Battle at Kruger with corn pops video

Video inspired from the famous viral documentary Battle at Kruger for corn pops!

Advertiser: Kellogg’s
Agency: Leo Burnett

Top 20 Trends of the Day (Feb 23) – From Piercing Veiltography to Slick iPod Rivals (COUNTDOWN)

( For the day of February 23rd, these are the Top 20 trends, which include Piercing Veiltography, Dress-Up Princess Fashion and Disciplined Military Menswear. The rankings are based on hundreds of thousands…

Yahoo Pact Gives Twitter Distribution, Revenue

SAN DIEGO, Calif. ( — Do you, uh, Twitter? That's what Yahoo is going to be asking in the coming months as it integrates the micro-blogging service into nearly all of its products and pages, including Yahoo Mail, Sports, News, Finance and Search.

Business Superbrands: the Financial Times and The Economist lead media rankings

LONDON – The Financial Times and The Economist were two of the big winners to come out of the latest business Superbrands survey, while BBC Worldwide and JC Decaux were among the media brands to suffer big falls.

Business Superbrands: Microsoft topples Google to become the leading busines brand

LONDON – Microsoft has been voted the leading business-facing brand in the world, knocking competitor Google from the number one spot.

‘My Fair Lady’ Photoshoots – Marc Rogoff ‘Fred Ginger’ Revamps a Classic (VIDEO)

( The Marc Rogoff ‘Fred Ginger’ Spring Summer 2010 photoshoot channels the classic story of ‘My Fair Lady’ in an entirely different way.

For those die-hard Audrey Hepburn fans, this new take on the story…

Olympics’ Ice Dancing Couples Top ‘Bachelor’

MINNEAPOLIS ( — On NBC's coverage of the Winter Olympic Games, it was all about couples, as ice dancing was the marquee event. But the singles held their own on other networks, particularly on ABC's "The Bachelor," which held its season-to-date average of a 3.9/10 rating and share in the ad-centric adult 18-49 demographic. Still, NBC's Vancouver coverage, while down, was not out, and averaged a first-place 5.4/14.

Dr Pepper Snapple Hands Ad Duties for Three Brands to McGarryBowen

NEW YORK ( — Dr Pepper Snapple Group said it has shifted ad duties for three major brands — Canada Dry, Sunkist and A&W Root Beer — from WPP's Y&R to Dentsu-owned McGarryBowen without a review.

The Xbox 360 experience

Click Images To Enlarge
Advertising Agency: FP7, Bahrain
Executive Creative Director: Parsoon Joshi
Creative Director: Fadi Yaish
Art Director: Supparat Thepparat
Copywriter: kongpope siriwattanagarn
Photographer: Anuchai -Remix Bangkok
Account manager: Govind Pandey
Photographers: Anuchai Secharunputong, Nok Pipattungkul
Account manager: Govind Pandey
Microsoft India Regional Director: Jaspreet Bindra
Via [AdsOfTheWorld]

Red Cross Unveils New Website

American Red Cross Biomedical Services officially unveiled its new website today,, designed to increase blood donations and create a better experience for users. The site was created by BusinessOnLine, San Diego. Until now, the American Red Cross had more than 30 different blood region Web sites with different styles and content.

Why Measurement Alone Will Not Lead to Better Marketing

Companies that have strong performance-driven cultures support the classic adage that "You can't manage (or improve) what you can't measure." We recently interviewed 400 companies and found the important corollary: Measurement alone will not lead to results.

Sheraton Shared Moments


O compartilhamento de coisas sempre existiu, mas a internet deu um novo sentido para esta atividade. Prova disso são as redes sociais, que comprovam o desejo dos consumidores em se relacionar e gerar conteúdos.

Neste sentido, não faltam oportunidades para marcas estreitarem o contato com seus consumidores.

A rede Sheraton Hotels & Resorts anunciou o lançamento de uma nova plataforma de mídia social, a “Sheraton Shared Moments“, que permite aos usuários compartilhar suas experiências de viagem com amigos, familiares e todos os demais membros.

