35 Examples of Plus-Size Models – From Full-Figured Swimwear Spreads to Curvaceous Body Campaigns (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Once upon a time, sizes two and under were the ideal body shape, but now, plus-size models are taking over the fashion world and making a stand. As plus-size models become more readily featured in…

Lego Builds Awesome Life-Size Star Wars X-Wing Fighter, Its Largest Model Ever

Lego has unveiled a life-size Star Wars X-Wing fighter jet made entirely of Legos in Times Square. It promotes an upcoming Cartoon Network show called The Yoda Chronicles. You can also see a life-size Lego Chewy, Vader, R2-D2, C-3PO and Boba Fett in the promo for the show. But the X-Wing has the distinction of being the largest Lego structure built to date. At 11 feet tall, 43 feet long, 44 feet wide and almost 46,000 pounds, it's made of 5,335,200 individual Lego bricks. It took 32 people four months just to put it together. And you can climb into the cockpit for a photo. Which means all you Star Wars and Lego fans must make a pilgrimage to this, the largest and most awesome Lego thing ever made, and get a picture of your child sitting in the cockpit shouting "Pew! Pew!" See lots more photos at Gizmodo.


Uma cancela de estacionamento que só abre para motoristas sóbrios

Nas mais comuns cancelas de estacionamentos mundo afora, você insere o cartão ou apertão o botão e pronto, passagem liberada. Já na Bélgica, o item foi transformado em barreira de motoristas embriagados.

Trata-se de uma ação da ONG Responsible Young Drivers, realizada em uma das mais tradicionais casas noturnas de Bruxelas. Ao sair do estacionamento, os motoristas deveriam assoprar no bafômetro, e a cancela só abria se o nível de álcool estivesse abaixo do limite máximo permitido.

Segundo informações da campanha, 90% dos motoristas passaram no teste – pois sabiam que não poderiam sair do local – outros 10% deram a direção para um amigo sóbrio ou dormiram no estacionamento.

Criação da Publicis Brussels.

Responsible Young Drivers: The alcohol barrier
Responsible Young Drivers: The alcohol barrier
Responsible Young Drivers: The alcohol barrier

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Driving Awareness: Cell

The leading cause of death among people under 35 is not a disease.
Drive Safely.

Advertising Agency: JWT, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Executive Creative Directors: Anita Ríos, Sebastián Castañeda
Art Director: Fernando Zagales
Copywriter: Juan Mesz
Illustrator: Flamboyant Paradise
Producer: Cosme Argerich

Driving Awareness: Skin

The leading cause of death among people under 35 is not a disease.
Drive Safely.

Advertising Agency: JWT, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Executive Creative Directors: Anita Ríos, Sebastián Castañeda
Art Director: Fernando Zagales
Copywriter: Juan Mesz
Illustrator: Flamboyant Paradise
Producer: Cosme Argerich

Driving Awareness: Kidney

The leading cause of death among people under 35 is not a disease.
Drive Safely.

Advertising Agency: JWT, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Executive Creative Directors: Anita Ríos, Sebatián Castañeda
Art Director: Fernando Zagales
Copywriter: Juan Mesz
Illustrator: Flamboyant Paradise
Producer: Cosme Argerich

Chevy Releases Extended Volt Spot, Now With More Robot Dog

This Chevy Volt ad, titled "Silent Anthem," is an extended version of the Volt footage we saw in the "Find New Roads" launch spot in February. Visually, it's interesting, although it's as much an ad for wind farms and iPads and robot dogs as it is for the Volt. The deer/dog moment at the end is pretty barfy, too, but at least this campaign reaches for something beyond the norm. The Volt bookended the launch spot, which made it feel like the focus of it. But the other vehicles in it have been getting their own individual :60s as well. Check out three of those after the jump.


AntiCast 83 – Dicas de HQs #2

Olá, antidesigners e brainstormers!
Neste programa, Ivan Mizanzuk, Liber Paz, Bernardo Cury e o estreante Brads continuam o papo do longínquo AntiCast 26, para passarem novas e atualizadas (ou não) dicas de histórias em quadrinhos para você que pretende conhecer um pouco mais do que está saindo de bom por aí. Esqueçam os super-heróis, falamos mais de quadrinhos autorais (tá, na real, falamos um pouco sobre super-heróis também. Gostamos de tudo). Saiba qual HQ uma pessoa com TOC não conseguirá ler, a importância da Sessão da Tarde na formação do gosto por histórias adolescentes e cuidado para não acabar caindo nas mãos da “pentalogia do suicídio” quadrinística.

