8-9 ????. ??? ???????????? ? #OccupyGezi

8-9 June Call for Solidarity Actions with #OccupyGezi

Event page screen shot before being taken down.

8-9 ????. ??? ???????????? ? #OccupyGezi

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??????? ??? ?????????? ???????. ???? ?????????? ? ???????? ? ???????????? – geziglobal.tk

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8-9 Juni Oproep voor Solidatiteits Acties met #OccupyGezi

8-9 June Call for Solidarity Actions with #OccupyGezi

Event page screen shot before being taken down.

8-9 Juni Oproep voor Solidatiteits Acties met #OccupyGezi

Dit is een oproep aan alle steden van de wereld! Ga dit weekend naar buiten en bezet de openbare ruimte als blijk van solidariteit met #OccupyGezi en de vele golven van protest in Turkije!

Wat begon als een kleine bezetting om het Gezi park in Istanboel te verdedigen, is in enkele dagen aangewakkerd tot een massale demonstratie door heel Turkije. Een belangrijke oorzaak voor de protesten was het buitenproportionele geweld dat de politie gebruikt. Op dezelfde wijze waarop Gezi Park een brandpunt werd over de krimpende gemeenschappelijke ruimtes die zijn gekaapt door het neo-liberaal autoritarisme, veroorzaakte het traangas dat de veiligheids macht over Istanboel uitgoot letterlijk een behoefte aan ademruimte – honderdduizenden mensen gingen de straat op als steunbetuiging voor de bezetting van Gezi park. Niet alleen hebben we Gezi park bezet, maar ook het Taksimplein, het hart van het Turkse openbare leven, waar massademonstraties bij herhaling zijn verboden gedurende de hele geschiedenis van de republiek. Terwijl Taksim en Gezi iedere nacht duizenden mensen aantrekken om hun solidariteit, overwinning en macht te vieren neemt ons verzet in andere delen van Istanboel en andere steden over heel Turkije toe. Een ding weten we zeker: het zal nooit meer hetzelfde zijn.

Laat je steun en solidariteit dit weekend zien: 8-9 juni. Bezet Tahrir, Syntagma, Sol, Zuccotti, je lokale straten, pleinen en parken! Geloof ons: ze zijn ook van jou.

Maken of deelnemen aan een evenement. Delen van de foto’s en verhalen van solidariteit – geziglobal.tk

Read more on Adbusters.org

Expedia’s Moving Same-Sex Marriage Video to Air on TV


Timed to coincide with the Supreme Court’s pending decision on DOMA and Proposition 8, Expedia is releasing “Find Your Understanding,” a video about same-sex marriage created by 180LA, on television for the first time starting today. The online video, which debuted last October has been viewed 2,533,874 times on YouTube and has been featured in major media news outlets.

The film follows a father’s journey, both literal and figurative as he confronts his conflicting emotions around his lesbian daughter’s same-sex marriage. Through his trip to her wedding, he ultimately finds his understanding.

n February, the ad was selected as one of TED’s Ads Worth Spreading. Partially as a result, “Find Your Understanding” actually assisted in granting Nikki the legal adoption of Jill’s son, Adler, as their marriage was not recognized as legal by the courts in California at the time of his birth.

Now the spot arrives to television, launching on several cable channels including CNN, Bravo, History, Logo, A&E, H2, and Ovation. With the broader audience, Expedia has succeeded in making a bold statement during an important time for LGBT rights, as the Supreme Court decision on DOMA is just around the corner, and the celebration of Gay Pride Month is in full swing.

Of the work, 180LA ECD William Gelner said, “When done right, an ad can truly have a lasting positive impact on the world. In hopes of doing just that, our three minute film airs before the Supreme Court rules on the issue of same-sex marriage.”

The spot is part of Expedia’s “Find Yours” campaign, which aims to highlight the real-life stories of travelers’ journeys. The thtree minute placement can be seen tonight on Anderson Cooper on CNN, Life Below Zero on National Geographic, and at various times on A&E, Bravo, CNN, H2, History Channel, Logo, MSNBC, National Geographic, and Ovation from June 6-8.

8-9 giugno Giorni di azione globale di solidarietà per #OCCUPY GEZI

8-9 June Call for Solidarity Actions with #OccupyGezi

Event page screen shot before being taken down.

8-9 giugno Giorni di azione globale di solidarietà per #OCCUPY GEZI

Amici e amiche di tutte le città del mondo, vi invitiamo questo fine settimana a riunirvi e reclamare i vostri spazi pubblici, mostrando solidarietà per #Occupy Gezi e le numerose manifestazioni in Turchia.

