OkCupid Blocks Firefox, Saying Mozilla CEO Opposes Gay Marriage

Newly appointed Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich has his share of detractors, but few are more high-profile than massive dating site OkCupid.

The site, which gets 10 million unique visitors a month, is currently greeting all Firefox users with a note explaining why OkCupid's owners feel Eich is "an opponent of equal rights for gay couples." 

At issue is a $1,000 donation Eich made to support California's Proposition 8 in 2008. The constitutional amendment successfully banned gay marriage before being ruled unconstitutional in 2010. 

OkCupid's roadblock for Firefox users doesn't stop them from visiting the site entirely. Clicking "Continue to OkCupid" at the bottom of the lengthy note about Eich will allow access, but "we urge you to consider different software for accessing OkCupid."

Mozilla tried to head off such gestures of protest with a March 29 blog post titled "Mozilla Supports LGBT Equality." 

The blog post noted, in part:

Mozilla’s mission is to make the Web more open so that humanity is stronger, more inclusive and more just. This is why Mozilla supports equality for all, including marriage equality for LGBT couples. No matter who you are or who you love, everyone deserves the same rights and to be treated equally.

Interestingly, the post also notes, "One voice will not limit opportunity for anyone." It doesn't clarify that point, but Mozilla seems to be saying that its CEO's personal and political opinions don't have any impact on the organization or its customers—a position that can generously be described as naive.

The Verge reports that Mozilla, which lost half its board with Eich's appointment, is defending itself as "staunchly in support" of equality for gays and lesbians:

Our CEO is not an "anti-gay" activist—in fact he's apologized. And our Board Chair, who is the CEO's boss, is vocally in support of LGBT rights. Mozilla as an organization is staunchly in support of marriage equality and LGBT rights. OKCupid never reached out to us before this, and their boycott page is at the very least factually incorrect. 

(UPDATE: The Verge has since removed this unnamed quote and replaced it with the official statement at the bottom of this post.)

Here's the full text of OkCupid's message to Firefox users:

Hello there, Mozilla Firefox user. Pardon this interruption of your OkCupid experience.

Mozilla’s new CEO, Brendan Eich, is an opponent of equal rights for gay couples. We would therefore prefer that our users not use Mozilla software to access OkCupid.

Politics is normally not the business of a website, and we all know there’s a lot more wrong with the world than misguided CEOs. So you might wonder why we’re asserting ourselves today. This is why: we’ve devoted the last ten years to bringing people—all people—together. If individuals like Mr. Eich had their way, then roughly 8% of the relationships we’ve worked so hard to bring about would be illegal. Equality for gay relationships is personally important to many of us here at OkCupid. But it’s professionally important to the entire company. OkCupid is for creating love. Those who seek to deny love and instead enforce misery, shame, and frustration are our enemies, and we wish them nothing but failure.

If you want to keep using Firefox, the link at the bottom will take you through to the site.

However, we urge you to consider different software for accessing OkCupid.

UPDATE: Mozilla has sent the following statement to AdFreak and other media outlets:

Mozilla supports equality for all, including marriage equality for LGBT couples. No matter who you are or who you love, everyone deserves the same rights and to be treated equally. OKcupid never reached out to us to let us know of their intentions, nor to confirm facts.


Real Life Photoshop in London

Pour leur projet Street Eraser, les artistes Tayfun Sarier et Guus ter Beek (travaillant tous les deux dans l’agence Wieden+Kennedy) ont créé des autocollants géants qui imitent l’outil d’effacement de Photoshop et servent à effacer les rues, les publicités, les graffitis et les affiches des rues de Londres.


Your First Look at How Much Fun Oculus Rift Won’t Be With Facebook

When you heard the news of Facebook's acquisition of virtual reality startup Oculus Rift, you were kind of excited. Or you weren't, especially if you were one of the original Kickstarter backers of the project or if you have no idea what I'm talking about. 

But anyway, here's an amusing simulation of what might become of this partnership.

