Nue Agency Founder Jesse Kirshbaum Says Brands Should Pay Attention to Music Culture

With Nue Agency and its accompanying weekly newsletter Beats + Bytes, music marketer and talent agent Jesse Kirshbaum explores the intersection of music, technology, and brand marketing. Kirshbaum released the agency’s first Beats + Bytes 2024 Trend Recap on Tuesday Dec. 17, comprising the newsletter’s archives and top cultural trends at the center of those…

Study Says Surviving Layoffs Can Be Worse Than Losing Your Job


Because you guys all wear ties to work

We cover many rounds of layoffs on this blog because they’re one of the few types of tips that agencies will (reluctantly) confirm. For that reason, we were particularly interested in a survey published by The Guardian today. Its subjects were journalists, but its findings hold just as true for those who work in the agency world.

In short, those “survivors” who keep their jobs while dozens of co-workers get laid off have to deal with the anxieties of “job insecurity” as well as “grief, guilt, anger and doubt” while subsequent conversation in the office (and the blog comment threads) then turns to “who will get laid off next?” and “why did the company axe this dude but not that dude?” It’s like PTSD Lite.

Who do these old-school journalists blame when the axe falls? Those meddling kids and their digital toys. In some sense, the finality of getting fired can be better than knowing that your job will disappear as soon as the latest “ninja” shows up.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

YP CEO David Krantz: ‘We Were Mobile Before Mobile Was Cool!’

This week, Adweek offered readers the gentle musings of YP CEO David Krantz. In case your Web browser doesn’t have that URL in its search history, that would be the former Yellow Pages

For the Millennials out there in AgencySpy land, that is what was once called a phone book.

It was a bundled array of print technology listing the numbers and logos of anyone in your neck of the woods. What was formerly the listing service of AT&T Interactive decided to skew a little younger by breaking out the two-letter moniker.

In the interview, Krantz stuck up for his brand, downplaying the influence 0f all those cool kids at Google and stuff.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

U.S. Ad Spend Growing Faster Than at Any Point Over the Past Decade

As we head into the long weekend, one thing is clear despite ongoing debates about social media’s ability to drive sales, challenges in measuring networks like Vine, the competing agency and production studio models, the relative value of digital/traditional and the matter of whether individual ads are worth more on TV or streaming: advertising budgets will not go down anytime soon.

Today the ever-reliable eMarketer tells us that 2014 marks the single largest per-year increase in ad spending over the past decade–and the numbers will only continue to rise.

Some details after the jump.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Agencies Officially Need to Pay Attention to Vine Now

You’ve heard of Vine, right? Of course you have–and we’ll go out on a sturdy limb in suggesting that most of our readers probably don’t think of Twitter’s six-second loop tool as the Next Big Thing in digital marketing.

This week, however, the company unveiled the latest step in its campaign to appeal to those of the agency persuasion: loop counts.

What does that alien phrase mean? Metrics to measure how many times people have clicked on given “vines” have been around for a while, but this one tells us how many times a given clip has looped–and it somehow controls for the “open tab” factor as well. The idea is that viewers will watch the most compelling Vines loop repeatedly, thereby increasing brand retention, etc.

In short, we can now get a better sense of how much Vine campaigns are worth–and, given recent agency trends focusing on more accurate measurement for social media campaigns, some think that this means more shops will have to take Vine seriously.

A few marketing experts weigh in after the jump.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Online Ads Make More Money Than TV

Oh, look: another shot has been fired in the TV vs. digital debate.

This week David F. Poltrack, Chief Research Officer at CBS, told Variety that digital is more profitable–at least on a per-viewer basis. Why? Channel surfing–or lack thereof.

“If you stream our programming online, you’re seeing a full complement of advertising – you can’t bypass it.”

The total, per viewer, is 10-20% more ad revenue for a single streaming program as opposed to one airing live. And Poltrack expects that divide to grow larger.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Enthusiasm for Digital Ads Is Cooling Down

Depending on where you work and how old you are, trends in digital/social advertising may be either your stock in trade or the biggest thorn in your side.

According to the always-reliable Market Research, however, the loud victory march of the Ninjas and their allies the Gurus isn’t quite as triumphant as one might think.

In fact, multiple reports show the shift from Old School to New slowing in some respects.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

STUDY: Advertisers Don’t Understand Women

Earlier this week, New York shop The Terri & Sandi Solution got our attention with its self-effacing campaign congratulating fellow Effie Awards winners with outdoor placements and customized Google ads.

