Industry Must Mobilize to Thwart Ad-Tax Deduction Shift

If you’re reading this you are likely in the business of advertising. That means you will be affected if Congress passes any tax provision or bill that changes the long-held deduction of advertising costs. This is a possible outcome of the battle over tax reform in Washington.

For decades, U.S. businesses have been allowed to deduct 100% of advertising costs as an ordinary and necessary expense. But two approaches under consideration will radically change this. One comes from the House Ways and Means committee under Chairman David Camp, R-Mich., and the other from the Senate Finance Committee under Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont. These proposals call for businesses to deduct only 50% of costs in the year the advertising runs and then amortize the deduction of the remaining 50% over a period of five or 10 years.

It’s worth noting that both Mr. Baucus and Mr. Camp, despite being from different parties and chambers, toured the country together over the summer in advocating for tax reform. This coordination is expected to continue and will give the pending legislation even more heft.

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Has Time Run Out for McDonald’s Brand Chronicle After 10 Years?

Rance Crain

Has the brand-chronicle concept, as employed by McDonald’s, outlived its usefulness?

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? Submarino tem Cyber Monday com ofertas exclusivas em todos os departamentos

Pra começar muito bem a semana, tem Cyber Monday no Submarino em plena segunda-feira.

É a maior liquidação mundial da internet, com 24h de ofertas exclusivas de eletrônicos, eletrodomésticos, informática, telefonia, livros, blu-ray e muito mais.

E todo o site vai estar com 12% de desconto à vista! Se na Black Friday, já garantiu o que queria pra você, aproveita a Cyber Monday pra matar a lista de presentes de Natal!

Mas corra, porque o estoque e as promoções são limitados.

[Esse post é trazido a você por Submarino. Texto de responsabilidade do anunciante.]

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Chelsea FC kicks off player guessing game

Chelsea Football Club has issued a challenge to supporters by unveiling an online game aimed at testing their knowledge of the club’s players, past and present.

The Economist: Surprising Reads, 4

Advertising Agency: FHV BBDO, Netherlands
Copywriters: Paul Falla, Mark Muller
Art Directors: Bas De Graaf, Martin Cornelissen
Account Supervisor: Iain Howe
Planner: Arnd-Jan Gulmans

The Economist: Surprising Reads, 3

Advertising Agency: FHV BBDO, Netherlands
Copywriters: Paul Falla, Mark Muller
Art Directors: Bas De Graaf, Martin Cornelissen
Account Supervisor: Iain Howe
Planner: Arnd-Jan Gulmans

The Economist: Surprising Reads, 2

Advertising Agency: FHV BBDO, Netherlands
Copywriters: Paul Falla, Mark Muller
Art Directors: Bas De Graaf, Martin Cornelissen
Account Supervisor: Iain Howe
Planner: Arnd-Jan Gulmans

The Economist: Surprising Reads, 1

The brief: The Economist is well known in the UK. In Germany it has an awareness of 2%. We needed to change this.

The idea: We know potential readers love reading, so we gave them something to read. Our idea: a campaign bringing media, creative and the board of editors of The Economist working as one. We focused on Berlin. We asked our media partner to map out the locations where we could find our potential readers. The media became the brief for the editors to find a topic and write the articles to create a smart match with each media type,

The solution: We turned media space into reading space. Giving Berliners a fresh view and a taste of what The Economist is about. The campaign got Berlin reading… and talking. Awareness went up to 12%. We even got a compliment from the editor in chief Wolfgang Blau of the biggest local competitor, Die Zeit. He just needed 109 characters. Germany is now aware of The Economist.

Advertising Agency: FHV BBDO, Netherlands
Copywriters: Paul Falla, Mark Muller
Art Directors: Bas De Graaf, Martin Cornelissen
Account Supervisor: Iain Howe
Planner: Arnd-Jan Gulmans

Com uso de drones, Amazon promete entrega de pedidos em até meia hora

Você faz um pedido pela Amazon, e sua encomenda chega em menos de uma hora. Impressionante, não é? Isso será possível em breve, com a ajuda de um robô. E mais: um robô que voa.

Jeff Bezos, CEO da companhia, demonstrou ontem no programa “60 Minutes” os primeiros testes com drones. Chamado de “Amazon Prime Air”, o projeto futurista inclui octacópteros aguardando no final de uma esteira e pegando os produtos de forma automatizada.

Por enquanto, os drones são indicados apenas para pacotes com até 2.5 kg, mas Bezos revela que 86% das entregas da Amazon estão dentro desse limite. Atualmente, a empresa trabalha com a regulamentação necessária e segurança para colocar os serviço em prática.

A Amazon deseja oferecer a entrega robótica nos períodos de promoções e final de ano, onde chegam a receber mais de 300 pedidos por segundo.


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Amazon Plans 30-Minute Delivery via Massive Squadron of Unmanned Drones

It sounds like an April Fools' joke, but this is totally real. Amazon just revealed a shock-inducing plan to get delivery times down to a mere 30 minutes by using an army of aerial drones. The service is still in R&D, but was teased Sunday night on 60 Minutes by CEO Jeff Bezos in what amounted to a lengthy Amazon infomercial. You can view the entire episode online; he starts talking about it at 11:30. Or just check out the amazing little video below about the service, which they're calling Amazon Prime Air.

The unmanned drones are equipped with GPS and can carry objects weighing up to five pounds, which is 86 percent of the objects Amazon delivers. Their range is up to 10 miles from any fulfillment center, but as Amazon keeps building more and more of those, I imagine that will incorporate most metro areas by 2015. Why 2015? Bezos says that's the soonest Amazon Prime Air will be airborne because of shifting FAA regulations.

