Mojo, Finch and MPU start Urban Gaming

We are pretty excited about an innovative project coming out of the Publicis stable: “Snake the Planet!”
Publicis Mojo, Finch and Mobile Projection Unit (MPU) Sydney have developed and documented a world-first in terms of mobile gaming:  Called “Snake the Planet!”, the classic mobile game Snake has been adapted for the urban canvas and can now […]

YouTube Klubi #5 – Why Videos Go Viral & Movie Titles in Movies

Not all YouTube videos are made equal. Some languish in obscurity, while a tiny percentage rack up millions of hits. If you’ve ever wondered why that is, this explanation by Kevin Allocca, YouTube’s trends manager, is well worth watching.
It’s a slick and amusing presentation that he delivered at a recent TEDYouth event, but he does […]

Global Service Jam 2012

Last Friday we headed along to the Sydney outpost of the 2012 Global Service Jam, hosted at Digital Eskimo.
While we were unable to stick around for the whole shebang we did catch a number of interesting talks. Rather than mince their words find links to both talks below.
Creativity and Innovation – Ben Rennie (6.2)
Service […]

Facebook celebrates great creative

Facebook have published the winners of their inaugural awards. As they wrote:
“The days of talking at consumers are over. Businesses thrive when they are connected to people and their friends. Marketing in a connected world requires campaigns that are grounded in social insights, real connections and authentic conversations. We created the Facebook Studio Award to […]

YouTube Klubi #4 – We need to talk about Kevin.

As dazzling as I was hoping our first post from Melbourne would be, sadly politics has interrupted our glamourous Mad Men world (Schaaky, another scotch!).
In honour of the Labour party cramping our style, here is the video of Kevin putting the ‘Rudd’ in ‘Ruddiculous’.  I think this may actually make us like him more.

FYI – […]

Aaron Michie to join ZO

We are excited by the fact that Aaron Michie has decided to join Zenith Optimedia as ‘Chief Innovation Officer’.
According to ZO: “The role is designed to generate broader and more innovative strategic solutions for ZenithOptimedia clients, specifically focused in the technology space.”

See the full article here.

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Smartphones Overtake PCs

It’s official. A study released by Google shows that mobile devices, and smart phones in particular, are now the dominant means of Internet connectivity in five key global markets.
Google conducted the study of smart phone versus feature phone ownership rates throughout last year, pulling data from the USA, the UK, France, Germany, and Japan. And […]

This is Social Media Week!

As some of your might be aware, this week February 13-17 is Social Media Week.
Social Media Week is billed by its creators as “one of the world’s most unique global platforms, offering a series of interconnected activities and conversations around the world on emerging trends in social and mobile media across all major industries.”
In essence, […]

You Tube Klubi

YouTube Klubi’s second installment features a Live YouTube event (wrapping up as we type/read), an Arabic car-drifting clip and a band playing a song while driving.
As always Feedback and questions are welcome.
Welcome to the Klubi!
YouTube Klubi #4: ‘Heineken Serenade’
Based on the characters established in the latest TVC, couples are invited to serenade to each other. […]

How Are Smartphones Being Used?

Smartphone internet usage is tracking to overtake desktops by 2014
How are you using your smartphone?
All online strategies shouldn’t include mobile, they should start with mobile!
Yes think different people.

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Style Challenge at ZO NZ

While winter is not yet upon us, it is time to reflect how to spend the rest of the year. in terms of how we work and also dress. That’s why our cousins in the ZO New Zealand office have declared their Style Challenge, running during the month of February.
As jury member Sophie writes:
“It’s time to […]

What’s this, Robin da Hood?

Renowned as the people’s champion – Robin da Hood is up to something methinks.
Find out just a little bit more at

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Google Search Stories

Google appears to have, intentionally or not, started its own meme (as if the ‘Googling’ generized synonym for search wasn’t enough).

YouTube – Ad proposition update

From an advertising point of view it has always surprised me how relatively long (it is only 3 years since YouTube launched in Australia) for the YT ad product to evolve. Of course this evolution is very much in keeping with the Google philosophy of user experience first; ads, monetisation and revenue second

So what does ‘the buzz’ look like for a billion dollar movie?

Wow, awesome, spectacular…. a few words that have been used to describe the movie of the moment – Avatar. I’ve seen it, you’ve probably seen it, and well yeah IMHO it’s deserved of its accolades. But that’s not the point of this post.

Google gets real-time, for real this time

Google’s version of real-time search was unveiled today, where ‘live’ search results are displayed via AJAX on the search results page.
At first glance, it’s a pretty nice execution, blending real-time with relevance, rather than just real-time, which is the focus of all new social/real-time search engines.

It looks like the real-time results are surfaced when real-time […]

Digital trends for 2010

We recently passed the hat around the media team at ZEDO to see what people thought would be the hot topics for digital in the upcoming year 2010.
Whilst there are some old favourites in the mix, mobile and personalisation, the scope of these rather broadly talked about themes is now beginning to take on a […]

Virtual Goods

Earlier this week my colleague Sam Granleese posted an entry on this blog debating the notion of user pay content? I thought therefore it might be a nice follow up to have a little look at another emerging market; that of Virtual goods.
Now, virtual goods are certainly not a new idea. We […]

#DMMS09 Digital Marketing and Media Summit Melbourne

On Monday I spent the day at DMMS09 an event that saw string of digital marketing and agency types address a large and mostly awake crowd at the Hilton on the Park Melb.

What AdMob Acquisition Means for Google

Google and mobile advertising marketplace AdMob both announced today that AdMob had agreed to be acquired by Google for US$750 million.
AdMob are a mobile advertising marketplace and platform, connecting mobile site and application owners with mobile advertisers – theoretically the same as Google’s AdSense and Content Network work on the traditional internet. AdMob has served […]