This Bank Found a Way for Men to Browse Pinterest Without Feeling Ashamed

How tough is it to scout for pillow shams and window treatments, Mr. New Homeowner, while keeping your manhood intact? Extremely difficult, if not downright impossible, on chick-dominated Pinterest.

FirstBank of Lakewood, Colo., wants to help you unleash your inner Martha Stewart while disguising the whole House Beautiful jag as a much more manly exercise. Just download a browser extension—themes include sports, meat and power tools—and “manoflage” your Pinterest page. So, while you’re actually considering color schemes and area rugs, it’ll appear to nosy friends or coworkers that you’re shopping for drill bits or ogling raw beef. Instant stamp of approval from anyone mired in gender stereotypes!

The digital campaign comes from ad agency TDA_Boulder, and its intro video will run as paid pre-roll on sites like Hulu and YuMe. There’s a dedicated site for the free software, which is also available at the App Store.

Decorate to your heart’s content, dude.

Lovely Ad for Pinterest Shows How It Can Inspire Collaborative Brilliance (or at Least Dinner)

Pinterest touts its newly unveiled messaging feature in this handsomely shot two-and-a-half minute video from production house Strike Anywhere.

The clip is Apple-esque, as are so many personal-tech ads these days, celebrating Pinterest’s heightened functionality as a means of enhancing everyday life. Using the new messaging system, people engage in pithy yet productive text conversations about pins showing canoes, casseroles and spaceships. This demonstrates Pinterest’s ability to help folks collaboratively plan outings, dinners and work projects. (Of course, it could also create fresh opportunities for advertisers.)

The music track, Kishi Bashi’s “Philosophize in It! Chemicalize With It!” is a fine choice. It’s uplifting and accessible, but doesn’t overpower the spot. It works here, and would work equally well in any number of recent ads for Apple, Samsung or Microsoft. In fact, this spot, while true to Pinterest’s vibe, is a good example of how ads for tech companies increasingly blur the picture, instead of putting their services into sharper focus.

But for Pinterest, building on earlier long-form ads, it represents a noticeable step toward being a major marketer in the social tech arena. Take a look below and see what you think.

Pinterest começa a exibir seus primeiros pins patrocinados

A especulação de poucos meses atrás acaba de ser oficialmente confirmada. O Pinterest está estreando as suas primeiras pinadas patrocinadas, para marcas como Kraft, General Mills, Ziploc, Nestlé, Lululemon, Gap, ABC e Expedia.

A Kraft vai apostar em sua grande maioria em pins com receitas, dentro de quatro diferentes categorias – sobremesas, pratos que incluam queijos e cream cheese e conteúdos do site Esses pins pagos irão aparecer nas buscas e em murais de alguns assuntos específicos, mas não farão parte da lista principal do Pinterest de cada usuário (o home feed), ou dentro dos murais pessoais de cada um.

 O Pinterest está trabalhando bem próximo dos criativos das marcas, para garantir que o conteúdo tenha a ver com a atmosfera a que os usuários da rede social estão acostumados.

Nesse início, a equipe do Pinterest está trabalhando bem próximo dos criativos das marcas, para garantir que o conteúdo tenha a ver com a atmosfera a que os usuários da rede social estão acostumados. “É como se eu estivesse oferecendo um time de consultores para esses parceiros, para que eles possam ter as melhores ideias, aprender e entender como a plataforma funciona”, detalha Joanne Bradford, gerente de parcerias do Pinterest.

Ainda que existam planos para, no futuro, permitir que os clientes possam adquirir suas pinadas patrocinadas através de um sistema automatizado, por enquanto todas as campanhas estão sendo manualmente revisadas pela equipe do Pinterest, para garantir a qualidade e controlar a quantidade. Joanne frisa que nem todos os detalhes foram definidos, e que o feedback dos usuários e os dados sobre os padrões de uso serão analisados para entender como melhor posicionar os pins patrocinados.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Wise Approaches To Employ Social websites and Marketing

Activities in recent years certainly shows a trend toward the benefits of focusing on social networking and marketing. The numbers of both offline and online businesses getting involved with Facebook only continues to grow each day. But the great news is you can do this, as well, and work to create your own place there. If you really want to take advantage of this, then there is really no justification to wait any longer. Social marketing, at other sites apart from Facebook, contains a number of diverse methods which is fantastic for business. You should try to find the ways that can be used the best for your company.

