Experimental Station – Part 3 (Lost in Space)


The Lost in Space section of the exhibition explores the outer space, that part of the universe that excites the imagination of scientists and artists alike. Because of its high percentage of science fiction, pure speculation and enigma, that was the part of the show i liked the best continue

Kiss me I’m a copycat? / L’originalité manque à la pelle

kissberlin kiss1 kiss2
Street Art Berlin – 1990
Source : @coudrl, Wikipedia
Artist : Dmitry Vrubel (Germany)
Dansu Production House – 2011
Source : Luerzer’s Archive 05/11
Agency : Milk, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Benetton Unhate Campaign – 11/2011
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : La Fabrica (Italy)

27 Unusual Snack Cookers – From Tiny Dessert Devices to Carnival Cuisine Machines (CLUSTER)

(TrendHunter.com) These unusual snack cookers will curb cravings for certain confections that are not always easy to track down. You’ve got a craving for a corn dog, but the State Fair has left town. You may be in the mood…

Shivam Optics by AMO Communications

Ad Title: Needle Eye
Ad Agency: AMO Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Art Director: Suneel G. Katarnavare
Copywriter: Jayant Savant
Photographer: Suneel G. Katarnavare

Stanis?aw Lem no Google polonês

Você que gosta dos doodles do Google, vai gastar um bom tempo nesse em homenagem a Stanis?aw Lem, escritor polonês de ficção científica.

Com o autor de “Solaris”, você caminha pelo doodle e resolve enigmas que parecem simples de início, mas vão esquentar a sua cabeça.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Derrubando Verdades

O meio publicitário é repleto de verdades e mentiras. Existem muitos profissionais falando o que acham sobre o mercado, como vai ser no futuro, quais vão ser as novas tendências e o que temos que fazer agora. Mas o que será que realmente é verdade? O que está realmente por vir? Será que essas teorias não são apenas regrinhas inventadas?

Se aproveitando deste dilema, Fernando Diniz, head de planejamento da F.biz, divulga sua campanha para o prêmio Caboré, onde ele é indicado como Profissional de Planejamento do ano. Uma campanha feita para provocar o mercado e nos fazer pensar.

De forma inovadora, a campanha segue uma alternativa diferenciada ao publicar algumas dessas supostas verdades randomicamente em um Tumblr, o www.derrubandoverdades.com.br. Além dos posts randômicos, a plataforma da campanha também nos convida a decidir e discutir se elas realmente são verdades ou mitos.

Alguns exemplos de supostas verdades encontradas no site:

As pessoas se comunicam no meio digital de forma diferente.
A classe C só está no Orkut.
Quase ninguém usa o celular para navegar na internet.
O total de fás é a principal métrica para o sucesso de uma fan page.
Usar celebridades nas redes sociais é a melhor maneira de gerar engajamento para sua marca.
Agências digitais não sabem fazer estratégia de marca.

Ainda para a campanha, um artigo muito reflexivo escrito pelo Fernando Diniz foi publicado no jornal Meio&Mensagem: “Quanto tempo dura uma verdade?” . Vale a leitura!

Para conhecer mais sobre ele, clique aqui! E para votar nele como Profissional de Planejamento no Caboré 2011, clique aqui!

Nós (Bruno Delfino e Gabriel Jacob), como planejadores da F.biz, companheiros de trabalho e amigos do Fernando Diniz, vivenciamos e aprendemos muito tudo isso no nosso dia a dia do trabalho, pensando para o negócio dos nossos clientes, e não para as plataformas digitais, guiados por uma visão estratégica que o Diniz sempre se preocupou em compartilhar com todos nós, da sua equipe. Por isso apoiamos a iniciativa e sentimos orgulho de ser um dos 20 loucos que ele mencionou no artigo do M&M. :)

Walmart Runs Food Safety PSA for Thanksgiving

Walmart is running the Ad Council's "Food Safe Families" PSA on the Walmart Checkout TV Network, showing how to prepare food safely at home. The spot "Separate," part of a pro bono campaign created by JWT New York, is running in 588 stores across the U.S., reaching more than 50 million customers.

Zaman? Öldürmeden Ya?amak

Sana ne ifade ediyor?

