Life and Death of 10 000 Roses

L’artiste londonienne Anya Gallaccio s’intéresse à travers ses œuvres à l’aspect éphémère de la nature. Elle a d’ailleurs récemment réalisé une installation « Red on Green » un superbe parterre de 10 000 roses au sein du Tate Britain afin de proposer aux visiteurs d’observer au cours du temps la vie et la mort de ces fleurs.

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Life Fish Photography

Hiroshi Iwasaki est un photographe japonais spécialisé dans la réalisation de clichés d’accessoires et de montres. Mais cet artiste nous propose aussi de découvrir une série de photographies personnelle centrée sur les mouvements d’un poisson. Des images sobres et splendides à découvrir dans la suite.

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Art Invades Life

Juan Carlos Paz, plus connu sous le pseudonyme de Bakea, est un illustrateur et directeur artistique madrilène qui s’amuse à prendre des photographies de paysages afin d’y insérer ensuite des créatures fantastiques et colorées. Un rendu très réussi, et proposant une utilisation des filtres Instagram intéressante.

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You Are What You Eat

Dans la lignée de la série In your Fridge par Stéphanie de Rougé, voici ce projet et cette série « You Are What You Eat » réalisée par le photographe Mark Menjivar. Un travail autour de la nourriture consommée par les américains et du reflet sur les modes de vie, grâce au shooting de différents réfrigérateurs.


Nudes Motion of Life

Voici « Nudes Motion of Life », une nouvelle série de l’artiste japonais Shinichi Maruyama dont nous avions déjà pu parler en 2009 sur Fubiz. Ses clichés en motion, capturant les mouvements du corps humain, permettent de mettre en valeur la beauté de la peau tout en laissant deviner la nudité.

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Life is Born

Découverte de Life is Born : un extrait impressionnant du film All.I.Can produit par Sherpas Cinema. Cette création met en scène les plus grands riders sur six continents grâce à 2 années de tournage. Voici plus d’images et la vidéo HD sur la bande son « Blood Theme » de Data dans la suite de l’article.

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Oh Joy Guerrilla Action

Kut est un collectif de créatifs composé de réalisateurs, musiciens ou jeunes engagés. Ces derniers ont réalisé cette vidéo appelée « Oh Joy! » en décidant de casser le quotidien dans les rues de la ville de Riga et en y menant une opération sauvage et poétique : l’utilisation de coton pour changer l’atmosphère.

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The Boundaries of Life and Death

The Boundaries of Life and Death est une vidéo d’animation magnifique pensée par Saskia Kretzschmann pour un projet d’étude à l’Anhalt University of Applied Science. Basée sur une citation d’Edgar Allan Poe sur la frontière entre la vie et la mort, voici une création splendide.






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Best Summer of my Life

Sur la musique Ommadawn de Mike Oldfield, le réalisateur connu sous le nom de BabaBC nous propose une vidéo retraçant son été qu’il a pu passer en Amérique du Sud, du Pérou au Brésil. De belles images filmées avec un Canon 550D à découvrir dans la suite.







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Daniel Seung Lee

Basé à Los Angeles, le photographe Daniel Seung Lee nous montre son talent pour capter des instants et des paysages splendides. Avec des clichés simples, ce dernier nous fait voyager. Une sélection de visuels est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.




















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Life On Hold Trailer

Life on Hold est le trailer du nouveau film d’Outcrop Films qui suit les meilleurs grimpeurs britanniques autour d’une visite du Royaume-Uni. Avec des images splendides, sur une musique de M83, le rendu sur cette vidéo d’escalade est à découvrir dans la suite.




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Icons in Real Life

Le français Benjamin Béchet nous propose cette série de photographies illustrant des idoles pour enfants dans des situations ne collant pas avec leur image. Cette série veut susciter une réflexion sur la stigmatisation de l’autre, rappelant qu’une personne n’est jamais ce que nous en voyons.










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Roni Kleiner a pu réaliser cette courte vidéo afin d’encourager les automobilistes à ralentir leur vitesse. Reprenant l’image de la fragilité de la vie en utilisant la métaphore du verre, cette création de qualité impressionne. A découvrir dans la suite en vidéo.




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Breaking the Chains of Modernity

Reimagining old ways of life and death.

Dustin Craun

From Adbusters #100: Are We Happy Yet?