Imagine the scenario. You've just put on your pair of 'Rifts and logged into ol' Bookface to play your favorite first-person shooter against one of your buddies. Sounds fun, right? Well, see for yourself.

Be sure to avoid getting teabagged by your nemesis, though.

Hat tip: Laughing Squid.


Floats by Misha Shyukin

L’artiste Misha Shyukin, basé à Londres, est créateur d’animation. Passionné par les mouvements graphiques, l’artiste réalise cette vidéo basée sur les objets qui flottent. Une conception étrange et abstraite, et à la fois très esthétique caractérise ces 85 secondes d’oeuvre artistique. Plus de détails dans la suite de l’article.

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What is Online Traffic Costing You? Six Tips To Maximize Your ROI

“When you’re planning on getting online traffic, you have to do a cost-benefit analysis in order to understand your current standings to work towards a maximized ROI,” says online marketing expert and author of 90% Of All Internet Businesses Will Fail Danny DeMichele. A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a systematic way of thinking about whether the cost is greater than the benefits or the other way around. Naturally, you will have a higher return on investment (ROI) if your cost is less than the benefits you enjoy from it.

The purpose of a CBA is to determine if you have chosen a sound traffic strategy. It also allows you to compare one form of traffic-generation against another, helping you to decide which one is the best.

You need to use a CBA to determine what your online traffic is costing you. Then, after that determination, you need to maximize your return on investment by either lowering cost or increasing benefits or both if possible.

Here, then, are six tips from the expert himself designed to help you maximize your ROI.

First, decide on your optimal traffic-generation plan. One common myth is that there is something called free traffic. If you are not paying to send visitors to your website with money, you are still paying a price—your time. Some examples of traffic that costs time, but not money are blogging, social media networking, and forum marketing. Alternatively, you may simply choose to pay for traffic with money and spend your time on other aspects of your business. Three examples of traffic that costs money, but not time are pay-per-click ads, Facebook ads, and solo ads. The one you choose depends on whether you have more time or more money. Once you’ve decided how you’re going to get traffic, you have to do a CBA. If the benefit outweighs the cost, then you have found a sound traffic-generation method.

Second, determine your business goals. You have to have a clear list of goals to be successful in business. Otherwise, you will not know whether you are breaking even, winning or losing. Why, for example, are you choosing your current business model? Why should people buy from you? What makes you stand out in your niche? What would you like to happen after customers buy from you? Do you have a plan to upsell, create new products, etc. In other words, you have to determine ALL your outcomes. The greater your level of clarity, the better your ability to measure results, the higher your level of business success will be.

Third, decide on how to get the first click that will lead to a conversion. There are many ways of getting people to know, like, and trust your business, ranging from simply developing a steady stream of top-class content to creating an opt-in form with an ethical bribe and an autoresponder sequence.

Fourth, decide on how to call your traffic to action. In your niche, decide where to put your calls to action, and test to see which ones work the best.

Fifth, simplify your path from traffic to conversion. Once you have developed your traffic-and-conversion plan, then figure out, through testing, how to improve the CBA of each element. Ultimately, you want to make it as simple as possible for someone to go from hearing about you to buying your products.

Sixth, measure, experiment, and tweak constantly. The Internet is always evolving, as is e-commerce, so stay abreast of changes, improve the way you measure your results, and continue to experiment. Constantly try to improve your existing processes.

The post What is Online Traffic Costing You? Six Tips To Maximize Your ROI appeared first on AdPulp.

Seven Invasions of Privacy We Accept as Commonplace

Advertisers train themselves to gather data. They become such experts at gathering analytics and number crunching that they forget about user privacy. A normal Monday to an advertiser is a user’s breach of privacy, but companies are using that data in new and creative ways. There is a certain etiquette to dealing with user information, and not every abuse is frowned upon.

If you’re interested in this fascinating phenomenon, read on for invasions of privacy that users have learned to turn a blind eye to.