Quello che è iniziato come una piccola occupazione per proteggere Gezi Park, in Istanbul, è esplosa nei giorni seguenti diventando una protesta di massa e espandendosiin tutta la Turchia. L’uso indiscriminato e fuori misura della violenza da parte della polizia è stato un fattore che ha aiutato la diffusione della protesta. Così come Gezi Park cristalizza la lotta per difendere lo spazio pubblico, sequestrato dall’autoritarismo neoliberale, i gas al peperoncino con cui le forze dell’ordine hanno ricoperto Istanbul, sono una perfetta metafora della mancanza di aria di cui abbiamo bisogno per vivere. Centinaia di migliaia di persone si sono riversate per le strade per appoggiare l’occupazione di Gezi Park, a dispetto dei media main steam che hanno coperto la brutalità della polizia. Ora reclamiamo non solo lo spazio di Gezi Park ma anche Piazza Taksim, il cuore della sfera pubblica in Turchia, dove le manifestazioni di dissenso sono state ripetutamente represse nella storia della repubblica turca. Mentre Taksim e Gezi continuano a riempiris di persone ogni notte che vengono a mostrare la loro solidarietà, vittoria e forza, la nostra resistenza in altre parti di Istanbul e in altre città continua. Di una cosa possiamo essere sicuri: niente sarà più lo stesso!

Mostra il tuo appoggio e la tua solidarietà: questo fine settimana, l’8 e il 9 giugno, riappropriati di Tahrir, Syntagma, Sol, Zuccotti Park, delle strade, delle piazze e dei parchi della tua città e del tuo quartiere! Abbi fiducia in noi, ti sosterremo!

Creare o partecipare a un evento. Condividere le immagini e le storie di solidarietà – geziglobal.tk

Read more on Adbusters.org

8-9 de junho, Ações globais de solidariedade a #OccupyGezi

8-9 June Call for Solidarity Actions with #OccupyGezi

Event page screen shot before being taken down.

8-9 de junho, Ações globais de solidariedade a #OccupyGezi

Este é um chamado para todas as cidades do mundo! Este fim de semana, reúnam-se e ocupem os espaços públicos da sua cidade para demonstrar solidariedade ao movimento #OccupyGezi e as várias ondas de protesto que estão acontecendo na Turquia!

O que começou como uma pequena ocupação para proteger o Gezi Park, em Istambul, explodiu em questão de dias em manifestações massivas que se espalharam como fogo pela Turquia. O gatilho que disparou os protestos foi o uso desproporcional da força pela polícia. Assim como Gezi Park simbolizou a luta pelos espaços públicos que encolhem cada vez mais, sequestrados pelo autoritarismo neoliberal, o gás de pimenta lançado pelas autoridades de segurança tornou-se uma metáfora para a necessidade geral de espaço para respirar – centenas de milhares de pessoas saíram às ruas em apoio à ocupação do Gezi Park, apesar do silêncio total da mídia, desafiando a brutalidade da polícia. Agora, ocupamos não só o Gezi Park, mas também a Praça Taksim, o coração da vida pública na Turquia, onde expressões populares de protesto têm sido continuamente reprimidas, ao longo da história da república. Enquanto Taksim e Gezi ganham força a cada dia, com milhares de pessoas que se reúnem para celebrar sua solidariedade, vitória e força, nossa resistência em Istambul e em outras cidades por toda a Turquia continua. De uma coisa estamos certos: nada mais será como antes.

Mostre seu apoio e solidariedade este fim de semana, 8 e 9 de junho. Reaproprie-se de Tahrir, Syntagma, Sol, Zuccotti, e das ruas, praças e parques da sua cidade. Acredite em nós, eles pertecem a você.

Criar ou participar de um evento. Compartilhar as fotos e histórias de solidariedade – geziglobal.tk

Read more on Adbusters.org

8 et 9 Juin: Journées d’action globale en solidarité avec #OccupyGezi

8-9 June Call for Solidarity Actions with #OccupyGezi

Event page screen shot before being taken down.

8 et 9 Juin : Journées d’action globale en solidarité avec #OccupyGezi

Camarades de toutes les villes du Monde ! Nous lançons un appel pour que vous occupiez les espaces publics ce week-end et montrez notre solidarité avec #Occupygezi et les nombreuses manifestations en Turquie.