Breaking the Chains of Modernity


The philosophical and spiritual problems of our age are so great that what our time calls for are new manifestos of knowledge and being. We need a kind of spiritual change that exceeds the political. Unfortunately most of us in the Westernized world spend more time trying to escape from ourselves (sex, shopping, addiction, fashion, entertainment, success), than we ever spend reflecting on the state of our existence, our heart or our soul. We are people driven by our desires: desires which destroy our hearts and any ability to have a connection to the greater spiritual realities that are all around us. As the Qur’an says, “God does not change the condition of a people, until they change their own condition.”

In the classic decolonial manifesto, Discourse on Colonialism, Aimé Césaire described Western life as a poison infecting the planet. Césaire wrote that to understand our existence, “First we must study how colonization works to decivilize the colonizer, to brutalize him in the true sense of the word, to degrade him, to awaken him to buried instincts, to covetousness, violence, race hatred, and moral relativism.” For Césaire, “a gangrene has set in … a center of infection has begun to spread …” The poison Cesaire warned of is a philosophical and spiritual poison that infects each of us today.

In the American Indian scholar Vine Deloria Jr’s final book, The World We Used to Live In, he writes: “The secularity of the society in which we live must share considerable blame in the erosion of spiritual powers of all traditions, since our society has become a parody of social interaction lacking even an aspect of civility. Believing in nothing, we have preempted the role of the higher spiritual forces by acknowledging no greater good than what we can feel and touch.” The de-sacralization of the self and our lifeworlds is leaving our spiritual hearts dead.

To save ourselves, to avert catastrophe, we need to make what Walter Mignolo calls an “epistemic geopolitical move.” That demands a form of critique that is deeply engaged in what is known in Arabic as muhasabah, or self-examination, on three levels: examination of the self and one’s spiritual state; an examination of the dominant hierarchies that we all interact with such as gender, race, class, sexuality, and religious domination; and finally an examination of one’s local knowledge and the place from which critique is emanating. In recentering on the sacred in this process of self-examination, we can learn from Chicana feminists and the emerging idea of “decolonial love.”

Laura Pérez, UC Berkeley Professor of Ethnic Studies, connects “decolonial love” to the Mayan principle of In’Laketch: tu eres mi otro yo (you are my other me). Pérez explains that “not only are we interwoven, we are one. I am you and you are me. To harm another is thus to literally harm one’s own being. This is a basic spiritual law in numerous traditions.” This shift in the geopolitics of knowledge involves a turn away from Descartes and Western modernity’s centering of human consciousness in the mind, to a recentering of consciousness in the spiritual heart (qalb). This idea of a heart centered knowledge is central to many spiritual traditions including Christianity, Buddhism and Islam, and is echoed by Subcommandate Marcos and the Zapatista adage to center politics below and to the left, where the heart is in Aztec and Mayan cosmology.

Similar to Gloria Anzaldua’s concept La Facultad, a form of inner knowledge, is the Islamic concept of Al Basira, the eye of the heart, which is the center of spiritual perception if properly developed. As the great Mystic philosopher Al-Ghazali put it in his masterwork of the inner sciences of Islam, Ihya’ ulum al-din, “Creation refers to the external, and character to the internal, form. Now, the human is composed of a body which perceives with ocular vision (basar) and a spirit (ruh) and a soul (nafs) which perceive with inner sight (basira). Each of these things has an aspect and a form which is either ugly or beautiful. Furthermore, the soul which perceives with inner sight (basira) is of greater worth than the body which sees with ocular vision.” In seeing with the eye of our heart we can begin to differentiate between form and meaning, as the outward forms of things are not always their internal and spiritual reality.

The vision of our hearts has become blinded by the poison of base materialism. In the verse poetry of the early female Sufi saint, Rabi’a al-Adawiyya: “O children of Nothing! Truth can’t come in through your eyes, Nor can speech go out through your mouth to find [God], Hearing leads the speaker down the road to anxiety, And if you follow your hands and feet you will arrive at confusion. The real work is in the Heart: Wake up your Heart! Because when the Heart is completely awake, Then it needs no Friend.”

To break from the chains of modernity, we must learn both from philosophers of decoloniality and the spiritual sciences. Ultimately, we must walk down the path of love, to see each other in the divine light we were born into. As the great mystic philosopher Ibn Arabi said, “I believe in the religion of love, whatever direction its caravans may take, for love is my religion and my faith.”

Dustin Craun is a writer, educator and community organizer who lives in Berkeley, California. This essay is excerpted from his forthcoming book titled Decolonizing the Heart in an Upside Down World.