Aqueles que participarem ativamente da plataforma também terão a chance de ganhar “dream holidays” em hotéis de luxo da rede.

Flamboyant Olympic Wear – The Vancouver Winter Games Feature Brazen Ice Dancing Fashion (GALLERY)

( The Vancouver Winter Olympics fashion may seem like its about keeping warm and sporty but there’s a certain icy sport that completely disregards that notion. Figure skating is one winter sport where the…

What Will Agencies Look Like in 2015?

To say the world of advertising is in flux is a colossal understatement. Call this new reality what you will — a sea change, a paradigm shift — it's leaving marketers and agencies alike scratching their heads about the future ad landscape. What will agencies look like a few years from now? Here's where I'm placing my bets.

Principles of Change: The Seventh of Nine

Find your spiritual side, the part of you that never changes, is always there, detached from any drama, and life on the outside becomes calmer.

Gossip Girl Fashion – The Abigail Lorick ‘Angels and Cocoons’ Runway Show for New York (GALLERY)

( Spotted: the Abigail Lorick ‘Angels and Cocoons’ runway show. While Lorick’s brand new collection encompassed the unique style that is ‘Gossip Girl,’ Lorick did a different take on high-class teen fashion.…

“If I Can Dream”: A primeira série no Hulu que você poderá assistir

Hulu If I Can Dream

Qualquer vídeo do Hulu que você dê play, vai ter que encarar a irritante mensagem lembrando que você é um brasileiro e deve se manter longe dali. Nada de filmes, episódios de séries, e nem mesmo trailers para nós.

“If I Can Dream” é a primeira iniciativa do Hulu com conteúdo original, que será distribuído exclusivamente através do site, e sem restrições geográficas. Em parceria com a 19 Entertainment, a série com episódios semanais vai apresentar cinco aspirantes a artistas, que estão em busca de fama em Hollywood.

A grande questão é se formato de distribuição e a internet como mídia, o que obviamente proporciona um alcance muito maior de audiência, consegue gerar um produto de sucesso, comparável as séries blockbusters da televisão.

Acho que ninguém é ingênuo de duvidar desse potencial, mas primeiro seria preciso investir pra isso. Assistindo a prévia de “If I Can Dream”, que estreia no dia 2 de março, a qualidade não me parece compatível para gerar um sucesso, seja na TV, na internet ou em qualquer tamanho de tela.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Cliente do Carrefour define promoções


O que fazer para reverter um cenário crítico no varejo? Não existe uma receita mágica. Mas tentativas animadoras começam a surgir como é o caso da Promo Libre, uma campanha promocional inovadora que o Carrefour está lançando para recuperar seu fôlego.

A nova estratégia da varejista francesa permite que os clientes proprietários de cartões fidelidade possam escolher quais os produtos deverão entrar em liquidação e figurar as próximas promos da rede de supermercados.

Assim, o Carrefour transfere o poder de decisão para o consumidor, uma tendência cada vez mais comum no mercado, e também efetua um estudo mercadológico, descobrindo quais são as marcas favoritas dos clientes.

Com recuo de cerca de 74% no lucro líquido em 2009, o Carrefour pretende levar sua nova campanha promocional para 1.200 pontos de venda.

:: Com fonte do release oficial do Carrefour e WeFind.

We Have Band – Divisive

Un très réussi vidéo-clip pour le groupe anglais We Have Band signé sur le label Naïve, dirigé par Jul & Mat, et produit par SoLab. Une post-production confiée à Back-Up pour une captation réalisée avec une caméra Panasonic HPX 3000. A découvrir en vidéo et en making-of dans la suite.



Précédentes réalisations Jul&Mat : Metronomy – On the Motorway / 100 and one faces

Previously on Fubiz

New Balance 365 free iPhone application

New Balance is launching a video to announce their free iPhone application named New Balance 365.

You can download this free iphone app here.

Advertiser: New Balance