If you want to do something that can certainly help your business, then just think along the lines of increasing your brand. Depending on your distinct business, you can brand yourself or your business. As you can easily envision, how each business is branded will vary depending on where your income takes place. You probably already know that Twitter, Youtube and Facebook are actually the three heavyweights in social media and marketing. Of course, each one must be approached differently and with different media, such as video at Youtube. You can capitalize on allowing your market have some fun and that can work wonderfully with all of them. Entertainment and the principle of fun at these sites can be tremendously effective, plus there is an higher chance of something becoming viral.

When you think about speaking to your customers, then that means social marketing and networking. Making the most through your marketing with that method is one of the most effective things you can do. Take the time to be there among those in your market, and you can acquire all kinds of useful information. One thing that ought to come to mind is market research and a new way of doing it. Then there are customer service potentials which can change into good things for your business. While you’re there you can let them know you are generally there, and then simply make yourself accessible if there are any problems. That is a level of customer support and assistance that does not exist very much, anymore.

Market research is vital for any business, and you can tap into a new way of doing that. The main way this happens is because people chat at these sites. The persons in your market will be interested in real discussions about what is important. So then just think about if they are talking about their various experiences with buying something. You will have the ability to eavesdrop about challenges in your market, or solutions that you may want to find out about. All you really want to do is show-up, and next be in a great position to pick up what is going on. It can make a tremendous difference when you are able to understand their language and the words they use. Your marketing and advertising messages and copy will convert much better when it speaks the same language as your market.

Boosting Your Business Experience On Facebook

There definitely is no secret about Facebook’s renowned traffic numbers, and all online marketers certainly know this very well. Of course, all businesses from small to large have a tendency to view that in terms of profits which is clear. But it is important to realize that you will have to work before you are able to reap the rewards just like you need to anywhere else. Avoid thinking that you just need to make a couple of comments every now and then, and then you make loads of money. If you are asking yourself what can be done, if you are obscure you can change that around and become well-known. Your small company can achieve excellent publicity, and you can generate leads, sales and far more. But know your Facebook fame will not occur by itself, and you can definitely derail your efforts by making the wrong marketing moves.

One of the greatest wrong turns to take at Facebook, and other sites, is failing to be consistent in what you do. The difficulty with this idea of being even and routine in your marketing is about simply being there for your market. What can quickly happen is you begin with a bang and then matters fall by the wayside in time. To make up for that, you suddenly appear out of nowhere and post half a dozen status updates. While you’re at it, you contain a couple of links for some offers you feel are great and might help them. That is certainly not how you utilize social marketing or have success at Facebook. The mixture of your absence and the links you gave them will leave a bad impression about you. So merely spread out your marketing and ensure you talk to people on a recurrent basis.

You can trigger other unpleasant consequences by failing to keep in regular touch with your market. First, as you realize all of your efforts will work to brand you whether in a positive or negative fashion. So what that means is you must be consistent in your messages all the time. Also, remember you stand for your business, so while you have to be fairly informal it is still important that you carry out yourself properly, as well. Getting that done is not as hard as you may feel, but you must keep it uppermost in your mind. So stay away from going way off topic at your fan pages by talking about things people will not be there to hear. Obviously it is fine to have light occasions, but keep the conversation on course and in the right direction. But keep things going in the right track which is the theme of your page as well as your business branding.

A lot has been occurring at Facebook in the past couple of years including upgrades of many kinds. One specific change that has taken place concerns transmitting friend requests to people who don’t know who you are. You have to be very watchful with that practice because they will know that you’re doing it and may eliminate your account. But one way around that is to search on the phrases that are appropriate to your market. The effect of doing so will lead you to chats based on your searches. At that time it is simply a matter of pleasantly adding to the discussions.

