Who’s Looking Forward to Bruno Mars’ Super Bowl Halftime Show? (Spoiler Alert: Moms!)

When it comes to Sunday’s Super Bowl halftime show, will you stay or will you go (to another channel, to the bathroom, on a beer run, etc.)? Ad Age worked with Networked Insights, a marketing-technology company that advises brands on audience targeting and content strategy, to track social-media sentiment surrounding headliner Bruno Mars and guest band the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Scroll down below the graphic for some notes.

Networked Insights tracks sentiment across the social web, including Twitter and Facebook, as well as forums and blog posts.

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Free Agent Tim Tebow Hypes Freedom From Contracts in T-Mobile Super Bowl Ad


Oh it was a match made in heaven. Apparently. Free agent football player Tim Tebow hooked up with T-Mobile for two Super Bowl commercials hyping the brands contract free offering.

In the ads, we experience all the wonderful things Tim’s done without a contract: deliver babies, tackle Sasquatch, save the whales, bring world peace, ride a bull, don a mustache and do his own movie stunts, save puppies and stand in for KISS.

It’s all to illustrate how awesome life can be without cell phone contracts. But, really, T-Mobile, how often does the average cell phone user want to change plans? And I’m not talking about the vocal minority. I’m talking about the settled masses.

You’re not Verizon and you’re not AT&T. But we will hand it to you for spending $8 million on your Super Bowl ads. Hope it works out for you.

And Tim Tebow? Really? We miss Carly Foulkes. Can we please have Carly back? Or even that speed-talking cheerleader?

Your Whole Agency Needs to Understand Your Clients’ Business

Everyone who works in an ad/PR agency has to go beyond being a good marketer to being a good businessperson on behalf of our clients.

That may sound like old news to some of you, but the time has come to apply added substance to the words. It’s time for agency employees to think as their clients do and make decisions accordingly — to anticipate a clients’ needs and be able to act on gut instincts.

I am sure you hear from clients that they value your passion and commitment to growing their business. But are they also telling you that they need to see better alignment between your agency’s thinking and their priorities? If not, you can be sure they are thinking it.

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10 Tips to Improve Your Brand’s Twitter Presence


You do know engagement on Twitter can help your brand build awareness, strengthen customer relations and cultivate brand advocacy, right?

These 10 Tip to Rock the Twittersphere lay the groundwork you need to ensure every 140 character message resonates with your audience and impacts your brand in a positive way. Even if you dub yourself a Twitter rock star, it can never hurt to brush up on your skills.

Download this tip sheet now to ensure your brand is getting the most out of Twitter.

GoPro’s Super Bowl Ad Looks a Lot Like Red Bull, Circa 2012

When we heard GoPro was going to be a Super Bowl advertiser again this year, we were prepared for something epic. And while the event the camera brand chose to feature is definitely a monumental moment, it's also … kinda old.

GoPro today unveiled its 30-second Super Bowl spot, which shows the first moments of skydiver Felix Baumgartner's 24-mile plunge to the earth way back in October 2012. Baumgartner and sponsor Red Bull used seven GoPro cameras to document the Stratos jump, and GoPro's Super Bowl ad serves mostly as a teaser to the eight-minute short film created from all that footage. (Which you can also see below.)

Leveraging this partnership to create Super Bowl ad content makes sense on one level, but the decision also banks on the hope that Red Bull itself hasn't already sucked all the marketing marrow from the bones of this extensively publicized event. 

Even last October, Red Bull released its own nine-minute video recapping the jump from Baumgartner's point of view. While the new Stratos video hosted on GoPro.com reveals a few new angles, it's essentially just the same thing we saw last October, which was the same thing live viewers saw a year before that.

In a statement, GoPro acknowledges that it's treading a bit of a worn path, but the brand is confident the Stratos jump still has a lot of excitement to offer:

"While many people are familiar with the Stratos event, what most don’t  know is that GoPro rode shotgun during the jump, documenting every moment with seven HERO2 cameras. We want audiences to understand the insane versatility of GoPro cameras, from baby walkers (see our Baby Dub Step Super Bowl commercial from last year) to outer space. We want them to experience the Stratos event again, for the first time, through our video story, and with the out-of-this-world imagery that only a GoPro can deliver."

Millions have viewed Red Bull's footage, but clearly there are millions more who missed the hoopla the first few times around. Will they be impressed with GoPro's example of the great heights its devices can reach and document? Or will they miss the GoPro logos and just wonder why Red Bull is still running an ad from 2012?