Domino's has tested its own delivery drone, but Amazon is getting all the press (along with more than 2 million YouTube views in 12 hours) thanks to Sunday's high-profile announcement. Given that Amazon also apparently provides the private cloud for the CIA, I somehow doubt they'll have much trouble swaying the FAA. Which means that in just a few short years, a massive swarming army of Amazon bots will be descending over your neighborhood bringing holiday cheer.

Let's hope they dress them in tiny appropriate holiday hats.


McDonald’s: Wifi

Advertising Agency: TBWA, Madrid, Spain
Creative Directors: Juan Sanchez, Guillermo Gines,Montse Pastor
Copywriter: Inmaculada Jimenez
Art Director: Carmen Corpas
Agency Producer: Nuria Mazario

In A World Without Words

Focus sur la photographe coréenne Ina Jang basée à Brooklyn qui porte avec sa dernière série « In a World without Words » un véritable regard minimaliste et en deux-dimensions sur les sujets qu’elle capture. Des clichés figuratifs et étranges d’une grande beauté, à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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IPA and MAA condemn GSK’s bonus requests

Advertising industry trade bodies have condemned a bid by the pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline to get its agencies to make “bonus” payments to remain on its roster.

Boston Consulting Takes On Bain In Brand Buzz Business, Names iPhone No. 1

Boston Consulting Group is entering the brand health metrics fray with its own Brand Advocacy Index which ranks the public perception of brands.

The ranking is its take on the Net Promoter Score popularized a decade ago in part by rival Bain & Co. but using a more complex survey that Boston Consulting Group says correlates better with sales growth.

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Nike estreia campanha “Ouse Ser Brasileiro” para a Copa do Mundo 2014

A Nike estreou ontem sua maior campanha para o mercado brasileiro, voltada, obviamente, para a Copa do Mundo 2014 que se aproxima. Com o mote “Ouse Ser Brasileiro”, a iniciativa veiculou um primeiro filme para reverenciar o “estilo único” dos jogadores do nosso país.

Neymar, Thiago Silva, David Luiz, Paulinho e Bernard protagonizam o comercial, com cenas do presente e ficção para relembrar o passado de cada jogador. Felipão, Ronaldo Fenômeno, Ivete Sangalo e Thiaguinho também participam dos 90 segundos, assinados com “Ninguém joga como a gente”.

Com superproduções como essa, além de um extenso trabalho em outras mídias, a Nike se posiciona mais uma vez diante de um evento global em que não é patrocinadora oficial, sem poder usar nenhum termo ou imagens de propriedade da FIFA. Porém, ainda assim, consegue ser reconhecida como tal pelos consumidores.

A criação é da Wieden+Kennedy Brasil, com produção da Rattling Stick.

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Canal+ cria nova versão para a Natividade

O que é o Natal, para você? Para cada pessoa, assim como para cada marca, a festa tem um significado diferente. No caso do Canal+, Natal é a época de se ficar com a família, de preferência em frente à televisão, compartilhando a “irresistível programação de fim de ano” do canal. Pelo menos é a mensagem proposta por The Wise Man, filme criado pela BETC Paris que traz uma nova versão para a Natividade.

Com produção da The Glue Society/Wanda e direção de Gary Freedman, o comercial mostra um dos reis magos perdido no deserto, tentando encontrar o caminho para Belém. Ao anoitecer, entretanto, a Estrela de Belém finalmente aparece no céu e ele consegue se localizar. Ao chegar ao estábulo, entretanto, a história é um pouco diferente daquela contada tradicionalmente.

O filme entrou no ar hoje, mas é difícil prever como ele será recebido pelo público. Pode ser que algumas pessoas se sintam ofendidas com o tratamento dado ao assunto, enquanto outras encarem tudo com humor. Uma coisa é certa: tanto o cliente quanto a agência não tiveram medo de se arriscar com uma ideia. É esperar para ver.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Kanat Agriculture Insurance: Survival Instinct

Advertising Agency: Y&R, Tel Aviv, Israel
Chief Creative Officer: Guy Bar
Creative Director: Gil Aviyam
Art Director: Asi Gurtenberg, Shuki berg
Copywriter: Shuki Berg, Asi Gurtenberg
Image processing: Alon Zaid
Image Retoucher: Boaz Rozemberg
Executive Client Director: Dany Elyakim
Account Supervisor: Amit Tuval Goldstein
?Account Manager: Davidi Ofri
Planning: Aviv Shener
Producers: Shira Robas, Lirona Spivak

Media agencies: do not not forget how you got here

Media agencies were born not too long ago from a breakdown in communication, today’s agencies are warned not to make the same mistake with clients by industry stalwart, Brian Jacobs.

Floral Leather Jackets – This ‘Antik Batik’ Jacket Mixes Leather with Lady-Like Elements (GALLERY)

( This gorgeous Antik Batik leather jacket is truly something unique. The combinations of a cool leather jacket with a lady-like floral embossing is an eye-catching twist on a classic.

Using a high-…

Publicis Retains M&A Appetite in Midst of Megamerger

Publicis Groupe’s planned merger with Omnicom hasn’t sated the holding company’s acquisition appetite. Since late July, when the pairing was announced, the Paris-based Publicis has purchased — or proposed to purchase — a dozen digital, data and media shops from Brazil to Poland and Ohio to India.

Its latest is a proposal to buy a majority stake in London-based Walker Media, which is 75%-owned by M&C Saatchi and valued at $75 million. While Publicis’ recent investments are regional and small relative to its purchases over the last two years — it snagged Amsterdam-based Lbi for $540 million and Hamilton, N.J.-based Rosetta for $575 million — the timing of a shopping spree in the midst of a pending megamerger raises questions. For the ever-hungry Publicis, when is enough enough? And how will Publicis’ insatiable appetite jibe with Omnicom’s philosophy to build vs. buy?

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