Tattooists, tattooed


I was expecting the usual about tattoos: the criminals, the freak shows, the M?ori warriors, the virtuosity of contemporary tattoo artists. I certainly found all of that in the show. I wasn’t however expecting to be shocked by the way tattoos were used to mark women continue

Connected Human Resin Sculptures

Pour son nouveau travail appelé « Nexus », l’artiste Tracey Sarsfield a créé des sculptures d’humains faits de résine blanche, de peinture, de vinyle et de fibre de verre. Deux corps humains sont reliés par des fils noirs tendus. Plus de détails dans la suite de l’article, à travers les photos de Genevieve Swifte et Brenton McGeachie.

Exposé au ANCA du 30 Juillet 2014 au 17 Août 2014.


Mind Maps: Stories from Psychology


Mind Maps explores how mental health conditions have been diagnosed and treated over the past 250 years. The exhibition looks at breakthroughs in scientists’ understanding of the mind and the tools and methods of treatment that have been developed, from Mesmerism to Electroconvulsive Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy bringing visitors up to date with the latest cutting edge research and its applications continue

Scandinavian Body Painting by Janine Rewell

Focus sur la direction artistique de l’illustratrice Janine Rewell pour la collection Printemps-Eté de Minna Parikka, aux inspirations scandinaves. Le body painting a été réalisé par Saara Sarvas & Riina Laine et les photos sont signées Jonas Lundqvist. A découvrir dans la suite avec un joli making-of.


#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 55: Anab Jain and Jon Ardern from Superflux


Superflux is looking at the ways emerging technologies interface with the environment and everyday life and the result of their research is a rather extraordinary portfolio which explores deviant economies for India’s elastic cities, climate change, political engagement, desertification, human enhancement, etc continue

Physical Movement Translated into Drawings

L’artiste Heather Hansen dessine avec son corps des figures symétriques et en ressort couverte de noir. Elle fait de sa chorégraphie un moyen d’expression avec des mouvements synchronisés, en douceur, qui rappellent le test de Rorschach. La vidéo témoigne de la fusion charnelle qu’il existe entre l’artiste et son oeuvre.

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Optical Illusions with Naked Bodies

Focus sur le photographe français Olivier Valsecchi qui nous présente une série de clichés absolument magnifique appelée Klecksography. Utilisant le corps humain comme un matériau, ce dernier nous offre des visuels de sculptures organiques, jouant sur la symétrie, à l’image des travaux de Rorschach.

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Klecksography Series

#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 44: Michiko Nitta & Michael Burton


Michiko and Michael’s work is never without surprise. Whether they entrust opera singers to produce food in a future world where algae have become the world’s dominant food source or explore the possibility of a city that would be isolated from the wider environment and where food, energy, and even medicine, are derived from human origin and man-made biological systems. continue

Paintings of Body in Motion

Simon Birch est un artiste britannique vivant à Hong Kong qui réalise de magnifiques peintures, avec notamment cette série représentant des corps en mouvement. Son travail, paru dans de nombreuses publications telles que The Guardian ou le New York Times, est d’une beauté incroyable.

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Ergo Sum – The creation of a second self using stem cell technology


For her project Ergo Sum Charlotte Jarvis donated blood, skin and urine to the stem cell research laboratory at the University of Leiden. These donations have been transformed into stem cells, which in turn have been programmed to grow into cells with different functions such as heart, brain and vascular cells.

The result is a biological self-portrait; a second self; biologically and genetically ‘Charlotte’ although also ‘alien’ to her – as these cells have never actually been inside her body continue

Hyperealistic Human Body

Si le travail du peintre mexicain Omar Ortiz est souvent qualifié d’hyperréaliste, c’est parce qu’en regardant ses toiles, on a parfois du mal à croire que ce ne sont pas des photographies. Ses tableaux présente le corps, notamment des femmes, avec une finesse incroyable. Des oeuvres bluffantes à découvrir en images.


The Broken Hill skull


Artist Pratchaya Phinthong has shipped to a London art gallery the replica of a skull that almost 100 years ago provided key evidence to support Darwin’s theory of human evolution, replacing it with an identical model purchased online. He has additionally invited the museum guide, Kamfwa Chishala, to travel to London and relay the complex history of the skull to Chisenhale Gallery visitors, as he does in Lusaka continue

#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 38: Marco Donnarumma


Marco Donnarumma is a young performer and sound artist who gained fame across the world for a series of performances and instruments that use open biophysical systems to explore the sonic dimensions of the human body. His interactive instrument Xth Sense won the first prize in the Margaret Guthman Musical Instrument Competition and was named the 2012 “world’s most innovative new musical instrument” continue

Body Art Inspired by Nature

Focus sur le récent travail de Johannes Stötter : un body painter au talent incroyable. En effet, ce dernier utilise le corps humain comme une toile donnant ainsi un effet de camouflage très impressionnant. Une sélection de ses œuvres est à découvrir sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article.

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Body Art Inspired by Nature

Circumventive hybrid organs


With the introduction of bioprinting the possibility of new organs is becoming a reality. The ability to replicate and print cells in complex structures could mean different cells with various functions could be put together in new ways to create new organs that would take millions of years to evolve naturally. Frankenstein-esque hybrid organs could then be put together using cells from different body parts or even different species continue

Double Exposure Portraits

La photographe bulgare Aneta Ivanova laisse entrevoir une douceur délicate dans ses clichés à l’aide de la technique de la double exposition. Corps de femme et milieux extérieurs se confondent et se complètent pour donner une série de photos splendides. A découvrir sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article









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#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 31: Helen Pynor


During the show we will be talking about how she managed to get her hands on a fresh human brain but Helen will also discuss some of her broader projects such as The Body Is A Big Place, a large-scale installation that explores organ transplantation and the thresholds between life and death continue

In-Potentia, from foreskin cells to ‘biological brain’


In-Potentia exposes, in the most limpid and absurd way, how science is blurring what we are used to regard as clear-cut categories, such as where life begins and ends or what constitutes a person. Or in Guy Ben-Ary’s words:

What is the potential for artists employing bio-technologies to address, and modify, boundaries surrounding understandings of life, death and person-hood? And what exactly does it mean culturally, artistically, ontologically, philosophically, politically and ethically to make a living biological brain from human foreskin cells? continue

#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 27 (Adam Zaretsky)


In this episode of #A.I.L., Adam Zarestky will be talking about what you can do with a preserved turd of William S. Burroughs but also eyeballs in armpits, ethics, biotechnological materials and ”Full Breadth Genetic Alterity continue

Body Connexion

Le photographe et artiste français William K basé à Paris, a imaginé cette excellente série « Body Connexion » avec Berna et Bertan. Un travail dans lequel un duo de danseurs (frère et sœur dans la vie) se déplace et prend la pose pour donner des clichés de grande qualité. Plus d’images dans la suite.

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