Ce qui a débuté comme une petite occupation pour protéger le parc Gezi à Istanbul s’est transformé en quelques jours en une protestation massive qui a embrasé toute la Turquie. L’utilisation disproportionnée de la force par la police est responsable de cet enchainement. Alors que le Parc Gezi cristallise les luttes pour défendre l’espace public, menacé par l’autoritarisme néolibéral, le gaz lacrymogène que les forces de sécurité ont inondé Istanbul est devenue une méthaphore de notre manque d’air respirable. Des centaines de milliers de personnes sont descendues dans les rues pour soutenir l’occupation du Parc Gezi, malgré la brutalité policière et le silence des médias. Désormais nous réclamons non seulement le Parque Gezi mais également la Place Taksim, le coeur de sphère publique de Turquie, où les expressions de mécontentement des multitudes ont été réprimé dans l’histoire du pays. Même si chaque nuit, des milliers de personnes se réunissent à Taksim et Gezi pour célébrer leur solidarité, la force et la victoire, notre résistance dans d’autres parties d’Istanbul et dans d’autres villes de Turquie continue. Nous pouvons être sur d’une chose : rien de redeviendra comme avant.

Montre ton soutien et ta solidarité ce week-end, 8 et 9 Juin et la réapproprie toi Tahrir, Syntagma, Sol, Zuccotti, la Bastille, les rues, les places et les parcs de ta ville et de ton quartier ! Croies nous, ils t’appartiennent!

Créer ou participer à un événement. Partager les photos et les histoires de solidarité – geziglobal.tk

Read more on Adbusters.org

8-9 ??????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?? #OccupyGezi

8-9 June Call for Solidarity Actions with #OccupyGezi

Event page screen shot before being taken down.

8-9 ??????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?? #OccupyGezi

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????????????? ? ???????????? ?? ??? ??????. ??????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ???????? ??? ??????????? – geziglobal.tk

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8-9 Haziran’da #OccupyGezi ile Dayan??ma Ça?r?s?

8-9 June Call for Solidarity Actions with #OccupyGezi

Event page screen shot before being taken down.

8-9 Haziran’da #OccupyGezi ile Dayan??ma Ça?r?s?

Dünyan?n tüm ?ehirlerine ça?r?d?r! Bu haftasonu sizi #OccupyGezi’yle ve tüm Türkiye’deki protesto dalgalar?yla dayan??ma içinde meydanlara ç?karak kamusal alan?n?za sahip ç?kmaya davet ediyoruz.

Gezi Park?’n? korumak için ba?layan küçük çapl? direni?imiz k?sa zamanda ç?? gibi büyüyerek Türkiye’nin dört bir yan?na s?çrad?. Durumun bu boyuta gelmesinde tetikleyici etkenlerden biri, polisin orant?s?z güç kullanmas?yd?. Nas?l Gezi Park? direni?i gitgide küçülen ve devletin otoriter neoliberal politikalar?nca gasp edilen kamusal alanlar üzerindeki mücadeleyi gözler önüne serdiyse, güvenlik güçlerinin ?stanbul’u biber gaz?na bo?mas? da nefes al?nacak alanlara duyulan yo?un gereksinimi somutla?t?rd?. Medyadaki sansüre ra?men yüzbinlerce insan polisin zulmüne meydan okuyarak sokaklara akt? ve Gezi Park? direni?ine destek verdi. ?u anda sadece Gezi Park?’na de?il, Türkiye’nin kamusal alan?n?n kalbi olan ve tarih boyunca kitlesel muhalefetin menedildi?i Taksim Meydan?’na da sahip ç?k?yoruz. Taksim ve Gezi Park? dayan??malar?n?, zaferlerini ve kazan?mlar?n? kutlamak isteyen binlerce ki?iyle her gece dolup ta?arken, ?stanbul’un farkl? kö?eleri ve Türkiye’nin di?er ?ehirlerindeki direni?imiz sürüyor. Emin oldu?umuz bir ?ey varsa, o da art?k hiçbir ?eyin eskisi gibi olmayaca??.

Bu haftasonu, 8-9 Haziran tarihlerinde #OccupyGezi’yle dayan??ma eylemleri düzenleyin. Tahrir’i, Syntagma’y?, Zuccotti’yi sokaklar?n?z?, meydanlar?n?z? ve parklar?n?z? geri al?n! Sözümüze güvenin, onlar zaten size ait.

Eylem ça?r?s? yap?n ya da mevcut ça?r?lara kat?l?n. Dayan??ma resimlerinizi ve hikayelerinizi payla?mak için: geziglobal.tk

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How An Explainer Video Can Increase Conversion by 20%

In this case study from SwitchVideo, a company that develops explainer videos for barnds, the company shares how the creation and use of an explainer video increased online conversions 20% for search marketing company Ibenta.

In the whitepaper, SwitchVideo takes you through the process of how it goes about creating a video including brand messaging, character development and animation.