Today we noticed that they’ve compiled research from various parties to draw a conclusion that should come as a shock to none of our readers: women feel misunderstood by advertisers and, by extension, the agencies creating work for them. In short, women wield more financial power and have far greater influence over general spending patterns than their male counterparts, but they don’t feel like brands create ads with them in mind.

Some key statistics after the jump.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

STUDY: Social Media Advertising Doesn’t Work So Well

Yesterday, we brought you the story of a well-off British gent discussing how WPP’s GroupM will double its Twitter advertising budget to $100 million for 2014.

Today in what may seem like an attempt to show him up, Gallup released its latest study into the wild. It tells the world something the rest of us have known for years: Social media advertising is as good as flushing $100 bills down the toilet.

Here’s why those Benjamins are swirling down the drain.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Ad Spending Surpasses Pre-Recession Numbers of $109B

When the recession hit America with a huge thud, big business began to reconsider its residual income and closed up the budgets. Of course this hurt advertising agencies in a big way and many experts thought they would never recover, but this article from AdAge seems to contradict the naysayers once and for all.

Total spending among the 100 Leading National Advertisers (LNA) reached a record $108.6 billion in 2013, passing the previous spending peak set in pre-recession 2007.

Quick, call your clients…


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Jack Morton Does Not Care for Creative Pigeonholing

Jack Morton celebrates three-quarters of a century in business this week by reminding you why you have so much trouble being creative at work, all via some good old-fashioned market research.

Stick with us here. Researchers conducting the study in question, titled “CREATIVITY: How Business Gets to Eureka!“, surveyed 7,000 young professionals in various industries and locales from California to Saudi Arabia in order to bring you these conclusions:

  • While only 73% of all participants consider themselves “creative”, a full 85% of Jack Morton employees think so. The number even goes up by 1% when polling within the U.S.

Now click through for the why


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

How to Generate Leads Using Facebook And Twitter


So it’s said that Facebook and Twitter together have 1.5 billion monthly active users. And it’s safe to say most brands are engaged in some form of marketing on either or both of the platforms. But are brands doing all they can to leverage these platforms for lead generation?

Probably not but AdKnowledge is out with an eBook that help you make the most of Facebook and Twitter when it comes to lead generation. In the eBook, you will learn how to:

  • Host Facebook and Twitter contests and promotions that generate qualified leads
  • Incentivize subscriptions across social media for qualified prospects
  • Use Facebook Ads to boost the distribution of your content or messaging
  • Set-up and optimize Twitter cards

Download the eBook now and maximize your lead generation efforts through Facebook and Twitter.

How to Thrive After Facebook’s Reach Decline


Don’t be discouraged by Facebook’s organic reach decline. Learn from experts how to continue to drive ROI with social.

It is now harder than ever to reach your audience online: new channels are fragmenting audiences, Facebook’s organic reach has declined to as low as 2%, and impressions of branded content are declining.

So what’s a brand to do? This eBook will show you how to:

  • Boost Facebook post engagement
  • Expand your reach via multi-channel campaigns
  • Ignite consumer content sharing
  • Develop a connected campaign strategy

Download the eBook now to learn how to maximize your online social efforts.

These 6 Blueprints Will Help You Achieve Social Media Success For Your Brand


Wouldn’t it be great if you had an easy-to-understand, simple-but-informative overview of major social media channels and how to effective use them that you could refer to on a daily basis, give to a co-worker or pass along to your client?

Well here it is. It’s a blueprint that will help you get the most you can for your brand out of the big 6 social networks; Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+. Entitled “6 Blueprints for Social Network Success,” this quick-read collection of information will provide you with more than 50 constructive, actionable marketing tips and real-world examples from major brands like Hyatt, British Airways, Target, and General Mills.

Download the guide now and put these tips to work for your brand today.

‘Morphing’ Banners Increase Click-Through 83% [Study]


Aiming, perhaps, to save to lowly ad banner or maybe to coin a new buzzword, MIT SLoan School of Management Professors Glen Urban and John Hauser are out with a new study which finds morphing ads, banners that change based on known characteristics, result in 83% higher click throughs.

Urban says, “Everyone wants to make their banners and new media more effective. So far, 90% of the effort in banner advertising is on targeting, but that is only half the picture. Equally important is how you should talk to the people you target and that is what morphing is all about. This is an important tool for companies that want to innovate their banner advertising.”

