WB Catvertising for Fear 2 Video Game


On Friday the 13th, Warner Brothers corralled a bunch of black cats together, covered them in Fear 2 swag and let them loose in London.

Steve Hayden, Jimmy Wales to Keynote ad:tech San Francisco


At ad:tech San Francisco, set to take place at Moscone West April 21-23, Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales and Ogilvy Worldwide Vice Chairman Steve Hayden will be the lead keynote speakers.

ING cuts sponsorship of Formula One

LONDON – Global bank ING has decided not to renew its sponsorship of the Renault F1 team after this year.

Channel 4 to launch green button ads on Sky

LONDON – Channel 4 is encouraging viewers to watch more programming on its digital channels by marketing its upcoming shows through a ‘bookable trails’ service on Sky.

British Gas repositions as green energy company with new TV ad campaign

LONDON – British Gas is repositioning itself as a green energy company through a multi-channel marketing campaign featuring Terry Gilliam-esc imagery.

Telegraph appoints head of mobile

LONDON – Telegraph Media Group has appointed Maani Safa as head of mobile

Fans of Don Pasquale, Nescafe and the Bellagio: Rejoice!


Boy do we have a spot for you.

Cadbury’s ‘eyebrow’ ad goes viral to tune of 4m views

LONDON – Cadbury’s latest TV ad, in which two po-faced children sitting in a photographer’s portrait studio make their eyebrows dance to a bleepy electro-funk track, has taken the internet by storm, with the confectionery company claiming it has been viewed 4m times.

Ipsos unveils positive financial results

PARIS – French research group Ipsos has increased its full-year revenues by 5.6% to €979.3m (£876.8m).

Coraline: Interactive Window


Praticamente toda a blogosfera já comentou sobre o cultuado romance “infantil” Coraline, uma obra “timburtoniana” de Neil Gaiman. Vou tentar ser um pouco diferente, e mostrar como foi e continua sendo aplicado o papel genial  do marketing para divulgar o filme.

Tudo começa com o convite a Wieden + Kennedy, a agência mais respeitada do mundo, coordenou todas as ações de mídia e não mídia para Coraline.

Em uma das ações (não mídia), está a minha predileta: janelas interativas espalhadas por sete cidades importantes dos EUA. As janelas, produzidas em parceria com a Inwindow Outdoor, tinham formatos de espelhos, dando às pessoas a simulação de estarem com olhos transformados em botões pretos.

A questão é que, ao encontrar uma dimensão lúdica e cheia de fantasias, Coraline percebe que as pessoas não têm olhos. No lugar de pupilas, há botões pretos, indicando que aquelas almas foram parar em algum outro espaço.

:: Via W+K Blog

Kadence reports 40% growth in revenue

LONDON – Global B2B research firm Kadence has reported a 40% increase in revenues to $7.8m (£5.4m) for the six months to the end of December 2008.

ITV’s Genes Reunited site adds Virtual Earth maps function

ITV is pushing ahead with new developments to its genealogy site Genes Reunited, despite reports that its free sister site Friends Reunited will be sold off.

Synovate UK appoints research director

LONDON – Synovate has appointed Jonathan Wibberley as research director within its technology sector team in the UK.

Cancer Patient Aid Association

Click to enlarge the creative ad / design

Click to enlarge the creative ad / design

“Cigarettes smoke people”

Bleublancrouge, a Canadian advertising agency developed this print campaign for The Cancer Patient Aid Association, based in India.

Co-op launches Co-operative Holidays tour operator brand

LONDON – Co-operative Travel is to launch a new branded tour operating business in the summer.

Synovate shakes up Brazil management

SAO PAULO – Globe research firm Synovate has reshuffled the management at its Latin American operations.

Citroën | Ghostbusters

Aproveitando que “Os Caça-Fantasmas” voltaram a mídia, com um novo game e especulações cada vez maiores de um novo filme, a Citroën estreou na França um comercial inspirado na série.

Inclusive utilizando uma versão remix da famosa trilha sonora de Ghostbusters, o anúncio traz três “parapsicologistas” que acabam com um monstro de lixo usando a mochila de prótons.

Bem bacana, mas o misterioso blog GhostSpy, dedicado a falar da produção do comercial, acabou enganando muita gente. Com cenas e fotos sugestivas, tudo parecia ser realmente ligado aos bastidores das filmagens de “Ghostbusters III”, que segundo Dan Aykroyd, está ainda apenas em fase de desenvolvimento de roteiro.

| Via TCM

Twitter secures $35million in fresh funding

LONDON – Twitter, the microblogging service, has secured a fresh round of funding from Benchmark Capital and Institutional Venture Partners, reported to be $35m.

OTPmedia adds Deliaonline to ad portfolio

LONDON – Online ad network OTPmedia has added cookery writer Delia Smith’s website, Deliaonline.com, to its portfolio.

iDream by Psyho

Un oreiller personnalisable et déclinable en 6 versions, permettant d’imaginer et d’illustrer ses futurs rêves nocturnes. Une belle idée sobrement intitulé “iDream” par le studio ukrainien Psyho.








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