Iam Haircare: Bracelet, Necklace



“Because your hair is your most beautiful accessory: Iam Haircare.”

Advertising Agency: Advico Y&R AG, Zurich, Switzerland
Creative Directors: Dominik Oberwiler, Martin Stulz
Copywriters: Marietta Mügge, Sascha Borsai
Art Director: Benny Goldstein
Photographer: Chris Tribelhorn
Graphic Designers: Sarah Paul, Joelle Hauser
Chief Creative Officer: Markus Gut
Account Manager: Edi Walker


Print campaign made for the Committee on Environment And Public Works of ALERJ (Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro).

The ad criticizes the excuses people often use to justify the damage they cause on the environment.

Creative Director: Paulo Castro
Head Of Art: Bernardo Machado
Art Director: João Paulo Medeiros
Copywriter: Otto Pajunk
Illustrator: João Paulo Medeiros
Retoucher: Raphael FS

Converse com seus filhos. Sem você saber eles podem estar metidos com… arte.

Criação da Team Detroit para o College of Creative Studies, naquela pegada Fear Sells.

Depois do pulo tem mais. Via fuckyeahdementia, o melhor site do mundo.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Auckland Zoo: Palm Oil Free Shopping Guide


Palm oil plantations are the main cause of orangutan depopulation worldwide. To launch their Palm Oil Free Shopping Guide during Orangutan Caring Week, Auckland Zoo, via Ogilvy, ran this press ad advising people that the cost of their weekly groceries might be more than they think.

“Buy Palm Oil Free. Know the real cost of your shopping.”

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Auckland New Zealand
Executive Creative Director: Damon O’Leary
Creative Director: Dave Nash
Creative Group Head: Darran Wong Kam
Creatives: Adam Barnes, James O’Sullivan
Designers: James Showler, James Wendelborn, Gary Horne
Retoucher: Dan Spataru
Account Team: Michaela Kerr, Olivia Gavan

Movember Foundation: Creepy, Fireman, Car Salesman, Porn Star, 70?s, Cop







Advertising Agency: Bensimon Byrne, Toronto, Canada
Creative Directors: David Rosenberg, Hayes Steinberg, Chris Harrison
Art Director: Chris Harrison
Copywriter: Hayes Steinberg
Photographer: Tom Feiler, Westside Studio

Menier – Good old days

Menier – Good old days

Taste the good old days with Menier chocolate.

Campaign title: Good old days
Client’s name: Menier Chocolate
Creative agency: Publicis Conseil, Paris?
Art director: Philippe Boucheron
Copywriter: Patrice Lucet
Assistant Ad : Antoine Dezes-Richard?
Chief creative Officer: Olivier Altmann?
Creative Director: Fabrice Delacourt, Olivier Desmettre
Photographer: Hervé Plu…

View the campaign Menier – Good old days

Aufait Daily News – Wrapped

Aufait Daily News – Wrapped

Pieces of news wrapped in newspaper.


Advertising agency: Shem’s Publicité
Client: Aufait Daily News
Creative Director: Jean-François Fournon
Art Directors: Anastasia Garraza, Sergio Alonso
Copywriters: Sergio Alonso, Anastasia Garraza
Photograph: David Meignan
Retoucher: Fred Perrot
Modelmaker: Sébastien Baille
Published: April 2011

View the campaign Aufait Daily News – Wrapped

AVIA Horses

AVIA Horses

AVIA SYNTH Smooth Running Engine Oil makes your motor run extra smoothly. We illustrated this benefit in an extraordinary way: We showed that the horses you got under your engine hood behave like cute cats. The reason: AVIA SYNTH Smooth Running Engine Oil makes your motor purr like a cat.


ADVERTISING AGENCY: serviceplan campaign 1 gmbh

View the campaign AVIA Horses

Citröen se rende ao conceito “Video in Print”

A tecnologia adaptada para a nova campanha da Citröen é de total responsabilidade da Americhip, a mesma que em 2009 apresentou ao mundo o primeiro uso do conceito “Video in Print”, numa criação para a Pepsi.

A Amerchip se autodenomina “líder em marketing multisensorial”, e está disposta a surpreender anunciantes e veículos de comunicação com seus constantes desenvolvimentos.

