Wieden + Kennedy Finds Its First Ads Ever, Made for Nike, on Dusty Old Tapes

Nike running: So easy, a caveman can do it?

Wieden + Kennedy made quite the discovery earlier this month. The agency says it's "pretty damn pumped" to have finally found the first ads it ever made—which happen to be the first national broadcast ads Nike ever aired. The three spots ran during the New York City Marathon in October 1982. Two of the three had been lost for decades.

The agency writes on its blog:

For all you ad geeks out there, we're pretty damn pumped to share something very special with you. We've uncovered the first-ever ads made by Messrs. Wieden and Kennedy, Nike's first-ever nationally broadcast work. Until today, two of these were considered lost and never vaulted. Our digital librarian Phoebe Owens has spent the entire time she's been with W+K searching for them, alongside Nike historian Scott Reames, with the help of David Kennedy. Today, some old, poorly-labeled tapes proved to have what we've been searching for.

These aired during the NYC marathon. They were shot and cut within a couple of weeks, with a skeleton crew. They were a tiny team and they made it happen, and the rest is history.

See the ads below.


BBDO Hypes Opening Day for MLB

A month or so ago, BBDO joined up with Major League Baseball as its creative partner, and the agency has just released their opening day spot.

In case you’re confused, yes, the Dodgers and Diamondbacks did technically open the season this past weekend in Australia, but the official opening day is slated for Monday, March 31. For BBDO’s opening day commercial, they focused on the important historical moments that have occurred on opening day: Clayton Kershaw‘s home run/shutout, Bryce Harper‘s pair of opening day home runs to launch his career, Hank Aaron‘s 714th home run, and, arguably the most important moment in baseball history, when Jackie Robinson first took the field for the Brooklyn Dodgers. As a baseball nerd, I love this approach, and it’s hard to imagine any fan watching this and not getting at least a little bit excited for baseball season following the long winter.

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Hub Strategy Highlights A’s Personalities with ‘Green Collar Baseball’

With the opening series between the Dodgers and Diamondbacks (finally) kicking off the MLB season this Saturday in Australia, Hub Strategy, AOR for the Oakland Athletics, have just launched the fifth incarnation of their award-winning “Green Collar Baseball” marketing campaign for the A’s.

There’s been reason to celebrate in Oakland the past two years, as the A’s have won back-to-back AL West titles. This year, for their integrated campaign featuring “eight television commercials as well as print, outdoor, digital & social advertisements,” Hub Strategy wanted to up the personality factor. There’s certainly no shortage of personality for the A’s, and Hub had a blast working with the players on the new campaign, with Hub CEO/Creative Director DJ O’Neil calling it “by far my favorite work yet.”

The feeling is mutual, as A’s VP of sales/marketing, Jim Leahey, says, “We feel that this year’s TV commercials may be our best ever and we are confident that our fans will enjoy connecting with the fun personalities of our players.”

So far, two of the eight TV spots have been revealed: “Tunnels of Greatness” and “Tarp Therapy.” “Tunnels of Greatness” — featuring Josh Donaldson, Jarrod Parker, Sonny Gray, Sean Doolittle and Derek Norris — is a lot of fun, built around the idea of extending the “Home Run Tunnel” celebration to other, more mundane aspects of the game. “Tarp Therapy,” which references Donaldson’s spectacular tarp catch from last season, isn’t quite as effective. It’s the kind of concept that might look funny on paper, but doesn’t play out so well on tape (although they deserve bonus points for featuring Mike Gallego). Hopefully the rest of Hub Strategy’s “Green Collar Baseball” spots can build on the momentum of “Home Run Tunnel” and give fans one more reason to cheer on the A’s. Here’s the info we have on the remaining six spots:

  • Secrets of the Game: Young players Parker, Gray and Norris turn to veteran Brandon Moss for his secrets to success in the majors.
  • Unicorn 2.0: Doolittle and Parker attempt to take the signature unicorn bullpen ?backpack to another level this year.
  • Generations: Moss learns that for some fans, being on the field for a fireworks show can fulfill a lifelong dream.
  • #winning: Doolittle coaches Bob Melvin, Curt Young and Mike Gallego on social media best practices.
  • Holding Him On: Moss is a talkative guy, and his mouth can be as much of a weapon as his bat.
  • Pre-Internet: Coaches Young and Gallego both reflect on how much has changed since their 1989 World Championship with the A’s.

