303Lowe Sydney Brings Back Captain Risky for Budget Direct

DLKW Lowe Showcases ‘Breakdancing Girl’ for Persil

Mother Names Michael Wall Global CEO

When IPG folded Lowe into Mullen, everyone wondered where the man who supposedly engineered the deal would go next. Now we know. Former Lowe CEO Michael Wall, who helped “create the roadmap” for Mullen Lowe Group, has been appointed as Mother’s global CEO. He will work out of Mother’s London office alongside existing Mother Holdings partners, Matt Clark, Andy Medd, Robert Saville and Mark Waites, leading Mother’s business across all offices as well as expanding Mother to new markets and sectors.

Wall served as CEO at Lowe and Partners beginning in September of 2009, when he filled a role left by the departure of Stephen Gatfield, who agreed in 2006 to take the role for three years. Prior to joining Lowe, Wall was best known as one of the founding partners of Fallon, where he helped oversee the agency’s rise to prominence and became president international in 2005 before leaving the agency two years later. He briefly served as CEO of BBDO Portugal before becoming global CEO at Lowe. Wall began his career as a graduate trainee at DMB&B, where he worked on accounts including Budweiser, P&G and COI. In 1992 he joined Lowe Howard Spink, where he worked on the agency’s Coca-Cola and Tesco accounts. He became a board account director for start-up Simons Palmer (who later merged with TBWA) in 1995, working on the Sony Playstation launch.

“We have been chasing Mr Wall for years,” said Robert Saville. “He is not an easy man to catch. He wasn’t an easy man to beat either as Mother and Fallon faced up against each other over the years. Mother has needed Michael’s skills in business leadership for a while.But more importantly we welcome a genuinely good person with the same passion for the transformative power of creativity into the family. I suspect Michael will make us all better.”

Lowe Cape Town Celebrates Consistency for Prudential

Lowe Cape Town and production company 0307 Films took to Nosy Iranja, a remote island village off of Madagascar with only 300 inhabitants, to film “The Fishermen” for Prudential.

The beautifully shot, 1:45 ad, was directed by Kim Geldenhuys and cast entirely with villagers from Nosy Iranja. It shows a boy and his grandfather going out on their boat fishing everyday, despite disappointing results. After weathering an intense storm, they finally hit the payload and bring back a boat full of fish to the village. At this point, the connection to the brand is finally made with the line, “Success comes from being consistent. Day after day, month after month.” This is followed by the brand’s tagline, “Consistency is the only currency that matters.” Somehow Lowe Cape Town managed to make the subject of consistency interesting, and they didn’t even need dialogue to do it.

“It’s a very simple analogy which conveys Prudential’s message in a humble and poignant manner,” Lowe executive creative director Kirk Gainsford told Adweek. “We wanted to steer clear of all the clichés of showing aspirational people getting ahead in life and so on.”


Agency: Lowe Cape Town
Producer: Riska Emeran
Executive Creative Director: Kirk Gainsford
Creative Director: Alistair Morgan
Art Director: Bruce Harris
Account Manager: Sarah Hall
Sound Design: Stephen Webster, TheWorkRoom
Music Production: Pulse
Editor: Kobus Loots
Edit Company: Upstairs Post
Postproduction House: Black Ginger
Production Company: 0307 Films
Producer: Tess Tambourlas
DOP: Alard De Smidt
Director: Kim Geldenhuys
AD: Craig Brorson

Turkish Airlines revela como nascem os sonhos

A Turkish Airlines costuma apostar alto na hora de promover seus serviços, geralmente com a participação de estrelas como Lionel Messi e Kobe Bryant ou ainda apostando em enterradas espetaculares, como em seu comercial mais recente. Mas é com um filme protagonizado por crianças anônimas que a companhia aérea mandou muito bem, revelando que sonhos podem ser realizados de uma forma surpreendente, e tão importante quanto voar pelo mundo, é preciso oferecer rotas que atendam sua própria gente.

É mais ou menos o que mostra o bonito filme criado pela Lowe de Istambul, que consegue ser emocionante, saindo do tradicional lugar-comum. É impossível não ficar com aquela sensação de O Campo dos Sonhos (“Se você construir, ele virá”). Vale o play.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Hansa celebra 20 anos do fim do apartheid

Alguns dos melhores comerciais de bebidas alcóolicas que vi nos últimos tempos vieram da África do Sul – caso do uísque Bell’s e da cerveja Amstel Lager. São histórias que retratam conquistas pessoais e profissionais de cidadãos do país, colocando o produto no lugar certo, no momento certo, depois de envolver o público com grandes histórias. Não é bem o que acontece neste filme da cerveja Hansa, que celebra 20 anos do fim do apartheid, mas ainda assim, tem sua importância.