No caso do “Video in Print“, está é a segunda montadora a utilizar a tecnologia, depois da Renault.

Via Culture Buzz

Michael Paukner

Une très belle sélection du talent de Michael Paukner disponible dans la galerie. Il joue beaucoup sur la visualisation des données et la perspective isométrique. Ce directeur artistique est actuellement basé à Vienne, quelque exemples sont à découvrir dans la suite.



Big Brothers

Angkor What?

Composition of the Cosmos

Solar System




La suite de son travail dans la galerie / Portfolio en ligne

Previously on Fubiz

Renault estréia conceito “Video in Print” na Europa

A Renault de Portugal é a primeira marca na Europa a utilizar a nova plataforma de comunicação “Video in Print“, a mesma tecnologia apresentada, primeiramente, pela Pepsi nos Estados Unidos.

Numa iniciativa realizada em conjunto com a OMD Portugal, foi criado um encarte em papel que permite a visualização de vídeos que visam transmitir a nova assinatura da marca, “Drive the Change“. A novidade foi apresentada na última quinta-feira num encarte limitado de exemplares da Revista Sábado. O encarte trouxe seis vídeos no qual os consumidores puderam interagir elegendo, através de botões, qual eles queriam assistir.

Os vídeos apresentam os novos modelos Mégane RS e Laguna Coupé, bem como um making of do comercial do Renault Mégane Coupé, criado pela Publicis.

Os leitores também puderam participar de um passatempo e concorrer a um fim de semana em uma pousada.

:: Via Meios & Publicidade

Smoking is like giving a blow job

According to this French anti smoking ad, smoking is like being forced to give a blow job.


Fumer c’est etre l’esclave du tabac = Smoking is like being tobacco’s slave

Advertiser: DNF
Agency: BDDP & Fils

Melvin Galapon

Voici différentes facettes du travail de designer et graphiste Melvin Galapon, vivant actuellement à Londres. Une liste de clients déjà remplie avec Wallpaper, The New York Times ou encore The Guardian. Une combinaison d’illustrations et d’installations à découvrir dans la suite.














Previously on Fubiz

Knees that look like boobs

When your knees start to look like tits, it means it’s time to act!


For sexier knees

Agency: McCann Worldgroup, Bangkok, Thailand
Chief Creative Officer: Martin Lee
Creative Director: Santi Suwanvalaikorn
Art Director: Naree Leungvititgoon
Copywriter: Santi Suwanvalaikorn

Pin a real sexy babe on your wall

Great print idea for the HP printer, to represent a real sexy babe taped on the wall to show the high definition. Advertiser: HP printer Agency: CLM BBDO France Creative Director: Eric Pierre Copywriter: Vincent Pedrocchi Art Director: Cédric Moutaud Photographer: Jean-Yves Lemoigne

Be stupid and take a picture of your pussy with a lion

A great print campaign from Diesel "Be Stupid". This cute babe is taking a picture of her pussy while a lion is coming… Smart may have the brains, but stupid has the balls. This guy is stuck underneath an elephant. Stupid is trial and error. Mostly error. This lovely babe is […]

The most sexy babes in panties from American Apparel

The top collection of the most sexy print ads for girl’s underwear with American Apparel Sexy Footless Pantyhose Sexy In One Piece Sexy Legging Sexy Diamond Girl Sexy Classic Girl Safe to say she loves her socks Sexy Mineral wash Micro Mesh Pantytime Pantytime Sexy Pantytime Scrunchies The […]

War on meat with Dimitri Tsykalov

Creative use of meat to go on war. by Dimitri Tsykalov

Attack of the cursed syphilis

Scary print ad campaign in a movie poster style to warn people about the syphilis risk. Attack of the Cursed Syphilis. It’s Lurking in the Depths. Watch Out! Advertiser: AIDS Committee of Toronto Agency: Due North Communications, Toronto, Canada Creative Director: Karen Howe Art Director: […]

When the aliens come they will eat the fatties first

Crazy advertising print campaign from the biggest health club in UK! When the aliens come they will eat the fatties first! Advertiser: Health Club