Dan Black – Hearts

Chic & Artistic ont imaginé un timelapse de 24h pour illustrer le dernier clip de Dan Black en featuring avec Kelis ‘Hearts’. Tournée sur un toit parisien, cette vidéo propose de découvrir 24 heures en quelques minutes avec l’artiste à raison d’un cliché toutes les 16 secondes. Une idée bien exécutée à découvrir dans la suite.

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Jell-O Hijacks Twitter’s Profane #FML Hashtag, Changes It to Mean ‘Fun My Life’

The ubiquitous Twitter hashtag #FML (there have been 37,000 #FML-tagged tweets in the past seven days alone) is generally understood to be short for an obscene phrase uttered when things are at their bleakest. But now, Jell-O is here to help. The Kraft Foods brand and agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky are trying to hijack #FML and make it stand for "Fun My Life" (rather than doing something else to your life). Between now and June 14, everyone who tweets the #FML hashtag is entered into a pool, from which a certain number will win "Fun My Life" prize packs "specially created to get their life back on track." You can follow along at jelloFML.com, which also shows how the brand is tweeting at #FML-ers.


Love Hurts Packaging

Basée à New York, Melanie Chernock a imaginé un kit de survie « Love Hurts Packaging », contenant tous les éléments nécessaires pour se remettre d’une rupture amoureuse. Avec une identité visuelle simple et réussie, découvrez ce projet contenant des mouchoirs, du chocolat ou encore de la vodka dans la suite en images.

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Puma’s Dance Dictionary Will Leave You at a Loss for Words

The Puma Dance Dictionary, created by Grey London to push the brand's new Sync fragrances (yes, Puma makes fragrances), allows users to select words and phrases which are then translated into dance moves by freestyle performers. These "moving" messages can be shared via social media or emailed to friends. You start with various templates and then shift a few words in and out to create sentences. The pre-set "I love women with heart," for example, can be changed to "I love women with popcorn." Or "I love guys with muscles." Or even "I love women with nuts," if you're into that. Manipulating other templates yields sentiments like "Money makes me want to get naked," "Hey bro, your face is crazy" and "Will you stroke my girlfriend?" This can be amusing, but not very, as the vocabulary is too limited. I understand the dancers could interpret only so many words, and Puma naturally wants to avoid potential hate speech or outright vulgarity. But the enterprise seems hamstrung by a lack of true interaction. The dancing on display is self-consciously goofy: "Women" is signified by hip wiggles and boob gestures, and "nuts" is communicated by pointing to one's head with accompanying eye rolls. Plus, the brand message is ill defined. Maybe Puma should've sat this one out.


Audiovisual Installation of Waterfalls

Octfalls est le nom de cette installation audiovisuelle réalisée par l’artiste japonais Ryoichi Kurokawa. Dans le cadre de la 54ème Biennale de Venise, il a imaginé l’insertion de 8 écrans à l’intérieur de l’Arsenale Novissimo sur lequel apparaissent des cascades d’eau. Un rendu très réussi à découvrir en vidéo.

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Puma Dance Dictionary

Puma Dance Dictionary est le dernier projet de la marque célébrant la sortie du nouveau Puma Sync. Après avoir demandé au chorégraphe Super Dave d’illustrer en gestes plusieurs mots, un site a été dédié pour proposer aux internautes de découvrir toutes les possibilités. Plus de détails dans la suite.

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The White Chapel Hong Kong

Focus sur « The White Chapel Hong Kong » qui est un projet réalisé par Danny Cheng Interiors présent et situé sur la Hong Kong’s Discovery Bay. Avec une structure en forme de A entourée d’un étang circulaire, cet impressionnant lieu religieux est à découvrir en détails et images dans la suite de l’article.

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Piano Works 13

Voici ce court-métrage réalisé par Julien Martorell mêlant avec talent live-action et motion. Sur une musique de Polerik Rouviere, 4 danseurs exécutent des styles différents, illustrant le lien entre le corps & l’instrument. Les mouvements donnent naissance à un langage calligraphique découlant de la représentation des danses.

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Interactive Angle Mirrors

Daniel Rozin est un artiste basé à New York qui imagine des sculptures très intéressantes. Avec sa dernière création « Angle Mirrors », l’artiste nous propose un bloc triangulaire parsemé d’indicateurs qui permet de réagir à la présence du visiteur en face. Une création visuellement très réussie est à découvrir en vidéo.

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Montreal by Winter

Montreal by Winter est un projet personnel de Stephane Hoareau et Timecode Lab dans lequel le réalisateur nous propose de superbes images de la ville de Montréal prises durant l’hiver dernier. Représentant à merveille la beauté, le dynamisme et la chaleur de la ville malgré le froid climatique.

