John Mayer Gets Back to Nature and Sings an Unreleased Song for Land Rover’s Defender

Land Rover’s branded content campaign for its new Defender SUV could’ve been shot yesterday. That’s how of-the-moment it is with its serene national park setting and create-your-own-adventure theme. In fact, the long-form video–dubbed “John Mayer Goes Outside”–was filmed over three days in early March, following the popular musician around scenic locations in Northern California. But…

Land Rover saúda quem não foge do frio

Hoje acordei as 5:50, saí de casa antes do galo cantar, peguei o trem em Londres com destino a Birmingham, no meio do mapa da Inglaterra, onde venho trabalhando em um projeto durante as últimas semanas. Frio. Estava bem frio. Parece que finalmente o inverno chegou por aqui e pela janela do trem pude ver aquela paisagem do interior com vales cobertos de gelo (não neve, ainda). Vi fazendeiros trabalhando as 6:30 antes mesmo do sol nascer. Quando desci na estação de destino saiu aquela fumaça pela boca. No Brasil não sofremos tanto com isso, pelo menos do Sudeste pra cima.

Logo que cheguei no escritório, assisti o filme de uma nova campanha da Land Rover (marca legitimamente britânica) para o mercado local, que me impactou demais, tanto por viver aqui quanto por ter vivido essa manhã gélida hoje.

A campanha “Hibernot” (um trocadilho para “se recusar a hibernar”) traz uma auto-crítica ao clima pouco amigável do Reino Unido, mas com uma boa dose de orgulho por aqueles que não fogem do frio. Com belas e sofridas imagens de gente “curtindo” o inverno, o vídeo brilhante da RKCR/Y&R pega na veia dos ingleses, como acho que pegou aquela bela campanha da Skol (“Ahhh, o verão”) para os brasileiros.

A campanha tem ainda um site com conteúdo colaborativo e um outro lindo vídeo (abaixo).

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Advertising: Using ‘Sponsored Content’ to Keep Viewers Watching

As networks and channels ask sponsors to pay more for commercial time, they want to be certain consumers are actually watching.

Meet interesting places

Advertising Agency: Y&R, Dubai Chief Creative Officer / Creative Director / Copywriter: Shahir Zag Creative Director / Art Director: Kalpesh Patankar Via [AdsOfTheWorld]

Solve puzzles with Land Rover

Advertising Agency: Y&R, Dubai
Executive Creative Director: Shahir Zag
Creative Director, Art Director, Writer: Komal Bedi Sohal
Creative Director, Writer, Art Director: Shahir Zag
Account Planner: Nadine Ghossoub
Via [Ads Of The World]

Land Rover Campaign

Voici une belle utilisation du tilt-shift dans une campagne commerciale. En l’occurence, il s’agit de la marque de voitures tout terrain : Land Rover. Une baseline forte “Faire du travail, un jeu” par l’agence Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe London.



Game (r)Over / Fauve qui peut!

Mitsubishi Pajero “in the Zoo” Ambient – 2001
Source : Cannes Archive Online,
Agency : Young & Rubicam Adelaide (Australia)
Land Rover “in the Zoo” Ambient – 2009
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Filadélfia, Belo Horizonte, (Brazil)
Pauvres animaux… ils étaient déjà emprisonnés et voilà maintenant qu’on met des voitures (ultra polluantes) dans leurs cages! L’homme est vraiment un animal…

Land Rover, designed for the extraordinary

Click Image To Enlarge

Ad Agency: Y&R, Dubai, UAE
Executive Creative Director / Copywriter: Shahir Ahmed
Creative Director / Art Director: Komal Bedi Sohal

Via [Ads of the World]

Land Rover Defender: Eagle

a href=/media/print/land_rover_defender_eagleimg src= alt=Land Rover Defender: Eagle title=Land Rover Defender: Eagle class=image image-preview width=308 height=460 //apAdvertising Agency: a href= Yamp;R, Santiago, Chile/abr /
Via: a href=BAOT

Land Rover Defender: Bighorn sheep

a href=/media/print/land_rover_defender_bighorn_sheepimg src= alt=Land Rover Defender: Bighorn sheep title=Land Rover Defender: Bighorn sheep class=image image-preview width=307 height=460 //apAdvertising Agency: a href= Yamp;R, Santiago, Chile/abr /
Via: a href=BAOT

Land Rover Defender: Bear

a href=/media/print/land_rover_defender_bearimg src= alt=Land Rover Defender: Bear title=Land Rover Defender: Bear class=image image-preview width=311 height=460 //apAdvertising Agency: a href= Yamp;R, Santiago, Chile/abr /
Via: a href=BAOT

Land Rover: Amphibious

Land Rover: Amphibious

Excellent performance on land and water.

Advertising Agency: Maruri Grey, Ecuador
Creative Directors: Pipo Morano, Luis Campoverde
Art Directors: Luis Campoverde, Cesar Chica
Copywriter: Pipo Morano
Published: April 2008

Land Rover: Pen drive

Land Rover: Pen drive

Advertising Agency: Maruri Ecuador
Creative Directors: Jose Aguilar, Andres Noboa, Mariglen López
Art Directors: Andres Noboa, Mariglen López
Copywriter: Gastón Fernández
Photographer: Francisco Santander
Published: April 2008

Simplicity: Land Rover Defender


These days, simplicity is far from the norm, both in advertising and in life. A new product or campaign launch often contains an advergame or two, viral easter eggs, shot codes, fake viralesque videos, blogs, and on and on and on. We live in a world where multitasking is the norm and our brains are expected to do the filtering. That’s why it’s such a surprise when an ad is simple and makes a quick point without any hidden messages/games/web interaction/etc.
The print ad above, from RKCR Y&R in London for the Land Rover Defender is so simplistically perfect, it hurts. It’s not the greatest art direction ever and the copy isn’t earth-shattering, but it communicates a message well and quickly, without tumultuous effort. It can be done. And is worth remembering every now and then.