Micah M. White

From Adbusters #: Post Anarchism – #OCCUPYWALLSTREET

Charles Peterson

This article is available in:

Zaman? öldürmeden ya?amak büyük bir reddedi?i somutla?t?rmak, mücadeledeki keyfi yakalamak, ya?am?n her an?n? tüketimci kabusun inkar?na ve devrimci olana??n teyidine dönü?türmektir. Bir dönem, bir y?l, bir ony?l?  Big Macsiz, Frappucinosuz, World of Warcrafts?z ama bilbordlardaki reklamlar?n karaland??? geceyar?s? maceralar?yla, gerilla bahçecili?iyle, ola?anüstü senkronize küresel eylemlerle geçirmek. 

Birço?umuzun bu ?ekilde ya?amaya ba?lad???n? dü?ün, günlük ya?am? bir direni? formuna çevirerek ?ehri etkisi alt?na ald???n? ve halk?n isyan duygusunu tekrar harakete geçirdi?ini. Gelece?e giden yol bu tür bir radikal oyundan geçmektedir. 

Buradan nereye varabiliriz? #OCCUPYWALLSTREET, bu radikal yeni ya?am biçimine do?ru ilk ad?m m?d?r?

Micah White

Translated by Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com

Chatroulette is not dead: drawing tool

Do you remember Chatroulette, the random video chat? It was a huge buzz last year. Guess what? It’s still alive and innovating. You can now draw with strangers thansk to Chatroulette.

Building the Revolution: Soviet Art and Architecture 1915-1935


This exhibition examines Russian avant-garde architecture made during a brief but intense period of design and construction that took place from c.1922 to 1935. Fired by the Constructivist art that emerged in Russia from c.1915, architects transformed this radical artistic language into three dimensions, creating structures whose innovative style embodied the energy and optimism of the new Soviet Socialist state continue

Lynx ads banned for degrading women and reaching kids

Unilever’s Lynx brand has been hit with a double ban for separate outdoor and internet campaigns after the advertising watchdog upheld complaints that they objectified women and were inappropriately located where they could be seen by children.

Mitt Romney Ad Twists Obama’s Words — and It Works

Mitt Romney pulls a blatant fast one with the first TV ad of his presidential campaign — and the fib is probably working from a branding standpoint.

In Black Midnight, You’re Watching a New Holiday Tradition Being Born

While the debate rages over the ethics of retailers bringing forward their Black Friday opening times to midnight on Thanksgiving, it's worth remembering that retailers and shopping have long played an integral role in our holiday traditions, so why should this latest change be seen as any different?

UN Turns to Social Media for Human Rights Day

To celebrate Human Rights Day Dec. 10, the United Nations is planning a global digital and social media campaign — the first time it has used social media to mark this annual global event. Stephen Carpi, global director of production for Fantasy Interactive, discusses the campaign, "Celebrate Human Rights."

People on the Move: Yum Brands Names Micky Pant CEO

Mr. Pant, most recently president of Yum Restaurants International, takes over for Graham Allen, who is leaving the company early next year.

Dog Sofa / Une idée qui a du chien

dogcoach dogcoach2011
Febreze “eliminate odors on textiles”2008
Source : Cannes Archive Online
Agency : Grey Paris (France)
Alto Furniture “Oh, so pretty!” – 2011
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Power CS, Novokuznetsk (Russia)

Reebok CrossFit: 3D Street Art

Today Reebok CrossFit, a revolutionary strength and conditioning programme, teamed up with artists 3D Joe and Max to break the Guinness World Record for the largest ever 3D street art. The painting measured an impressive 1,160.4m² and was unveiled at London’s West India Quays, Canary Wharf. Here the public were invited to take part in a Reebok CrossFit WOD (workout of the day) on the spectacular artwork.

Artist: Joe and Max

Jake and Dinos Chapman: My Giant Colouring Book


I wonder how Jake and Dinos Chapman would have reacted had someone told them in 2004 that their etchings defacing children colouring books would end up being shown at the V&A Museum of Childhood. Amusingly, the museum curators placed the works at children’s level so you have to bend down to have a look at them. Children won’t stand in your way. They are too busy running around the train models, teddy bears and robot displays to care about the exhibition continue

Li Fbalek Dialek

Advertising Agency: Fortune Promoseven, Morocco Creative Director: Mehdi Saqi Via [AdsOfTheWorld]

Architecture of Fear – a conversation with Trevor Paglen


I’ve seen Trevor Paglen’s fascinating photos in numerous contexts, from new media art festivals to activist conferences and contemporary art exhibitions. But i’m no different from most people: the more i see Paglen’s work, the more questions i want to ask him. I’ve finally decided to catch up with him and interviewed him via skype for the upcoming Z33 catalogue continue