Facebook has notoriously acted in favor of transparency on the user’s behalf. According to Facebook, the age of privacy is at an end. The ulterior motive is to categorize user behavior and sell that data to advertisers, who market products based on interest and demographic. Still, users login to Facebook daily to exchange messages in a public environment.


Gmail reads our email in order to serve ads to us. This breach of privacy is now commonplace and is accepted as part of the “free” quality of Google apps. Considering the amount of users on Gmail, and other major email providers, it becomes difficult for the individual to shift his email to a private account. He has to deal with spam filters and email authentication tools he may not understand how to configure.


Malware can compromise a computer and leech data about a user without his consent. These low points of entry are part of any serious assessment of security risk management. Malware drains a computer’s performance, and can create holes for exploits that steal more information. It’s important to have a robust security suite designed to protect your network from intrusion. More than that, you need security that learns from each threat it detects and adapts accordingly.

This type of protection is called deep protection for businesses and, according to experts, “Recent advances in command and communication (C&C) response help you stop suspicious behavior before your intellectual property is compromised. With in-depth intelligence about your attackers, you can shut them down.” (Source: www.trendmicro.com)


Cookies track browser behavior and report it to third parties. If you don’t like the idea of someone snooping on your browsing habits, you should surf the web with cookies disabled by default. There are certain instances where cookies can be helpful, like trusted websites, but you should fall back on a third-party password application to manage your login credentials. We commonly use cookies to track our many logins; password management applications remove that issue.

Retail Tracking

Retail stores are tracking more than what people steal from stores. Apple stores will deploy a new technology called iBeacon that triggers events based on a customer’s GPS location. The Apple Store application already knows when users have entered an Apple store, the GPS technology will tell associates where the user is located for more personalized help. This level of retail tracking will become commonplace as time goes on, with apps designed to remind us to use coupons. Soon our shopping lists will tell us in-store locations for items, and help us navigate aisles faster.


The reveal that the NSA is spying on citizens at home and abroad stunned the world, but has largely faded from public discussion in America. Perhaps this is due to the public’s short attention span, or maybe it is because the measures are considered critical to national security. Whatever the case, the revelation appears to be a part of culture now.

Google Maps

Google Maps has created a stir in the privacy world as the service has tried to provide a deeper “street view” experience. Map has been the subject of litigation in London and America, where breaches of privacy range from faces to license plates. Some people just don’t like the idea of others having the ability to see their home from the web. Yet we have trained ourselves to use the service for navigation, and would regret the lack of convenience. It’s that convenience that gives way to privacy breaches.

Are there other egriegous security breaches that we have given a hall pass to? What does the future have in store for a population who willingly surrenders its privacy?

The post Seven Invasions of Privacy We Accept as Commonplace appeared first on AdPulp.

Water Imitated by a Wood Automaton

Découverte de ce petit automate en bois qui est destiné à imiter l’effet d’une goutte d’eau tombant sur une masse d’eau. La pièce a été créée par le designer britannique Dean O’Callaghan. Un objet « Water Imitated by a Wood Automaton » à la fois esthétique, et ludique à découvrir en détails en photos et vidéo.

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The Kolo Lamps by Pani Jurek

La lampe Kolo est un objet cylindrique réalisée par le designer polonais Pani Jurek et Piotr Musia?owski. Le réglage de l’intensité lumineuse se fait aux besoins et humeurs de son utilisateur et est obtenue à l’aide d’un jeu tactile. Le sable recouvre lentement le cercle de lumière et la luminosité s’estompe lentement.

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Pepsi Unbelievable Bus Shelter

Pour faire la promotion de Pepsi Max, l’agence AMV a décidé de piéger des londoniens qui attendent leur bus. Sur l’avenue New Oxford Street, une caméra a été placée dans un arrêt de bus pour filmer l’autre côté de la rue en temps réel. Un rendu possible grâce à l’utilisation de la réalité augmentée.