You can watch “Home Run Tunnel” above, and stick around for “Tarp Therapy,” along with credits, after the jump continued…

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Havas Brings the March Madness for DISH Network

Havas Worldwide Chicago has launched a new March Madness campaign for DISH Network featuring a new kangaroo mascot, which also marks Havas’ first campaign for the company since being named lead digital agency last summer.

The kangaroo mascot, voiced by Rebel Wilson, makes her debut in the TV spot “Mobile Basketball.” In the 30-second spot, the kangaroo shows off the DISH Network’s capabilities by watching college basketball at work, only pretending to be engaged in actual work when the boss walks by. While the spot never quite hits the humorous mark it’s aiming for, it’s still world’s ahead of the campaign’s painful digital spot, “Fight Song.” As you might have guessed, the 30 second spot is built around a “fight song” for DISH Network (in the style of college team’s fight songs) extolling the Network’s ability to let you watch March Madness games anywhere. “Fight Song” will run on sites like ESPN.com, where it will most likely be muted after approximately 1.2 seconds. Havas’s campaign also includes social media activations on Facebook and Twitter featuring the new mascot. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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Leo Burnett Creates Talking Bench for NCAA

Leo Burnett and was produced company Prettybird/director Billy Rainey served as creative and production (in addition to media) for the NCAA’s new campaign promoting the importance of education to young athletes, called “2.3 or Take a Knee.”

The campaign introduces the new, stricter NCAA GPA requirements student athletes must meet in order to qualify for Division-I sports, “ensuring their brains are getting the workout they need” (or just driving up the cost of a term paper). To spread the word, and teach high school athletes about the importance of education, LB and Prettybird created a talking bench. 75 high school athletes were caught on eight hidden cameras receiving some tough love lectures from the talking bench, and some of their reactions are pretty funny. That their coaches don’t seem to have been in on the gag only adds to the humor. Whether the prank will translate to the teens taking away a lesson on the importance of academics, however, remains to be seen. See the talking bench in action for yourself in the 2:28 video above, and check out @talkingbench for the Twitter campaign.



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Wunderman Brazil Raises White Flag for São Paulo Soccer Federation

Wunderman Brazil has a new campaign for the São Paulo Soccer Federation, entitled, “Linesman for Peace,” which calls for peace amongst fans during the São Paulo State Championship.

The Campeonato Paulista, or Paulistão, is one of Brazil’s largest soccer tournaments, with fierce rivals like Corinthians, Palmeiras, Santos and São Paulo vying for the championship. This can cause soccer loving Brazilians fans’ extreme passion for the sport to escalate into violence in the stands (as it does in many soccer-loving countries around the world). So Wunderman Brazil had the São Paulo Soccer Federation (FPF) linesman’s yellow and red flags replaced with white flags to deliver a very simple but important message: “There is no offside for peace,” or “Please don’t try to kill each other.”

“Whenever the linesmen get involved in the game, either because someone is offside, a throw in, or a corner kick, etc., in any of the 158 games of the championship, the fans will remember that for peace there is no offside,” says Marco Polo Del Nero, FPF president.

Wunderman Brazil created a website complete with web film (featured above), as well as handling social media for FPF “to stimulate the fans’ engagement in the cause by posting messages on the signs and banners at the games.”

“There is no greater universal peace symbol than a white flag. And it will draw the fans’ attention because it’s the first time  that linesmen have given up their customary yellow and red flags,” adds Paulo Sanna, creative VP at Wunderman.

Wunderman Brazil has found a clever way to reach fans who otherwise may be too riled up to listen to reason, and a novel way to deliver a very important message. It may be kind of sad that it needs to be said in the first place, but hopefully it will reach the right people and keep things peaceful during Campeonato Paulista. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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BBH China’s Harbin World Cup Spots Are Over in a Flash

Wow, talk about efficient. Fresh off winning the AB InBev Harbin Beer business back in November, BBH China has launched a series of ultra-short television spots for their Harbin Beer World Cup 2014 campaign.

