Havas Worldwide: O primeiro passo para mudar o mundo é fazer alguém sorrir

Euro RSCG Austrália mudou de nome e agora é Havas Worldwide. Ao longo do processo, eles resolveram que gostariam de aproveitar o embalo da mudança de nome e fazer algo maior… Algo como mudar o mundo. Foi assim que surgiu o Project Change, que contará com uma série de iniciativas que provoquem pequenas transformações positivas nas pessoas e, quem sabe, até mesmo no mundo. A primeira delas foi realizada nas cidades de Sydney, Melbourne e Brisbane.

A partir de uma pesquisa feita pela própria agência, a Havas Worldwide descobriu que 97% dos australianos ficam infelizes a caminho do trabalho. Para tentar mudar isso, eles resolveram ir às ruas no horário do pico para “vender” biscoitos pelo preço único de um sorriso. É claro que tudo foi gravado e virou o vídeo acima. Há, ainda, algumas fotos no Facebook.

Agora é aguardar e ficar de olho para ver o que vem por aí no Project Change.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Dulux Walls – Let’s Colour

Une belle initiative mondiale pour la marque Dulux, avec ce travail de l’agence Euro RSCG London. Un film Let’s Colour dirigé par Adam Berg durant 4 semaines au Brésil, en France, au Royaume Uni et en Inde. Des lieux transformés par les habitants, avec près de 120 couleurs de peintures.



Previously on Fubiz

Mortein : EuroRSCG, New Delhi

An ad that kills insects just like the product it advertises.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG Advertising, Gurgaon, India
Creative Director: Satbir Singh
Art Directors: Kamal Bhatnagar, Neha Sidhra
Copywriters: Kamal Bhatnagar, Abhishek Chaswal
Photographers: Kamal Bhatnagar, Ajit Singh Padam

Perfect support, perfect sleep

Click Images To Enlarge

Advertising Agency: EURO RSCG, Dubai
Creative Director: Neeraj Sabharwal
Copywriter: Neeraj Sabharwal
Art Director: Neeraj Sabharwal
Photographer: Tejal Patni
Illustrator: Jose Basug
Other Credits: Carmel Missilmany

Via [Dubai Lynx]

Be gentle to your wash

Click Image To Enlarge

Agency: Euro RSCG, Dubai
Art / Creative Director Copywriter: Neeraj Sabharwal
Illustrator: Muhannad Shono

Via [ Dubai Lynx ]

Control Extra Lube: Rabbit

a href=/media/print/control_extra_lube_rabbitimg src=http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/controlextraluberabbit.preview.jpg alt=Control Extra Lube: Rabbit title=Control Extra Lube: Rabbit class=image image-preview width=322 height=460 //apAdvertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Madrid, Spainbr /
Creative Directors: Germán Silva, Felipe Crespo, Eva Conesabr /
Art Director: Natalia Diezbr /
Copywriter: Adriana Matasbr /
Photographers: Fotografia Digital, Carles Nin, Francesc Dalmau, Albert Farnosbr /
Account Supervisors: José Maria Ricarte, Alfonso Garcia Valenzuela/p

Veja: Vacation

Veja: Vacation

Do not play with your kids at the vacations, yes that’s dirty.
Veja X-14 is the only one that combines the cleaner power of Veja with active chlorine, removing the mildew and disinfecting deeply.
Less time cleaning, more time for you enjoy the vacations with the kids.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Rodrigo Corbari, Carlos Castelo
Art Director: Adriana Guimarães
Copywriter: Paula Chande
Photographer: Geison Genga
Published: July 2008

Veja: Grounded

Veja: Grounded

Be an energetic mom: let the clean freak grounded.
Veja Kitchen Degreaser. Is the only one that combines the cleaner power of Veja with the degreasing strength of lemon.
Less time cleaning, more time for you enjoy the vacations with the kids.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Rodrigo Corbari, Carlos Castelo
Art Director: Adriana Guimarães
Copywriter: Paula Chande
Photographer: Geison Genga
Published: July 2008

