these critical offerings moving forward.  Our capabilities and staffing are now further aligned so that we can continue to effectively deliver solutions at the intersection of technology, media and creative.”

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Razorfish talent wins Digital Young Guns

A big congratulations to the youngsters Nikki Šulentic and Meghan Petersen from Amnesia Razorfish. Coming in third in the popular pre-vote they managed to win by taking the live pitch round. They are now off to New York for the global round of AdTech’s Digital Young Guns competition.

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Fazendo compras como em Minority Report

Não é de hoje que muitas pessoas têm optado por fazer suas compras online. Muito mais do que livros ou aparelhos eletrônicos, mas também roupas, sapatos e tudo mais que estiver disponível. Basicamente, abrimos mão de experimentar uma roupa em troca das comodidades que um site oferece. Mas é mais do que isso. Online, a gente encontra com maior facilidade produtos pesquisados anteriormente, além de termos sugestões de produtos que combinam com nosso perfil.

Já tem um tempo que a gente tem pesquisado aqui na Royalpixel maneiras de integrar as facilidades da loja online com o PDV físico. Afinal, com tanto avanço tecnológico, fica difícil entender porque o mundo físico ainda não está ligado ao conteúdo digital. Recentemente, entretanto, a Razorfish anunciou um novo projeto, que propõe uma forma de reinventar a tradicional ida às compras.

Denominada 5D, a plataforma já disponível em versão beta propõe integrar diferentes dispositivos digitais em ambientes de varejo. Isso significa que a 5D é capaz de conectar quiosques, telas, tablets e smartphones para criar maior envolvimento do público – e até mesmo dos funcionários das lojas – com os produtos.

Para que essa integração seja completa, são necessários 5 elementos-chave: os dispositivos, conteúdo, experiências, analytics e o gerenciamento do relacionamento com o consumidor. E, é claro, uma boa dose de encantamento, algo que não pode faltar a nenhum bom projeto digital.

Para que o conteúdo funcione, assim como online, ele deve ser relevante e acompanhar o consumidor, criando uma experiência personalizada para lembrá-lo dos produtos que ele viu. Assim, mesmo que o consumidor não compre aquele produto na loja, as informações sobre ele ficam salvas no seu celular e disponíveis para compra em apenas um clique.

De verdade, esse é o tipo de projeto que empolga a gente. E a Razorfish, com o 5D, nos deu ainda mais inspiração para isso.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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We Believe

Des visuels intitulés “We Believe” et réalisés à l’occasion du festival Dmexco 2009 à Cologne. Un concept et une animation de l’artiste Jorinna Scherle, pour le client Neue Digitale et Razorfish Berlin. A découvrir en haute-définition dans la suite.



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