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LED Lights Art by Jim Campbell

L’artiste Jim Campbell a exposé des installations de lumières à la galerie Bryce Wolkowitz située à New York. Les lumières imitent les écrans de télévision, les nuages et les vagues en jouant avec un mouvement dynamique qui anime les images. Son installation est à découvrir dans la suite en images et en vidéo.

Light Topography Wave.

Untitled (Commuters).

Light Topography Clouds.

Home Movies: David.


A Drone Inside the Opera Garnier

Voici un teaser tirées du tournage en drone de l’Opéra Garnier, proposé par Freeway Prod à l’occasion du film de Laurence Thiriat, dont la diffusion est prévue pour septembre 2014 sur Arte et coproduit par AnaProd. Des plans impressionnants, permettant un nouveau regard sur la beauté du Palais Garnier.

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High Object by Mieke Meijer

Le studio de design Néerlandais Mieke Meijer a conçu un espace de travail innovant : une fonction bureau, stockage et surtout, une fonction escalier. Fabriqué à la main à partir de chêne et d’acier noir, l’oeuvre est divisée en deux sections constituée d’étagères et d’un escalier reliant l’étage supérieur au rez de chaussée.

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First Smartwatch by Android Wear

Après le lancement de la plate-forme de Google pour les appareils portables, Motorola introduit Moto 360, la première montre effectuée Smartwatch sur Android. Moto 360 vous permet une quantité de fonctions, messages, téléphone, rappels, internet etc. Une création à découvrir en photos et vidéo dans la suite.

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Hidden Landscapes on iPhone

Le photographe new-yorkais Sam Alive s’amuse à jouer avec l’écran de son smartphone qu’il photographie, permettant ainsi avec une double lecture de dévoiler un décor caché derrière l’appareil. Une idée simple mais bien exécutée dont une sélection est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

Hidden Landscapes on iPhone11
Hidden Landscapes on iPhone10
Hidden Landscapes on iPhone9
Hidden Landscapes on iPhone8
Hidden Landscapes on iPhone7
Hidden Landscapes on iPhone6
Hidden Landscapes on iPhone5
Hidden Landscapes on iPhone12
Hidden Landscapes on iPhone3
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Hidden Landscapes on iPhone1
Hidden Landscapes on iPhone4

Spiral Staircase of Strasbourg Hotel

Jouin Manku a conçu ce joyau historique classé au cœur des anciennes écuries royales de Strasbourg, la brasserie design et conviviale « Les Haras ». Elle est orchestrée par le chef, triplement étoilé, Marc Haeberlin. Un espace magnifique, comportant un spectaculaire escalier en colimaçon à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Wallmonds Mirror Frame

Après son oeuvre « Wallmonds Hanger Frame » le designer Gonçalo Campos nous présente sa nouvelle oeuvre. Un produit très simple, pratique à utiliser au quotidien. Une nouvelle solution offrant une décoration et une fonction pour des espaces réduits, fait pour accrocher les vêtements et les petits rappels.

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Furniture for a Nomadic Future

Le studio Makkink & Bey conçoit une collection de meubles pour un avenir nomade, dans le cadre d’une exposition sur les textiles. Un scénario futur dans lequel l’individu,qui se déplace au quotidien, reste confortable. Différentes œuvres à la fois pratiques et esthétiques sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Op-Ed: To Drone or Not to Drone, That is the Question


The increasing use of drones by media companies is one of the topics we’ll be discussing at the TVNewser Show April 29. This post’s author, attorney C. Andrew Keisner, will be among the guests discussing the issue.

From advertising of real estate and car dealerships to filming Hollywood blockbusters to media coverage of sporting events, examples of advertising & media companies using light-weight UAVs, or Drones, is all around. However, when it comes to using such light-weight UAVs in the United States, the legal risks are frequently misunderstood. And although a recent judge’s decision rejecting a $10,000 fine imposed by the FAA is a welcome outcome for UAV operators and the advertising & media companies that engage them, there are still several risks that advertising & media companies should address before engaging a UAV operator to capture aerial footage.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

SXSW: The New World’s Fair for Brands

The first thing I noticed when we stepped outside at the Austin airport was the smell of freshly cut grass. That may have been the most promising moment of SXSW Interactive.

