Sponges, Kings Disparate Things

“He likes big butts and he cannot lie,” and, the spooky King of fast food has grabbed more press this week than all his competitors, combined.

This time, the creepy King has teamed with popular Bikini Bottom star and actor, SpongeBob SquarePants (of Nickelodeon fame) to promote a 99-cent BK Kids Meal. They released a new 30-second spot this week, and it’s a banging hit, ranking third for viral video views according to Visible Measures. This disparate pair has our attention!

Yet, the duo has gained unwanted scrutiny from the activist group Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, an organization made up of educators, healthcare practitioners, activists, parents, and authors. A portion of their Mission Statement reads:

The commercialization of childhood is the link between many of the most serious problems facing children, and society, today. Childhood obesity, eating disorders, youth violence, sexualization, family stress, underage alcohol and tobacco use, rampant materialism, and the erosion of children’s creative play, are all exacerbated by advertising and marketing.

Damn! I’ve been blaming my parents and society all these years! I suppose that the only thing left to say now is, “I’m sorry,” and, if your child’s singing, “I like square butts and I cannot lie…” it’s time to head for Burger King.

Jeff Louis is a professional Senior Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: www.linkedin/in/jefflouis or on twitter @jlo0312.

“I NEVER Lose My Google Hits…”

LiLo, the charming Disney redhead that never gained a foothold in reality: Another child-star on the brink of losing everything? Not according to her best PR move to date. Beleaguered Lindsay Lohan released a mock E-Harmony video yesterday on FunnyOrDie (1.7MM views) that takes sharp jabs at herself: She’s single (lonely), reportedly broke, and probably alcoholic. But, she has her good qualitities as well, promising Mr. Right: “…at the end of the date, I promise you that I never lose my Google hits, just my underwear.” Gotta love a woman that has clear priorities!

Speaking of Google, if you haven’t seen YouTube lately, it’s crystal clear that Google is serious about monetizing the popular video site. Check out YouTube Edu (Education), YouTube House Hub (Government), and YTSO (YouTube Symphony Orchestra). The YTSO alone is worth the visit. And don’t forget to visit Pepsi-sponsored PopTub, a channel featuring the freshest videos on YouTube.

Jeff Louis is an experienced Senior Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: www.linkedin/in/jefflouis or on twitter @jlo0312.


Not only known for making disturbingly bad movies and playing in, “That 70s Show,” Ashton Kutcher’s current goal in life is to gain one million followers on Twitter. Apparently, Ashton does not realize that social media is not something that we need ‘to achieve,’ but actually serves a purpose to us “littler folk.”

CNN has the highest number of followers as of 9am CST, at just over 900,000. Ashton has about 850,000 followers. It’s funny, but I thought that social media’s purpose was for people to ENGAGE with one another based on common interests, professions, passions, or just plain ol’ curiosity…not to COLLECT followers as if they were chattel. Mr. Kutcher seems to think that followers=(insert needed quality here) and will somehow get him somewhere. I personally have nothing against the man, and have even found humor is some of his Punks. BUT, this is merely a publicity stunt that simply mocks social media. Nothing more.

There among us that have something to offer. Then, there are those who just beg to be in the spotlight, limelight, and under the bright lights . Which type would you rather hang out with?

Jeff Louis is an experienced Senior Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: www.linkedin/in/jefflouis or www.twitter.com@jlo0312.

Blogging for the Big Bucks

 Never underestimate the power of a star. Not the ones high in the sky, but the other ones, dimmer, out at night in Hollywood. It’s been long-rumored that company’s with “celebrity spokespeople” are so yesterday, but they still keep on popping up, getting endorsements then smokin’ dope and losing endorsements. I guess we need someone to look up to…Madison Avenue says so. But, stars are important to products, to companys, and even to people. Stars can make us money, or totally ignore us. I asked for Lindsay Lohan to be my friend on Twitter. No reply. (bitch)
Enter Mario Armando Lavandeira, a man with stars in his eyes, as well. He’s someone that we love to hate, or hate to love. He lives a life of relative ease in Los Angeles, hanging out with Hollywood’s famous, or infamous, celebrities. He had a show on VH1 for a while, has been featured in the NYTimes at least twice, and has appeared on the Kathy Griffin Show, Nightline, The View, MTV, and others.