Harbin, the official World Cup sponsor in China, will run the blink-and-you’ve-missed-them spots every night on CCTV1 news and OOH media, where they are expected to reach hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers. As might be expected given the short duration, the ads keep things simple. The above “Freedom Time” exemplifies the approach here: the spot sees a Harbin drinker ignore a call from the boss during the big game, instead using the phone as a coaster. There’s something admirable about the efficiency required of the format, especially in contrast to the lengthy online spots that we see on a daily basis. Check out “Red Card” below, and stick around for the lengthy (7 seconds) “Slide Tackle” after the jump. It won’t even take a minute.


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The Year’s Oddest Celebrity Endorsement? Shin-Soo Choo Pitches Korean Meat Bulgogi

What a load of bulgogi.

The grilled, marinated meat from Korea is suddenly on the media's plate after this strange ad was placed in The New York Times last week. Texas Rangers outfielder Shin-Soo Choo—a huge star in his native South Korea, but not so much in this country, where he actually plays—offers up a morsel with chopsticks. Copy begins: "Spring's here and I'm ready to play! And do you know what got me through training? Bulgogi. Try some at your favorite Korean restaurant. It's delicious!"

Thanks for the tip, Choo! Sure, the ad is random and goofy, but I'm surprised it has sparked so much attention. Maybe it's because it doesn't tout any specific brand, group or eatery, just the beef dish in general.

A Web address in the ad, ForTheNextGeneration.com, contains links to English-language news about South Korea, and holds a clue to the strange ad's origin. NPR, among others, investigated, and traced the placement to Sungshin Women's University visiting professor Seo Kyoung-duk—a passionate promoter of Korean food and culture—and restaurant chain Chicken Maru, which apparently picked up the tab.

Wade Boggs famously ate chicken before every game and wound up in the Hall of Fame. Maybe they should get Choo on that next!


Budweiser, Anomaly Kick Off ‘Rise As One’ World Cup Campaign

Today, Budweiser has officially launched its “Rise As One” campaign, developed by Anomaly, to promote its sponsorship of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The basis of the campaign is a “fully integrated, global content series” centered around the the theme of honoring “the moments that unite football fans worldwide.”

Highlighting the campaign is the new spot “Believe As One,” which made its digital debut today and will air internationally as anticipation for the World Cup continues to grow.  The new spot, filmed in black and white by director Garth Davis “to truly highlight the passion and pride for the sport that unites fans around the world, irrespective of the team they support” stokes anticipation of the FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil by showing the almost religious fervor fans across the globe bring to the game. The 60-second spot concludes with a group triumphantly raising their beers, followed by the “Rise As One” tagline.

“Football is unique in its ability to unite fans all over the globe and its unifying power is never more evident than when the world comes together during the FIFA World Cup,” Andrew Sneyd, Budweiser global VP, explains in a statement. “Through the Rise As One campaign and our new spot ‘Believe As One,’ Budweiser showcases the passion and building anticipation shared by fans and players the world over.”

In addition to the new spot, the folks at VICE (who are everywhere these days) are getting in on the action, partnering with Anomaly and Budweiser to launch “Budweiser Heroes,” which showcases “the real-life stories of individuals who have made a significant impact in their community and how their love of football transformed the lives of everyday people.” Beginning today, Budweiser is calling on fans to submit their own “Budweiser Heroes” stories. Budweiser and Vice will also be creating a series of digital shorts to serve as inspiration for the program. A few chosen winners will receive an all-expenses paid trip to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, tickets to a football match and a three-day stay at the Budweiser Hotel in Rio de Janeiro.” You can learn more about the “Rise As One” campaign at the official website, and stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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Chris Webber Dons B-Ball Uni Once Again for BK March Madness Campaign

Culver City, CA-based Pitch has just launched an NCAA March Madness campaign for tournament sponsor Burger King, the agency’s first since taking over for Mother NY on BK general market duties in January (Pitch has been in charge of youth/family ad duties since 2010).

For the campaign, entitled “Watch Like A King,” Burger King and Pitch have teamed up with iconic Fab Five member, former NBA star and current NBA TV/TNT analyst Chris Webber, who stars in the Final Four 2 for $5 “Watch Like A King” spot. The 30 second spot sees a fan tell the guy in front of him in a Chris Webber jersey, “Seriously dude, we’re trying to watch the…” at which point Webber turns around and the man lets out a comical scream. Webber then asks him about his two sandwiches for five bucks from Burger King, and they work out a mutually beneficial agreement. The new spot, which unfortunately does not involve Webber attempting to call a timeout, will debut on March 16th. Webber will also be in attendance at the NCAA Men’s Final Four in Dallas cheering on participants of the Burger King-sponsored Kings of the Court 3-on-3 Tournament.

