Monster Created a Masterpiece of Twitter Trolling With This Brilliant Super Bowl Post

Faking out your followers on Twitter is quickly becoming a tired tactic for attention, but Monster still deserves a round of applause for its Super Bowl social stunt.

BBDO New York worked with the job listing site (which wasn’t a Super Bowl advertiser this time around) to create a tweet celebrating the Seattle Seahawks’ victory. The problem, of course, was that the New England Patriots won the game 28-24 thanks to a last-second interception.

As you can see above, most Twitter users saw a cropped version of the congratulatory image. But clicking through to the full image revealed the punch line at the bottom:

In addition to sparking more than 4,000 retweets and 2,400 favorites, the stunt increased discussion of Monster by more than 1,500 percent compared to the average day, BBDO says. 

Monster Chair by Constantin Bolimond

Monster est une série de « chevaux » à bascule créée par Constantin Bolimond. Ces créations généralement réalisées pour les enfants prennent une toute autre tournure grâce au designer qui transforme cet objet culte en forme de monstre. Ce projet est consacré à l’enfant qui sommeil dans l’adulte.

Monster by Constantin Bolimond 1
Monster by Constantin Bolimond 2
Monster by Constantin Bolimond 3
Monster by Constantin Bolimond 4
Monster by Constantin Bolimond 5

‘Stuntbrofessional’ Satires Energy Drink Marketing in NOS Digital Campaign

Coca-Cola's NOS Energy Drink takes stupidity to a "hiiire" level in a mind-meltingly over-the-top series of digital clips mocking the marketing tactics used by competitor brands like Monster and Red Bull.

Clocking in a bit under two minutes each, the clips from agency Mistress feature the many failed job interviews of Jordan Treehoefer, an "energy drink marketing stuntbrofessional for hiiire."

Treehoefer is the oafish em-bro-diment of loud, loutish, big-time energy drink promotions, and the videos detail his attempts to get a job hawking NOS, only to fail because the brand is too legit. An overcaffeinated pastiche of John Belushi, Bob Odenkirk and Randy Savage, Treehoefer is like an amped-up grizzly bear with a marketing degree.

This buffoon unloads many choice lines during his mildly NSFW "interviews" at NOS, such as: "Is your mind getting hard? I'm about to blow it;" "People respect you when you blow your wad;" "You've gotta blast your logo all over everyone's faces;" and his oft-repeated mantra, "People are stupid."

Treehoefer's all about staging outrageous stunts to promote NOS (and coincidentally satirize other energy drink brands). While wearing a spacesuit, he pitches a Red Bull-esque Mars expedition, screening animation of an astronaut whose head explodes into dollar bills as he removes his helmet. "Boom! THAT'S how you sell energy drinks!" He's got mad cycle tricks in his repertoire, such as the "McGloryHole3000," "McGrundle720" and his signature move, the "940McWankle," in which he rear-humps the handlebars while flying through the air.

Like the product being advertised, this stuff is an acquiiired taste. Some viewers won't last through 20 seconds of these videos—but they're probably not in the demographic, anyway. The brand's young male target market appears to be responding, with the ads generating more than 1.5 million combined YouTube views since the first clip was posted a month ago. Check them all out after the jump.



Como foi no trabalho?

Aproveitando que o carnaval acabou, é uma boa hora para assistir o comercial acima e refletir: Você é um mentiroso?

A Monster – um site de empregos – sempre veicula ótimos filmes sobre trabalho (1, 2, 3), desafiando o espectador a questionar sua situação atual.

A criação é da BBDO New York.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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ABC Monsters

La Pompadour est une société de production audiovisuelle amoureuse des monstres. Afin de leur rendre honneur, ces derniers ont pensé une animation autour d’un alphabet reprenant toutes les grandes frayeurs apparues au cinéma. Un rendu réussi à découvrir dans la suite.

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A recurrent mystery / Serpent de Mer ?

nessie2007 nessie2009
Mercedes CL-Class “is it real?” – 2006
Source : Eurobest Advertising Festival,
Agency : Young & Rubicam (Israel)
Volkswagen Scirocco “experience the unusual” – 2009
Source : Adsoftheworld,
Agency : DDB Gulf (United Arab Emirates)
Tous les deux ou trois ans cette idée revient sur le devant de la scène créative tel un serpent de mer. Serpent de mer : au figuré cette expression correspond à un sujet peu crédible ou ennuyeux apparaissant de façon récurrente (définition Wikipédia). On ne saurait mieux dire! Guns Guns

Stuck in the wrong job?

Advertising Agency: JWT, Hong Kong
Creative Directors: Steven Lee, Kwong CHi Kit, Barbara Fu
Art Directors: Kwong Chi Kit, Arthur Tse
Copywriters: Barbara Fu, Yee Mui Cheung
Photographer: Tim Lau
Other additional credits: Nick Leung
Released: March 2008 Ballerina Ballerina

Stuck in the wrong job?

Advertising Agency: JWT, Hong Kong
Creative Directors: Steven Lee, Kwong CHi Kit, Barbara Fu
Art Directors: Kwong Chi Kit, Arthur Tse
Copywriters: Barbara Fu, Yee Mui Cheung
Photographer: Tim Lau
Published: March 2008 Soldier Soldier

Stuck in the wrong job?

Advertising Agency: JWT, Hong Kong
Creative Directors: Steven Lee, Kwong CHi Kit, Barbara Fu
Art Directors: Kwong Chi Kit, Arthur Tse
Copywriters: Barbara Fu, Yee Mui Cheung
Photographer: Tim Lau
Published: March 2008 Sumo Sumo

Stuck in the wrong job?

Advertising Agency: JWT, Hong Kong
Creative Directors: Steven Lee, Kwong CHi Kit, Barbara Fu
Art Directors: Kwong Chi Kit, Arthur Tse
Copywriters: Barbara Fu, Yee Mui Cheung
Photographer: Tim Lau
Published: March 2008 Foosball Foosball

Stuck in the wrong job?

Advertising Agency: JWT, Hong Kong
Creative Directors: Steven Lee, Kwong CHi Kit, Barbara Fu
Art Directors: Kwong Chi Kit, Arthur Tse
Copywriter: Barbara Fu, Yee Mui Cheung
Photographer: Tim Lau
Other additional credits: Nick Leung
Released: March 2008