AM+Ri Hospitals: Suicide

AM+Ri Hospitals: Suicide

Life, from the jaws of death.
Emergency Ambulance Services.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Kolkata, India
Creative Director: Sumanto Chattopadhyay
Associate Creative Director: Sukhendu Mukherjee
Art Directors: Sukhendu Mukherjee, Partha Chowdhuri, Soubhik Payra
Copywriters: Sumanto Chattopadhyay, Sujoy Roy
Illustrators: Soubhik Payra, Sukhendu Mukherjee
Photographer: Sanjib Ghosh
Published: December 2007

Tous hands HK business to Strategic Marketing

HONG KONG – Spanish jewellery brand Tous has picked Strategic Marketing Group to handle and PR and marketing, displacing incumbent Lee Wolter.

Timely Book Centre: Manpower

Timely Book Centre: Manpower

Feminist writings.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Kolkata, India
Creative Director: Sumanto Chattopadhyay
Associate Creative Director / Art Director: Sukhendu Mukherjee
Copywriters: Sumanto Chattopadhyay, Sujoy Roy, Uttaran Chaudhuri, Namrata Achowe
Photographer: Sanjib Ghosh
Published: December 2007

Timely Book Centre: Chairman

Timely Book Centre: Chairman

Feminist writings.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Kolkata, India
Creative Director: Sumanto Chattopadhyay
Associate Creative Director / Art Director: Sukhendu Mukherjee
Copywriters: Sumanto Chattopadhyay, Sujoy Roy, Uttaran Chaudhuri, Namrata Achowe
Photographer: Sanjib Ghosh
Published: December 2007

Timely Book Centre: Mankind

Timely Book Centre: Mankind

Feminist writings.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Kolkata, India
Creative Director: Sumanto Chattopadhyay
Associate Creative Director / Art Director: Sukhendu Mukherjee
Copywriters: Sumanto Chattopadhyay, Sujoy Roy, Uttaran Chaudhuri, Namrata Achowe
Photographer: Sanjib Ghosh
Published: December 2007

Burson-Marsteller hires Malik for Indonesia

JAKARTA – Burson-Marsteller has hired Tom Malik (pictured) from the gold mining company Newmont Pacific Nusantara to run its Indonesian operation.

5 Striking Radiator Designs + The Speira DNA Radiator With LED Lighting

( This Speira LED radiator from Avon looks familiar because it has the shape of DNA. It becomes sculpture, something to feature rather than disguise.

LED lights are in the top and bottom of the Speira to cast a laser like effect across each blade.

In short, the Spiera DNA Radiator is a great exampl…

Teepol Shiny: Bomb search

Teepol Shiny: Bomb search

Teepol dish washing liquid.

Advertising Agency: Kingkong Bangkok,Bangkok, Thailand
Creative Director / Copywriter: Eaknarong Vijittissadee
Art Directors: Eaknarong Vijittissadee, Athipon Vijittissadee
Illustrator: Neab Niyom
Published: March 2007

Bonduelle Minute: Steam

Bonduelle Minute: Steam

Extreme good care makes extraordinary vegetables.

Advertising Agency: Comm’pas, Breda, The Netherlands
Art Director: Roy Schellekens
Copywriter: Arjan Hoekstra
Photographer: Habousha
Published: December 2007

Bonduelle Minute: Scale

Bonduelle Minute: Scale

Extreme good care makes extraordinary vegetables.

Advertising Agency: Comm’pas, Breda, The Netherlands
Art Director: Roy Schellekens
Copywriter: Arjan Hoekstra
Photographer: Habousha
Published: December 2007

Dodge: Test drive

Dodge: Test drive

Map of Sweden’s speed cameras.

