Chabal like: this is the man by FCUK

In this video campaign for the clothing brand FCUK, a man looking like the rugbyman Sebastien Chabal thanks to his beard is representing the Man! The voice over with a strong French accent is commenting how a man should look like.

Advertiser: FCUK French Connection United Kingdom

Top 50 Marketing Strategy Trends in February 2010 – From Hubless Wheels to Single-Seater Sedans (COUNTDOWN)

( For the month of February 2010, these are the Top 50 marketing strategy trends, which include Hubless Wheels , Industrialized Chronographs and Homemade Handguns. The rankings are based on millions of views…

Top 50 Art and Design Trends in February 2010 – From Soccerific Skin Art to Fairytale Seating (COUNTDOWN)

( For the month of February 2010, these are the Top 50 art and design trends, which include Soccerific Skin Art, Tacky Tourist Artwork and Freak Show Photography. The rankings are based on millions of views…

Alice in Wonderland Tattoos – Disneyfied Ink Designs That Go Down the Rabbit Hole

( My first thought when I saw this woman’s back was that without a doubt she will be attending the opening of Alice in Wonderland in the Theater on March 5th.  She is obviously a true fan of Alice and her…

Piu by Pleix

Après le spot Duracell Ultra, voici ce court film dirigé par le célèbre collectif français Pleix à propos d’un petit oiseau se cachant dans les chaussettes et chaussures. Sobrement intitulé “Piu”, il a été produit par la société Warm&Fuzzy Paris. Plus d’images dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

O agregador de tweets da Jung Von Matt


De acordo com a explicação da própria agência alemã, Jung Von Matt, seu novo site é um “playground experimental“.

Eles monitoram o que há de mais ‘cool’ rolando na internet, e postam alguns links nesse agregador em forma de linha do tempo interativa. Fora isso, esse grande mashup agrega tweets de seus colaboradores e outras pessoas que comentam sobre a agência. Boa estrutura e navegação. Vale a visita!

Naked Chuck Liddell Video A Viral Campaign From Reebok?

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TMZ reports this video featuring a naked Chuck Liddell and his girlfriend Heidi Northcutt working out is a viral effort for Reebok.
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Golden Orb Spider Farm


In the years to come, might the best employers encourage women to work longer by offering them the means to unlimited fertility in the form of a golden orb spider farm from which to harvest silk for their luxury spare womb? continue

Once No. 1, Interpublic Slips to Fourth Among Holding Cos.

NEW YORK ( — Interpublic Group of Cos. has slipped to the fourth-largest slot among advertising agency holding companies, as confirmed in its fourth-quarter earnings release this morning.

Axe: Rock’n Roll Instinct


Aproveitando o andamento da campanha global para divulgar a fragrância Instinct, a Axe quer saber do seu instinto roqueiro – uma abordagem conveniente para levar mais entretenimento aos seus consumidores.

A idéia ganhou forma com o lançamento de um aplicativo para Facebook.

O Rock’n Roll Instinct é baseado no famoso “Guitar Hero“, onde você compete com jogadores do mundo inteiro, além de poder compartilhar a ferramenta com seus próprios amigos.

Se você acompanha o ADivertido com frequência, vai lembrar de outras marcas que também apostaram em advergames com essa mesma plataforma. São elas, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, Umbro e Colgate. Divirta-se!

Suzuki Kizashi. A Rich Guy Car For Guys Who Aren’t Rich

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Suzuki is out with a new campiagn to introduce its new Kizashi sedan, a performance car everyone can afford, not just rich guys.
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Dinamarca estréia campanha turística produzida por Lars Von Trier

Mais uma idéia louca dos caras do The Onion.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Jailhouse Tribal Fashions – The Sass Bide Autumn 2010 Collection Rocks Black White Right (GALLERY)

( The Sass Bide Autumn 2010 collection is all about going tribal, yet with a certain twist. As with most tribal fashion that features creative lines and an exploration of color, the Sass Bide Autumn…

Tropicana Turns Inuvik Sunlight Stunt Into Ad Campaign

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So…this is a month and a half late…sort of.
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AIGA Baltimore Lecture

Une belle animation informative et didactique autour de la représentation graphique des chiffres clés d’Internet dans le monde (Twitter, Facebook ou Google). Un brillant travail et une excellente mise en images par Jesse Thomas, inspiré des statistiques et données d’AIGA Baltimore.




Pour aller plus loin : rejoignez la page Facebook Fubiz et le profil Twitter.

Previously on Fubiz

Blingtastic Skating Outfits – Olympic Bronze Medalist Joannie Rochette’s Sparkling Wardrobe (VIDEO)

( Olympic Bronze Medalist Joannie Rochette triumphed in her win for the country. Skating almost perfectly after the tragic death of her mother, her Vancouver Olympic performances out-sparkled any of her…

Big Horn Sheep Tells San Francisco to Check Out Reno

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Not sure Reno wants to be Vegas but they’re making an effort to get those who live in San Francisco to check the place out with a new campaign.
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The Rash Report

Today's Rash Report is about, well, Rash. Because it's my last Rash Report column for Ad Age. And it's my last day at Campbell Mithun, the ad agency that's been my professional home for a quarter century.

Frothy Cloud-Like Seating – The Karim Rashid VONDOM Series is Colorfully Futuristic (GALLERY)

( I swear I have no idea how this particular designer has the time to design so many different collection, but the Karim Rashid VONDOM series proves Rashid’s power to continually execute amazing pieces.…

Labour social media campaign challenges voters to examine Tory ideas

LONDON – The Labour Party is harnessing social media and online advertising as part of a word-of-mouth campaign asking voters to take a close look at key Conservative Party policies, including the economy, housing and schools.