If you hadn’t already guessed, our secretive Mario has an alter-ego that he got on the steets: Perez Hilton. Perez Hilton, the self-proclaimed “Queen of all Media,” just celebrated his birthday on March 30th with some of his fave stars: Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga, Tara Reid, Salman Rushdie (what is he doing there?), Kim Kardashian, The Jonas Brothers, and of course, Paris Hilton. I know this because I visited his website. I’m not sure why I was there….but as I leisurely scrolled through the gallery of  star-studded birthday snaps, playing “Guess the Star ” with myself (I went 4/82), all hell broke loose. At the bottom of the gallery, glowing as it gloated at me, was the number of unique visitors  received in 9 days: 11,000,000 (EE-Lev-Un-Mil-Yun.) I rubbed my eyes. Squinted. It didn’t change. Chagrined, my first thought was: “The friggin losers visiting this site have NOTHING to do (which I proved…).”  The second thought burned my brain with a tinge of jealous awe: “Perez Hilton is a genius!”

In case you’re “not in the know,” Perezhilton.com is the online version of supermarket tabloids, but way-nastier. Perez berates the stars he seems to idolize, “outs” suspected homosexuals, refers to stars as “bitches” (and worse), and doodles degrading images on top of celebrity photos. Love him, hate him, or despise him, he does deserve some credit: The man has spent four years of his life blogging. For a living. Very successfully. This may be the greatest Social Media victory ever, not to mention that Perez is nearing “phenom stage.”

Just a guy that writes about other people-other  famous people- and is said to make some decent bank doing it… in the high six-figures for his “effort.” Perez won’t say how much he makes (How Rude!), but unconfirmed sources that sued him stated his take-home in 2007 was over $800,000. Not a surprising figure when his advertising revenue is reported to be $45,000 per day! Yep, just a guy and his blog, blogging away, blog, blog, blog. Bloggity-blog-blog, blaga blog blog, all day long, about rich people.  %*$& my life.

Maybe, like me, you think he’s a genius. But, he’s not. He’s a failed actor and former receptionist that was fired from his publicist job at the Star. He started blogging because ”it looked easy.” Okay, I will add lazy to his attributes. On a nicer note, his story does inspire “wannabe writers,” like me; while I am bustin’ ass to get a Google link on my blog, he has the likes of  MTV, Kentucky Fried Chicken, “Twilight,” famous musicians, chic LA boutiques, Walden University, weight loss products, and a host of others gracing his pages. Daily.
Some facts about Perezhilton.com:

  • The site’s demographic is mainly female,perez-hilton
  • Average age is 26 
  • comScore rates the site among the Top 10 Entertainment sites 
  • Monthly unique visitors, U.S.: 1.3 million
  • Global (he’s global?) unique visitors: 2.4 million

With a thriving blog that’s generating bucks, buzz, and press, what’s next for this astute entrepreneur?

Believe it or not, he’s “hard at work” extending the Perez Hilton brand. It’s rumored that he doesn’t write anymore–it took too much time. Others dish dirt for him now. It has, afterall, been four years of work. This new found freedom from writing gives him time to drop in on morning talk shows and comment on the latest starlet, run amok. Plus, there’s always Empire Perez to fret about. As we went to press this morning, the empire included a YouTube channel dedicated to Perez Hilton, and a line of clothing dedicated to Perez Hilton. Seriously, though, perpetuation is on his mind, because the one lesson he’s learned dissin’ the elite for four years, it’s that fame is fleeting. Today’s darling is tomorrow’s Jenny Craig spokesperson.

**No Stars Were Hurt During The Research and Writing Of  This Report.**

 Jeff Louis is a Strategic Media Planner & Buyer with over seven years of B2B & B2C experience. His interests are emerging media, schweet  ideas, and redefining the status quo (not necessarily in that order.)  He’s passionate about writing and digs great creative executions based on strategy.  Follow him on twitter @jlo0312, or LinkedIn, www.LinkedIn.com/in/jefflouis

Shaq Helps Feed the Children of Hunger

Shaquille O' NealNBA star and Phoenix Suns Center Shaquille O’ Neal is going out of his way for a worthy cause. Shaq will be teaming with international hunger relief organization Feed The Children and Healing Place Church for the “PB & Shaq” event to be held Tuesday, April 7 starting at 6 p.m. at Healing Place Church (19202 Highland Road in Baton Rouge). Each attendee must bring at least 10 jars of new peanut butter or a $20 donation to the event for admission.

Peanut butter is included in all Feed The Children food boxes, so there is always a need for the product. All items collected in Tuesday’s event will be distributed by Feed The Children to families in need throughout the United States.

