Thanks to Taco Loving Texans, Tacodeli Is About To Turn 20

Tacodeli makes some of Austin’s favorite tacos. The Tex-Mex taqueria has grown a loyal fan base since co-founders Roberto Espinosa and Eric Wilkerson opened their first location in 1999. In a city that runs on tacos, steady growth and 20 years in business is a significant accomplishment. One reason for the company’s success is its […]

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A Child’s Pain Is The City’s Pain Is The Nation’s Pain

The kids who rely on Youth Ambassadors in Kansas City are in the line of fire today. In other words, the kids are not currently living a storybook childhood. Perhaps, that’s why these animated tales from VML contain such awesome power. The agency is presenting some of the harshest truths about our culture in a […]

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Drought-Stricken SoCal Battles Wasteful Habits With a Water-Themed Pandora Station

This is the soundtrack of our dry-weather lives in Southern California: TLC’s “Waterfalls,” Blind Melon’s “No Rain,” Bruce Springsteen’s “The River” and about 100 more H2O-themed ditties playing on an endless loop. That should remind us to take shorter showers and stop washing the cars at home. Or just make us very, very thirsty. 

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has launched a Pandora channel of carefully selected songs as part of an ongoing $5.5 million ad campaign to boost water conservation and recycling. The music is supposed to help keep conservation top of mind in the wake of mandated statewide water reductions. It can also be used as a 5-minute shower timer.

Cue the playlist and start scrubbing up to the Phil Collins tune, “I Wish It Would Rain Down”, for instance. By the time it’s finished, those of us living in Los Angeles and surrounding areas should already be toweling off.

The Water Lover’s Station, also available on the Pandora app, has curated everything from classics like Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” and, Albert Hammond’s “It Never Rains in Southern California,” to contemporary pop hit “Set Fire to the Rain” from Adele. 

Up next: another music-streaming playlist on Spanish-language service Uforia. Also, frequent bathroom breaks for listeners.

We Criticize The World’s Largest Retailer and Drive You To Retail, All In One Post

The Walmart on Atlantic Boulevard in Canton, Ohio is collecting food for employees who can’t afford Thanksgiving dinner.

“This store has been doing this for several years and (the food) is for associates that have faced an extreme hardship recently,” Walmart spokesman Kory Lundberg told Business Insider.

Meanwhile, Walmart turned a profit of $15.7 billion last year, and the stock market closed above 16,000 today—a new record high. It is the best of times. It is the worst of times.

In the best of times, people with buying power make conscious decisions about what to buy, and where to buy.

Small Business Saturday has really resonated with consumers who are eager to show support for their neighborhoods,” said Susan Sobbott, president at American Express OPEN.

Together with the National Federation of Independent Business, American Express OPEN found that 77% of those aware of Small Business Saturday plan to “shop small” this year. Here’s why and where they will be shopping:

  • Part of the reason consumers are attracted to small businesses is because they are able to find gifts for people who are hard to shop for (70%);
  • One fifth (21%) of consumers said one of the main reasons they patronize small businesses is because they offer better prices; and
  • The top five places that consumers plan to shop on Small Business Saturday are food stores (38%), restaurants (37%), clothing stores (35%), bakeries (34%) and gift/novelty stores (31%).

American Express is accepted at Walmart and many small retailers, so the credit card company wins when you shop, no matter where you shop.

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Three Local Businesses With Outstanding Websites and SEO Strategies

How do local businesses stand out in a world of Amazons, Office Depots, and Barnes & Nobles? By making a quality product, having an outstanding website, and learning how to master geo-specific SEO.

In a world where most people shop and purchase from their desks, even local businesses have to have a clear, compelling website in order to hook customers who might never actually enter their brick-and-mortar store. However, no local business’s website, no matter how clear, is going to be seen unless the company involved masters geo-targeting, the newest development in the SEO industry.

To geo-target, your company needs to use city-specific keywords like “Albany office furniture dealer.” Every part of your metadata needs to include your location, along with your topic: “Portland animal rescue,” “Los Angeles boutique fashion.”

Keep in mind this is only for businesses who need to specify that their services are local: if you are an online retailer selling worldwide, you do not need to include a location in your SEO. However, if you want to be top of the list for people searching local businesses, you need to make sure search engines know exactly where you are.

Here are three local businesses who combine outstanding websites with great SEO practices. How do we know this? Because when we started searching, they appeared at the top of the list.

Madison: Los Angeles, CA

If you’re in Los Angeles, you need to stay up-to-date on the latest fashions. However, you don’t have time to travel to multiple stores and try on piles of clothes. Enter Madison, a boutique designed to match you to the clothes you need as effortlessly as possible.

Madison’s website is as stylish as the fashions it sells; its carousel display shows off its latest collection, and every aspect of its design, from color scheme to typography.

The sales funnel is straightforward and easy. We’ve written before about how your sales funnel and shopping cart needs to be fully optimized in order to retain customers throughout the sales process, and Madison follows all the rules in its trademark clear, clean style. New users are offered a 10 percent coupon on their first purchase in exchange for email signup: another way to build brand loyalty while collecting customer data.