Best-of Office Architecture on Fubiz

Au programme du premier best-of Fubiz du mois d’Avril, voici une sélection de l’intérieur des bureaux de grandes sociétés regroupant différents noms très connus tel que Google, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Nike. Nous avons choisi pour vous une sélection des bureaux les plus créatifs, originaux, et esthétiques.

Pinterest Office Architecture by Neal Schwartz.

Superdesk Installation by Clive Wilkinson Architects.

Airbnb Office Architecture by Gensler.

An Office In The Middle Of The Forest by Selgas Cano.

Inside Evernote Office in California by Studio O+A.

Dropbox Office Architecture by Boor Bridges Architecture and Geremia Interior Design.

Glass Office in Shanghai by AIM Architecture.

Google Tel-Aviv Office by Camenzind Evolution with Setter Architects and the studio Yaron Tal.

Google Tokyo Office by Klein Dytham.

Nike London Office Redesign by Rosie Lee.

Foxhead Office Architecture by Clive Wilkinson Architects.

IBM Office Redesign by Massimo Iosa Ghini.

Inside eBay Israel Office by Miki Mottes.

Inside Twitter Office by IA Interior Architects and Lundberg Design.

JWT Amsterdam Office by RJW Elsinga.

Lego Office by Rosan Bosch.

Inside Instagram Office by Geremia Design.

Inside Nike CEO Office by the CEO of Nike.

Nike London Office Redesign
12 Inside eBay Israel Office
5 Inside Evernote Office in California
13 Inside Twitter Office
16 Inside Instagram Office
1 Pinterest Office Architecture
2 Superdesk Installation
11 IBM Office Redesign
17 Inside Nike CEO Office
15 Lego Office
14 JWT Amsterdam Office
10 Foxhead-Office-Architecture-17.jpg
8 Google Tel-Aviv Office
7 Glass Office in Shanghai
6 Dropbox Office Architecture
4 An Office In The Middle Of The Forest
3 Airbnb Office Architecture
9 Google Tokyo Office

‘Personal Tuiteiro’ para casamentos pode custar até 3 mil dólares

Se você já foi o ‘tuiteiro’ oficial do casamento de um dos seus amigos, saiba que podia ter recebido uma boa grana com isso. A rede de hotéis W Hotels, de Nova Iorque, está oferecendo aos noivos que irão se casar em uma das suas 4 filiais na cidade a opção de contratar um ‘Social Media Wedding Concierge’, que é basicamente um ‘personal tuiteiro’ para a cerimônia.

Manter a presença do próprio casório nas mídias sociais, no entanto, não sai barato. O custo para contratar esse profissional, que além de fazer postagens no Twitter se encarrega também de Instagramar as fotos da celebração, pinnar os destinos da lua de mel e organizar o uso de uma hashtag específica, é de 3 mil dólares.


Além da curadoria de midias sociais do casamento, o ‘Social Media Wedding Concierge’ oferece aos pombinhos um livro físico (feito pela empresa Shutterfly) com todas as interações ocorridas durante a celebração.

Desse jeito, não vai precisar muito para ter padrinho oferecendo serviço de ‘tuiteiro’ com precinho camarada para o noivo, ou para começar a ter uma taxa ‘extra’ no aluguel do local da cerimônia para a permissão de uso de smartphones. Vai vendo.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Gmail faz testes com visual parecido com o Pinterest na aba ‘Promoções’

Há pouco menos de um ano, o Gmail apresentou a possibilidade de adicionar ‘abas’ na caixa de entrada dos usuários, para ajudar a organizar as mensagens recebidas pelos usuários, categorizando-as como avisos de mídias sociais, promoções, atualizações e participações em fóruns.

Isso deixou algumas marcas irritadas, já que com isso os seus email marketing e ofertas não apareciam mais na parte principal da inbox dos clientes.  Agora, o Google pode fazer essa aba se tornar a menina dos olhos dessas mesmas marcas.

Usuários do Gmail estão sendo convidados a experimentar um novo visual para a categoria de promoções, que mostraria os emails como ‘cartões’, dispostos em três colunas e com uma imagem em destaque. Igualzinho o visual do Pinterest, e não deve ser à toa.

