Greenpeace | BlackPixel


Você sabia que se for apagado um quadradinho de pixel da tela de seu computador dá pra economizar bastante energia? Pois é, eu também não sabia até receber uma dica, pelo Gtalk, do meu amigo João Lopes – que trabalha na Almap BBDO. A dica se refere a mais nova campanha online que a agência criou para o Greenpeace. O site sugere que você instale um quadradinho de pixel (preto) em seu PC ou Mac.

Na verdade, o propósito é mostrar que com cada pixel preto instalado, são alguns watts economizados. E se um monte de gente fizer o mesmo, dá até pra comparar com a economia do gasto de energia de uma televisão ou geladeira ligada um dia inteiro.

É mais uma lúdica e interativa brincadeira criada para envolver novamente as pessoas em torno das causas e apelos do Greenpeace. Mereceu um post!

Tks, João ;-)

:: Greenpeace | BlackPixel

Google’s Agency-Relations Director Departs for AOL

NEW YORK ( — Google is set to lose another trusted ambassador to Madison Avenue: North American Director of Agency Relations Erin Clift will join AOL next month under her former colleague and newly minted CEO Tim Armstrong.

Sims Hijacks Comedy Central’s iPhone Site

If there's one thing the iPhone has done, it's fuel the creativity around mobile advertising. The most recent example comes from Comedy Central for EA's new Sims game.

Del Monte CMO: Spend During Downturn — or Else

SAN FRANCISCO ( — Spend on marketing, capital investment and innovation or risk losing your business within the next five years. That tough talk came from Del Monte Foods Co. Senior VP-CMO Bill Pearce at the Argyle Executive Forum's CMO Leadership Forum, where his keynote offered bold advice for navigating the titanic shifts that have resulted from the worst economic crisis since the Depression. In an environment where the name of the game is to manage risks, he challenged marketers to take them and offered eight tips for marketing in the downturn.

Louis Vuitton Aligns Itself to Moonmen


Sally Ride, Jim Lovell and Buzz Aldrin bring stargazer’s wonder to this piece by Louis Vuitton.

Are We a Bunch of Twitter Snobs?

A few commenters on our recent post "25 Media People You Should Follow on Twitter" called us "Twitter snobs only following a few people."

Axe Research Lab


Recém lançado no Japão, o site Axe Research Lab é um mosaico que reúne todas as entrevistas em vídeo feitas com mais de 100 meninas – que comentam sobre todos os produtos da linha Axe Effect. O fato é que a Axe não quer apenas ouvir a opinião de seus consumidores, mas quer também compartilhar as experiências deles.

Não é a mais inovadora das execuções, porém reforça o posicionamento “cool” da marca.

:: Axe Research Lab

How TV Ad-Buying Negotiations Would Sound in the Real World

We're in for a long couple weeks of negotiating, as buyers and sellers work their way through the TV upfront season, and the rest of the media sellers wait to see what budgets will be for the year. Before things get too heated, kick back and watch a video laying out how typical negotiating language would play out if used for everyday transactions.

Skins Campaign

Retour sur cette campagne très réussie pour la marque de vêtement Skins, à propos des avantages apportés sur chacun des joueurs. Des visuels originaux pensés par l’agence The Furnace grâce à des magnifiques retouches du studio australien Electric-Art.



Avant-Garde Dolls – PetOrly Captures Models as Couture Clowns (GALLERY)

( We’ve seen a number of photo sets where photographers and stylists turn models into dolls, but this ‘Dolls’ photo set by PetOrly is one of my favorites. After all, if you’re to be made into a doll, it…

Why Bother With a New Concept When You Can Just ‘Borrow’ One?

A real-estate company just swipes its creative concept from Apple's Mac vs. PC campaign.

Ten Percent of Twitter Users Account for 90% of Activity

A new Harvard Business Review study reveals that 10% of Twitter users account for more than 90% of Twitter messages sent. That's a more lopsided ratio than even Wikipedia, where 15% of editors account for 90% of all edits or social networks where the top 10% of most active users create 30% of all activity.

IFF Boston’s Print Work Just Pops.


Much the way the Vitruvian Man did. There’s something about great film that slips below your skin, gets into the meat of you; and few film makers will argue there isn’t a deeply physical urge that finds satisfaction in producing such work.

WPP Shareholders OK $100 Million in Potential Bonuses for Sorrell

LONDON ( — Martin Sorrell could take home $100 million in bonuses over the next five years after WPP shareholders voted in a controversial new compensation package today at the company's annual meeting in Dublin.

BooneOakley’s New Site is a YouTube Video!


Agency websites: the ultimate canvases.

Blessed with a Superglue Account, We’d Defy Gravity, Too


StrawberryFrog Brazil demonstrates the strength of Loctite Super Bonder by suspending the cast of reality TV show Big Brother Brazil 65 feet overhead — with the glue itself.

Matt Smith: Blogs I can’t live without

LONDON – Matt Smith, founder of The Viral Factory, enjoys blogs about cycling, eavesdropping and, oh ye, digita. Just don’t call him a trendgaloid.

What a ‘Mes’

The new American Girl doll is Rebecca Rubin, a Lower East Side Jewish girl with reddish hair and a desire to act. For those of you who don't know anything about me, let's just say Rebecca Rubin could very well have been me, had I been 10 in 1914.

NHS hires Abbott Mead Vickers to handle organ donation campaign

LONDON – NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) has appointed a consortium of agencies, including Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, to create the first national campaign to drum up support for organ donation in the UK.

Heineken Opens Creative Review for Lager Brands

CHICAGO ( — Heineken USA has placed the creative advertising duties for its flagship lager brands Heineken and Heineken Premium Light into review, raising the possibility that the import-beer marketer could be working with its fourth agency since 2006.