I wanted to write a response to Jessica’s great coverage on the One Show
The first lesson you learn when you pursue a creative endeavor for money is that you have to be willing to “kill your darlings” to set aside your great idea should someone want to change it.
When I was first taking concepting classes, I was the only one not working in the industry in some capacity, and also the only one not able to recite line and verse of last year’s One Show winners. I found it almost freakish in a way.
I’m not totally against using these as a guide post for your work. In fact, my class partner at Book Shop, Kari Yu was a finalist this year in the college competition and I was happy to see her on the list.
I didn’t start in advertising, it honestly wasn’t my lifelong dream. I got my start in another creative field and then got into advertising. Something I’ve learned–acting classes, screenwriting trade magazines, etc. can be a helpful tool and help you with the technical aspects of your craft, but if they also make you second guess your natural creative instincts.
I also find if you watch or immerse yourself too much in some creative endeavor, two things can happen–you become a less interesting person, as all you talk about is “your passion for the industry” which after a while is the equivalent talking about how sausage is made. No one’s interested in how the pig gets to market, they just matter if it tastes good. There’s a natural progression that happens–start learning craft, get to the point where it’s all you can talk about with each other, eventually get the point where you burn out talking about it.
The other danger, which I learned the hard way doing stand up comedy in my late teens and early twenties is you’ll find other people’s great ideas seeping into your own work, either consciously, by people who have no soul, or unconsciously, by well meaning people who make an honest mistake and honestly think they came up with the idea. Then you fight a two front battle, coming up with your own great ideas, while systematically fighting off other people’s ideas that enter your head.
Imitation is only flattery if everyone knows you did it first.
Or even worse, you start comparing your work and feeling inadequate, which can be more harmful in the long run.
Like anything else, being a well rounded individual can only feed your creativity, so I shudder when people tell me I “have to” look at the new Communication Arts and hear them deconstructing every ad that’s between the covers. In my case, ignorance may be bliss.
Conversation is always welcome.
Technorati Tags: One Show, Communication Arts, Cannes, Golden Pencils, Ad Shows, Sacred Cows, I like talking about myself, How much you wanna bet I can throw this football over them mountains