Esse tipo de exibição teria o intuito de convidar o usuário a clicar na mensagem, já que é bem mais imagética do que a tradicional exibição em linhas, mostrando apenas o texto do assunto da mensagem. Com o próprio Pinterest considerando oferecer anúncios pagos, essa pode ser uma nova oportunidade de monetização para o Gmail, que ainda teria a chance de inserir um anúncio muito mais visual, bem no meio da sua caixa de entrada.

Quem quiser experimentar o novo visual da aba promoções precisa estar utilizando o Gmail em inglês e demonstrar interesse nesse link.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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The Marketing Tricks for Twitter Results Are Painless To Know

The interesting aspect regarding Twitter is that countless small businesses are less than sure how to properly use it. But considering that, each business and individual online marketer approaches their marketing from distinct perspectives. You can usually trace results back to certain activities irrespective of what you are doing. There’s a lot of bad information about using Twitter, but that surely does not imply you are unable to locate accurate information and use it successfully. If you realize what is going on and how to be effective, then you can be in a wonderful position for terrific visibility for your business. There are two options for the online marketer at Twitter, and so this means you need to understand how to conduct your self there. It is quite easy to produce business mistakes that can really tarnish your status with the Twitter group, or your followers.

If you want to have any kind of chance for accomplishment, then you must agree to the necessity of doing actual relationship marketing. Obviously not every person you interact with there will be in your precise market which is fine. Just keep in mind that you need to have relationships with most people who are from your unique market. If you can to chat with people without pretenses, then you’re halfway there with any group at Twitter. Most of the time your chat needs to center around what is happening in your life. However, be careful to prevent alienating people with off-color remarks or topics. One guideline is never expose too much about your own life because a lot of people do not actually want to know.

You have to be very careful that you do not cross the line by talking too much about what you’ve got to offer from your business. One of the worst things you can do is advertise excessively, and you will have to get a feel for what is too much. However, you can refer to something that will basically be a promotion, just be tactful concerning how you do it. You really ought to be fine with the people if your offers are kept below about 20%, and that is just a general guideline. The other times should be spent just conversing with people about life and anything else besides your business. Building and nurturing beneficial market relations is what Twitter is exactly about.

You can often see good replies when you share latest goings-on with your own business. You can consider this as spreading information about either an item about your life or even your business. We all realize that people, usually, can be too curious in news concerning other people. If your news is business oriented, then it is suitable to feature a link to your site. One word of warning is to be straightforward about why you are sharing this news. All you are carrying out there is conversing with people and reciprocating with what they share with you.

Proven Methods And Techniques To Build A Significant Fan Base At Facebook

Facebook has turned out to be one of the most important methods for marketing and social marketing. There are well over half a billion registered users, and one half of them are active each day. With figures like that it is no surprise that businesses all over the world have become attracted to the network. Plenty of possibilities for reputation exist on Facebook but that does not imply that getting the results you want is easy to do. It is crucial that you carry out your campaigns effectively and that they consist of standard advertising and marketing approaches. In the following paragraphs we will talk about a number of the methods that have in fact worked for people within the Facebook system.

Facebook certainly has a hefty level of competition but that can be counteracted by the traffic levels your business will get. Do what you can to keep your Facebook page from being boring or average. You have to also take steps not to scare the people whom visit it. However you must stand-out and be completely unique within the bounds of exactly what your market will accept. Never use anything that is regular when it comes to your site design. The fact is, there is quite a cottage sector that has shown up for design work. This implies that it is worth your money and time to have something custom-made for you.

One important thing that Facebook does very well is to help you show different pages to several people. This makes it, usually for the first time, simple to find people who are already still interested in you. A simple change in settings will assist you to move people from different pages. Give your first-time visitors a chance to fan your page, and then you will see something different the very next time. It is very important for you to understand all of the materials and tools that you have at your disposal. When you do that, you will have more flexibility and power in your various campaigns.