Feed The Children Founder and President Larry Jones and Healing Place Church Pastor Dino Rizzo will lead a special fellowship program at 7 p.m. O’Neal, whose team is in town to play the New Orleans Hornets on Wednesday night, will also be in attendance. Drawings for prizes will also be held.

Brian Yalung is the editor for Beneath the Brand and Beyond Madison Avenue. He is also the owner of several other premium blog sites like the Life Shed. Stick around for unique and sensible posts coming your way.

(Source) Press

Rotary Clubs and Dolly Parton to Push Children Reading Campaign

imagination_libraryIn an effort to boost the literacy level of kids today, Rotary clubs have partnered with country music legend Dolly Parton to promote literacy bridges the pop culture gap. Rotary International today announced a collaboration with Parton’s Tennessee-based Dollywood Foundation to promote early childhood reading.

Rotary clubs in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom are encouraged to support the foundation’s Imagination Library program, which provides books to children from birth until age five, so that parents can begin reading to them as soon as possible.

The program is especially valuable for children in underprivileged and working class families for whom children’s books might be an unaffordable luxury. Rotary club participation could include promoting the program locally, helping to identify and register the children, and paying for the books and mailings. The average annual cost is $28 per child.

(Source) Press

Watchmen is the Film to Watch

Watchmen 2009Though it was not feted that much during the Academy Awards, Watchment is slowly proving to one and all that it is the movie worth watching. Watchmen doesn’t open until Friday, but Fandango is already seeing strong advance ticket sales for the film, comprising 61% of all sales on Fandango, the nation’s leading moviegoer destination.

Advance tickets for director Zack Snyder’s Watchmen are far outpacing advance tickets sold for Snyder’s previous movie, 300, at the same point in that film’s sales cycle. Dozens of midnight Thursday night showtimes for the film are sold out on Fandango, from Albany, Georgia to Dublin, California.

As a bonus, moviegoers purchasing tickets for Watchmen or Watchmen: The IMAX Experience on Fandango will receive a free download of bonus content on iTunes, including the first chapter of Watchmen Motion Comics plus a sneak peek of Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter.

(Source) Press

Jennifer Hudson Speaks Up — Indirectly

Jennifer HudsonAfter the tragedies that she had experienced some months back, diva Jennifer Hudson has finally opened up. Hudson has been mum about the October killing of her mother, brother and 7 year old nephew but apparently she seems to have learned to go on.

“To me, the biggest notes and the longest notes are the easiest notes,” she said. “It’s just like I’m glad that I made it to the end of the song. That’s how I am. OK, I got this now, I’m home. I’m going home now.”

William Balfour, the estranged husband of Hudson’s sister Julia, is accused in the triple homicide of Hudson’s relatives. Balfour has pleaded not guilty.

(Source) Yahoo

Bar Refaeli Leads Judging of Walk the Walk Contest

37251-lo-bar_refaeli-maddenSports Illustrated Swimsuit model Bar Refaeli was among the cast of judges that witnessed the Walk the Walk contest, a fashion design competition aimed at inspiring the future generation designers. Other judges included Benji and Joel Madden of Good Charlotte, Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas, Robert Buckley of Lipstick Jungle and Frankie Delgado of MTV’s Bromance and The Hills at House of Blues Anaheim.

Refaeli and the star-studded panel of judges that also included Hurley founder Bob Hurley and Rosemary Brantley of OTIS College of Art and Design watched a parade of Hurley collections that had been redesigned by area high school students. The theatrical shows, which at times looked more like dance-offs, were modeled, produced and promoted entirely by student teams.

Of four competing schools, Fountain Valley High School took home top honors and a $5000 donation to its art & music program. Gahr High School won a special design challenge and could see their two original head-to-toe designs featured in a future Hurley collection.

(Source) Press

Celebrities to Endorse Reuse on Celeb Throwaway

myskip_logoIn a move to help provide alternative practices towards the area of recycling to bring down waste issues, MySkip is promoting the use of unwanted goods via first-ever 24-hour ‘Celebrity Throwaway’.

Everyday items donated by such celebrities as Sheryl Crow, Ricky Gervais and Shilpa Shetty will be available for free at www.myskip.com from 0900 GMT on Tuesday 3 March 2009.

MySkip also today unveiled an enhanced interactive website designed to help consumers and organisations to easily dispose of or find useful items that might otherwise end-up in British landfills. Every year, UK households send an alarming amount of rubbish to the country’s 4,000 landfills – 15.8 million tonnes in 2007/2008 (Defra).

