10 Downing Street Pub by Dentsu Bangalore

Advertised brand: 10 Downing Street Pub, Chennai Traffic Police
Advert title(s): Had a Drink? Think!

Advertising Agency: Dentsu India Group

Executive Creative Director: Ashwin Parthiban, Shiv Parameswaran
Creative Director: Rathish P Subramaniam, Sachit Sadanandan
Art Director: Rathish P Subramaniam, Shiv Parameswaran
Copywriter: Sachit Sadanandan, Ashwin Parthiban

Additional credits:
Production House – Silent Picture Company
Director – Mark Manuel
Executive Producer – Balaji Selvaraj
Camera – Anbu Dennis, Vignesh Vasu, Jagadeesh Ravichandran
Assistant Director – Al Hoon
Music – Timothy Madhukar
Sound Engineer – Sean Bout
Post Production – RGB
Offline – Manohar
Online – Mohan
Computer Graphics – Velu

Short rationale (optional):
‘Don’t drink and drive’. Its a message that is so ubiquitous in big cities, it has actually become a blind spot. What this jaded ‘public’ message needed was a personal touch. An emotional connect that would not only make people notice this message, but act on it.
Had a Drink? Think!

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The Negative Space of a House

Your Book est le nom du livre de Michael Heimann et Claudia Baulesch s’inspirant du projet architectural d’Olafur Eliasson à Copenhague. Composé de 908 pages, cette création magnifique représente chaque espace pensé en négatif sur la feuille. Un travail d’orfèvre à découvrir en images dans la suite.

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The Concrete Penthouse

Ancien abri durant la seconde guerre mondiale avant de servir de prison ou encore boîte de nuit, ce penthouse de 500m2 tout en béton située dans le quartier de Mitte à Berlin est le lieu de résidence du couple de collectionneurs Christian & Karen Boros et propose un aménagement intérieur impressionnant.

Pictures by Aline Liefled

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History of Type

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