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Hervé – Lose Control

Le duo de réalisateurs Thirtytwho ont dirigé ce très beau clip sur le titre et single « Lose Control » pour l’artiste et producteur Hervé. Produite par Pulse Films, cette création d’une grande intensité et teintée de mélancolie est à découvrir en images et en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

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Domino’s New Site Lets You Watch Live Stream of Pizza Being Made Somewhere in Utah

Life just got more stressful for the workers at a Domino's Pizza restaurant in Salt Lake City. That's because that particular location is the guinea pig for the chain's new Domino's Live experiment, dreamed up by Crispin Porter + Bogusky. The agency has installed five cameras at the store to show workers making the pizzas in real time—kneading the dough, adding the toppings, popping the pies in and out of the oven. All through the month of May, anyone who orders a pizza online from any Domino's nationwide will be directed to DominosLive.com, where they will see … well, people making someone else's pizza, not yours (unless you happen to live near that location). The single-store pilot program went live today at 1 p.m. ET (11 a.m. local time), and so far we can see … hmmm, yep, there's some pizza being made. The footage is almost comically boring, but I suppose that's what you get with "transparency"—an inside look at a pretty tedious process in action. CP+B should have used hidden cameras instead. Then we might be in for more of a treat.


Musical Laser Forests

Les équipes de « The Creators Project » sont allés voir le studio Marshmallow Laser Feast qui explore de nouvelles expériences créatives et interactives avec des projections en temps réel. Des projets tels que la superbe Musical Laser Forests à découvrir dans une vidéo très intéressante dans la suite.

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Tokyo City Symphony 3D Mapping

Afin de fêter les 10 ans de Roppongi Hills Mori Tower (gratte-ciel de Tokyo de 238 mètres de hauteur), Tokyo City Symphony propose une expérience splendide basée sur une maquette géante du district de l’immeuble à l’échelle 1/1000 sur laquelle différents mappings absolument incroyables ont été projetés.

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Vitalic – Fade Away

Voici le dernier clip de Vitalic pour illustrer le morceau Fade Away. Produite par Solab et Excuse my French, cette vidéo à la réalisation soignée est signée Romain Chassaing. Elle propose de suivre une chasse à l’homme entre tueurs professionnels, chaque tueur pouvant être victime d’un de ses compères.

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Old Spice Rolls Out World’s First Scratch-and-Sniff Banner Ad

More goofiness from Old Spice and Wieden + Kennedy—a scratch-and-sniff banner ad, which of course they're calling the world's first. It's running over on The Onion's sports section. Clicking on it takes you to a form you fill out—after which they'll send you something in the mail that will let you "smell the Internet." It lacks the immediacy of real scratch-and-sniff gimmicks, perhaps, but spares you from looking like an idiot at the office with your nose to the computer screen. It promotes the Wolfthorn line of products.


Fubiz TV 20 – Pedro Winter

Fubiz est fier de vous présenter aujourd’hui l’Issue 20 de son programme hebdomadaire Fubiz TV avec Sony Xperia. Au sommaire cette semaine, nous avons sélectionné le meilleur de l’actualité créative et nous avons eu la chance de rencontrer le DJ et producteur Pedro Winter (Ed Banger Records).

Livre de So Me « Travail Famille Party » – Compilation Ed Rec pour les 10 ans le 27 mai 2013 – Site Club75

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50 Lessons I’ve Learned as an Entrepreneur

Editor's note: Appsolute Genius founder and CEO Brian Cauble recently began posting a daily list on Facebook of five lessons he's learned since launching his Alabama-based mobile-app development studio in 2009. Although the list was intended for friends, family and colleagues, Cauble agreed to let Adweek publish the full list of 50 lessons that have shaped his personal and professional life.

1. Your significant other's support is hugely important. They can hold you up or pull you down.

2. Building a powerful business network is 100 percent essential. Much of your business will come from being known.

3. This job is really, really hard, and you just won't know the answers some days.

4. Being passionate about at least a few things is very important, but you don't have to be passionate about every aspect of running a business.

5. You aren't good at everything, no matter how smart you are.

6. People will help you … if you ask.

7. Partnerships can seem like a good idea, but they take a long time to really pan out, and differences between companies can still cause them to fail.

8. Caring about your business partner and your employees can really help your company.

9. Sales is so important. If you don't figure out your sales, you will fail.

10. Picking a growing, flourishing market is just as important as your product and talent. If your market is good, it improves your margin for error quite a bit.

