Marks & Spencer Launches Closed WPP Review

Everything’s coming up WPP for British retail giant Marks & Spencer, which just launched a closed creative review involving only the Sorrell holding company’s shops.

16-year incumbent RKCR/Y&R will defend against fellow WPP agencies J. Walter Thompson, Ogilvy & Mather, Grey London, CHI & Partners and VCCP in the review, which will take place over the summer.

“Together with M&S we have redefined retail advertising, invented food porn and welcomed a host of leading ladies from Twiggy to Rita Ora,” RKCR/Y&R CEO Jon Sharpe said in a statement. “Our campaigns have instilled M&S’s core principles of quality, service and value whilst cementing its position as a stylish and iconic national treasure. We have enjoyed consistent recognition and reward for both creativity and effectiveness of our creative output and we look forward to meeting the challenge of this pitch with the dedication, passion and enthusiasm we greet every brief from M&S.”

The agency’s recent work for Marks & Spencer includes last year’s food porn holiday effort “Adventures in Surprises” and last September’s 40-second spot promoting the brand’s fashion offerings.

Since taking over as CEO last last year, Sharpe has helped lead RKCR/Y&R to three consecutive successful pitches, including defending the agency’s BBC account.

Why do clients do this, again?

RKCR/Y&R Offer ‘Taste of the British Isles’ for M&S

Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R launched a new spot for Marks & Spencer, offering up a “Taste of the British Isles.”

The spot is an ode to the chain’s locally sourced and/or British inspired offerings, from summer fruits and veggies to a juicy burger and British beer. Eschewing any narrative, RKCR/Y&R lets the food do the talking with 40 seconds of stylish food porn. While the resulting ad may not be groundbreaking, it is visually dazzling and more than a little hunger-inducing. Part of the ongoing “Adventures In” campaign for the brand, the spot will be followed up by 20-second ads focusing on summer occasions, such as “Adventures in Seaside” and “Adventures in Teatime.”


Typography: Tivy Davies

Creative Agency: Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R
Account Director: Leigh Roberts
Art Director: Chris Hodgkiss
Copywriter: Pip Bishop
Creative Agency: RKCR/Y&R
Creative Director: Mark Roalfe
Producer: Alex Shillingford

Digital Production Company
Photography: Karen Thomas

Music and Sound
Sound Design: Parv Thind @ Wave

Editor: Bruce @ The Quarry, Bruno @ Food Film

Production Company: Food Film
Producer: Francesa O’Brien
Director: Michael Roulier, Phillppe L’Homme

Gorgeous New Food Ad From Britain Will Make You Very, Very Hungry

It’s kind of obvious why humans are obsessed with food. It’s delicious. It makes us feel good. And well, it keeps us alive.

It seems rather simple to sell food, and it is. But as with any advertising, there’s good and then there’s great—and great food-porn ads are really, really great. They make you salivate and possibly lick the screen.

The latest in mouth-watering ads comes to us from Britain’s RKCR/Y&R for Marks & Spencer. It’s laden with all the drool-inducing techniques characteristic of good food spots—close-ups, slow-motion and time-lapse shots that all blend together to a perfect medley of deliciousness. 

Take a look below at this treat guaranteed to satisfy your cravings, or amplify them.

Clássicos da literatura dão o tom em campanha de Natal da Marks & Spencer

Em ritmo de superprodução, a rede Marks & Spencer lançou esta semana sua campanha para o Natal 2013. Inspirado por grandes clássicos da literatura – Alice no País das Maravilhas, Aladim e a Lâmpada Maravilhosa e O Mágico de Oz -, o filme estrelado por Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, David Gandy e Helena Bonham Carter é daqueles que enchem os olhos, tamanho o bom gosto da direção de arte e o esmero da produção.

A trama começa com Rosie Huntington-Whiteley perseguindo seu cachorro e caindo em um buraco, que a transporta diretamente para o mundo de Alice. Conforme a história segue, sugestões de produtos são inseridos de maneira natural e discreta na trama, enquanto o elenco assume diferentes personagens. Destaque, claro, para o Mágico de Oz de Helena Bonham Carter elogiando os sapatos de Rosie-Dorothy.

A criação é da RKCR/Y&R, com direção de Johan Renck (Black Label Productions).

Abaixo, o making of da campanha.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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