(Source) Business Wire

Serena Williams Selects Partner in Everyday Athletes Campaign

179thmTennis sensation Serena Williams in cooperation with Gatorade G2 selected the individual who will appear alongside Williams in the Everyday Athletes Campaign. And the lucky winner was no other than Serene Cuevas of San Diego.

Emceed by Access Hollywood host and upcoming Dancing with the Stars competitor, Nancy O’Dell, The G2 Everyday Athlete Search featured five semi-finalists — all named Serena — who traveled to the event from around the country to discuss their personal stories of how sports and exercise have helped them overcome a challenge or allowed them to reach and accomplish a significant, personal goal.

Cuevas will appear with Serena Williams in the national ad campaign beginning this spring that will help draw attention to the Gatorade brand’s broadened definition of what it means to be an athlete. If your body is moving, Gatorade considers you an athlete. In addition to Serena Williams, G2 is also unveiling three more “everyday athlete” ads, featuring the NBA’s Kevin Garnett, WNBA’s Candace Parker, and Gold Medal Beach Volleyball star Kerri Walsh with their “everyday athlete” counterparts. Others are invited to share their own “everyday athlete” stories at missionG.com, the new sports and entertainment portal for Gatorade.

(Source) Press

Celebrity Loop and Vimation to Launch Interactive Media Channel

VimationCelebrity Loop and Vimation will be launching an interactive video and rich media player for premium online content. The Celebrity Interactive Media Channel solves challenges facing celebrities and premium content online today. It allows the celebrity to maintain control of their content online, creates an engaging interactive video experience for the fans and allows brands to sponsor the content.

Alyssa Milano, Mel B, of the Spice Girls, and Justin Berfield’s, actor/producer best known for the show “Malcom in the Middle”, new book, “Generation Fear,” published by Harper Collins, are the initial celebrities using the Celebrity Interactive Media Channel player, with a number of others preparing to start participating.

The player, using Vimation’s VIM Platform, lets fans interact directly with celebrity video and rich media content so they can engage with bonus content, slide-out videos, image galleries, biographical information and mini features. This interactive video capability enables the content owner to aggregate content to provide an enhanced video experience for fans to engage with content they are interested in.

(Source) Press

Nelly to Host Nelly’s Night in Vegas

nelly_300x298It looks like musician Nelly will be hosting his own primetime party on television as 24/7 productions reportedly forged a deal with the music sensation. Executive produced by 25/7’s Dave Broome (”The Biggest Loser”), Emmy Award winner Madeleine Smithberg (”The Daily Show with Jon Stewart”) and Nelly, each week NELLY’S NIGHT IN VEGAS will bring Hollywood’s biggest stars to the mecca of pop culture for a show unlike any other on television.

NELLY’S NIGHT IN VEGAS will be an ongoing wild, high stakes party where you can bet on anything and probably everything happening. The show promises to reflect the full spectrum of the Vegas life with an endless supply of inspiration and content for Nelly and his spectrum of sidekicks, beautiful women and entourage. His private jet and red carpet lifestyle will add to the weekly excitement as will his interviews with film, television and music’s biggest stars.

(Source) Press

Globetrotters to Play for the Last Time at Philadelphia’s Wachovia Spectrum

HGT logo.pdfTo the Harlem Globetrotters, this will mark their first appearance at the Wachovia Spectrum in Philadelphia. However, it looks like it may also be their last since the said stadium as the 42-year-old building is scheduled to be razed later this year.

The game will mark the team’s final appearance at the famous Spectrum — either inside it or on top of it — as the 42-year-old building is scheduled to be razed later this year. The team will return to the Philadelphia area later that week for games on Saturday, March 7 (at Temple University’s Liacouras Center at 1:00 p.m. and Sovereign Bank Arena in Trenton, N.J. at 7:30 p.m.) and Sunday, March 8 at Philadelphia’s Wachovia Center (12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.).

“The Spectrum was a highlight of every tour for the Globetrotters for so many years, and we’re honored to come back and pay it our respects in unique Globetrotter fashion,” said team CEO Kurt Schneider. “We’ve played in so many unique venues over our history, and this game will surely add to that legacy. You might say we are ‘over the top’ excited to play on the roof.”

The Globetrotters first played at the Spectrum on December 2, 1967, shortly after the building first opened. The team continued to play at the Spectrum every year until 1997, when their annual Philadelphia tour stop moved across the parking lot to the Wachovia Center.