Advertising Agency: ANR BBDO, Gothenburg, Sweden
Art Director: Kristian Luoma
Copywriter: Niclas Hallgren
Account Director: Peter Grönlund
Account Managers: Annika Andreasson, Lisa Wadell
Published: June 2007

Nivea Children’s Sun Lotion: Sandcastle

Nivea Children’s Sun Lotion: Sandcastle

Let your kids play longer.

Advertising Agency: TBWA\RAAD, Dubai, UAE
Regional Creative Director: Nirmal Diwadkar
Executive Creative Director: Milos Ilic
Art Director: Daniel Djarmati
Copywriter: Sandeep Fernandes
Illustration: Platinum
Published: December 2007

Drug Addicts As Animals – Spoof Wildlife Doc as Viral Anti-Drug Ad (VIDEO)

( The UK’s government organization for drug awareness, Frank, has released a new viral video over youth social netwoking sites. The ad is a spoof wild life documentary, showing the camera venturing nervously into a house party and uncovering an array of strange species. Such are the “pill taker” ( wat… Beach Beach

No gays on beach May-Sept.
Did you do a double take when you saw this sign? You might have the same reaction when you learn that eHarmony doesn’t accept gays. At, we’re not here to judge, just to ignite. Whether you’re gay or straight, we believe everyone deserves the kind of love that makes you go weak in the knees. See what our chemistry-inspired matches can do for you. Your first five are free. Visit today.

Advertising Agency: Hanft Raboy and Partners, New York, USA
Executive Creative Director / Copywriter: Doug Raboy
Creative Director / Art Director: John Tumelty
Art Director: Reuben Orter
Photographer: Tom Fowlks Motel Motel

No premarital sex.
eHarmony founder preaches that premarital sex can “cloud decisions”. What is this, 1952? A we don’t tell you who, when or how to love. Our job is simply to light the fire. See what our chemistry-inspired matches can do for you. Your first five are free. Check into today.

Advertising Agency: Hanft Raboy and Partners, New York, USA
Executive Creative Director / Copywriter: Doug Raboy
Creative Director / Art Director: John Tumelty
Art Director: Reuben Orter
Photographer: Tom Fowlks Clown Clown

Attention! You must be this happy to ride.
If a theme park asked you how happy you usually are before letting you on a ride, you’d think it was preposterous. Well, you might react that way when you learn that eHarmony asks people the very same question. A, we don’t care how much you smile, just who makes you smile. Visit today. Your first five chemistry-inspired matches are free.

Advertising Agency: Hanft Raboy and Partners, New York, USA
Executive Creative Director / Copywriter: Doug Raboy
Creative Director / Art Director: John Tumelty
Art Director: Reuben Orter
Photographer: Tom Fowlks

The MDI Air Car – The Ultimate Green Machine (VIDEO)

( After working on the air powered car concept for the past 15 years French engineer Guy Negre is about to bring this revolutionary vehicle to the masses thanks to a contract with India’s main car manufacturer; Tata Motors. Not only is this the worlds cleanest car but it is also functional with MDI …

iPhone Camera Lens – 6x Optical Zoom

( If you’ve decided to rely on your iPhone entirely for snapping photos, you may as well go all out and add the accessories you need, like this 6x optical zoom lens.

It’s attached to a clear case cover that’s closed over the iPhone, with the lens covering the camera eye on the back of the phone. Aft…

60 Second Keynotes – 90 Minutes Steve Jobs in 60 Seconds

( The folks at Mahalo Daily found have summarized 90 minutes of Steve Jobs into just 60 seconds. The video is a condensed version of Steve Job’s keynote at MacWorld 2008.

The video covers so many different points you’ll wonder what Jobs spoke about for the other 89 minutes.

As a keynote speaker m…

Global Cooling – Absolut & Live Earth Campaign

( While last year Italian designer Diesel featured their Global Warming Ready campaign, Absolut Vodka has kicked off 2008 with the Global Cooling campaign.

The Absolut Global Cooling campaign was launched in partnership with Live Earth and kicked off at the Sundance Film Festival.

Global warming i…