Meanwhile, from today through April 7th, fans can follow @BurgerKing on Twitter and tweet why they deserve to “Watch Like A King” and/or post a NCAA-themed photo with the hashtag #WatchLikeAKing for a chance to win a prize, including “$100 Burger King Crown Cards, mobile phone projectors, flat screen TVs, tickets to the NCAA Final Four and much more.”

“We know March Madness is about the fans, games and of course the student-athletes, so we’re celebrating by partnering with the NCAA to provide the fan base with a viewing experience fit for a king,” says Eric Hirschhorn, chief marketing officer, North America, Burger King Worldwide.

In addition to television and social media, Pitch’s “Watch Like  A King” campaign will also feature experiential elements, details of which have yet to be released (but according to the credits you can expect “Throne Installation” and “Crown Headbands,” so that should give you some idea). Stick around for those credits after the jump. continued…

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Ted Ligety Talks to Snowflake for Climate Reality Project

Yes, as mentioned, the Climate Reality Project created a video of Olympic gold medalist Ted Ligety, who won in giant slalom in Sochi by the way, talking to a snowflake.

Following the uncharacteristically warm Winter Olympic Games, Ligety decided to team up with CRP on their “I Am Pro Snow” campaign. The spot was created in-house, using b-roll footage from “I Am Pro Snow” partner Warren Miller‘s new film, Ticket to Ride. Climate Reality Project’s creative team combed through the footage for moments when Ligety was speaking with the boom operator, and created a fictional conversation with an animated snowflake. The results are damn near unwatchable, culminating in a painful rap from the snowflake. It’s a shame really, because this is a good cause and more people need to be educated about the realities of climate change, which in this case, was intended to explain why it was hurting snow sports. Well, not quite. If you feel like torturing yourself for 90 seconds or so, you can watch the video above. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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World of Red Bull 2014

Utilisant le nouveau morceau « Come Get It Bae » de Pharrell en featuring avec Miley Cyrus, la nouvelle campagne World of Redbull 2014 permet de mettre en avant ses athlètes de l’extrême en action, à l’image de Sally Fitzgibbons et Jamie O’Brien en surf ou encore le plongeur Orlando Duque pour ne citer qu’eux.

World of Red Bull 20147
World of Red Bull 20146
World of Red Bull 20143
World of Red Bull 20144
World of Red Bull 20142
World of Red Bull 20141

Kobe Bryant, Lionel Richie (!?) Star in New Nike/Foot Locker Spot from W+K

W+K’s trademark nonsensical humor is on full display in their latest, the new spot “Made by Kobe” promoting Kobe Bryant‘s Kobe 9 Collection for Nike, which launched on March 6th.

The spot imagines what it would be like if Kobe Bryant designed a piano: “It will turn piano boys into piano men. It will make Lionel Richie‘s tears cry tears.” Lionel Richie actually appears in the spot, tear slowly rolling down his cheek while he plays the piano, adding to the humorous tone. After talking up the hypothetical Kobe Piano, which looks pretty badass, the narrator introduces the “Made by Kobe*” Kobe 9 Collection. Although the product reveal comes 50 seconds into the 75 second spot, the sidelined Lakers star can be seen wearing his new line throughout the commercial.

The spot is exactly what we’ve come to expect from W+K, calling to mind some of their well-known past hits, like their famous work for Old Spice. The formula may be starting to show signs of age, but W+K still has a big leg up on the countless competitors attempting to imitate this kind of work. “Made by Kobe” will run until March 27th. Now if they’d only release that piano for real. Stick around for credits after the jump.

*Kobe is the name of a 12-year-old Chinese boy who works around the clock to handcraft the Kobe 9 Collection for 2 cents an hour. continued…

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Tennis Gets Quirky in USTA’s New Ads From the Director of Napoleon Dynamite

Ever wonder what tennis can do for you? Well, for starters, it can make you smarter, stronger, happier, more attractive and pretty much invincible.

The United States Tennis Association doesn't skimp on the specifics of the sport's many benefits to its athletes in this new campaign from DDB New York, targeting millennials. And the messages are delivered in decidedly offbeat fashion, thanks to the inimitable style of director Jared Hess, who made Napoleon Dynamite.