Often it is easy to forget that the idea of Facebook is the social aspect of the network. This occurs a lot for internet marketers who are trying to accomplish a lot of assorted things during the day. This is sometimes a disastrous mistake to make if you use a social media portal. The point is that you have to show your fans that you will be there for them regularly. Not just that however it’s very important to show them that you would like to have social sorts of interactions with them. That means routine interaction as well as give to get with communications. The actual reason that you’ve got those fans is because they like you and/or your content.

React and act the way you, preferably, would do in actual life. This means that you need to acknowledge them, show your thanks and communicate gratitude to them when doing so is proper. You will be so surprised at how much people love to be recognized and valued. People are more prone to do business with you when they actually like you. You want to prove to your audience that you are genuine and not a robot (such bots are not the objective of Facebook).

Ways You Can Quickly Set-Up A Facebook Marketing Plan

The Facebook users is expanding at a steady rate and represents an incredibly large number of people. The numbers of real markets present at Facebook is also similarly staggering and is very thrilling for web businesses. Facebook is basically open for business all around the clock and each single day of the year. Now that promotion has been there for a while, people have grown comfortable to seeing them. All you need to do is put all that together, and you will see the reason it is so great for internet marketers. So that is some things about the ads, but needless to say that is not all that is offered at Facebook for marketing. There are truly huge opportunities concerning simple business networking that you can be engaged with.

Fan pages have been raging for well over a year, but we have the impression that not every marketer is choosing to make use of it. We’re contemplating about what may be done with business fan pages. If you have multiple sites in different markets, then naturally the smart thing is to build a fan page on its own account. You really do not want to expose all your businesses on one account. Fan pages are instruments for relationship marketing along with business marketing. In a very real manner you are branding your self with your fan page. That is exactly why relationship marketing really has to be provided its due when you are making use of fan pages.

As you work with your fan page, then skip right over the hoopla and other points that turn people off. It does appear to us that very many are no longer interested to see hype, and you can most likely do better without it. When you look at it, hype is not a required part of marketing. Unless of course you are an established name, then you could have a hard time building friendships based on hypey techniques. You will get much farther with people if you are just normal and not some super marketing man or woman with a lot of hypey material. Offer solid and useful information on your fan page and actively engage the people who take the time to visit. You can build something truly solid with that method. After that, hopefully they will tell others about you, and that is when things can get really very exciting.

Do something special for your fans as often as doable. Keep in mind this is all about them, and that is what excellent relationship marketing is all about from the standpoint of a marketer. It really is not very hard at all to locate discount sites with coupons you can inform your fans about. How about producing things like a faithful customer, or fan, card; even though it is digital it doesn’t matter. How about locating great Facebook apps you can tell them about. You could do fun things like run contests and have cool awards such as a special discount for something really nice. You want to develop a neighborhood feeling and get people to end up engaged. Be lively on your fan page and inspire people to return by merely giving them a good reason to do so.

Pinterest poderá implementar anúncios ainda neste ano

Controlando mais de 20% das referências a sites de compras online, o Pinterest já é a rede social queridinha dos ecommerces, e pode em breve se tornar uma importante mídia para esse setor.

Com base em informações ‘vazadas’ pelo CitiGroup e em uma recente vaga de trabalho divulgada no site, especula-se que o Pinterest vá implementar um ou mais formatos de propaganda ainda neste ano. A intenção, segundo a descrição do cargo de engenheiro de front-end, é fazer com que o conteúdo patrocinado possa ser tão bom quanto o orgânico, gerado pela própria comunidade.

O Pinterest tem feito testes com ‘pinagens’ patrocinadas desde outubro, e a expansão da equipe responsável pelos formatos publicitários pode indicar que o lançamento de uma API para anúncios está próximo.


Share de vendas sociais em ecommerces (2013)

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Are You Currently Utilizing Social Media Sites To Get More Traffic

Receiving visitors for your websites or affiliate links is something that every Internet marketer has trouble with. But not just any site visitors is going to do, in order to be profitable you will want to have targeted visitors coming to your website. There really is a distinction between visitors as well as targeted traffic, and in this article we are going to explain the main difference. Not only that but we are also going to show you how you can use social media websites to acquire the targeted prospects you need.