(Source) Press

Randy Jackson is No. 1 Among American Idol Fans

Randy Jackson

For sure a lot of you have watched American Idol at one instance. And one thing you would notice would be the three judges, Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson. Each carries a different personality and employs a different approach. And finding that Rancy Jackson as the favorite among fans, is not really surprising.

A new study conducted among 1,522 American Idol viewers revealed that Randy Jackson ranked number one among the judges based on the judges’ critiques on last night’s show.

The study was conducted by HCD Research on February 17, to obtain American Idol viewers’ perceptions of the judges. HCD Research will conduct a weekly study during the airing of American Idol Season 8 to measure how the judges’ rankings change over time.

(Source) Press

DJ Ravi Drums at the 2009 Academy Awards

ravi_photo_1DJ Ravi Drums, the music director of “Howie Do It” will reportedly be taking his act at the 2009 Academy Awards slated on Sunday at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood.

Drums, who holds the distinction of being the first and only Indian American music director of a network TV show, will perform in the musical segment of the show, which will feature Best Original Song Nominees “Down to Earth” (Wall-E), “Jai Ho” (Slumdog Millionaire), and “O Saya” (Slumdog Millionaire). An elated Drums stated, “This is an incredible pop culture moment to be an Indian American. To be performing on the Oscars when a top contender has an Indian storyline makes me very proud.”

Ravi is the most unique of all the MD’s out there. He originates a hip, epic musical movement, having invented the simultaneous process of live drum playing and live re-mixing.

(Source) Press

National Lampoons Releases Four Comedy CD Titles

logo_nlologoFor the many fans who have followed the National Lampoon comedy flicks, here is your chance to get the National Lampoon Live series. National Lampoon Records, a division of National Lampoon, Inc. (Pink Sheets:NLMP), the most widely recognized brand in comedy, today announced the release of four new Comedy CDs to be distributed digitally and at retailers worldwide. All part of the “National Lampoon Live” series, the four new titles: Un-Leashed, Un-Censored, Un-Scripted, and Un-Filtered, are hosted by Frank Caliendo (Mad TV), Rich Vos (Last Comic Standing) and Dat Phan (Family Guy).

National Lampoon previously announced the launch of its audio label, National Lampoon Records. This expands the company’s owned content library, and follows the company’s recent success in developing, producing, and distributing its own feature film library into all areas including theatrical, home entertainment, television, and digital markets.

(Source) Press

Kevin Costner is NASCAR Spokesperson


NASCAR has made it public that their choice for this year’s endorser will be actor Kevin Costner. Celebrated on May 15, NASCAR Day is an opportunity for fans, corporations, schools and organizations across the country to make donations to The NASCAR Foundation to raise funds for its Family of Charities in an effort to help thousands of children live better lives.

Costner will appear in print, radio and television advertising to promote the industry’s charitable initiative. Past celebrity supporters for NASCAR Day include Will Ferrell, Kelly Clarkson, Garth Brooks and several NASCAR Sprint Cup Series drivers.

(Source) Newsday

Taylor Swifts Racks them in at Staples Center

Taylor SwiftThere is something about Taylor Swift that makes fans buy the tickets and it is not only her singing voice. With her gorgeous looks, it is not really surprising to note why she was able to pack in the Staples Center in Los Angeles on May 22 for an upcoming concert. It took only 2 minutes for the tickets to be sold out!

Taylor will be at the Staples Center this Sunday night, performing live on the 51st Annual Grammy Awards. This will mark the debut television performance of Taylor’s song “Fifteen” from her Fearless CD. Miley Cyrus is joining Taylor for a special duet version.

(Source) Press

Julia Ormond Stars in Wronged Man

juliaJulia Ormond who had stints with “Legends of the Fall” and “Sabrina” appears in another movie in Lifetime Movie Network’s “The Wronged Man” in November 2009. Mahershalalhashbaz Ali (The 4400), Ormond’s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button co-star, also joins the cast as an African-American husband and father convicted of raping a young girl.

The film is based on the true story of an unlikely friendship between paralegal Janet Gregory (Ormond) and Calvin Willis (Ali) as they fight to overturn his sentence and restore faith in the justice system. The Wronged Man, from executive producer Gale Anne Hurd’s (The Incredible Hulk) Valhalla Motion Pictures and Sony Pictures Television, will begin production this month.

(Source) Press