Madison works because it satisfies a specific problem in its community: how to find unique, stylish clothes that aren’t sold at mass retailers like Neiman Marcus or Bloomingdales. If you are running a local apparel business, look to Madison’s website for inspiration and guidance.

ROI Office Interiors: Albany, NY

When you first land on ROI’s website, you see a carousel of offices with sweeping lines and smooth curves. You see what is clearly high-quality office furniture, presented in classic, professional browns and neutrals. You see that ROI specifically works with businesses, universities, and healthcare organizations, and that its furniture is crafted to specifically match the vision of each individual organization.

And then you see a link to a Cutest Dog Contest.

That’s ROI in a nutshell: classic, customized, socially attuned, and not afraid to have a little fun. Because of this, businesses looking for an Albany office furniture dealer turn to ROI for specialty furniture crafted to fit their needs and their vision.

You cannot actually purchase furniture from ROI’s site – that’s not their business goal. Instead, their website sales funnel urges you to examine the glossy pictures, learn how ROI has contributed to other companies’ visions, and fill out the form to request a free space plan. The form is prominently visible but well-integrated into each ROI design page; like their furniture, it is functional, attractive and non-obtrusive.

What about that Cutest Dog Contest? It’s the little touches that set ROI apart from the rest, like inviting all website visitors – customers or not – to submit photos of their dogs. The cutest dog wins a PetCo package, but ROI wins something more important: the ability to connect with a variety of people and associate their brand with community and fun.

Family Dogs New Life: Portland, OR

Even basic services like animal rescue organizations have to use their website to stand out from the rest. Portland, Oregon has numerous no-kill shelters, humane organizations and other ways to adopt a pet into your home, but Family Dogs New Life stands out from the pack.

Other animal adoption websites simply place poorly balanced photos of the available pets against a stark white background; Family Dogs New Life integrates every aspect of its design, from the cheerful pawprints on its side panels to the customized font and logo design on its header. When you first visit Family Dogs New Life’s website, you know instantly that Family Dogs takes as good care of its pets as it does of its website, and that this is going to be a safe, quality place to find your next best friend.

Even the photos of available pets are professional and attractive – most adoption websites take quick, poorly-lit snapshots of their animals, but Family Dog invested in professional photography in what appears to be an onsite studio. Every part of their branding lets you know these animals are happy, treated well and ready to join your forever home.

What can other local brands learn from these businesses, and how do you use these sites to develop your own successful e-commerce website? Whether you are a furniture designer, a marketing consultant or a freelancer, you want people who visit your website to understand three things, right away:

  1. You do quality work
  2. You solve people’s problems
  3. You are fun to work with

Madison, ROI, and Family Dog nail all three categories in spades. Their quality work is the first thing website visitors see; next, they see that these businesses specifically solve problems, like selling a one-of-a-kind boot or connecting you with a one-of-a-kind pet. Lastly, visitors see that these companies are fun; whether it’s a cutest dog contest or a fashion poll, each of these companies works to get you involved in their work and in the larger community.

Does your website include these three categories? Does it clearly present what you do and how you do it? Does every part of your metadata include your location, and do you rank high in search results for your city? If not, it’s time to get back to the design board.

This is a guest post.

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Think Locally to Market Your Online Business

Just because you operate an online business doesn’t mean you can’t take full advantage of local marketing strategies. An online business may be located in the virtual world but business is very much done person-to-person.

Bringing your online business to a local, physical level allows you to radiate your branding from a core location. Each additional mile you add to the circle surrounding your central location exponentially increases the amount of individuals you are capable of reaching. Conducting local marketing efforts within your town/city could provide just as high of a profit gain as your efforts in online marketing.

The following brings it back home – these are five various ideas on how you can hop offline, get into your community, and market the hell out of your brand on a physical plane.

Idea #1: Trade Shows

Trade shows are up there when you’re talking about investing in local marketing but if you want to get into the face of industry professionals and potential clients than look nowhere else because these events are brimming with opportunity.

Trade show listings can be found in just about any local business directory, convention center website, or chamber of commerce. Entry costs will depend on the popularity and industry but once you’re in you can begin hitting the rounds and promoting your business.

A special note to mention is that you want to appear professional if you plan to setup shop. Consider custom trade show displays which will allow you to stand out from many basic setups that you’ll find littered around the trade show floor. Taking this additional investment will draw the attention of those moseying about and glue them to your brand when you present your pitch.

Other investments may include:

  • Trade show “swag” like branded pens, tote bags, stickers, and gadgets
  • Booth personnel to draw people in and get them hyped
  • A budget to treat people to dinner when the show is over
  • Business cards – lots of them – to hand out

In all, if you want to meet professionals and qualified buyers than keep trade shows on your list when you want to bring that online business down to a local level.

Idea #2: Meet Ups

People want to be around other people.

Meet ups allow individuals to find and connect with others that share similar interests, ideas, hobbies, and more. People attending can use meet ups to meet new friends, learn a skill, discuss a topic, or simply pass the time with friendly entertainment.

These meet ups are happening all the time which is why it’s worthy of mention for local marketing.

