For Better Advertising Conversations, Join Adpulp’s Closed Group on Facebook

The Web is the new Wild West — lawless, full of overly eager trespassers and hyped to a point of absurdity. Yet, there is always the potential for human empowerment and business growth waiting patiently around the digital corner. To cut back on the lawless and overly eager part, millions of people are increasingly turning […]

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Migrating to Client-Side Opportunities: A Rich Topic To Mine

Communication Arts is “The Bible” for the creative side of the business. To be featured in the advertising or design annual, or to appear in a feature article in one of the quarterly editions, is a form of acceptance into the club. To have an Adpulp article land on CA’s digital front page this week […]

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Reach Our Readers With Your Best Stuff

This is your space. We’re saving it for your special message. [YOUR SPECIAL MESSAGE GOES HERE…] [AND HERE] Inquire within when you’re ready to invest a small fee to reach some of the ad industry’s most influential thinkers and doers. I would drop names, but that isn’t our style. Ask around. People in the ad […]

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This Spot Is Reserved for Premium Sponsors

In our 13+ years of existence as an online trade rag, we’ve tried several approaches to monetizing our content. Finally, in 2017 we decided to strip the site of all advertising. An ad blog with no ads? We tried it, and I’m certain we can do better. Here’s the new deal, starting now. The second […]

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Off Madison: Blogging Is The New Busking

OFF MADISON—Blogging is the new busking. Talented writers are presently posted up outside the official news edifice where they’re busy bringing their readers a sharper, more personal point of view on a particular topic of interest. In a recent survey, bloggers said it now takes three hours and twenty minutes, on average, to create a […]

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Welcome To The Chronicle of Bright Ideas

This has been a year of transformations for Adpulp. We stopped taking advertising (including paid posts), switched to a new responsive template, secured our hosting setup, loaded Facebook-enabled comments, implemented a micro-payments platform, and now we’ve refreshed our brand identity. The Chronicle of Bright Ideas The new logo was made by Jessica Knedgen, a designer […]

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This Is An Ad-Free Reading Experience

After a 14-year ad-sponsored run, stopped running ads this year. You’re welcome. Now, please sign up for Inkl—the micropayments platform that has the potential to change the score for thousands of indie journalists and publishers like  

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A Dime for Our Thoughts

This year, moved away from being an ad-supported site. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we currently carry no ads at all. We are now 100% publisher supported. We no longer take paid posts, although the offer is there to do so literally every day. And we no longer place banners or text […]

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Saying Goodbye

After 11 years and 8 months, it is time for a change. I’m stepping down as Publisher of today and leaving it in the capable hands of David Burn. In light of David’s rejuvenation with publishing, this is as good of time as any to bring fresh leadership to the site. I’ll continue to be […]

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Buy My New Book: “Killer Executions and Scrubbed Decks”

If you’ve ever spent any time in advertising or marketing, you’ve heard people speak in terms that are beyond bizarre. Scope Creep. Deliverables. Ideation. You’ll also hear people talk about killer ads, hard-hitting ads, ads that are blown out and executed. I break down (and sarcastically deflate) these terms and others in my new book, […]

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We Write for Ogilvy Dunthorpe, Jolie Freeman and Ad Grunts Like You

AdPulp is for ad grunts, by ad grunts. We’re not Adverati. We can’t be, we’ve never been to Cannes. We know our place. And we’d like to think we know you, dear reader. We know you, because we work with you, we meet you for coffee or beer and we may even listen to you […]

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Nostalgia At Ten, Along With A Renewed Focus

Ten years ago today we started an experiment here. The experiment has grown and morphed, and we, its producers, with it. There have been many things to learn along the way, and on this the site’s 10th anniversary, I’d like to share some of the more pointed lessons that come to mind. 1) Do what […]

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See All This Content? I Also Provide It To Clients

“Keep your day job, until your night job pays.” -Hunter/Garcia

If there is one lesson I might share with you from nearly a decade as an ad blogger, it is this: Do not start with a blog and then go looking for a business to support it. Business first, then blog.

The reality is I made this correction several years ago, and now I put more time and energy into Bonehook is my marketing services company—it’s the way I make my way in the world. AdPulp is a side-project.

Understand, I am a big believer in side-projects. There are dozens of reasons to pursue a side-project, and just as many benefits. Yet, by definition, a side-project is not one’s main gig.

That people sometimes perceive AdPulp to be my day job throws me, but when I step back and look at it I do see the compliment there and I appreciate it.