What exactly is traffic? Anytime somebody visits your internet site, that is regarded as traffic. There are loads of ways to get traffic to your website and you can obtain hundreds or even thousands of visitors every single day, but unless this traffic is targeted you might not make a sale. Unless of course the traffic your getting is targeted traffic, your probably just wasting your time. What targeted traffic is, targeted traffic is someone who arrived at your site because they are serious about what you have to sell, or information and facts they find valuable. For instance, if someone is reading through a weight loss blog and these people see an ad for your internet site that says something like, “Lose 20 Lbs In 20 Days” and they also click on that ad, that is a targeted visitor.

A great way to obtain targeted traffic to your sites and affiliate links is to use social media websites. Lets have a glimpse at YouTube. That one social media site will get over a billion site views every single day. And did you furthermore know that the vast majority of that traffic comes from the major search engines? Now, make an effort to imagine this. Somebody would go to Google and performs a search for, “How To Build A Bird House”. Inside the search engine results you locate a video on YouTube showing you the way to build your bird house. Many individuals will click that link since they would rather watch a video concerning this than go through instructions.

Now this is where the targeted visitors piece comes in. You don’t want to allow them to have too much information in the video then at the conclusion of the video include a screen shot or simply tell people that they will get complete information by using the link in the description. Naturally when they click the link or enter in the web address inside their web browser they are taken to a site which happens to be marketing a bird house building book. And simply because your promoting to them an item which they need, this is regarded as targeted traffic. The chances of these folks purchasing the manual is much greater than individuals who saw this website inside a traffic exchange.

The Net is full of a variety of social media sites and you should try to use every one of them. You can accomplish the very same kind of thing on FaceBook or Myspace to get the targeted prospects you may need. And because these social media websites can be so powerful you will possibly not need to bother about any other type of advertising again. Yet another thing you should remember whenever advertising and marketing like this on social media sites is to not design your web pages to seem like spam. If you create a bunch of spammy type pages or break their guidelines they are going to simply remove your pages as well as stop your memberships to those websites which means you can not use their services any longer. Therefore read through their service terms.

Begin A Social Media Consultant Small Business Of Your Own

The social media explosion which has taken place online during the last few years has developed both bad and good publicity but there’s no doubt that it’s here to stay. The way organizations market themselves on the web and how they’re perceived has been changed by social media and those that have embraced it in the right way have seen success. Obviously, there are quite a few who need help with this–especially local business owners who find it nearly impossible to find the time to actually put their social media technique into action. This has created opportunities for social media consultants to build a business for themselves whilst helping tiny and medium sized organizations. In the following article we are going to examine these opportunities and try to figure out how to create a social media business of your own.

In order to construct this sort of business you obviously have to have the necessary knowledge. If you are already a social media user, you could already be well positioned to help others but it’s still important to learn some formal knowledge about it and to ensure that your knowledge is up to date. The first area that the majority of business men and women have a difficult time with is the setting up of their pages and profiles on the various social media platforms. It’s up to you whether you concentrate on one area, like Facebook, or if you want to help men and women with all the different platforms. The main thing is that you can charge organizations for helping them to set up a Facebook page as an example, if that is something you are aware how to do.

The majority of the time you are going to be working with businesses who do have their profiles set up however they don’t understand how to use them properly. Maybe they haven’t had the time to do it or maybe they don’t understand that there are areas in which they’re able to improve. For example, you may find Facebook pages that are not properly optimized and that have failed to encourage individuals to like the page. It’s really easy, with the help of a small amount of research, to discover which organizations in your area need this help and it can be an excellent way to introduce yourself to the business owner and find other ways to help him or her out.

As you gain confidence in your abilities, you could get more involved with helping companies create their social media techniques like through training and coaching. It all depends on what level you want to take your business to and how much time and responsibility you wish to accept for yourself. No matter what, though, going to local meet ups and being prepared to take part in or give group presentations could open the doors to quite plenty of different opportunities. There are plenty of business owners who understand how important social media is and all these people need is some guidance and help.