Five short online spots communicate the benefits with quirky visuals and simple factoids—all crisp, clean and slightly off center. The theme is "Tennis Makes You," which works well as a stand-alone line and an introductory phrase.

Judging by the shrimp with the one giant arm, the only question is whether being stronger and being more attractive are mutually exclusive.

Credits below.

Client: United States Tennis Association
Campaign: "Tennis Makes You"

Agency: DDB, New York
Chief Creative Officer: Matt Eastwood
Executive Creative Director, Chief Digital Officer: Joe Cianciotto
Creative Director: Scott Cooney
Associate Creative Director: Carlos Wigle
Copywriters: Step Schultz, Bobby Finger
Art Director: Amanda Millwee
Head of Production: Ed Zazzera
Management Supervisor: Ginny Levine

Production Company: Community Films
Director: Jared Hess
Director of Photography: Mattias Troelstrup
Executive Producers: Lizzie Schwartz, Carl Swan
Producer: Lisa Shaw

Visual Effects: MPC (Bee spot only)
Editing House: Fluid
Editor: John Piccolo
Flame/VFX: Ross Vincent, Fluid
Producer: Laura Relovsky
Music: Stock


Iris Launches ‘Fast or Fail’ Game for Adidas Featuring Lionel Messi

Iris has launched a new campaign for Adidas called “Fast or Fail,” to promote Lionel Messi‘s new adiZero f50 Messi boot.

The campaign is centered around “an innovative real-time reactive game experience requiring players to beat opponents down an endless pitch and reach Rio de Janeiro in the fastest time possible.” Players will be given the opportunity to win tickets to the 2014 FIFA World Cup to see Lionel Messi play. In an interesting twist, the game is driven by social media — with “more mentions of Messi, the faster you go in the game.”

Iris also created a “Fast or Fail” video to promote the game and the new Messi boot. To create the video, they shot Messi on a green screen backdrop, and then worked with “Media Monks to create the CGI-built polygonised world you see in the game and film.” You can check out the 1:35 video above, and head here to try your hand at the #fastorfail game.


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ESPN Celebrates Brazil with ‘True Beauty’ World Cup Ad

With 100 days to go until the start of World Cup 2014, ESPN has debuted a new ad called “True Beauty,” which celebrates the World Cup returning to Brazil.

The 30-second spot, “developed by ESPN’s award-winning marketing team,” features voiceover (in Portuguese) from Brazilian musician Seu Jorge, extolling the beauty of Brazil and their five-time World Cup champion soccer team which is the pride of the nation. “True Beauty” is soundtracked by tropicalia band Os Mutantes’ song “Bat Macumba” from their classic debut album. The spot is perfectly edited to fit the pace of the song and celebrate different aspects of the World Cup’s host nation. ESPN will also be celebrating with special programming over three days, including “extensive digital content on ESPNFC.com, coverage of seven FIFA matches and more…”

As you may recall, ESPN’s World Cup campaign kicked off during half time of their Rose Bowl coverage on New Year’s Day. We’ve included it after the jump in case you need a refresher. Expect to see more from ESPN promoting the World Cup leading up to kickoff on June 12th. continued…

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72andSunny, Samsung Launch ‘Sport Doesn’t Care’ for Paralympics


“Sport Doesn’t Care” is the platform behind 72andSunny’s and Worldwide Paralympic Sponsor Samsung’s new campaign, showing that no matter who you are, your excuse doesn’t matter in the world of athletics.

The 90 second spot from 72andSunny Amsterdam, dubbed “What’s Your Problem? Sport Doesn’t Care,” features paralympic athletes Jessica Gallagher (alpine skiing), Seung-Hwan Jung (ice sledge hockey), Katarzyna Rogowiec (cross country skiing and biathlon), Anna Schaffelhuber (alpine skiing), Evan Strong (snowboard cross), and Greg Westlake (ice sledge hockey). These paralympians share their problems, such as “I am not a morning person,” “It’s so cold,” “Side wind. I don’t like it.” I hate the rain,” and “I’m too tired” and other problems any athlete might face, followed by the “Sport Doesn’t Care” message.

“Conversations around the Paralympic Games tend to focus on disability over athleticism,” explains Younghee Lee, EVP/global marketing, IT & mobile at Samsung Electronics. “As a brand with a passion for sport, Samsung aims to make the dialogue more empowering, focusing on the courage and performance of athletes and encouraging participation.”