0h16min04seg – Pauta principal
1h35min10seg – Leitura de comentários
1h44min25seg – Música de encerramento: “Penguins & Polarbears” – Millencolin
1h47min17seg – Extras

Vote no AntiCast para os melhores da Websfera

Bingo do AntiCast

Prefiro Baudrillard #9 – A Presença da Ausência ou a Dissonância do Eu
AntiCasts sobre Quadrinhos
Catarse da Cris Peter, para o livro “O Uso das Cores”
Cursos do Beccari em São Paulo
Pré-venda da Revista Leaf #3 e/ou assinatura da Leaf com desconto (insira o código ANTILEAF)
Pixel Coffe Cast #28 – Vou pra academia!
AntiCast 16 – Design e Educação

Dicas de HQ
Fracasso de Público (Alex Robinson):Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3
Lôcas – Maggie, a Mecânica (Jaime Hernandez)
Habibi (Craig Thompson)
Retalhos (Craig Thompson)
Morango e Chocolate (Aurelia Aurita)
Jimmy Corrigan, o menino mais esperto do mundo (Chris Ware)
Building Stories (Chris Ware)
Gnut Comics (Paulo Crumbim)
Wilson (Daniel Clowes)
Ghost World (Mundo Fantasma – Daniel Clowes)
Pinóquio (Winshluss)
Privilégios (Gus Morais)
Samba (Lucas Gehre, Gabriel Mesquita e Gabriel Góes)
Desistência do Azul – Um pretensioso ensaio sobre a memória e a imaginação (L. M. Melite)
Cidade de Vidro (David Mazzucchelli, Paul Auster, Art Spigelman) ESGOTADO
Asterios Polyp (David Mazzucchelli)
MAUS (Art Spigelman)
Xampu (Roger Cruz)
Lucille (Ludovic Debeurme)
Cicatrizes (David Small)
A Chegada (Shaun Tan)
Contos de Lugares Distantes (Shaun Tan)
Quando lá tinha o Muro (Flix)
Darth Vader and Son (Jeffrey Brown)
O Inescrito (Mike Carey e Peter Gross)
Sweet Tooth (Jeff Lemire)
Superman: Identidade Secreta (Kurt Busiek e Stuart Immonem)
Nemesis (Mark Millar e Steve McNiven) [lembrando que o Bernardo disse que é ruim]
Mesa para Dois (Fábio Moon e Gabriel Bá)
LIVRO “A Arte de Produzir Efeito sem Causa” (Lourenço Mutarelli)
Monstros! (Gustavo Duarte)
A Máquina de Goldberg (Vanessa Barbara e Fido Nesti)
Guadalupe (Angélica Freitas e Odyr)
Sabor Brasilis (Hector Lima, Pablo Casado, Felipe Cunha, George Schall)
Garoto Mickey (Yuri Moraes)
Guia de Ruas Sem Saída (Joca Terron e André Ducci)
Cenas Marcantes (Dave McKean)
Acordes (Rogério Vilela)
Diomedes (Lourenço Mutarelli)

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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How to Insure Your Brand’s Digital Experience Properly Serves Consumers


Each year, digital plays an increasing role in the relationship between brand and consumer. And it’s showing no signs of slowing. In it’s report, Digital Customer Experience Trends to Watch, 20013, Forrester takes a look what kinds of digital experiences shape the relationship between brand and consumer and how these changes will affect how brands communicate with their customers and prospects.

Download the report now to make sure your brand is on track to provide the right digital experience for your customers and prospects.

Y&R Asks You to Define What #AdvertisingIs

Young & Rubicam is celebrating its 90th anniversary with a fun project in New York that, fittingly, brings old and new together. It's a billboard in Times Square that will feature—from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon—a giant mosaic of tweets and Facebook posts from everyone who has posted a message with the hashtag #advertisingis. Thus, you still have a little while to get your social-media account up in lights with a post on that topic. The company doing the mosaic is Hyperactivate, which is part of Y&R's Spark Plug incubator program, which we wrote about last year. We'll have a photo of the billboard later this afternoon. For now, check out Y&R's 90th anniversary reel, featuring the work the agency is most proud of through the years.


Twitter Deepens Ties to TV With Media Deals, Ad Targeting

Twitter is attempting to deepen its links to TV — as well as skim TV ad budgets — with a series of new media deals and technology to target ads at TV viewers.

Twitter's ad pitch has been consistent over the past year: advertising on Twitter in conjunction with TV makes TV ads more effective. "Our perspective is everybody in digital has it wrong; they have ben going to market with an either-or proposition," said Twitter global head of revenue Adam Bain. Twitter is a bridge to these different screens and experiences."

Today, at an Internet Week event, the company unveiled a series of media deals and a targeting tool designed to bring TV advertisers on to Twitter. Twitter already has partnerships with ESPN, Turner Sports and the NBA to distribute video clips; today it announced a host of new partners including A&E, Clear Channel, Conde Nast, Vevo, Major League Baseball, WWE, Vice and others. 

