Common Sense: Amazon’s Shrinking Profit Sets Off a Seismic Shock to Its Shares

For a second quarter in a row, the Internet retailer’s stock fell sharply after its earnings report, suggesting that investors may be growing wary.

Advertising: ‘Puppy Love’ Warms Hearts; Diversity Draws Mixed Response

A golden lab puppy who refuses to leave his Clydesdale “bud” won plaudits; a Coca-Cola spot evoking the nation’s multicultural populace drew mostly positive reactions, but some raw comments as well.


Advertising: Reborn, Dell Aims Message at Businesses

A campaign focuses on corporations and the computer company’s entrepreneurial roots.


Two Ad Giants Chasing Google in Merger Deal

The merger of Omnicom and Publicis signals that advertising is now firmly in the business of collecting and selling the personal information of millions of consumers.


Two Ad Companies Are Said to Merge, Supplanting Industry Leader

The merger of the Omnicom Group and the Publicis Groupe would create a new industry leader positioned to better capture profits from digital media and emerging markets.