Hauser notes that morphing has “tremendous potential” to increase ads’ productivity. “Companies work hard for 1% or 2% improvement in click-throughs, but if they morph ads based on thinking styles they can improve it by 83%. We also found that it can result in 30% better brand recognition. These are significant effects.”

In the study, which they conducted in partnership with companies like General Motors, the researchers broke the process into several steps. First, they monitored click streams to determine how a consumer makes decisions on the web. After they gathered enough click stream information, their algorithm determined the person’s cognitive style and matched that style to the optimal ad.

Urban notes their solution is the only algorithm that integrates cognitive styles with real-time morphing but they are eager to share it. “It’s very cutting edge, but anyone doing targeting with algorithms could implement our algorithms. This can help move the market to the next wave of action in banner advertising”

The next wave of banner advertising? That’s a bit like saying “the next wave of the Cue Cat” but let’s not be negative. Anything that makes any kind of ad more relevant to the user and more effective for the advertiser is a very good thing.

Here’s the full study.

Economic View: Media Slant: A Question of Cause and Effect

Research finds that media owners generally don’t try to mold the population to their own brand of politics, but instead give customers what they want.

Animated Ads Yield 76% Decline in Brand Opinion [Study]


In the No Shit Sherlock category, Adblock Plus is out with a study that finds “loud” online ads such as flash-like or animated ads result in 36% lower ad recall and a 76% decline in brand opinion.

The research study was conducted by analyzing eye movements of 1,200 research participants in North America and Europe as they viewed a set of test websites. Researchers measured which ads were viewed, how quickly ads were noticed on the page, and how much time viewers spent on each ad. Follow-up survey questions measured ad recall, brand perceptions, and other descriptive information about various ad types.

Among the key findings of the international research:

– Static ads are 300 percent more likely to be rated “easy to understand” than jumpy animated ads

– Flashy animated ads are 200 percent more likely to be considered “dated”

– Ads placed on clutter-free web pages are nearly 200 percent more likely to be seen, and are noticed 300 percent faster

– Participants’ opinion of the advertised brand was 76 percent more likely to be negative after viewing an animated ad versus a static ad

– Ad Recall falls 36 percent when ads are presented on a cluttered website

– Ads are more likeable when presented on an clutter-free website; viewers reported 129 percent higher likeability scores for ads on clean sites versus the exact same ads when presented on a cluttered site

– Likelihood to click (Click Through Rate) was actually lower for attention-grabbing blinking ads than for clean, static ads (26 percent very/somewhat likely for animated versus 31 percent very/somewhat likely for static)

Others have come to the same conclusion. Then again, none of this really matters, right? After all you aren’t actually using banners anymore are you?

8 Steps Towards Avoiding NYPD-Like Social Media Idiocy


Wow. If only the NYPD had read this report from Spredfast. Perhaps they might have avoided the firehose of backlash they have received since sending that tweet.

This report covers the 8 steps every smart (and dumb) brand needs to master in order to implement an effective social media strategy and ingrain social practices in to the organization as a whole.

Don’t end up like the NYPD. Download this report now and save yourself the embarrassment.

How Brands Can Use Social Media to Generate Leads


Over the last several years, social media has emerged as an effective tool for generating leads. Two-thirds of online adults use social networking, and almost half use it daily. Customers and prospects are using it to discover new offerings and educate themselves as they go through the buying process.

Brands have seen social media become a vital channel with which to engage their customers, to amplify their messaging and to garner more qualified leads. This step-by-step guide shows you how to use social media to support your lead generation efforts, and serves as a blueprint for marketers who want to know the specific steps required to create lead gen campaigns that are promoted via social media.

Download the whitepaper now to maximize your social media’s ability to generate leads.

How to Craft Your Social Media Campaigns to Increase Leads


If you craft your social media campaigns properly, they can dramatically increase brand inquiries and lead generation, just like every other well-crafted element of your marketing plan. However, social has become more complicated in recent years. A new eBook from Marketo, Social Media for Lead Generation, will help you understand how social media is changing and how you can put it to use to improve your marketing results.

In this eBook, you’ll discover:

  • How social marketing is shifting toward peer-to-peer influence marketing
  • How social sharing amplifies your lead generation — and how to get your audience to share
  • The particular advantages and best practices for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and SlideShare
  • The key social components of a successful lead generation strategy

Download the eBook now to make sure your social media efforts are building your brand and generating leads.