The Dark Night – Are You Ready?
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Now, I’ve always been a fan of the Batman movies. Heck, I grew up with the original being a favorite of mine. As Warner Brothers prepares for its Summer 2008 release of the movie, some of you may have come across the viral websites for the movie. Perhaps you even saw Jeff’s post on the last site to be launched and the scavenger hunt games that users are encouraged to become involved in. However, what I didn’t realize was the extent to which this viral spread. Not only are there several game sites, there are a handful of sites that simply deal with organizations, characters and more from the movie. 33 in all. That’s right, 33 websites all devoted to the launch of The Dark Knight. So… feeling bored? Here’s links to all of them. Enjoy. I’m just going to wait for the movie to come out.
Why So Serious, I Believe in Harvey Dent,  Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham, Clown Travel Agency, The Ha Ha Ha Times, The Gotham Times, Maiden Avenue Report, Gotham Cable News, Dana Worthington, Trust Garcetti, Citizens for Batman, Saint Swithuns Church, GVA Foundation, GPDIAD, Gotham Cab, Joseph Candoloro, Gotham Election Board, Gotham City Clerk, Rory’s Death Kiss, Gotham City Rail, Acme Security Systems Homepage, Acme Security Systems Password, We Are the Answer, A Taste for the Theatrical, Gotham Police’s Major Crimes Unit, Gotham Police, Kinsly Travel, Gotham City Ferries, Gotham National Bank, Betty’s House of Pies, Rossi’s Deli, Gotham Intercontinental Hotel, Operation Slipknot.
Technorati Tags: Batman, Gotham, The Joker, advertising, viral, websites, marketing, promotion, Harvey Dent, Acme, The Dark Knight, Warner Brothers