Volkswagen Group Launches Global Media Review

Volkswagen Group, which includes Audi and Porsche, has become the latest advertiser to launch a global media review. VW Group spent about $605 million in U.S. measured media in 2014, according to Kantar Media.

The review is still in its opening stages, with VW Group having reached out to holding companies, and it is unclear if incumbent Mediacom, who has worked with VW Group since 1998, will defend. Volkswagen Group’s decision to launch a global media review follows on the heels of a slew of advertisers launching similar reviews. BASF and GoDaddy launched their own global media review earlier this week, while P&G launched a North American media review a week ago and Norwegian Cruise Line launched a creative and media review in early April. SC Johnson, meanwhile, consolidated its media buying account with PHD following a media review open only to roster shops.

Concept Cars from the 20th Century

Le High Museum of Art d’Atlanta présentera prochainement dans le cadre d’une exposition appelée “Dream Cars” 17 concept-cars venant de l’Europe et des USA pensées entre les années 1930 et 2000. Des créations étonnantes de Ferrari, ou encore Bugatti à découvrir dans la suite en images.

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If You’ve Ever Wondered How a Porsche Would Handle a Ski Slope, Watch This

If you want to slide down a ski slope in your car, Porsche suggests the 911 Carrera 4S.

This new video for the brand, filmed at the Sugarbush Resort in Vermont, melds car porn with snow porn. Filled with explanation from instructors at the Porsche Driving School, it mostly consists of luxury sports cars drifting around slaloms, spraying powder. It's gorgeously shot. It's also surprisingly entertaining, as informational videos go.

"We're actually on the trail Cracker Jack, which has a lot of undulating terrain," says one teacher. "Just like you would carve a turn on your skis, you can do that with a 911 very effectively."

For anyone who's ever been stuck on a snowy New England road, that's probably an appealing proposition. In fact, it's actually refreshing to see a car ad that manages to be both engaging and straightforward (as opposed to totally fantastical).

Still, it's hard not to wonder how Porsche would fare against an army of monster snowmen.


Porsche transforma ronco de motores em música

Para quem curte carros esportivos, o ronco dos motores muitas vezes soa como música. A Porsche resolveu aplicar essa ideia na prática em Birthday Roar, site que marca os 50 anos do lançamento do modelo 911. Nele, as notas musicais são representados por sete gerações deste clássico, desde a primeira, de 1963-1973, até a última, de 2011-2013.

Para “fazer música” com os motores, os usuários são convidados a participar de um jogo no estilo arcade, que exige um teclado. Ao ver uma barra colorida se aproximando da nota/carro, basta segurar a tecla com o número correspondente, até que a barra desapareça – mecânica que lembra bastante a Guitar Hero.

Para acessar o conteúdo e a fase seguinte, é preciso atingir um número mínimo de pontos, mas uma modalidade Free Play já está sendo providenciada. Ainda bem.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Print Ads Just Can’t Keep Up With the Porsche 911

Here's a nice, fun, simple campaign for Porsche China by the Shanghai office of Fred & Farid. And kudos to the client for agreeing to lose the beauty shots of the vehicle almost entirely. Three more ads plus credits below.

Client: Porsche China
Campaign: "Away"
Agency: Fred & Farid, Shanghai
Executive Creative Directors: Fred & Farid
Creative Director: Gregoire Chalopin
Copywriter: Gregoire Chalopin
Art Director: Pierrick Jegou
Brand Supervisors: Carsten Balmes, Estella Yang
Agency Supervisors: Vivian Wang, Kylie Wang
Retoucher: Hongxia Wang


Porsche Installation

L’artiste et designer Gerry Judah a imaginé cette sculpture impressionnante propulsant 3 voitures emblématiques de la marque Porsche installée à 35 mètres de haut dans le ciel. Commandée par Porsche Great Britain pour les 50 ans de la Porsche 911, découvrez cette installation dans l’article.

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Porsche Pavilion chega ao Autostadt

Junto ao terreno da fábrica da Volkswagen em Wolfsburg na Alemanha, o Autostadt é um parque onde funciona uma espécie de museu-showroom para as marcas do grupo da montadora. Cada montadora tem seu pavilhão exclusivo.

A Porsche, uma das mais famosas marcas alemãs, inaugurou neste verão (europeu) o seu pavilhão com um primor de arquitetura e design. Em mais de 400 metros quadrados o espaço terá uma exibição com novos modelos da marca e também clássicos como o trator “Super 308″ e o clássico “Porsche 356″, de 1948, além de oferecer uma área com um test drive de carros elétricos para crianças.

Desenhado pela Henn Architekten, o pavilhão tem a estrutura do telhado feito com uma belíssima concha que é brilhante, porém fosca, inspirada no design do modelo mais famoso da Porsche, o legendário “911″. Mais uma obra de arte da arquitetura moderna alemã.



Assista abaixo ao timelapse gravado durante os 10 meses de construção da obra:

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Porsche Speed

Ce film-démonstration présente les capacités du studio C4Real en post-production et en traitement d’images. Un exemple en recréant ce modèle de la marque Porsche, entièrement en animation pour un rendu le plus réel possible. A découvrir en HD dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

Stolen tyres or stolen idea? / Ils l’ont pas volée (leur parution sur Joe)

stolen1999FCB stolen2009
Dunlop Tyres – 1999
Source : Cannes Archive Online, VIA Blog Anubis
Agency : FCB (South Africa)
Dunlop Tyres – 2009
Source : Dubaï Lynx Shortlist
Agency : Impact BBDO Dubaï (UAE)
Apparemment il n’y a pas que les pneus qui ont été volés!
1 people like this post.

Porsche Legend

Un superbe spot HD retraçant brièvement l’évolution du design de Porsche. Il s’agit d’une collaboration entre le studio The Brigade à New York et Monovich, dirigé par Stephen Fitzgerald. Une post-production réalisée avec Lightwave 9 et After Effects CS3.


Porsche Museum

Après trois ans de travaux et 100 millions d’euros d’investissement, voici les photos et images extérieurs du projet du nouveau musée Porsche basé à Stuttgart. Une surface de 5 600 mètres carrés, conçu par le cabinet d’architecture Delugan Meissl. D’autres images dans la suite.