Australian alpine skiier Jessica Gallagher expressed excitement at being involved in the campaign. “I think that Samsung’s commitment to the Paralympic movement is incredibly important. It calls much-needed attention to the fact that we as Paralympians are really not different from our Olympic Games counterparts — we work just as hard and want to win just as much,” she said. “I ski the same as any Olympian, I just use adaptive equipment to help negate my vision loss. Whether you’re a top athlete or a young child just starting out, sport doesn’t discriminate.”

The spot follows on the heels of a kickoff manifesto spot which launched February 20th, with a third spot in the series set for release on March 7th. Stick around for the manifesto spot after the jump. continued…

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VML Nabs Cobra Puma Duties

cobrapumaFollowing a “formal competitive review” that involved incumbent/Troy NY-based creative agency, id29, as well as “several West Coast shops” along with VML, it was the last, WPP-owned agency that won out for the Cobra Puma Golf account. This marks the second AOR win for VML since last December, when the agency picked up ad duties for NAPA Auto Parts.

Cobra Puma Golf president Bob Philion says in a statement, “VML is an innovative agency with extensive expertise in creating meaningful consumer experiences within the world of marketing, and we are excited to have them on board. Their understanding of the industry and ability to tell our Game Enjoyment story across multiple platforms will help us elevate our communications platform and reach an even greater global audience.” , VML has taken over the activation of the current COBRA “Go Looooong” campaign and will continue to focus on all 2015 product launches. You can check out the first print work for Cobra Puma Golf from VML, which will also handle global creative for the brand in UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, Sweden, South Korea, South Africa, Australia and China, after the jump.


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There Is Frying in Baseball, as Phillies Triple-A Team Unveils New Bacon Logo

Bacon is everywhere. (No, not Kevin Bacon.) And it seems everyone loves it—even pigs! It's so great, it once helped a man negotiate his way across the nation dealing exclusively in bacon. Thanks, Oscar Mayer. Now, the bacon craze is hitting the Lehigh Valley IronPigs, the Triple-A affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies.

The IronPigs this week unveiled what I can only imagine was a highly anticipated bacon-themed Saturday uniform, which includes a bacon-strip logo on the cap, and a "first-of-its-kind" bacon-style piping down both legs of the pants. Check it out at the team's new site, smellthechange.com. For those of us who like to get a bit more bacon for our buck, we can purchase other innovative merchandise such as scratch-and-sniff bacon-logo T-shirts, now available online.

One has to wonder, though. What will this do to the IronPigs' vegetarian fan base? On second thought, who cares!? If they were vegetarians, they weren't real fans anyway.


Africa, Brahma Bring Brazilian Soccer, Beer Closer Together

Brazil is already known as the land of beer and soccer, but now A-B InBev brew brand, Brahma, in conjunction with the Rio de Janeiro-based branch of agency, Africa, is bringing the country’s passions closer together than ever before with Brahma Selecao Especial, a new limited-edition beer brewed for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

Brahma Selecao Especial’s big selling point is that it is brewed with “barley planted, grown and harvested on Granja Comary, home to the Brazilian national soccer team,” which should score major points with Brazilian soccer fans. Literally bringing together beer and soccer by planting on the Brazilian soccer teams’ decades-long training grounds, the “same soil where [the] five-time world champion team was conceived” brings the World Cup-sponsoring brand even greater appeal to Brazil’s soccer-loving faithful.

Sergio Gordilho, Africa’s co-president and CCO, says, “Creating and developing such an innovative idea in partnership with such a legendary brand shows a new frontier for advertising, where the agencies stop thinking about the media and start focusing on the idea. We developed this project with Africa Lab, an innovation arm of the agency, and we are looking forward to see the results on shelves around the entire country.”

Africa collaborated with Brahma at every step of the process — they even “accompanied the planting of the barley, its growth and harvest, the development of the product, and helped with the promotion and launching strategies,” claims Africa co-president and CEO Marcio Santoro.

The new beer, complete with “packaging [which] leaves aside the brand’s traditional red color for black, subtle green and yellow lines paying homage to the arrival of the World Cup to Brazil” will be available beginning next month, but you can pre-order it now on Brahma’s website. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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