Not only known for making disturbingly bad movies and playing in, “That 70s Show,” Ashton Kutcher’s current goal in life is to gain one million followers on Twitter. Apparently, Ashton does not realize that social media is not something that we need ‘to achieve,’ but actually serves a purpose to us “littler folk.”

CNN has the highest number of followers as of 9am CST, at just over 900,000. Ashton has about 850,000 followers. It’s funny, but I thought that social media’s purpose was for people to ENGAGE with one another based on common interests, professions, passions, or just plain ol’ curiosity…not to COLLECT followers as if they were chattel. Mr. Kutcher seems to think that followers=(insert needed quality here) and will somehow get him somewhere. I personally have nothing against the man, and have even found humor is some of his Punks. BUT, this is merely a publicity stunt that simply mocks social media. Nothing more.

There among us that have something to offer. Then, there are those who just beg to be in the spotlight, limelight, and under the bright lights . Which type would you rather hang out with?

Jeff Louis is an experienced Senior Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: www.linkedin/in/jefflouis or