Inside Evernote Office in California

Le Studio O+A à San Francisco, a fait le design des bureaux de la start-up « Evernote », située à Redwood City en Californie. La décoration est colorée et boisée avec le slogan inscrit sur un tableau noir à l’entrée et le logo en bois : un éléphant. Plus de photos du lieu et des bureaux dans le suite de l’article.

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Top 5 propagandas mais populares da semana: 24-30 Janeiro

Confira abaixo os 5 vídeos publicitários mais viralizados da semana, entre os dias 24 e 30 de janeiro de 2014, segundo levantamento da BrandMagz.

O ranking leva em consideração apenas as campanhas lançadas no período da análise, e a classificação é feita de acordo com o máximo de compartilhamentos acumulados em 24 horas nas redes sociais.

1. Budweiser: “Puppy Love”

Baseada no sucesso de seu comercial do Super Bowl em 2013, chamado “Brotherhood”, a Budweiser criou uma sequência para este ano. Traz os cavalos Clydesdale, claro, mas com a adição de um pequeno companheiro.

Criação da agência Anomaly

Visualizações acumuladas: + 23 milhões
Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 1.3 milhão


2. Leadercast: “A Conference Call in Real Life”

Em um vídeo de humor patrocinado pela Leadercast, Tripp & Tyler mostram como as conference calls – que invadiram o cotidiano das empresas – podem ser embaraçosas. Aqui eles fazem uma reunião do tipo, mas sem o viva-voz.

Visualizações acumuladas: + 4.3 milhões
Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 179 mil


3. Subaru: “The Attack”

Para promover sua nova SUV, Forester, a Subaru convocou os assustadores personagens do anime “Attack on Titan”, extremamente popular no Japão.

Visualizações acumuladas: + 8 milhões
Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 161 mil


4. Learn For Life: “Stay in School”

Com um final inesperado (e assustador), a fundação australiana Learn For Life mostra com bom humor porque você não deve cabular aulas, e continuar na escola.

Visualizações acumuladas: + 3.8 milhões
Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 142 mil


5. Volvo: “Made by Sweden”

O jogador de futebol Zlatan Ibrahimovic protagoniza esse comercial da Volvo, que tem por objetivo celebrar a Suécia. Destaca as particularidades da geografia e clima do país, que refletem em seu povo e, obviamente, em seus carros.

A criação é da Forsman & Bodenfors.

Visualizações acumuladas: + 3 milhões
Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 73 mil


BrandMagz é uma revista de monitoramento das redes sociais atualizada em tempo real. Ideal para quem precisa tirar o pulso da marca a qualquer momento.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Secret Weapon, Horizon Media Create Pig/Cow Hybrid for Jack in the Box

Secret Weapon Marketing and Horizon Media have a new spot for Jack in the Box set to run regionally during the Super Bowl.

The spot introduces the new Bacon Insider burger, a burger with bacon built into the patty, on top of the burger, and (in case that’s not enough bacon) bacon mayo. To introduce the new burger, the spot takes viewers to Jack’s fantastical farm, complete with a brioche barn, curly fry trees, and a creature called a bork — that would be the pig/cow hybrid. The cheesy spot, which feels the need to sing/narrate everything you see, ends with the creatures saying “Moink” (moo+oink, get it?).

Iwona Alter, VP of menu strategy & innovation for Jack in the Box, says in a statement, “What better way to honor America’s favorite pigskin tradition than by giving America a bacon burger unlike any they’ve ever tasted before? We didn’t just put bacon on the burger. We put bacon in the burger, on top of the burger, underneath the burger and mixed it in the special bacon mayo sauce!”

While America has the drunk munchies is clearly the right time to introduce your new bacon, bacon and more bacon burger, so the regional Super Bowl ad makes sense, even if it likely cost Jack in the Box a small fortune. And the ads’ cheesy antics and bork creature should appeal to kids, especially kids who really love bacon.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Planning an Oreo Moment for the Super Bowl? Please Stop

Countless brands and agency teams are mobilizing this week, hoping to be crowned king of real-time marketing at Super Bowl XLVIII. Looking to Oreo’s blackout tweet as the holy grail, they’re beefing up state-of-the-art war rooms with copywriters, community managers, designers and a direct line to the client, so that every awkward, memorable, meme-worthy moment can be translated into the branded social post to end all posts. If this describes you, I advise you to please, stop.