Take a look in your local newspaper, social media circles, or community websites and begin finding local get-together’s that appear to be applicable to your business such as a meeting to discuss your industry, entrepreneurship, or any other business-related topic.

Go off and attend these meetings – casually.

The point of a meet up isn’t to hammer the individuals with your marketing message but, instead, to build a professional network. Show up and deliver great information and conversations and you’ll plant the seed into their mind which will eventually having them come to you whenever they’re in need or just wanted to chat.

Meet ups are often free (minus the cost of paying for food or drinks when you’re out) and it gives you something to do that not only fills your night with good fun but also has the chance to benefit your business.

Idea #3: Fundraisers’s post entitled The Value of Fundraising may have a focus on venture capital but the ideas and commentary can find its place in any business seeking to leverage fundraising as a means to market their business.

A few ideas worth noting include:

  • Fundraising forces you to define and defend your brand
  • The ability to hone your strategy and pitch
  • Reveal your misconceptions
  • Provide marketing intelligence
  • Acknowledging that you have the right team

The reason these ideas apply to business stems from the fact that you’re being held accountable on many different levels depending on who chooses to donate or invest. The opinion of an individual that hands over $10 can have just as much power as those shelling $100,000.

Regardless of its success or failure – a fundraiser will raise awareness of your brand within the community and it may provide you with enough exposure to garnish additional leads.

Idea #4: Buzz Agents

Buzz agents work between the lines; they are, in some way, in the gray area of marketing.

Buzz agents are individuals you hire to promote your product but in a subliminal manner. The agents are often handed a product and proceed to populate popular locations to which they casually blend into the crowd all-the-while touting the amazing features of a product and how they feel.

For example:
If your company creates a new piece of clothing you could hire buzz agents to infiltrate popular spots and essentially turn them into walking billboards. You can allow them to go deeper into their efforts by having them interact with others and casually mention the brand and have them share opinions (which are actually your sales pitch in disguise). Individuals engaged with these buzz agents won’t know they are talking to a sales representative and, in some way, may not even notice the item but … it’ll stick.

This form of marketing may sound sneaky or deceitful but it’s happening all around us – right in front of our eyes and we never take notice.

Find a few vocal members of your brand, give them the products and resources they need to promote the brand, and send them to the streets.

Idea #5: Sponsorship

Sponsorship is about as old school as you can get.

  • Events
  • Sports
  • Seminars

If you’ve been to a public event than you have, at one point or another, been introduced to a sponsor; these businesses allow individuals and groups to pursue their ideas and activities.

But … it doesn’t stop there.

You can add layers of creativity to your local sponsorship through various methods, including:

  • Car wraps
  • Contests
  • Trades

You may have even read about college students finding company sponsors to help pay for their tuition.

Sponsorship allows you to get your brand in front of many individuals attending these type of events and public outings; there is an added benefit, too, because you’re re-investing in the community which can leave a lasting impact and bring people to your brand.

This is a guest post

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Em busca das redes sociais locais: Airbnb e Peek lançam novidades

No mesmo mês, dois negócios voltados para geolocalização anunciaram novidades: Peek, uma plataforma que ajuda o usuário a encontrar o que fazer durante uma viagem, lançou o Your Perfect Day; e o Airbnb anunciou os novos seviços Neighborhoods e Local Lounges. Coincidência?

Seguindo a linha de recomendação de lugares, com Your Perfect Day, você pode listar as melhores coisas a se fazer e os melhores lugares a se visitar, em uma cidade específica. A diferença aqui é que todas as dicas são para passar 1 dia na cidade. Um mapa costumizado é gerado para ajudar na hora da visita. É possível votar nas melhores dicas, editar os mapas e compartilhar tudo nas redes.

Também pensando no local como comunidade, o Airbnb Neighborhoods foca em ajudar você a encontrar o lugar perfeito para sua estadia, baseando-se em quais são seus interesses e, assim, determinando os bairros que melhor combinam com você. Foram mapeados 300 bairros de 7 cidades no mundo (Rio de Janeiro é uma delas), com a ajuda de pessoas locais, incluindo 70 fotógrafos, para realmente capturar o ambiente e mostrar de perto o que cada bairro oferece.

Já o Airbnb Local Lounges é como um hub para que os viajantes possam melhor conhecer a área em que estão hospedados. Funcionando apenas em São Francisco por enquanto, onde há 10 lounges criados em cafés locais, os usuários recebem um guia grátis da cidade e encontros que o ajudam a se conectarem com as comunidades locais.

Como disse Brian Chesky (co-fundador do Airbnb) ao TNW:

“Bairros são as comunidades originais. Eles são as chaves para desvendar a cultura local e experiências únicas.”

Todos estes serviços tem em comum o fator social do local. Integrar interesses, personalidade, recomendações, pessoas e atividades locais, ou seja, as comunidades ao redor de cada local, ajudam os usuários a se sentirem parte da cidade em que estão visitando e, de fato, imergirem em ricos contextos e terem experiências mais intensas. Bem lembrado aqui que as redes sociais primitivas tinham nós conectados pela geografia, o que preservamos até hoje.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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