National Geographic Channel – IF. Live curious.

Creative Director: Patrizio Marini
Art Director: Claudia Ganapini
Copywriter: Federico Russo
Production Company: Mercurio Cinematografica s.r.l.
Director: Bryan Little #8220;Fly on the wall#8221;
Executive producer: Luca Fanfani
Producer: Annalisa De Maria / Alessandro Cavriani
Producer South Africa and still photographer: Filipa Domingues #8220;Fly on the wall#8221;
DOP: Grant Appleton #8220;Fly on the wall#8221;
Production Designer: Latisha Duarte #8220;Fly on the wall#8221;
Post- Production: Green Movie
Editor: […]
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The Crisis and Us

The new feature film by Johan Kramer -founder of Kesselskramer agency- is a modern fairytale about the impact of the financial crisis in the lifes of different human beings in Tokyo, Barcelona, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Amsterdam#8230; and specially Ponzisson.

The Crisis And Us has premiered 15th September.
In 15th September of 2008, the Lehman Brothers bank […]
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Wally Hermes Yacht

Une initiative rare : deux marques de luxe qui s’associent pour en créer une nouvelle : Why. La maison Hermès qu’on ne présente plus, s’ajoute à Wally, designer-constructeur de yacht italien, pour mettre au monde un yacht proche de la science-fiction. Plus de détails dans la suite.






Surprise, il est apparemment en bonne partie écologique : 900 m2 de panneaux thermovoltaïc. Une magnifique réalisation à retrouver en détails, en vidéo 3D dans la partie making of du site dédié.

58m par 38m, sur 3 niveaux, pour 12 personnes et 20 d’équipages, 3400m2 de surface habitable, une piscine de 25m de long. Ce projet, strictement confidentiel jusqu’à ce jour (uniquement un teaser diffusé approximativement deux semaines auparavant) risque de révolutionner notre conception de l’habitat et “la relation de l’homme avec la mer”. Bref du grand grand luxe.

(Evidemment pas de prix indécent indiqué pour le moment)

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Torture, Truffles Truth – Tomas ; a book by James Palumbo

This is the second animation promoting #8220;Tomas#8221; – the first novel by James Palumbo.
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#8220;Every year hundreds of PSAs are done for the wrong reasons. Help us to create social advertising that actually makes a difference.#8221;
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Don’t Miss This Press Release!

no-broken-heartAre you tired of dating games? Does developing a healthy partnership seem impossible? Are all the best ones already taken, or playing for the “wrong” team?
Do you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, alone with a cat you don’t remember buying and your favorite late night TV, with one question burning in your mind?

“If I’m so successful, good-looking and smart, why am I still and lonely?”

Your friends tell you that it’s just a “matter of time” before the “right one” comes along, but secretly you wonder if you’re flawed. Your “friends” are all hooking up while you look for that special guy everywhere, everyday. It’s starting to take a toll on your sanity, your work…
Well, I am not a Relationship Coach, but I play one on BMA, and if there’s one thing missing in your dating life that you use daily in your professional life, it’s a plan…a chart to tell you where you’re going, and how to get there. If you’ve had thoughts of inadequacy, and “what’s wrong with me, I’m hot?” I’ve got fantastic news for you: There’s a new dating site that is going to change your life forever. It’s an interactive platform called, and although there’s no such thing as a free lunch in this economy, you can join for FREE for a time as part of this limited offer.

Announced today via PR Newswire, has heralded the launch of their site that will change the way that single people will end your dating drama for good. Might as well delete the loser names out of your iPhone…you won’t be going back there anymore!

Sound too good to be true? It’s not; this is the real thing. What’s their magic method? An individual blueprint written out, to lead you to the Nirvana relationship you’ve been missing. Go to your computer right now and login to and sign up now. Once on the site, you’ll answer a series of questions from which the site will create your customized, step-by-step dating program. The questions have been rigorously tested and, when answered honestly, will be optimized and “scientifically processed.” Once the numbers have been crunched, the result will be a detailed action plan that you’ll be able to follow. The plan is catered specifically for you, taking your needs, situation, and personality into consideration. is perfect no matter what stage of your life you are in – beginners in the dating world, people taking another stab at love by re-entering the dating scene or if you are just not happy in your current dating life. No more depending on friends for the answers…

We all know that there’s no such thing as a “free lunch” anymore, but the great thing about love is that it’s always been free! Now love is free with a step-by-step methodical way to reel that love home to you.

Jeff Louis is a Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: or