There are definitely opportunities for you when you’ve got the knowledge and confidence to construct a business as a social media consultant.

Using Pinterest for Your Marketing Tactics

Since Pinterest puts so much importance on the use of images, this will actually make your marketing efforts there much easier. Before grabbing any images, just make sure that they aren’t taken from sources that could cause problems for you. There are several legal entities on the net who viciously protect the images of their clients. You also want to make sure that the images you use are appropriate for the point you want to make. Every Pinterest board has a basic theme, and your images should be a good match for this. If images aren’t well chosen, they will only confuse your audience.

Pinterest will give you the tools you need to work with other people on pretty much any project. For example, you can work with businesses as well as the people who read your boards.

First you spread the word and then you just grant access to your boards to the people who are interested in them. Not only can you do this to share your ideas with others but it encourages others to share ideas with you and offer you feedback. The different ways you can make pins are just one instance of this. From here you simply post whatever goes into your project. People will look them over and then share whatever information is still needed.

Just like at Twitter, you can follow Pinterest users, but you need to follow people in your niche or your market. Once more, this is in regards to being targeted with followers or your market audience if you are developing an email list, for instance. You will need to expand your network far and wide with following and gaining exposure. An additional part of this is to produce all the boards possible. By design, Pinterest will automatically add others users as followers to your boards, therefore you want to do this. The recipe is applicability, so create boards that are particular, with respect to content so there is no confusion as to what the board is about.

Pinterest has certain pitfalls that you should be careful to avoid. Pinning an incorrect domain name or URL is an example of such a mistake. This will lead readers to 404 error pages and not where you want them. The way to avoid this problem is to click on the article or post whenever you want to pin something. Anything you see that you want to pin, such as a video at Youtube or whatever, be sure you do it from the original site. By doing this, you’ll know that your links will lead people to the correct locations.

You can help yourself out quite a lot if you learn which mistakes are the most common on Pinterest. In many ways, it all boils down to how you optimize your use of the site so that you can bring in all of the better results. Of course, none of it is truly hard but you need to know what to do so that you can get the best results.

Caribou Coffee Builds Five-Story-Tall Pinterest Board at the Mall of America

Caribou Coffee, whose previous out-of-home ad stunts have included heated bus shelters in Minneapolis, is back with another special campaign—a giant, five-story-tall Pinterest board built (with help from ad agency Colle+McVoy) at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn.

Caribou used pinned images from fans as inspiration for its new Real Inspiration Blend variety of coffee. That sounds like a stretch, but the giant Pinterest board is pretty impressive. It includes two large screens that feature inspirating photos from fans on Instagram and Twitter that are tagged with the hashtag #CaribouInspires.

See more in the video below.


Build A Booming Business With Good Marketing Tactics

Before you could reach long term success through online marketing, you must have a good strategy. True, there is short term success once you build a web site and release a product but that doesn’t mean a great deal over the long term without your creating a good strategy at the outset. You have to be looking to establish a business that will continue to expand and produce a long-term income source. So as to realize long term success through your business here are some new and creative techniques you should employ.

Ranking highly within the search engines is a requirement for any site that you would like to transform into a long-term success. Once you’ve got your site ranking highly, you will get plenty of traffic to your website, without having to work continually on it. We all know that one of the key factors in developing a long term successful business is to have a lot of traffic that you can turn into purchasers. You will need to have good search engine optimization in place on your web site if you wish to raise yourself up within the search engine rankings. To do this, you have to find the right keywords, and then optimize your site for them. After you’ve done this, and created a great back linking strategy, it should only take a few months before you find yourself in the top five rankings for the different search engines.

Pay per click marketing (or PPC) is one other method you can use to get traffic and, with some luck, buyers. As long as you can run marketing promotions that will generate more sales than the money you are investing in your advertising, it’sa great way to boost profit. As long as you learn what you are doing, Google Adwords can be a highly effective strategy, but done wrong it can cost you a small fortune in a quick hurry. You have to set up your marketing promotions correctly, and monitor each campaign, and by doing this, you should be able to keep within your budget.