SXSW’s website describes the Interactive portion of the festival as:

An incubator of cutting-edge technologies and digital creativity, the 2014 event features five days of compelling presentations and panels from the brightest minds in emerging technology, scores of exciting networking events hosted by industry leaders and an unbeatable lineup of special programs showcasing the best new websites, video games and startup ideas the community has to offer. From hands-on training to big-picture analysis of the future, SXSW Interactive has become the place to preview the technology of tomorrow today.

There wasn’t a ton of “the technology of tomorrow” this year. Many of the festival sessions covered the technology of last year.

In truth, this year’s event felt more like a World’s Fair of Brands. As someone from a creative agency, it was cool to see the big budget experiential displays that brands built. The pragmatic part of me wondered what KPIs those brands internally set for an event that was marketing to, well, a crowd of marketers.

Secret - SXSW

It seemed to be the consensus among attendees that there wasn’t a breakout startup star of the festival. That said, there were some inspired moments. Here are my top three:

TechCrunch’s Josh Constine interviewing Secret co-founder David Byttow.
If you missed this session, I’m truly sorry. Secret is one of several new anonymous apps that are rising in social. The SF tech community in particular has flocked to this 40+-day old app, making the secrets that appear there somewhat of a Silicon Valley parlor guessing game. But hearing Byttow speak to the human insights behind the app—the notion that at the end of the day we all want to be understood and by removing our identity we can more easily convey emotions—that is a beautiful basic human insight upon which to build a platform.

New York Times best seller Jonah Berger talking about what drives word-of-mouth.
Funny thing about this, I’d been trying to connect with Jonah in Philadelphia for a few months. He’s a Professor at Wharton, but has been in residence at Duke this semester. I had to travel to Austin to finally catch up with him. It was worth it. Jonah has identified a science behind why people share, something he calls six STEPPS, an acronym for Social currency, Triggers, Emotion, Public, Practical value, and Stories. Read his book.

Equipping and inspiring the next generation with Dean Kamen.
A master inventor, engineer and humanitarian, Dean Kamen is a genius living among us. He may be best known as the inventor of the Segway, but this guy has invented enough things that he’s toeing Ben Franklin territory. He’s also the guy who helped make Coca Cola’s Freestyle machines in exchange for distribution of his water and power generators to schools in Ghana. This guy isn’t just smart, he’s a better person than many of us. And that’s what a lot of his talk boiled down to. The world of ideas isn’t a zero sum game. Technology isn’t a zero sum game. We can help the world while we help ourselves.

It was an interesting SXSW, to be sure. I had fewer mind-bending hallway conversations due to the sheer volume of the event, and that was a bummer. But beyond the teeming venues, full sessions, long lines, and celebrity appearances, inspiration was around, if you listened for it.

Apart from the event itself, Austin is an attractive American city to visit in the temperate month of March. Here are three must visits:

Shady Grove: Austin-inspired menu with a gorgeous tree-lined patio and cowboy-esque interior. Yee-haw.

The Salt Lick Bar-B-Que: It’s a little bit of drive from downtown and worth every minute. These people are cooking meat in a pit the family built in 1967. With a recipe inspired by their great-grandmother named Bettie from Mississippi. I don’t think anything more needs to be said about this. Let’s go.

The LBJ Presidential Library: I’m a politics and history nerd. Next year, I am definitely making time for this!

The post SXSW: The New World’s Fair for Brands appeared first on AdPulp.

Ping-Pong Duel Between Timo Boll And a Robot

La marque allemande KUKA, spécialisée dans la robotique, a réalisé cette vidéo pour l’inauguration de sa nouvelle usine à Shanghai. Avec humour, la vidéo oppose, lors d’un duel, le joueur pro de tennis de table Timo Boll avec le robot Kuka. Qui sera le vainqueur de cette partie qui oppose l’Homme et la Machine.