Continue reading at AdAge.com

29 City-Savvy Summer Bicycles – From Built-In Bike Cabinets to City Air-Purifying Bicycles (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Summer bicycles are a great alternative for any urbanite to travel effortlessly, quickly and in style across the city. With the sun out, longer days and shorts weather here to stay, finding a fast…

Honda Hybrids: The Same Amount of Fuel

The same amount of fuel will take you farther.

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson, Tel Aviv, Israel
Creative Director: Sigal Abudi
Art Director: Gilad Hirsch
Copywriter: Udi Avital

JWT Amsterdam’s Creative Use of Retargeting Rejuvenates Ad Banner


Here’s one of the most interesting uses of retargeting technology we’ve seen in a while. For those who don’t know, in a nutshell, retargeting allows marketers to, in essence, “tag” you when you visit a particular site (on which they have placed an ad banner) and then show you another banner (retarget you) on another. Most marketers simply show you the same banner over and over again.

JWT Amsterdam approached retargeting a bit more intelligently and used the technology to tell a story.

JWT client, Dutch Customs, wanted to inform travelers it’s illegal to bring back fake designer bags and small knifes from holiday destinations around the world. The agency created re-targeting banners in which street vendors attempt to sell the travelers these products and placed them on travel websites.

Using retargeting, the street vendors followed a person around as they visited various travel sites delivering ever more desperate pleas for people to buy their products each time. After several version of the banners were delivered across multiple site, the final message was delivered: it’s not OK to bring these items back into the Netherlands.

Check out the case video below. See? The ad banner may not yet be dead.

Luxurious Rocker Photography – This Relapse Magazine Series Uses Clothes by Channel and Gucci (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) The extremely funky ‘Melancholia’ editorial for Relapse Magazine features high-end fashion from luxurious brands like Channel, Givency, Gucci and Giorgio Armani. This elegant rocker series…

The Fish Bone Chapel


An interview with Haseeb Ahmed, one of the winners bio-art contest DA4GA, about his project to erect a hybrid building made of the bones of fish altered after exposition to toxins. Can mutation be generative of new forms instead of considered to be simply dangerous? continue

Love Hurts Packaging

Basée à New York, Melanie Chernock a imaginé un kit de survie « Love Hurts Packaging », contenant tous les éléments nécessaires pour se remettre d’une rupture amoureuse. Avec une identité visuelle simple et réussie, découvrez ce projet contenant des mouchoirs, du chocolat ou encore de la vodka dans la suite en images.

Love Hurts Packaging10
Love Hurts Packaging8
Love Hurts Packaging7
Love Hurts Packaging6
Love Hurts Packaging5
Love Hurts Packaging4
Love Hurts Packaging3
Love Hurts Packaging2
Love Hurts Packaging11
Love Hurts Packaging9

Quadrinhos contam as histórias por trás das pinturas

Para promover as Visitas Guiadas do MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo), a DM9DDB buscou contar as histórias por trás dos grandes quadros do acervo através de quadrinhos.

Com a assinatura “Um quadro é só uma parte da história”, a campanha foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de atingir tanto leigos quanto quem já está inserido e bem informado sobre o mundo da arte.

Mostrando os mestres Van Gogh, Renoir e Modigliani, cada narrativa procura reproduzir o traço do respectivo artista, como se tivesse sido tirada de seu sketchbook.

Muitos dos frames foram inspirados por pinturas e esboços que de fato existem. O texto também traz referências históricas, com citações reais dos autores e personagens das peças.

A ideia é convencer o público que o ato de admirar uma pintura na parede é apenas parte de uma experiência maior – no caso, proporcionada pelo serviço de Visitas Guiadas, que conta detalhadamente as histórias dos quadros e trajetórias dos artistas, contextualizando cada obra.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Top Research Explores Social Media Effectiveness, Creativity

How does advertising perform in a social-media world? How can you build a cohesive social strategy? And what are the hidden influences that shape your organization's creativity?

These topics are explored in three winning research papers, released by Advertising Age today. The papers were awarded honors from Advertising Age, the American Academy of Advertising and Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University in a competition to uncover the best academic thinking around marketing and advertising business problems.

Ad Age is committed to bringing the that thinking to its professional audience, and to encouraging productive interaction between the academic and business communities. So in 2012, Ad Age partnered with the Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University to sponsor a research-paper competition for the American Academy of Advertising, an organization of advertising scholars and professionals with an interest in ad education. 

Continue reading at AdAge.com

Trace Urban: Trace vs Shazam

Advertising Agency: DDB, Paris, France
Executive Creative Director: Alexander Hervé
Copywriter: Francis Pluntz
Art Director: Francis Pluntz
Account Supervisor: Vincent Léorat, Nicolas Kabassakalis
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Antoine Michel
Prod Compagny: Depth Digital
Director: Kentin Denoyelle, Raphael Ghisalberti
Post Production: Stripes
Sound Production: THE