Another good way to boost the traffic to your web site is through the use of social media marketing. Get high rankings in websites like Stumbleupon and Digg, and a lot of potential customers will reach your site. Business blogging is something that is used even by the major offline companies including American Express and Burger King. Blogging helps to establish relationships which is an essential part of online marketing and for attracting new business. Press releases and article marketing are minor parts in a much larger long term strategy that you can use to increase your professional success. Not only do they give a back link to your web site, but bring buyers through the information you are providing.

These are only a number of the vital market strategies that will figure into your ability to develop your business up enough to pull in high levels of traffic and to make high levels of sales. You’ll want to properly target your market to ensure that you’ll create better marketing plans and become the success you’ve dreamed of becoming.

The YouTube Leverage Factor – What Is It And How To Use It

There is nothing intrinsically difficult about using YouTube to send targeted traffic to your various offers. Yes, at this point you need to approach things a little differently since Google bought them and did their usual dances. As an Internet marketer you should be aware of leveraging YouTube to achieve the maximum exposure. Well, we are here to help set things straight and get you going.

You do not have to be a Hollywood director to succeed at YouTube, but you cannot get away with crappy videos, either. Whether you should get a camera (video) all depends on what your videos are trying to accomplish and what you want to do for content. There are hundreds of thousands of videos uploaded on YouTube on a regular basis, and a majority of these aren’t shot with a good camera, which is why you should try to use to give real value to your viewers. There are some decent webcams that will work if you want to talk and let people see you, but make sure the quality is not poor.

The more numbers of subscribers you have for your YouTube channel, the more repeat traffic you’ll get to your videos. So ultimately, you do want to increase the number of subscribers that you have to your channel, and doing so starts with you subscribing to other YouTube channels that are relevant to yours. When you do this, you’ll find that you’ll get noticed by the channel owner, who might in turn subscribe to yours – it’s all about give and take. There is also nothing wrong with encouraging viewers to actively subscribe to your channel, though. Also, when you’re posting about your YouTube channel on your blog, don’t just link to the channel directly – add the word “subscribe” besides the link to your channel so that people know that they should be subscribing.

If you are new, it is a good idea to get an ebook from a reputable source that will show you what is best to do for channel profile page creation. The profile is like an About Me page, and it does matter to people when they are thinking of subscribing to your channel. Personalizing is an essential element that you need to focus on at all times and try to give your viewers the best possible experience, while you build a relationship with them through your videos.

You can get search engine traffic plus lots more by using YouTube and video marketing, and we do not know why more people in IM ignore this.

Pinterest Office Architecture

Le siège de Pinterest est situé dans le quartier de Soma de San Francisco, et ce lieu permet d’accueillir jusqu’à 300 employés. Un entrepôt en briques qui propose de grands espaces et a été imaginé par Janette Kim, Anna Neimark et Andrew Atwood de First Office, sous la direction de l’architecte Neal Schwartz.

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Pinterest faz parceria com Getty Images para disponibilizar origem das fotos pinadas

Pinterest está trabalhando para arrumar um dos seus problemas mais persistentes: a dificuldade de rastrear as fontes das fotos pinadas.

A empresa anunciou uma parceira com Getty Images que dá acesso a uma coleção substancial de metadados, permitindo que façam uma buscam reversa, puxando os fotógrafos e responsáveis pelas imagens, datas, localizações e qualquer texto descritivo.

“Quanto mais sabemos sobre um pin, mais valor ele ganha.” – Michael Yamartino, Gerente de Produto, no blog do Pinterest

Essa busca por dados visa ajudar a rede a fazer melhores recomendações, tornar os pins mais úteis e até oferecer notificações quando preços caírem.

Em exemplo abaixo divulgado, a empresa conta que, a partir da parceira, será possível saber qual prato de comida se refere à imagem, e também sugerir receitas relacionadas e até oferecer a fonte original da foto.

Além de manter o usuário mais informado e num contexto mais personalizado, quem sai ganhando com essa também são os donos das imagens (artistas, fotógrafos, designers, etc) e os anunciantes, que podem colher mais dados sobre interesses e interações de seus usuários.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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