Given that I build brands for a living, it was important for me to build one here. This fact also ladders perfectly with my specialization in content and social media marketing. Many lifestyle brands need their own AdPulp—no, not an advertising blog—a deep daily dive into an important topic.

If you work for a brand and you need help with content strategy, plus the implementation of a workable, affordable execution plan, give me a ring. I’m at 503-970-3862. I’ve done it here for nearly a decade, and on behalf of clients, for even longer.

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CES, Yahoo, NYT, B2B And More On The BeanCast

It’s always a fun time to participate on The BeanCast as I did last night.


We discussed Yahoo Advertising, CES, New York Times native ads, B2B social marketing, Amazon’s car-in-a-box delivery and my hopes for a Seahawks Super Bowl appearance. Hopefully I’m not babbling too fast for you to enjoy. Also on the panel were Len Kendall, Anthony Kalamut, Peter Shankman,, and show host Bob Knorpp.

And, since our first topic was Yahoo, I’m including an obligatory photo of Marissa Mayer. I think that’s a journalistic edict, right?


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Time Has Come Today

After nine years and two months on the ad blogging mound, it is time to hang up my cleats. If you’ve become hopelessly addicted to AdPulp content over the years, please forgive me.

In all seriousness though, thanks for helping to make this one hell of a ride. The daily writing practice has been great training for me. Writers find a way to write, and AdPulp became (and has the potential to remain) a compelling place to explore one of our culture’s more interesting, powerful and at times deeply flawed industries.

I am moving on at this time to focus intently on doing the things that I have been writing about. Given my renewed commitment to providing media as a marketing service, all my professional energies will now go into growing Bonehook, the brand publishing company I started in April 2009.

On occasion, I will continue to write feature articles on important topics in brand communications for The Content Strategist and for For the time being Shawn Hartley, Dan Goldgeier and Wade Sturdivant may add new content here.

Shawn and I are also preparing the site for a sale. If you’re interested in speaking to an audience of ad industry professionals—and don’t want to start a new site from scratch—make a five-figure offer we can’t refuse (and AdPulp may soon be yours).

Thanks for reading my ramblings over the years, and thanks for letting our mutual interest in advertising bring us together. One of the things I will clearly miss is the chance to make more friends via this site. Starting with Dan Goldgeier, AdPulp opened the doors to Bob Knorpp, Rick Myers, Bob Hoffman, John January, Charlie Quirk, Jeff Hardison, Brian Harrison, Wade Sturdivant, Tom Asacker, Vinny Warren, Court Crandall and several other fine human beings who I can now call friends. With this in mind, I consider the project a smashing success from a relationship POV, and what’s more important that that?

Lastly, I want to thank Shawn Hartley for his immense patience and his good business (and common) sense. Partnerships require work and a shared commitment, and I feel we both benefited greatly from our work together on this project.

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Ad Blogs Are Anachronisms. Long Live Ad Blogs.

It was nearly nine years ago that Shawn and I said what the hell, let’s give this ad blog thing a run for the money. We’ve learned a lot about the industry, ourselves and about building a micro-media brand along the way, and we continue to marvel at the accelerated pace of change in marketing and communications.

No doubt some of the changes are for the best. Frederic Filloux, writing in The Guardian, notes “we are witnessing the emergence of a new breed of smaller, digital-only outlets that are closing the gap, quality-wise, with legacy media.”

Meanwhile, legacy media companies struggle to maintain relevance in a rapidly changing mediascape. Take the watering down of Forbes, an historic media brand, with what is now a murky sea of contributor-generated content.

Legacy media brands are working to find their place in the market today. Paywalls are going up and paywalls are coming down. Editorial lines are being crossed, and tacky advertising intrusions and sponsored content are now commonplace. It’s no wonder a title like Forbes loses its center and its way.

At AdPulp, I feel like we are continually finding our way. This is part of AdPulp’s charm for me and why it remains an interesting project to work on every day. There have been times when I thought of retiring from the site, but I always come back for more. It’s not for the adoring fans and buckets of money. I wish I could say it was. The truth is AdPulp is something I enjoy doing/making.

Naturally, I consider this project and our team to be part of “the new breed of smaller, digital-only outlets that are closing the gap, quality-wise, with legacy media.” I think we along with Adrants, Adland, Adverblog and The Denver Egotist network constitute a whole new layer or block of media — we’re all practitioners who publish “industry insider” trade journals, exclusively online. Does our product stand up against legacy media’s reporting? You be the judge, but on a good day, I’d say it does. But it’s not necessarily the right question to ask of us. Ad bloggers are free to editorialize, whereas real reporters are encouraged to explore all sides of an issue.