Para quem não se lembra, o apartheid era um regime que tornava oficial a segregação racial na África do Sul, imposta entre 1948 e 1994 e principal motivo da luta de Nelson Mandela. E é um assunto tão trash, que o diretor Thabang Moleya optou pela maneira mais leve de falar o assunto: mostrando três amigos bebendo cerveja, compartilhando emoções e histórias ao longo de 20 anos de liberdade.

Mesmo sem a densidade emocional dos comerciais citados no início deste texto, a grande sacada está no fato de que ter cores diferentes de pele não é mais um empecilho para você tomar uma cerveja com um amigo. Pelo menos não na África do Sul.

A criação é da agência Lowe CT.


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Ad for VW’s Seat Pits a Powerful Engine Against Toy Monkeys

Lowe's first work for Volkswagen's Seat, from its new Lola office in Barcelona, Spain, takes acceleration to absurdist lengths.

A two-minute teaser ad that landed on YouTube this week features a guy in a high-back seat in front of a black acceleration pedal, albeit one detached from a car. It's connected to an engine, though, and as he depresses the pedal, a cluster of 280 toy monkeys also plugged in to the engine bizarrely start clanging the tiny cymbals in their hands. But as the guy presses down harder—creating a loud engine roar—the monkeys, sadly, burst into flames and explode into the air. "Only a Cupra can handle the engine of a Cupra," explains screen copy.

The ad then cuts to a thumbnail image of the Seat Leon Cupra and the fun tagline, “Enjoyneering.” It's just a teaser ad—the first of three—for a big campaign that rolls out next month. Let's hope the next one is kinder to kids' toys.

Client: Seat
Client Contact: Gabriele Palma, Jochen Dries
Creative Agency: Lola, Barcelona, Spain
Executive Creative Director: Chacho Puebla
Creative Directors: Néstor García, Nacho Oñate
Creative Team: Cristina Fité, Esther Matas, Miki Ocampo, Saray González
Agency Producer: Cristina Español
Global Business Director: Clark Steel
Account Supervisor: Alejandro Belloti
Production House: Blur
Director: Maxi Sterle
Producer: Pablo Acón
Postproduction House: Metropolitana
Sound Studio: Cannonball
Edits: Monkey, Washing Machine and Mechanical Bull


Coreografia reproduz partes do corpo humano

Toda vez que vejo um comercial bacana no YouTube e percebo que quem postou – cliente ou agência – não se preocupou com a qualidade do vídeo, dou uma broxada. Não consigo entender como alguém pode investir tempo e dinheiro em um projeto e ser tão descuidado na apresentação. Foi mais ou menos o que senti com The Power of Movement 2014, filme que a Lowe Roche criou para a entidade de mesmo nome.

O objetivo do filme é mostrar como a yoga ajuda a combater a artrite, além de divulgar um evento que a entidade realizará no dia 2 de março, no Canadá. Para isso, foi criado uma coreografia incrível – bailarinos e instrutores de yoga reproduzem partes do corpo que reconquistam o movimento. O tipo da coisa que seria ainda mais impressionante em HD. Ainda assim, vale o play.


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Pôsteres fazem “releitura erótica” de clássicos do cinema

Dizem por aí que a malícia está na mente das pessoas e, por isso, qualquer coisa inocente – ou não – tem grande potencial para ser entendida de outra maneira. E foi usando um pouco daquela malícia que certamente já passou pela cabeça de qualquer fã de cinema que a agência Lowe, da Varsóvia, criou uma série de pôsteres para divulgar o Kino Praha Erotic Film Festival, usando como base clássicos de outros gêneros.

Na cena do chuveiro de Psicose, por exemplo, a faca é substituída por um consolo, enquanto Tarzan revela que seus dotes vão além da capacidade de se comunicar com os animais. O destaque, obviamente, vai para as bem-sacadas “releituras” de Star Wars e O Senhor dos Anéis.

PRAHA_PFE_680x980_ENG.indd PRAHA_PFE_680x980_ENG.indd

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Famous Photos Reimagined as Selfies in Newspaper’s Wonderful Print Ads


Como você quer viver os últimos 10 anos da sua vida?

Dividindo a tela com duas realidades no comercial acima, a The Heart and Stroke Foundation do Canadá incentiva as pessoas a adotarem hábitos de vida saudáveis agora, para assim gastarem os últimos anos com vitalidade.

A campanha “Make Health Last” conta ainda com um site, que oferece uma calculadora de hábitos para mostrar seu risco de doenças cardíacas.

A criação é da Lowe Roche, de Toronto.


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Dirt is Good Campaign

Pensée par l’agence Lowe Singapour pour la marque de lessive Omo, « Dirt is Good » est la dernière campagne vantant le plaisir de se salir. Cette série présente l’imagination des enfants par des sculptures de sable d’une beauté époustouflante réalisées par Jooheng Tan. Le making-of est disponible dans la suite.

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Come with a Story

Voici une série de posters pensée par l’agence Lowe-SSP3 à Bogota. En reprenant des éléments de personnages de fiction avec un double sens, ces derniers présentent leur campagne “Come with a story and leave with another”. De belles créations à découvrir dans la suite.