Download this whitepaper now and find out how your brand can increase conversion with video.

Are you In or Out ?

Les équipes du studio français 2Factory ont imaginé cette vidéo d’animation sympathique comparant avec humour ce qui est « In » ou « Out » dans notre quotidien, allant du moyen de transport à la gastronomie. Une création dynamique intitulée « Are you In or Out ? » à découvrir dans la suite en vidéo.

Are you In or Out-7
Are you In or Out-6
Are you In or Out-5
Are you In or Out-4
Are you In or Out-3
Are you In or Out-2
Are you In or Out-1
Are you In or Out-8

Six Things You Didn’t Know About Pereira & O’Dell’s PJ Pereira

Pereira & O’Dell chief creative officer, PJ Pereira, has been leading the San Francisco-based agency through solid, entertaining work in the last year, from the memorable Smokable Songbook for Snoop Lion, to following up Intel and Toshiba’s social movie "Inside," with the excellent "The Beauty Inside."

Adland can spot him a mile away thanks to his signature eyewear, what he calls those “odd goggles”. They began as an accessory not for style, but for a functional purpose. Because the air in San Francisco is pretty dry, and he doesn’t sleep much, Mr. Pereira’s doctor told him to find some glasses that protected his peepers from the wind. But he says it’s now become part of his persona – some clients even call him “Goggles.”

Mr. Pereira is one of the creativity industry’s outspoken leaders. He has plenty to say – mostly in his own language, which he dubs PortuEnglish – about the need for immigration reform and other subjects. Here, we queried him to learn about the lesser-known aspects of his personality.  

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Optimize Your Content To Support Marketing and Drive Sales

Few bloggers keep me, or anyone else, interested for long. When one does it is worth noting.

Geoff Livingston writes beautifully about marketing, and content marketing in particular, which is not easy to do.


Given the level of noise in the sector at the moment, I appreciate his insights and skilled delivery all the more. Here’s a recent clip:

Marketing is not the final product. Yet for some reason we treat it like a stand alone offering in our marketing conversations online. It’s frustrating to hear conversations about companies modeling after Red Bull, and then watch hundreds try to become a media company. Much of the resulting customer-centric content is created haphazardly with a blind eye to customer-brand relationship.

If I hear Livingston correctly, he’s saying don’t get lost in online engagement, as it may or may not be a brand-building activity. Duly noted!

In related news, Matt Kumin, founder and CEO of PublishThis suggests, “Developing an editorial voice is akin to building a brand.” Kumin also says you are what you eat, that “the content and sources that a company consumes define it as well as any outbound marketing or message that is communicated.”

Two lessons from Kumin’s piece: 1) Careful what you curate and 2) Seek out and digest highly nourishing media. The main takeaway from Livingston’s piece is concentrate on relationships with customers and then use media judiciously to support and/or enhance the brand experience.

Photo credit: Flickr user, technotheory

The post Optimize Your Content To Support Marketing and Drive Sales appeared first on AdPulp.

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La página para la congregación global en solidaridad con el parque Gezi y todo su contenido desaparecen.

Captura de pantalla del evento antes de que fuese retirado.

8-9 Junio: Días de Acción Global en Solidaridad con #OccupyGezi

¡Amigos y amigas en todas las ciudades del mundo! ¡Hacemos un llamamiento para que este fin de semana todas y todos reclameis vuestros espacios públicos y mostréis solidaridad con #OccupyGezi y las múltiples oleadas de protestas en Turquía!

Lo que empezó como una pequeña ocupación para proteger el Parque Gezi en Estambul se convirtió en cuestión de días en una protesta masiva que se extendió como el fuego por toda Turquía. Un desencadenante clave fue el desproporcionado uso de la fuerza con que respondió la policía. Así como el Parque Gezi cristalizó las luchas para defender el ya mermado espacio público, secuestrado por el autoritarismo neoliberal, los botes de gas pimienta con que las fuerzas de seguridad bañaron Estambul se han convertido en una metáfora literal de la falta de aire para respirar con que vivimos. Cientos de miles de personas se echaron a las calles para apoyar la ocupación del Parque Gezi a pesar del apagón mediático y de la brutalidad policial. Ahora hemos reclamado no solo el espacio del Parque Gezi sino también la Plaza Tasim, el corazón de la esfera pública de Turquía, donde las expresiones de descontento de las multitudes se han reprimido reiteradamente en la historia del país. Mientras Taksim y Gezi se ven inundadas cada noche con miles de personas que vienen a celebrar su solidaridad, victorias y fuerza, nuestra resistencia en otras partes de Estambul y en otras ciudades por todas Turquía continúa. De una cosa

podemos estar seguros: nada volverá a ser lo mismo.