11. Being an entrepreneur can make you feel bipolar. You will have good days, bad days, good afternoons, bad mornings and vice versa.

12. Building a strong team is critical. A strong team isn't just smart people; it's a group of people who complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

13. Admitting and understanding your strengths and weaknesses is a must. Take every personality and strengths assessment you can find.

14. You have to learn to balance work, family and taking care of yourself. You will probably let one of them slip a bit, and it will suffer.

15. The best characteristic I've seen for success is pure determination.

16. The second best characteristic I've seen that predicts success is determination to learn and ask questions.

17. You will feel really stupid some days.

18. Each stage of a company's growth will bring different challenges.

19. You will truly understand what "busy" means. And then you will find that there is another level of busy that you didn't think was possible.

20. The purpose of your business, your passion and your support system will carry you through the bad times.

21. The best way to build a strong network is to really get to know a lot of people and help them however you can.

22. You will be burned by at least one person you help. Don't let your temptation to stop helping people take over.

23. You will feel very lonely at certain times because it will feel like no one really gets what you are going through.

24. Your salary will go way down before it goes up. The financial payoff of being an entrepreneur doesn't come for a long time for most (even really smart) people.

25. It is a tough balance to know when to change your strategy or be determined.

26. Generally understanding every area of your business is very important, but you don't have to have your hands on everything.

27. The word payroll takes on a new meaning.

28. Hiring is VERY hard. You will try your best but you will still make mistakes.

29. Firing is also VERY hard, but it is necessary. Once you know in your gut you've made a bad hire, just end it. It will be tempting to keep the person on, but don't do it.

30. Understanding what kinds of customers you can best help (industry, size of company, personality type, etc.) will really help you grow your company. If you haven't learned about niches and segmenting, learn about them now.

31. You will feel like a proud parent certain days, and you won't believe what you've accomplished.

32. Everything takes soooo much longer than you think it will.

33. Starting and running a company will be terrifying at times. That is OK!

34. The amount of mistakes you make will be humbling. However, just don't make catastrophic mistakes that cause you to go out of business.

35. Learn to manage your cash flow. If you don't know what a rolling cash flow forecast is, you'd better learn what it is.

36. Fire really bad customers. You will be worried about losing the revenue, but they aren't worth it. Finish the job you started if you can, but discontinue the relationship as soon as you can.

37. Get a good CRM and use it. Seeing the deals you get and don't get will tell you a lot about your business.

38. Offering a product and offering a service are very different. It will be tempting to do both, but it is difficult, and you should be wary.

39. Be focused on doing one thing great. Every opportunity you look at will dilute your focus.

40. Your business can do different things like not having standard hours or having work-at-home employees. You don't have to do it the same as everyone else.

41. You will truly hate at least one thing about running a business. (For me, that's doing taxes.) Find someone else to do most of this for you.

42. Having a business partner feels a lot like being married. You will spend a ton of time with this person. It better be someone you genuinely care about and trust. But you don't have to like each other all the time.

43. It really helps if you and your business partner are good at different things.

44. You will not be able to be there for all of your family and friends as much as you like, and they will have a hard time understanding.

45. Selling your products and services becomes easier as you show a track record of being successful.

46. Good employees make your life easier. Bad employees make your life harder. There is no middle ground.

47. You will think about your business a lot. You will probably even dream about it.

48. Paying yourself a smaller (but regular paycheck) is better. You can always give yourself bonuses and raises when you have a surplus of money.

49. Having a master plan is important, but the details will change often.

50. It is all so worth it. Even if your business fails, you will be better for it.

—Brian Cauble is co-founder and CEO of Birmingham, Ala.-based mobile app studio Appsolute Genius. Since launching in 2009, his seven-person firm has developed more than 100 apps.


Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Can’t Hold Us

Après Thrift Shop, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis change de registre pour proposer un magnifique clip illustrant le morceau « Can’t Hold Us ». Réalisée par Ryan Lewis, Jason Koenig et Jon Jon Augustavo, cette vidéo jongle avec talent entre différents univers et met en avant le drapeau « The Heist », titre de l’album.

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A Whole Lotta Pointin’ Going On in Band’s Crowdsourced Music Video

Get ready to have your mind blown. Dutch band Light Light has created one of the most amazing interactive music videos ever, housed on a site called DoNotTouch.org. The site tracks your mouse pointer throughout the video and shows you where everyone else pointed, as well. You're asked to signal your answers to certain questions, such as where you're located on a world map. But you're also given challenges along the way, like following a narrowing path or not touching a naked woman (thus, it is possibly NSFW). The result is both hypnotic and engaging, which is a rare combo indeed. Watch the video here.