Veja: Time

Veja: Time

Only one thing can be more essential than battery in your kid’s toys: time.
Vacation with the kids at home certainly is fun. You can play in the floor, eat popcorn and don’t even have to think about cleanness because Veja took care about everything. There’s Veja 4 em 1, Veja Perfumes of Nature, Veja Kitchen Degreaser, Veja X-14 Mildew Remover, everything gets clean and ready for you have fun with your kids. That’s the deal with Veja: Less time cleaning, more time for you.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Rodrigo Corbari, Carlos Castelo
Art Director: Adriana Guimarães
Copywriter: Paula Chande
Photographer: Geison Genga
Published: July 2008

Nugget: Glare

Nugget: Glare

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Carlos Castelo, Rodrigo Corbari
Art Director: Rodrigo Corbari
Copywriter: Carlos Castelo
Aired: April 2008

Semina Gel: Recruit

Semina Gel: Recruit

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG São Paulo, Brazil

Rockstar Music Rooms: Rasta

Rockstar Music Rooms: Rasta

Let the music flow.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG Colombia
Creative Director: Cruz Mujica
Art Director: Camilo Urrutia
Copywriters: Jimmy Vargas, Jorge Villarreal
Illustrators: Camilo Urrutia, Naranja Cine y TV
Photographer: Juan David Betancur
Producers: Andrés Mejía, Mauricio Moya

Rockstar Music Rooms: Metal

Rockstar Music Rooms: Metal

Let the music flow.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG Colombia
Creative Director: Cruz Mujica
Art Director: Camilo Urrutia
Copywriters: Jimmy Vargas, Jorge Villarreal
Illustrators: Camilo Urrutia, Naranja Cine y TV
Photographer: Juan David Betancur
Producers: Andrés Mejía, Mauricio Moya

Rockstar Music Rooms: Girl

Rockstar Music Rooms: Girl

Let the music flow.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG Colombia
Creative Director: Cruz Mujica
Art Director: Camilo Urrutia
Copywriters: Jimmy Vargas, Jorge Villarreal
Illustrators: Camilo Urrutia, Naranja Cine y TV
Photographer: Juan David Betancur
Producers: Andrés Mejía, Mauricio Moya

LG vacuum cleaners: Space

LG vacuum cleaners: Space

Suction power.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Colombia
Creative Director: Cruz Mujica
Art Director: Camilo Urrutia
Copywriter: Jimmy Vargas
Illustrator / Photographer: Camilo Urrutia
Producer: Andrés Mejía

LG vacuum cleaners: Beach house

LG vacuum cleaners: Beach house

Suction power.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Colombia
Creative Director: Cruz Mujica
Art Director: Camilo Urrutia
Copywriter: Jimmy Vargas
Illustrator / Photographer: Camilo Urrutia
Producer: Andrés Mejía

LG vacuum cleaners: Tower

LG vacuum cleaners: Tower

Suction power.

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Colombia
Creative Director: Cruz Mujica
Art Director: Camilo Urrutia
Copywriter: Jimmy Vargas
Illustrator / Photographer: Camilo Urrutia
Producer: Andrés Mejía

LG Micro audio: Vase

LG Micro audio: Vase

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Colombia
Creative Director: Cruz Mujica
Art Director / Illustrator: Gustavo Mantilla
Copywriter: Jorge Villarreal
Photographer: Danilo Perdomo
Producer: Andrés Mejía

LG Micro audio: Shoe

LG Micro audio: Shoe

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Colombia
Creative Director: Cruz Mujica
Art Director / Illustrator: Gustavo Mantilla
Copywriter: Jorge Villarreal
Photographer: Danilo Perdomo
Producer: Andrés Mejía

LG Micro audio: Mouse

LG Micro audio: Mouse

Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG, Colombia
Creative Director: Cruz Mujica
Art Director / Illustrator: Gustavo Mantilla
Copywriter: Jorge Villarreal
Photographer: Danilo Perdomo
Producer: Andrés Mejía