I think readers enjoy both the rigor of journalism and the freewheeling nature of micro-media and we attempt to provide a degree of both.

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MarCom Voices Amplified By Bob Knorpp’s Weekly Radio Show

Do you listen to world’s best radio show about marketing? It’s an hour of cordial banter led by host of hosts, Bob Knorpp.

This week’s program looks at Apple’s push into in-store push notifications; Instagram’s plan to introduce advertising; placing ads on porn sites, and more.

Listen now: BeanCast 268: I Don’t Trust Facebook To Run Facebook.

Or listen later. Here’s the iTunes link, for your convenience.

At the end of the program, Knorpp encourages his guests to promote themselves. I took the opportunity to offer BeanCast listeners help with their content marketing problems and a 20% discount off their first invoice.

Naturally, I am happy to extend this offer to AdPulp readers, as well. Let me know your content marketing needs–email newsletters, blog posts, video production, etc.

For more sounds: Visit AdPulp’s audio archive.

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Today on TV: #EatLikeYouMeanIt At Carl’s Jr.

Carl’s Jr. and 72andsunny have a great thing going. They do “food porn” really well, and now have a patent on the “stuff a sandwich in your sexy face” thing.

Hey, they’re able to make fast food look good on TV and that’s an accomplishment. Not one that needs another stupid award, but an accomplishment nevertheless.

I’m thinking you’d like to see your own TV spot in this space. Am I right?

We get worked over pretty good by PR people in the employ of various ad agencies. Some of it I welcome, most of it I reject. My thought is this: thousands of agencies are doing work in the shadows, heads down, noses to the grindstone. These shops don’t bother to promote their work. Their websites are always out of date. The agency blog is in tatters. We all know who we’re talking about.

If you see yourself in the above description, bust out for a second. Send a link to your latest spot or campaign. We’ll only rip it to shreds when made to do so by our evil twins. The rest of the time, we’ll repost it to Facebook. From their the cream rises to the blog. See above.

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Today on TV: Carmichael Lynch Sets the Temp for Movie Night

I made the editorial decision a few years ago to put the great majority of work samples from the industry up on our Facebook page and reserve for more in-depth written pieces about important trends in MarCom.

I’m wondering today if maybe this was an error in my judgement. If it was, it can be fixed. That’s one thing I love about the Web. It’s a flexible medium.

Actually, this is a bit of a “eat your cake” moment, given Facebook’s new embed feature.

What do you think, shall we place one featured commercial here each day? Would you like that?

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When Will PR Grow Up And Be All It Can Be?

I see a lot of PR pitches, just like I see a lot of advertising. I don’t mind the over-exposure, because it is my job and my passion. However, I do mind especially crass and often repeated attempts to reach me, and the general lowering of standards industry-wide.

According to Ragan’s PR Daily, the ratio of PR people to “pitchable” journalists is estimated at 4 to 1.


This certainly explains my inbox. Here’s one that just came in — read it with me, will you?

Since you blog about the marketing and advertising industry, this new technology development — announced today — should be of interest because of the effect it will have on the marketing discipline..

“There are a lot of garbage, irrelevant pitches out there,” says Gail Sideman, owner and publicist, Publiside Personal Publicity. “Some PR people are so pressured by their clients or bosses to pitch stories with no real news value that they devalue themselves and leave reporters with a bad taste should they ever pitch another story.”

Yet, the practice has its place and its defenders. Christopher S. Penn of Shift argues the central reason why public relations and marketing communications as a field “will never go away” is because every business needs three fundamental communications drivers: Awareness, Engagement and Trust. To deliver on these key promises, Sarah Skerik of PR Newswire suggests that PR pros, “Keep surfacing those crucial nuggets that describe why the story matters, and lead your audience through the message, laying a trail with these compelling ideas.”

Good advise, but I have even better advise for PR pros. Develop relationships with the reporters and bloggers you’re pitching by taking the time to read their work, know their interests and specialties and generally have a clue about what’s going on in their world. I can count the PR pros on one hand who bother to do this for me.

We pay lip service to “scaling one-to-one” in a world where authenticity and personalization matter. The problem with scaling one-to-one is it takes a ton of work. A busy PR person needs to send their pitch to 100 people right now! Yet sending it to 10 might be fine, if each email is personally crafted. Bottom line, when you make the reporter feel important or good about themselves, you boost your chances of being heard immeasurably.

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