¡Muestra tu apoyo y solidaridad este fin de semana, 8-9 de junio y reaprópiate de Tahrir, Syntagma, Sol, Zuccotti, las calles y plazas y parques de tu ciudad y de tu barrio! Créenos, te pertenecen.

Crea o únete a un evento, después comparte las fotos e historias de solidaridad – geziglobal.tk

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Luxury Countryside Train Tours – JR East is Offering a First-Class Tour of the Japanese Countryside

(TrendHunter.com) With the latest travel option from train operator JR East, touring the Japanese countryside has never been so appealing. The train company will be offering a first-class travel experience that will…

James Van Der Beek Over Acts For Cars.com


For its latest entry in its All Drive, No Drama campaign, Cars.com has employed James Van Der Beek, heart throb from Varsity Blues and Dawson’s Creek, to add some drama to a commercial that touts the fact buying a car with Cars.com is, well, drama-free.

In the ad, when an exchange between a customer and a car dealer isn’t quite dramatic enough, the car dealer brings in Van Der Beek to deliver a dramatic line from Varsity Blues. Sadly, Van Der Beek has never been, shall we say, a very dramatic actor.

MEDIA360: Viewers suffer from ‘TV cold turkey’ says Thinkbox

Depriving viewers of live TV is like depriving them of food, Thinkbox’s research and planning director told Media360.

Supposed Boston Marathon ‘Bag Men’ Sue the New York Post

The New York Post has been sued by two men who say a front-page photo of them at the Boston Marathon before it was bombed falsely portrayed them as possible suspects.

The defamation lawsuit over the April 18 article, with the headline “BAG MEN,” was filed yesterday in Massachusetts Superior Court in Boston by two local men, Salaheddin Barhoum, 16, and Yassine Zaimi, 24, who say they are avid runners who were never sought by authorities after the attack.

The front-page photo and headline became a centerpiece of broad criticism of the media coverage’s following the Boston Marathon bombing, but editor Col Allen previously defended the Post’s coverage. "The image was emailed to law-enforcement agencies yesterday afternoon seeking information about these men, as our story reported," he said in the statement. "We did not identify them as suspects."

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Shoppe Satire faz humor para fotógrafos

Se você trabalha no mercado criativo/artístico, em algum momento já deve ter enfrentado uma situação em que seu ganha-pão é confundido com hobby por algum algum amigo, parente ou cliente. A fotógrafa e designer Meghan Aileen, do The Shoppe, resolveu transformar algumas das pérolas que costuma ouvir – e também as piadas internas do meio profissional – em uma coleção de pôsteres bem-humorados e com bela tipografia. Shoppe Satire conta com séries como “Você deve ser um fotógrafo se…” ou “Porque Contratar um fotógrafo” ou ainda “Humor para fotógrafos”.

Não escaparam aquelas pessoas que pensam que a câmera faz todo o trabalho sozinha, aqueles que aproveitam a sua ideia e se posicionam atrás de você no momento em que você está fotografando, aqueles que convidam você para suas festas, desde que você traga sua câmera, pedem descontos dizendo que são poucas fotos ou que um amigo vai editá-las…

No blog do The Shoppe é possível encontrar alguns pôsteres, assim como no Facebook.

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Twitter Signs Data-Focused Partnership Deal With WPP


Following its recent preferred ad position deal with Starcom MediaVest in April, Twitter has signed a deal with WPP. The deal will enable WPP and it operating units — GroupM, Kantar, Wunderman and others — to access Twitter’s treasure trove of data and incorporate it into WPP media and analytics platforms.

Of the deal, WPP CEO Martin Sorrell said, “Twitter’s relevance continues to grow – not only as a social platform, but also as a window into consumer attitudes and behaviour in real time. We are delighted to announce this very wide-ranging strategic partnership and to ensure that Twitter data is a key ingredient in many of our disciplines. We look forward to leveraging the platform in a variety of ways for our clients around the world.”

The deal fuels Twitter move into the Big Data space and its deepening marriage with the marketing and advertising community.

Volvo Cars Launches Global Creative Review

Agencies looking for a car account should start their engines: Volvo Cars has thrown its global creative account into review.

The car-maker — which has a Swedish heritage but is now owned by Chinese group Geely — said it’s seeking a global agency to “focus and strengthen the brand communication worldwide.” Incumbent creative shop, Havas-owned Arnold Worldwide, has been invited to defend the business.

A winner will be selected by this fall. Other shops, such as PR agency Haberman, in Minneapolis, are not impacted by the pitch. 

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