Brands are going to be surrounding the Super Bowl like a thousand hyenas circling their prey, ready to pounce at any semi-memorable moment. Your brand’s jokes and commentary will be competing against countless others, choking up your audience’s feeds. Don’t get drowned out in the cacophony.

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Top 100 Accessory Trends in 2013 – From Poetry Tribute Jewelry to Outrageously Opulent Nails (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) The idea of personal adornment can be seen all throughout history, and jewelry trends continue to evolve to suit the times. The year 2013 showed tons of updates to old jewelry classics, such as the…

Japan’s Public Broadcaster Faces Accusations of Shift to the Right

NHK is under criticism amid signs it is hewing to an agenda approved by the rightist government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.


Top 100 Education Trends in 2013 – From Preschooler Programmer Toys to Crowdsourced Homework Help (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) For many adults, the formal education system leaves way too many gaps in its curriculum for it to be granted complete control when educating kids. Thus, education trends in 2013 reflect a wave of…

AB-InBev Sets Loose Super Bowl Ads on Partying, and Patriotism

Anheuser Busch-InBev has released two more of its five Super Bowl commercials, a Budweiser ad called “Hero’s Welcome” and a Bud Light spot called “Epic Night.”

The 60-second “Hero’s Welcome” was shot earlier this month at the real-life homecoming of an Army helicopter pilot after a deployment to Afghanistan, according to the brewer. “Epic Night” is a bit of a departure for Bud Light with a hidden camera style but doesn’t get very far before its 30-second are up. There’s more to come in the 60-second “Epic Night Continues” on game night.

AB-InBev previously released “Puppy Love.” It has one more ad in its pocket in addition to “Epic Night Continues.”

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T-Mobile Crashes Super Bowl With Three Ads and Tim Tebow

It’s a war out there in wireless. And as of this weekend, consider the ante upped. T-Mobile is charging into the Super Bowl with three in-game spots, two of which it revealed today and another it will on Sunday.

In the two spots unveiled today, onetime NFL hopeful Tim Tebow stars in a series of humorous vignettes where he does things only possible without a contract, such as delivering a baby and addressing the United Nations. “No Contract, No Worries” and “Still No Contract,” both from Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners, will run in the second and third quarters. A third spot, from Publicis Seattle and Riney, will run in the fourth quarter.

T-Mobile is also running two spots during the pre-game.

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Olive Garden Offers to Pick Up the Babysitting Tab for Date Night

A common lament among parents is the expense of going out after having children. Beyond shelling out the cost for dinner, there's usually also a hefty price of paying someone to tuck your kids into bed and then sit on the couch, watching The Bachelor until you come home.

So Olive Garden, known for its widely loved breadsticks and somewhat-Italian food, has come up with an ingenious campaign to get parents into their restaurant: The chain is covering your babysitting tab.

For its "Parents' Night Out" promotion, Olive Garden teamed up with MyGym—a chain that offers kids tumbling classes and birthday parties—to provide free babysitting on Feb. 7. Parents just need to reserve a spot at their local MyGym, if there's one nearby.

Of course such an idea is simple in theory but logistically quite complicated. Olive Garden fans have filed a litany of complaints about age restrictions, mandatory (though refundable) deposits, lack of convenient MyGym locations and other details. But Olive Garden has been responding to the questions with admirable diligence, and given the national exposure generated by the promotion, it's clearly a worthwhile effort.  


Why UK retailers miss out on Chinese New Year spending

A large contingent from the wealthiest and highest spending consumer group the world has ever known will be visiting Britain in their biggest numbers in the coming week. The problem is most marketers do not know how to speak to them, both literally and figuratively.

Viral review: Newcastle Brown Ale’s Super Bowl ad campaign #fail draws laughs

Social video experts BE On review the latest viral video from Newcastle Brown Ale

Only one week left to enter The Marketing Society Awards for Excellence

There is just one week to go before the entries for The Marketing Society’s Awards for Excellence close on Friday 7 February.

Labour government would legislate against excessive marketing, says shadow minister

Helen Goodman MP, The shadow minister for culture, yesterday told the advertising industry that a Labour government “would not be afraid to legislate” against all sorts of excessive marketing practices.

BT Sport customers hit 2.5m as company profits run to £722m

BT has posted its first quarterly revenue growth in four years as profits hit £722m for the three-month period and its BT Sport customer base leaps to 2.5 million.