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Domestos: Toilet

Domestos: Toilet

Advertising Agency: Lowe Bull, Johannesburg, South Africa
Creative Catalyst: Sue Gill
Executive Creative Director: Rui Alves
Creative Directors: Matthew Brink, Adam Livesy
Art Directors: Miguel Nunes, Andre Vrdoljak
Copywriters: Andre Vrdoljak, Miguel Nunes
Via: I believe in adv

Domestos: Shower

Domestos: Shower

Advertising Agency: Lowe Bull, Johannesburg, South Africa
Creative Catalyst: Sue Gill
Executive Creative Director: Rui Alves
Creative Directors: Matthew Brink, Adam Livesy
Art Directors: Miguel Nunes, Andre Vrdoljak
Copywriters: Andre Vrdoljak, Miguel Nunes
Via: I believe in adv

Domestos: Kitchen

Domestos: Kitchen

Advertising Agency: Lowe Bull, Johannesburg, South Africa
Creative Catalyst: Sue Gill
Executive Creative Director: Rui Alves
Creative Directors: Matthew Brink, Adam Livesy
Art Directors: Miguel Nunes, Andre Vrdoljak
Copywriters: Andre Vrdoljak, Miguel Nunes
Via: I believe in adv

Etna: Jail

Etna: Jail

Advertising Agency: Borghierh/Lowe, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Jose Henrique Borghie, Erh Ray, Edgard Gianesi
Art Director: Piu Afonseca
Copywriter: Pedro Corbett
Photographer: Paulo Risi
Published: February 2008

Etna: Sewer

Etna: Sewer

Advertising Agency: Borghierh/Lowe, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Jose Henrique Borghie, Erh Ray, Edgard Gianesi
Art Director: Piu Afonseca
Copywriter: Pedro Corbett
Photographer: Paulo Risi
Published: February 2008

MTV Networks Australia: Snoop

MTV Networks Australia: Snoop

The ‘Welcome Snoop’ campaign started with a brief to give MTV Networks Australia a local tone of voice. MTV is known for producing American TV shows; but MTV also produce a large percentage of Australian content. The challenge was to give MTV Networks Australia a personality relevant to its local audience and to create a campaign that would make the Australian audience active participants in the channel. The challenge was to do this in a way that was not traditional advertising. This was important given their young audience is largely cynical when it comes to brands ‘understanding’ them.

In answer to the brief, the strategy was developed to put a controversial MTV icon into the Australian culture, and stir the pot. The icon was rapper, Snoop Dogg, and the creative vehicle would be his fight for Australian citizenship. This idea created a storm of controversy and PR for MTV Networks Australia. It also actively involved the audience in the MTV Australia brand and allowed them to have a voice in the fight for Snoop to gain Australian citizenship. The idea brought to life the prospect of Snoop moving to Australia and motivated the audience to fight his cause.

The Welcome Snoop campaign proved incredibly successful. Over 410,593 viewers were driven to the dedicated site at www.mtv.com.au/snoop alone – equating to 16.9% of the target market in Australia. It generated a total of 5,500,000 campaign interactions and created a hive of media attention around MTV Australia, activating a movement among the target audience to help MTV fight Snoop’s cause. The campaign elevated MTV brand awareness to its highest point in history. The free PR generated alone was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and the idea attracted over 3X more MTV channel subscribers than the previous year.

Advertising Agency: LOWE SYDNEY, Australia
Creative Director: Dejan Rasic
Creatives: Dejan Rasic, Rebecca Carrasco, Howard Collinge
Director, Creative: Vanessa Zuppicich, MTV Networks Australia
Director, Marketing And Talent Relations: Colin Blake, MTV Networks Australia
Marketing Manager: Sam Coombes, MTV Networks Australia
Managing Director: Dave Sibley, MTV Networks Australia
Designer & Animator: Hillary Bunt, MTV Networks Australia
Director: Paul Middleditch, Plaza Film
Head Of Production: Darren Bailey
Producers: Lisa Cordukes, Charna Henry
Editor: Peter Whitmore, The Editors
Lowe & Rivet Editor: Kris Rees
Colourist: Ben Eagleton, Bean Colour
Website Production: Liquid Protocol
Talent Liason: India Bent, Happy Bash Communication
Photographer: Andreas Smetana, Andreas Smetana Photography
Producers: Rachael Henderson, Kristen Castree, Andreas Smetana Photography
Stylist: Suzanne King, Suzanna King
Retouching: Electric Art
Sound Design: Sound Reservoir
Producer: Peter Masterston, Plaza Films

EG Repellent: Fluorescent foot

EG Repellent: Fluorescent foot

Attractive to mosquitoes?

Advertising Agency: Publimark Lowe, Costa Rica
General Creative Director: Javier Zeledón
Creative Directors: Franklin Guevara
Art Director / Illustrator: Marco Campos
Copywriter: Andrea Touma
Published: June 2008